

May 28th, 2016
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  1. This was so strange… Bess thought as she moved sleepily from her bedroom feet shuffling along the floor audibly as her gait fell in an unfamiliar width. She couldn’t sleep, and even here with the simple act of walking she found unaccustomed difficulties, a sensitive obstruction keeping her step wide least she pinch it between strong thighs. She sighed almost in defeat at having to give even this concession to this alien thing between her legs.
  3. She’d always been a girl of practicality, and prided herself on a certain level of adaptability… fluidity in dealing life’s stresses, of which there were always many. But this... thing… hot and heavy, it stretched even the limits of that to what was now close to being a breaking point.
  5. Oh sure, she’d been happy enough to accept the practicality of having it. Being able to knock up the girls in the barn to enhance milk production wasn’t a bad deal, but it wasn’t as if there weren’t other eager parties willing to give it a go and do the dirty deed for her. Unfortunately the day to day practicalities of having it seemed to be weighing heavily against the horrible inconvenience which it also represented. She’d barely been able to wear her own panties since getting it, the blasted thing too huge to be stuffed into such restrictive cloth, and worse were the urges which seemed to come with it, the way it twitched and grew at some sights, influencing her thoughts. It made her nervous about having it, about how it felt and how it sometime simply sprang to life at the thought of places in which it might go.
  7. … Especially after finding herself with the bloody thing hilt deep in places it was never meant to be.
  9. Disturbing.
  11. Arousing…
  13. Arousing in how disturbing it had been… disturbing in how aroused it made her even now.
  15. Made her feel dirty.
  17. It made her feel powerful.
  19. It made her feel like it was all too often trying to wrestle away control.
  21. She opened the refrigerator door browsing within for something other than stored milk to nibble on and maybe take the edge off of the insomnia which she was having curtsy of the wet dreams which her only now semi-flaccid Howitzer, had been visiting upon her. She didn’t like it… and she especially didn’t like just how much she liked it. The eager sales pitch of Ruby’s… fiancée? That girl… since she’d come into her life it had been one thing after another. A small smile passed her lips as she remembered the stuttering mess of hormones which had been her… difficult… but none the less loyal friend during their first time together.
  23. … and it seemed that especially a pleasant memory like that would be subject to intrusion.
  25. She grimaced slightly as the heavy organ twitched, only will power keeping her from growing harder as she breathed in and calmed herself down; the flattened tip leaking a thick viscous preparatory fluid which quickly congealed into slippery sludge.
  27. God dammit… even the most unsexy thoughts could only keep it a little ways down.
  29. She sighed in not quite defeat.
  31. In the morning she’d go see Moira and demand this thing removed... the aggravation wasn’t worth the other benefits.
  33. “Um… pardon me.” A meek sounding voice sounded from behind, almost causing Bess to jump... one of the girls from the barn. Annoyance bubbled up inside as she turned to meet the gaze of this new intruder into what was HER space.
  35. “Now lookie here you. Ya’ll barn girls can’t sleep in da house. Is not for ya and if ya don’t get out now I’ll put ya out ma self!” The frown of annoyance on Bess’ face was self-evident, as was the angry bob of the ‘thing’ under her nightie as her eyes fell upon the culprit of the intrusion.
  37. The Elf woman… whatever her name was, Bess hadn’t exactly been paying any attention to her… just one more pair of breasts needed to save the farm. The withering look which she gave the girl seemed to make her wilt back a bit, stepping back and biting her lip with a slight tremble to her entire body, then curiously she stopped. Eyes closed the elf woman seemed to clench her fist then straighten her spine practically fighting against herself to speak up.
  39. “N-no… I don’t want to… I came to beg you Mistress... Please.” The woman seemed almost on the verge of tears, clenched fist leaving obvious marks in her palm.
  41. “Ah ain’t pleased. An ah don’t reckon dat ya’ll can please me. So scoot. Git out and gimme a lil peace.” Bess shooed, the annoyance in her voice rising to match the occasion, before briefly looking down at the unwanted appendage which plagued her night. “Not like this thing ‘ill let me have any in da first place… Now git before I git ya.”
