

Jul 30th, 2013
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  1. >It has been Inferno days since your arrival in Equestria
  2. >You are Anonymous, the only human in Equestria. But then again, you already know that- and either way, you prefer "Anon".
  3. >You wake up and lie in your bed, staring up at the ceiling.
  4. >Suddenly, you feel...holy. Saintlike.
  5. >No... the best way to describe it is...
  6. >Like a priest, dedicated to a powerful goddess.
  7. >Suddenly the alarm clock goes off-
  8. >nay, the Holy Awakener sounds his tiny gongs. You reach up and press a button on his chest to let him know that he may stop, for the High Priest of the Temple has awoken.
  9. >Rising from your bed- nay, your altar of sleep, you stride to the holy chamber of El Bano to perform one of the most sacred rituals of the temple...
  10. >The Triple-S.
  11. >Having done the holy deed, you dress yourself in your black suit- nay, your black robes, for a priest wears robes- and admire yourself in the mirror. But before you can compliment yourself, you move on- a priest has no time for self-compliments.
  12. >You stride down the stairs to the kitchen- nay, the Hall of Dining, where you reach for the holiest, most sacred of foods, a box of Knock-Offs cereal.
  13. >The holy object is now in your grasp, and you pour some of its contents into a bowl.
  14. >You then moisten the sacred cereal with Holy Milk (like holy water but it's milk)
  15. >Then, you retrieve a sacred tool and use it to lift a mouthful into your mouth.
  16. >Nirvana is now in your mouth.
  17. >Suddenly, a "polite" 'rattatatat' peals around the room.
  18. >Fetishy has completely destroyed your priestly mood, and now you're just Anon, in a suit, eating some Knock-Offs. At least it's your favorite cereal.
  19. "Like fucking clockwork."
  20. >You get up and walk to the door, yanking it open to reveal the Banana Rapist.
  21. >She has a gun held up to her head.
  22. >Flutters:"Is suicide your fetish, Anon?"
  23. >She may be a nuisance, but for some reason she's grown on you just a little bit.
  24. >Just enough to make you react.
  25. >You slap her in the face. In her shock, she drops the gun, which you grab.
  26. >You then turn to address her.
  28. >You then slam the door in her face before you can see her reaction.
  29. 'Why did I do that?'
  30. 'Maybe... do I like Flutters?'
  31. 'NO! FUCK NO!'
  32. 'Not... not like that... no... but...'
  33. '... maybe... as a friend?'
  34. '... This is all so confusing...'
  35. >You decide to forget it and just go to work.
  36. >You peek out the front window.
  37. >Fluttershy's still there.
  38. >You can see that she's dealing with mixed emotions too.
  39. >Welp, escape hatch time.
  40. >A few weeks after the Rapistshy problem started, it got so bad that she kept you from going to work.
  41. >So you had an escape tunnel built.
  42. >It leads straight from you house to work.
  43. >You push aside the couch to expose the entrance, jump in and walk down the tunnel.
  44. >You're employed at The Candy Shoppe, a confectionery run by an earth pony named Bon-Bon.
  45. >You basically are to Bon-Bon and The Candy Shoppe what Pinkie Pie is to the Cakes and Sugarcube Corner Bakery.
  46. >As such, said party pony with tons of friends is your rival, as Sugarcube Corner is The Candy Shoppe's biggest competitor.
  47. >Fudge and candy or cupcakes and muffins? You'd pick the fudge and candy like a sensible human, but half the town would pick the baked goods instead. It's infuriating- and that mutual feeling that you share with Bon-Bon is why you got hired.
  48. >You reach the end of the tunnel and find yourself below a trapdoor. You open it and enter The Candy Shoppe's back room
  49. >Or at least what used to be its back room.
  50. >Your jaw drops as you find that the shop has been burned to the ground!
  51. >In the middle of the destruction lies Bon-Bon, crying her heart out.
  52. >Her best friend and fellow candyholic Lyra sits beside her, trying to comfort her.
  53. >Lyra looks up and sees you.
  54. "What... what happened?"
  55. >Lyra:"Last night... the shop caught on fire... it had already burned down to the ground by the time the fireponies got there..."
  56. >Bon-Bon:"My beutiful shop, my life's work, everything, it's all gone!!!
  57. "But... how?!"
  58. >Lyra:"I dunno..."
  59. >Bon-Bon:"IT'S ALL GONE!!!"
  60. >Lyra continues to try to comfort Bon-Bon.
  61. >You look around and find something in the rubble that wasn't touched.
  62. >A letter?
  63. >You open it and read the one sentence on it.
  64. >"Is arson your fetish, Anon?"
  65. >Fucking Fluttershy
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