

Mar 22nd, 2018
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  1. --[[
  3. ████──█───███ ███─██─██─███─███─███─█───█ ████──██─██ ████──████─████─███─███─█──█─█─█─████─█───█
  4. █──██─█───█ █────███──█────█──█───██─██ █──██──███ █──██─█──█─█──█─█───█───██─█─█─█─█──█─█───█
  5. █──██─█───███ █────███──█────█──█───██─██ ████────█ █──██─████─████─███─███─█─██─█─█─████─█───█
  6. █──██─█─────█ ███───█───███──█──███─█─█─█ █──██───█ █──██─█──█─█─█────█─█───█──█─███─█──█─█───█
  7. ████──███─███ ──█───█─────█──█──█───█───█ ████────█ ████──█──█─█─█──███─███─█──█──█──█──█─███─███
  8. ███───█───███──█──███─█───█
  10. Copyrights reserved, 2017
  11. Contact the author:
  12. No any re-destribution allowed
  14. --]]
  16. AddCSLuaFile()
  19. SWEP.Author = "Robotboy655 + Darsenvall"
  20. SWEP.Category = "[DLS] Lightsabers"
  21. SWEP.Contact = ""
  23. SWEP.Slot = 0
  24. SWEP.SlotPos = 4
  25. SWEP.Spawnable = true
  26. SWEP.DrawAmmo = false
  27. SWEP.DrawCrosshair = false
  28. SWEP.AutoSwitchTo = false
  29. SWEP.AutoSwitchFrom = false
  30. SWEP.DrawWeaponInfoBox = false
  31. SWEP.ViewModel = "models/weapons/v_crowbar.mdl"
  32. SWEP.WorldModel = "models/sgg/starwars/weapons/w_anakin_ep2_saber_hilt.mdl"
  33. SWEP.ViewModelFOV = 55
  34. SWEP.Primary.ClipSize = -1
  35. SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip = -1
  36. SWEP.Primary.Automatic = false
  37. SWEP.Primary.Ammo = "none"
  38. SWEP.Secondary.ClipSize = -1
  39. SWEP.Secondary.DefaultClip = -1
  40. SWEP.Secondary.Automatic = true
  41. SWEP.Secondary.Ammo = "none"
  43. SWEP.PrintName = "Sabre de Dark Vador" -- Give your lightsaber a name
  44. SWEP.Class = "weapon_lightsaber_dls_vader" -- Filename of the saber
  45. SWEP.DualWielded = false -- Set to true if you want it to be dualwielded
  46. SWEP.SaberDamage = 300 -- Swing damage of the saber
  47. SWEP.SaberBurnDamage = 25 -- Collision damage
  48. SWEP.MaxForce = 100 -- Maximum force energy. Default is 100
  49. SWEP.RegenSpeed = 1 -- Regeneration speed of force energy. It's a > multiplier <, so if you want it to be half speed set it to 0.5, double speed is 2
  50. SWEP.MeditateAmount = 50 -- How much health you get each 3 seconds of meditation
  51. SWEP.MeditateMaximumAmount = 2000 -- Maximum amount of health you can reach with meditation
  52. SWEP.ForceHealAmount = 25 -- How much health you restore with Force Heal ability
  53. SWEP.ForceLightningDamage = 5 -- Force Lightning damage
  54. SWEP.CanKnockback = false -- Set it to true if you want the saber to push people back when they hit it. Default is true
  55. SWEP.ForcePowerList = { "Force Leap", "Saber Throw", "Force Push", "Force Pull", "Meditate", "Force Repulse", "Sith Rage" }
  56. -- Available skills: Force Leap, Force Protection, Force Heal, Invisibility, Force Lightning, Saber Throw, Force Repulse, Force Push, Force Pull, Meditate, Force Levitate, Striking Charge, Sith Rage, Balance of the Force
  57. -- Dont forget about ""
  58. -- More skills will be added in future.
  60. -- Use these options to overwrite the player's toolgun options
  61. SWEP.UseHilt = "models/sgg/starwars/weapons/w_vader_saber_hilt.mdl" -- Model path of the hilt
  62. SWEP.UseLength = 40 -- Length of the saber
  63. SWEP.UseWidth = 2 -- Width of the saber
  64. SWEP.UseColor = Color( 255, 0, 0 ) -- RGB Color of saber. Red = Color( 255, 0, 0 ) Blue = Color( 0, 0, 255 ), etc.
  65. SWEP.UseDarkInner = false -- Does it have a dark inner? 1 = true
  66. SWEP.UseLoopSound = false -- The loop sound path
  67. SWEP.UseSwingSound = false -- The swing sound path
  68. SWEP.UseOnSound = false -- The on sound path
  69. SWEP.UseOffSound = false -- The off sound path
  71. -- These are the ones for the second saber for dual wielding. If you are using a single saber, don't touch it
  72. SWEP.UseSecHilt = false
  73. SWEP.UseSecLength = false
  74. SWEP.UseSecWidth = false
  75. SWEP.UseSecColor = false
  76. SWEP.UseSecDarkInner = false
  78. -- Battle Stages
  79. SWEP.UseForms = true -- Set this to true if you want to remove some stances for the saber. Then you'll need to type which of the stances and their animation sets you want to be included
  80. SWEP.UseForms = {
  81. ["Aggressive"] = { 1, 2, 3 },
  82. ["Defensive"] = { 1, 2, 3 },
  83. ["Agile"] = { 1, 2, 3 },
  84. ["Sweep"] = { 1, 2, 3 },
  85. }
  87. -- I don't recommend touching anything below. It's up to you, but you can easily break something if you don't know lua.
  88. if !SWEP.DualWielded then
  89. SWEP.Base = "dls_single_lightsaber_base"
  90. else
  91. SWEP.Base = "dls_dual_lightsaber_base"
  92. end
  96. if CLIENT then
  97. killicon.Add( SWEP.Class, "lightsaber/lightsaber_killicon", color_white )
  98. end
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