  43. “Please… I…” The woman started then stopped; a new fire of determination lighting up her eye. “I don’t want to be a problem... and I… I can help solve yours. Please… I beg you. I just…”
  45. Bess stopped, staring confused as the elf woman stepped closer, her mind going places which were strange enough as is, but the feminine curve and breasts pressed beneath her own seemed to put pause to any words, or thoughts which she’d had at that moment. A moment of advantage as the Elf woman slid back the nightie then took hold of the pulsing, throbbing organ which had once again begun to grow.
  47. Her slender fingers settled lightly at its girthy base, lightly sliding upwards across its underside along the sensitive line to just below the flattened flare of its frankly enormous head. Bess could do little more than catch her breath with the insane intensity of sensation which flooded her mind, precum spurting ever more viscously into a flow which drip dropped into a thickening mess.
  49. “I… I can take care of this for you, willingly Mistress. I’ll help you eagerly if you just please listen to my one request… please.” The elf woman’s eye never met Bess’ own, but the passion in her voice simply seemed to resonate. Her delicate yet perfect touch arousing like nothing Bess had ever experienced before, intense in a way that simply made all else but lust melt away as she only barely listened to what her barn Slut Slave had to say. As such she didn’t catch the wince when the elf woman looked down at the awakening Beast which writhed beneath her grip.
  51. “I… just want a good life for my daughter so she wouldn’t have to go through the things I have. I’ve protected and shielded her as best as I can. I’ll do anything, anything at all that you want so long as you simply spare her any indignities.” The elf went on, fingers only barely able to span around the hot thick meat which they stroked, her tone of voice having turned slightly strangled as she tried to convince herself as much as her Owner before her of her desire and capability to make this work. “Please… she’s a good girl.”
  53. The words however were lost upon Bess. Her mind too focused upon the pleasant sensations to process such paltry information. Instead, the tall, powerful woman let her fingers though the Elf’s lily white hair, pulling back her head slightly for their gazes to meet.
  55. Soulful purple eyes met hardened lustful brown. And somewhere inside a switch was flipped.
  57. The look lingered for several moments, the gradual strokes of skilled finger continuing almost as if in and of itself a statement of her determination even in the face of the monster which she gripped. A lightly nervous pall cast itself across her face after several ticks of the clock under scrutinizing eyes as the other hand came around and fingers traced a line across soft delicate lips before reaching in between them and lightly stroking a thin, delicate tongue.
  59. Lust roared in that steady gaze, as Bess leaned in, placing her mouth against the elfin ear and whispering.
  61. “Ya know… when yah ain’t talking… Ya’ll got a purdy mouth.”
  63. A beautiful crimson flush crept its way up the side of her pale white neck, the elf woman’s hand finally floundering in its self-imposed task as her now intently lust filled owner manipulated her body and nibbled lightly upon the ear into which she’d spoken. A thick tongue traced its way down, alongside of the nibbling love bites which began to work their way across her delicate neck, leaving purpling spots as Bess bore down upon her daunted, yet still determined slave.
  65. “Down.”
  67. An absolute command given in a single tense word, the thick scent of lust filled the room as the Howitzer primed itself to it most optimal firing position. Still gripping the elf’s beautiful hair, Bess began to force her to her knees, pulling her body down, and drawing breasts which were not quite as impressive as her own against her skin until the woman before her was knelt, eyes on level with the cannon which dominated Bess’ thoughts.
  69. It was on pure impulse that she used the now free hand to swing her massive member, slapping it against the elf slut’s face to a strangely satisfying result, the sound of impact as bracing and intense as the jolt which ran though the throbbing meat… enticing her to do it again, and again, and again, leaving a pleasant soreness aching within the yet unused meat, and the clear reddened evidence against the alabaster cheeks of the woman kneeling before her. A woman whom she owned... with whom she could do anything at all she pleased.
  71. The heady though of this power overwhelmed her briefly, flooding her veins as she wiped the Howitzer across her slut’s face, the thick greasy juice smudging fetching streaks across her nose, the distinctive musk lingering thickly as the blood boiled in the farm’s loin. The elf maiden couldn’t help but shudder in the wake of this perilous heat.
  73. “Open yer jaw.” Came the next stern command, Bess’ voice seeming faraway within her own ears as she made it.
  75. Her fingers tightened their grip upon the Elf Slut’s snow white locks, pull and manipulating her head until her face was directly pressed against the base of Bess’ monstrous member, its pulsating throb growing faster and fast with each excited heartbeat. Desire dripped from her needy cunt below, the trembling lips equally aroused as their masculine counterpart, ready and waiting for the moment of realized desire.
