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a guest
Jul 8th, 2018
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  1. #Change to MySQL for mysql support#
  2. #Change to SQLite for sqlite support#
  3. Database: SQLite
  4. mysql-database: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/minecraft'
  5. mysql-user: 'root'
  6. mysql-password: 'root'
  7. #Change these if you want to load or create different databases#
  8. #First load will create these databases#
  9. mysql-table: banlist
  10. mysql-table-ip: banlistip
  11. #SQLite Information#
  12. sqlite-dbname: banlist
  13. #parameters#
  14. auto-complete: true
  15. #Command Checks#
  16. useFine: true
  17. #Max allowable fine#
  18. #If Zero then no max will be placed#
  19. maxFineAmt: 0
  20. useJail: true
  21. useLockdown: true
  22. useStarve: true
  23. useForceRespawn: true
  24. useEmpty: true
  25. usePermaban: true
  26. useWarn: true
  27. useRules: true
  28. #Default labels#
  29. defAdminName: 'server'
  30. defReason: 'Zostales zbanowany!'
  31. #change to true or false to enable lockdown#
  32. #also can be done ingame /lockdown#
  33. lockdown: true
  34. #Enabling dupePolicy will disallow duplicate IP connections#
  35. dupePolicy: false
  36. messages:
  37. banMsgFailed: '&c%victim% &8is already banned!'
  38. unbanMsg: '&8Successfully unbanned &c%victim%&8!'
  39. unbanMsgBroadcast: '&c%victim% &8was unbanned by &9%admin%&8!'
  40. unbanMsgFailed: '&c%victim% &8is already unbanned!'
  41. kickAllMsg: '%admin% kicked everyone. Reason: %reason%!'
  42. kickMsgVictim: 'Zostales wyrzucony przez: %admin%, z powodu: %reason%!'
  43. kickMsgBroadcast: '&c%victim% &8zostal(a) wyrzucony przez &9%admin%&8, z powodu: &c%reason%!'
  44. kickMsgFailed: '&8Kick failed: &8%victim% &8isn''t online.'
  45. banMsgVictim: 'Zostales zbanowany przez: %admin%,z powodu: %reason%!'
  46. banMsgBroadcast: '&c%victim% &8zostal(a) zbanowany(a) przez &9%admin%&8, z powodu: &c%reason%!'
  47. permbanMsgVictim: 'You have been permabanned by %admin%. Reason: %reason%!'
  48. permbanMsgBroadcast: '&c%victim% &8has been permabanned by &9%admin%&8. Reason: &c%reason%!'
  49. tempbanMsgVictim: 'Zostales tymczasowo zbanowany(a) przez %admin%. Powod: %reason%!'
  50. tempbanMsgBroadcast: '&c%victim% &8zostal(a) tymczasowo zbanowany(a) przez: &9%admin%&8. Powod: &c%reason%!'
  51. LoginTempban: '&8Odbanowanie nastapi za &c%time%&8 minut! Powod: &c%reason%!'
  52. LoginBan: '&8Jestes zbanowany! Reason: &c%reason%!'
  53. LoginIPBan: '&4Twoje IP jest zbanowane!'
  54. fineMsgVictim: '&4Dostales grzywne od: %admin% w wysokosci: %amt%!'
  55. fineMsgBroadcast: '&c%victim% &8zostal &9%admin%&8 in the amount of &c%amt%!'
  56. emptyMsgVictim: '&9%admin% wyczyscil twoj ekwipunek!'
  57. emptyMsgBroadcast: '&9%admin% wyczyscil ekwipunek &c%victim%!'
  58. starveMsgVictim: '&8You are now starving!'
  59. starveMsgBroadcast: '&c%victim% is now starving!'
  60. fspawnMsgVictim: '&8You have been sent to spawn!'
  61. fspawnMsgBroadcast: '&c%victim% &8is now at spawn!'
  62. jailMsgVictim: '&8You have been jailed by &9%admin%&8. Reason: &c%reason%!'
  63. jailMsgRelease: '&c%victim% &8was released from jail by &9%admin%&8!'
  64. jailMsgBroadcast: '&c%victim% &8was jailed by &9%admin%&8. Reason: &c%reason%!'
  65. warnMsgVictim: '&8You have been warned by &9%admin%&8. Reason: &c%reason%!'
  66. warnMsgBroadcast: '&c%victim% &8was warned by &9%admin%&8. Reason: &c%reason%!'
  67. lockMsgLogin: 'Server is under a lockdown, Try again later! Sorry.'
  68. DupeIPKick: 'Duplicate IP addresses disabled.'
  69. jailCmdMsg: 'You cannot use commands while jailed!'
  70. jailChatMsg: 'Your cry falls on deaf ears.'
  71. jailPlaceMsg: 'You cannot place blocks while you are jailed!'
  72. jailBreakMsg: 'You cannot break blocks while you are jailed!'
  73. muteChatMsg: '&4Zostales wyciszony!'
  74. unmuteMsgVictim: 'You have been unmuted.'
  75. unmuteMsg: 'You have unmuted %victim%.'
  77. ruleMsg: '&9The Servers Rules Are As Follows!'
  78. #Adjust as you see fit or set ingame.#
  79. rules:
  80. one:
  81. two:
  82. three:
  83. four:
  84. five:
  85. six:
  86. seven:
  87. eight:
  88. nine:
  89. ten:
  90. #Do Not Change Values Below#
  91. jail:
  92. x: 0
  93. y: 0
  94. z: 0
  95. yaw: 0
  96. pitch: 0
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