
Enoch Earlking

Jun 11th, 2013
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  1. Name: Enoch Earlking
  2. Class: Monk
  3. Character Specific Skill: Fortune
  4. Special: Pious Defense
  5. Special: Benediction
  6. Affinity: Wind
  7. Personal Fault: Iron Poisoning: If the user is struck by a physical attack, they become poisoned for three turns
  8. Personal Skill: Hard to Focus On: If the user is attacked in melee range, the character gains +15 Evasion
  9. Personal Skill: Hunter's Finesse: +2 AS with Judgement
  10. Personal Skill: Twisted Words: When poisoned, attacks cause poison for 3 turns.
  12. Preferred stats: MAG, SPD
  14. Weapon profs: Light (D), Judgement (C)
  16. Level: 12 (0/100)
  17. Total Level: 33
  19. Progression spent: 330/330%
  21. HP: 17 (60%)
  22. STR: 2 (-)
  23. MAG: 7 (70%)
  24. SKL: 4 (70%)
  25. CON: 3 (-)
  26. AID: 2 (-)
  27. LCK: 2 (10%)
  28. DEF: 0 (30%)
  29. RES: 3 (30%)
  30. SPD: 6 (70%)
  31. MOV: 4 (-)
  33. Levels:
  34. Level 2: +1 MAG, +1 SKL, +1 SPD
  35. Level 3: +1 HP, +1 SPD
  36. Level 4: +1 HP, +1 SKL, +1 DEF, +1 SPD
  37. Level 5: +1 HP, +1 MAG, +1 SKL, +1 RES, +1 SPD
  38. Promotion to Monk: +2 HP, +1 MAG, +2 SKL, +2 CON, +2 AID, +1 LUK, +2 RES, 5 MOV
  39. Level 2: +1HP, +1MAG, +1RES
  40. Level 3: +1HP, +1SKL, +1RES, +1SPD
  41. Level 4: +1HP, +1MAG
  42. Level 5: +1HP, +1DEF, +1SPD
  43. Level 6: +1HP, +1MAG, +1SPD
  44. Level 7: +1MAG, +1SKL, +1RES, +1SPD
  45. Level 8: +1SPD, +1RES
  46. Level 9: +1HP, +1MAG, +1SKL, +1SPD
  47. Level 10: +1HP, +1MAG, +1RES
  48. Level 11: +1MAG, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1SPD
  49. Level 12: +1HP, +1MAG, +1SKL, +1DEF
  50. Level 13: +1HP, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1RES, +1SPD
  51. Level 14: +1HP, +1MAG, +1SPD
  52. Level 15: +1MAG, +1RES
  53. Level 16: +1HP, +1SPD
  54. Promotion to Holy Guard: +4HP, +2MAG, +3SKL, +3CON, +3AID, +3SPD, 6MOV, +5%SKL PROG
  55. Level 2: +1HP, +1MAG, +1SPD
  56. Level 3: +1MAG, +1SPD
  57. Level 4: +1HP, +1SKL, +1SPD
  58. Level 5: +1MAG, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1SPD
  59. Level 6: +1MAG, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1RES, +1SPD
  60. Level 7: +1HP, +1MAG, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1SPD
  61. Level 8: +1SKL, +1DEF, +1RES
  62. Level 9: +1HP, +1MAG, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1SPD
  63. Level 10: +1HP, +1MAG
  64. Level 11: +1HP, +1MAG, +1DEF, +1RES
  65. Level 12: +1HP, +1LUK, +1RES
  67. Current Stats:
  68. HP: 44
  69. STR: 2
  70. MAG: 30 - Capped
  71. SKL: 24
  72. CON: 8
  73. AID: 7
  74. LCK: 4
  75. DEF: 11
  76. RES: 17
  77. SPD: 30 - Capped
  78. MOV: 6
  80. Injuries: 1
  82. Support:
  83. Brann (C): +1 DAM, +5 hit, +10 eva, +20 crit
  84. Lucas (C): +1 DAM, +2 Hit, +2 Eva, +10 Crit
  86. Code: [Select]
  87. Inventory:
  88. Name Type () RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
  89. Vulnerary 3/3
  90. Divine Holy (C) 1-2 8 12 10 85 25/25
  91. Sleppnir Jdge (C) 1-2 6 8 10 85 15/20
  92. Effective against Pegasus
  93. Osngaria's Journal Jdge (S) 1-2 16 17 10 90 13/15
  94. Effective against Dragons
  96. Divine
  97. Rng: 1-2
  98. AT: 38
  99. Hit: 135
  100. AS: 30
  101. Eva: 64
  102. Crt: 22
  103. DG: 4
  105. Sleppnir
  106. Rng: 1-2
  107. AT: 36 (48!)
  108. Hit: 135
  109. AS: 30+2
  110. Eva: 68
  111. Crit: 22
  112. DG: 4
  114. Osngaria's Journal
  115. Rng: 1-2
  116. AT: 46 (78!)
  117. Hit: 140
  118. AS: 29+2
  119. Eva: 66
  120. Crit: 22
  121. DG: 4
  123. Bio: Born to a small village on the edge of three nations, Ulfijan, Osngaria, and Durhiel, Enoch was a typical lad. Not much can really be said about him, he respected his elders, helped around the house, effectively just a normal child. He went missing for a short bit of space however, about a week, where he was just not found anywhere at all. His return was as sudden as his leaving, one day his parents just finding him asleep in his bed like nothing unusual has happened. When pressed for information, he just simply stated that he was out playing with a friend and lost track of time, spending the night at their house. A check in the village revealed it not to be the case amongst the villagers, but that was all he would answer about such things.
  125. Largely, he was unchanged by the event and doesn't even regard the event as something that big of a deal, and lived as he did before. As he grew, he started to adapt odd mannerisms however, the only largely important ones being a strange sickness that overtakes him every time he's hurt by metal (found out when he accidentally cut himself on a knife and spent the rest of the day sick and retching), and the discovery of his magical potential. Scrimped and saved, his family managed to send him to a library under the watch of a magic user there who trained him to control his powers. Attempts were made to discover his strange metal sickness, but little grounds were found, although Enoch is loathe to talk about it.
  127. Eventually took up the life of a wanderer, doing odd jobs and mercenary work, never staying in a single place for more than a month or two at a time.
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