  77. “Ya still wanna make deals?” Bess couldn’t help but ask, the strange heady sensation overtaking her heartbeat. This dammed thing, practically a mind of its own and right now Bess could not help but want to want what she knew it wanted, her mind drifting to thoughts of how it would look and feel to have her obscenely thick meat driven down her milk-slut’s throat, fucking her mouth like a slopping pussy.
  79. On the Elf’s part however, a pulse pounding calm had settled. The thick strong scent of giddy masculinity intoxicating as she drew breath against the slightly hairy mat from which the turgid mass sprouted in full, her lips pressed against the base and chin dipping against her master’s feminine side her mind fogged by the strength of the smell, but her determination to do right by her precious little girl unwavering.
  81. She settled upon shaking her head affirmative, her lips too close to the mountain’s base for her to adequately be heard. Instead, she let her tongue lash out, running it along the underside with what seemed like an accustomed skill. Bess groaned lightly, the sensations of a determined tongue sliding against her masculine meat causing her to shudder in pure delight, her body’s reactions driving her to tighten her grip on the Elf-maiden’s hair to a point of pain, forcing the mature elf to work her mouth against the shaft, then join the effort with her slender fingers in order to back it up.
  83. Slowly Bess drew her slut’s head along the heated length, drawing her wriggling tongue along as she enforced its worship, the eager shrine of her fleshy pole magnified by every precum slicked touch, every urgent motion which mixed the greasy dripping sludge with a thin layer of saliva. Ever so gradually she worked her way up, mouth urgently suckling, licking, and kissing the heated meat… its unbelievable scent, the texture, the insane bitter salt taste…
  85. The elf woman could hardly even think straight.
  87. Wanton desire burned within her belly even as she knelt here before the bestial woman who’d taking ownership of her, whose insanely intimidating cannon now pointed poised to blaze its load against her unprotected face if it were to blow at the moment’s notice.
  89. She didn’t even know when she’d opened her mouth wide, her lips fitted awkwardly about the flared equine flat of the engorged cockhead, tongue slowly twisting between the slit as she teased the intimidating hole with her tongue sucking down the sopping pre which drained from it.
  91. Bess’ grip tightened once more, cruel desire flashing hot within her eyes as her tongue licked out against her smacking lips. With one hand to steady the beast, Bess began her campaign of conquest, the interior of her slut’s mouth the target as she slowly worked against a jaw already prized right open.
  93. Assisted by the precum coat Bess pushed forward with a grunt of light discomfort and a grimace.
  95. “Watch dah teeth…” She spoke sternly as her slave girl folded those lush lips over the offending dentition, not only in the process protecting against another scrape, but also making the entered hole just that much tighter a fit. Even then the Elf’s tongue wriggled against the underside of the monstrous cock, her jaw aching acutely as Bess worked it further in. The sucking vacuum formed within hollowed cheeks only encouraging every inch of penetration which progressed.
  97. Bess grunted, rocking her hips to an ever solidifying rhythm as her one now free hand pressed against the enduring cheekbone of her diligent slave, precum mingling with the welling liquid which now spilled from the Elf’s violet eyes, that look of determination spurring the Farm-girl on as she pulled hard, rocking her hips forward to bury herself ever deeper within.
  99. Inch, by inch, by inch, by inch worked its way inside the surprisingly durable maw, the elf woman’s jaws all but dislocated in pursuit of pleasing the woman who controlled her daughter’s destiny, slowly but surely Bess forced more and more of her huge cock down the gullet, pure sensations of rippling musculature squeezed her hard, tight, hot, and wet.
  101. Different, the stray thought came, to the looser vaginal walls which she’d penetrated in her drunken stupor.
  103. Almost painful in the intensity of sensation… a sensation which seemed to be dying down in struggle.
  105. She drew back her hips, pulling her slave’s hair as she stared into darkening eyes… allowing her a short moment to capture her breath but in the process loosing the progress which she’d made, only half way to the hilt she’d managed to stuff into the depths of her elf slut’s throat.
  107. …and then she slammed forward, driving her turgid meat even deeper in than she had before.
  109. Beneath Bess’ not so tender ministrations the Elf slut suffered, breath held now that she’d expected what came, leaving the next stage of ever more violent collision between her throat and her master’s hips an ordeal to be endured rather than survived. Again and again her lips slid across the Howitzer’s surface, the rippling tightness of the elf’s distended throat, slamming home ward until she was as deep as she could go.
  111. Closer… and closer… and closer to the edge.
  113. With every strong stroke she buried herself deeper and deeper until the entire beast was submerged between those beautiful cock-sucking lips, making use of the elf’s own preternatural nature with a ruthless abandon, all sense of restraint released. Again and again she drove onward, the warm wetness of the hole in which she sank bringing her ever closer to the edge, pushing her senses to the limit as her grip upon her Elfin slut tightened with the twitching pulse which she’d before learned signified the edge of her endurance.
  115. Then with one last pull away from her twitching length, allowing the tiring girl one last breath, Bess then slammed home all at once.
  117. “NGGGGG!!!” Bess grunted as her body clenched, the feeling of an electric emptiness consuming her body as her primed gun exploded into a spectacular blast, ramming piping hot, thick, creamy white down her Slut’s throat until no more would flow downward. The girl began to choke, breath finally giving out in the last moments as sperm flooded her gullet, so thick and viscous she could barely believe it’s ‘weight’ even as it edged close to sending her over the edge of consciousness.
  119. And yet…the elf woman could barely even think of the consequences… the heavy batter sending strange tingles up her spine, her original desire all but forgotten as her determination turned away from its original purpose. She would hold on, she had to hold on... in order to have more… to taste more of the thick hot seed which caressed her now sore throat.
  121. When finally Bess pulled the girl coughing and spluttering from her thickly dripping cock, thick drool of mucus and intensely scented sperm leaking from her mouth and nose she couldn’t help but feel a bit sorry... and yet… it had felt soo very good.
  123. The heated intensity of it all leaving her staring in wonder at the woman before her, not small, but petite none the less in every way save her bust line, gone was the pristine look which she’d taken on upon approach. Gone was her composure, her body wracked with fits of coughing and breathlessness…
  125. Instead what looked up at her with those violet eyes was a person reduced to less than a beast.
  127. … Determined desire shone from behind those eyes.
  129. She wanted more.
  131. “… I… can… I can still take more. I can.” The Elf croaked; her throat sore from its exertions… even as she bent down before her master, licking at the dripping cum which splattered beside the cowgirl’s feet. That same determination shining in her eyes as always once she looked up at Bess’ now inscrutable face.
  133. “Ah kin see…” The bovine girl trailed off, lips licking in response to the scene before her. The Howitzer twitched in response. “Ya know ah got half a mind ta just rail ya over the table right there. And leave ya there till morning.
  135. Bess wasn’t quite sure if the look which passed her property’s face was one of horror or delight… possibly both.
  137. “But ah remember ya had a deal ya wonned ta discuss with meh…” The farm owner’s eyes softened, as she knelt down to eye level with her freshly defiled slave. “Ya know… how bout we take these discussions upstairs… we’ll see bout getting ya healed up proper in the morning.”
  139. The elf’s breath caught... the prospect of what was being suggested crossing her mind as her tongue licked at the dollop of sperm which dribbled down the corner of her chin.
  141. “… I believe… I think there’s a lot we could discuss…” The elf woman finally gave in, breath heavy with anticipation.
  143. “Ah thought as much. It’s gonna be a real Difficult discussion. But yah already brought me round on some thinkin ah was doin… maybe with a lil persuasive technique, ya kin make yer case.” Bess found herself grinning... was this how her fool friend felt? If it was then she could see pretty clearly just why that thing on her crotch seemed to do so much of her thinking for her.
  145. “Yes. I… I think I han... handle another round of negotiating. I’ve had to learn to be tough.” The Elf replied, licking her lips almost as if in search of more of the substance she’d already licked clean away.
  147. Without warning the Bovine girl swept the other from off the ground, huge breast settled against the smaller woman’s face, an invitation to do something about them.
  149. The silver haired elf, nestled closer, her stained gown rubbing against Bess’ own nightie… but Bess cared little about that, especially after the moment when the Elf latched onto one breast, suckling hard upon it, leaving a wet spot of both saliva and milk.
  151. Bess wasn’t quite sure where all this was going to go… but the rest of the night would be spent in gun point negotiations.
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