
Smoothies Are Delicious by Arcy

Jun 4th, 2011
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  1. Smoothies Are Delicious
  2. A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic lime fanfiction
  3. by Arcy
  6. *Knock Knock*
  8. Twilight’s eyes cracked open at the sound of an urgent tapping at the front door, but as the morning sun shone into her eyes, she quickly shut them once again, her mind disregarding the knocks on the door in favour of more sleep...
  10. *Knock Knock Knock*
  12. Now, completely and utterly awake, Twilight groggily rolls out of bed, her hair frizzed out in all directions and her eyes weary after a dreadfully sudden wake-up call.
  15. *Knock Knock Knock Knock*
  17. “Yeah I’m coming!!” Twilight yelled out. “What could be so urgent this early in the morning?” she muttered under her breath as she unlocked the door and peered around to see who the culprit of the incessant knocking was.
  20. There stood Trixie, in her full show attire, right down to the star-laden cape and towering witch hat. She was obviously annoyed at the number of times she had to knock on the door before receiving attention.
  22. “Ah! There you are. I was beginning to think you had already left for the day”, said Trixie, completely overflowing with vigor in comparison to Twilight, though who was now a little less lethargic at the unexpected sight of Trixie waiting outside her house.
  25. Twilight simply stood inside the doorway, mouth gaping. “Yes I know a visit from the Great and Powerful Trixie is a rare occurrence, but you simply must close that gaping mouth of yours...” Twilight snapped herself out of her daze.
  27. “Trixie? What are you doing here?” questioned Twilight.
  29. “Why am I here? My dear, you’re the only Pony that I’ve seen that can outdo me when it comes to magical prowess! The Great...err... Trixie would like a chance to get to know you, perhaps... even learn from you. The only way Trixie can truly be the best, is to learn from the best.”
  33. Twilight’s mind flashed back to memories of what Trixie was like when they first met. The sheer arrogance and rudeness towards her best friends... this was a mare Twilight did not want to risk being seen with. “Look... umm... I don’t know Trixie... I don’t really want-“ Trixie let out an obnoxious sigh, cutting off Twilight’s awkward spluttering. Waiting at the door was one thing, but an attempted rejection to her gracious invitation? Trixie felt her blood pressure rise, but instead of letting the volcano of her anger erupt like she normally would... she bottled it back up. She didn’t want to ruin this opportunity. “Look Twilight... I know why you’re not eager to spend time with me. Last time I was here... my pride got the best of me. I just didn’t want to accept the fact another Pony was better at magic than I was, and because of that, I would like to apologise...”
  35. Twilight thought the apology sounded sincere, albeit a little forced.
  37. Whats the worst thing that could possibly happen? Apart from my friends seeing me with her and turning a one-off meet into a full blown argument... I would never here the end of it.
  39. “Pleeeeeeeeease?”. Trixie had put on the most sugary smile possible. Sugary enough to send Twilight into a diabetic coma.
  41. Twilight reluctantly agreed, much to Trixie’s satisfaction.
  44. “So what have you got in mind Trixie?”
  46. “Hopefully we go somewhere a bit outside of town” thought Twilight, still dreading the thought of her friends having a second confrontation with Trixie.
  48. “Oh I know a little place close to the edge of town that makes a spectacular smoothie. We could talk there over a delicious treat” said Trixie.
  50. Twilight felt relieved, maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad...
  52. “That sounds great Trixie”.
  55. The two mares made their way to the aforementioned cafe. Twilight may not have been in Ponyville all too long, but she genuinely believed she had seen every nook and cranny the town had to offer. The little smoothie shop however, proved otherwise. Twilight was delighted by the notion Ponyville still had evermore places to visit. Trixie went ahead, and peered through the window. “Oh, it looks like its completely packed out in there...wait here. I’ll go in and get us some smoothies and drink them up on top of that cute little shady hill we passed on the way here” called out Trixie as she entered into the bar.
  58. Everything is going hassle free. I really wonder why Trixie has changed her attitude so much? Pondered Twilight as she sat on the cool grass basking in the mid day sunlight, waiting for Trixie to return. Twilight reminisced about how simple her days at Canterlot were in comparison to her new life in Ponyville. Getting turned to stone, saving the town from an Ursa Minor... all in a days work nowadays. In Canterlot, the daily routine consisted of nothing more than classes and study. Despite the day to day stress that faced her... her new found friends meant oh so much to her. She would never take her decision to stay in Ponyville back... not even for a prestigious life in Canterlot as an honored bachelor of magical studies. Twilight had a private giggle to herself. With my consistent letters to Princess Celestia, that may still happen yet...
  61. Two more minutes passed while Twilight was absorbed in her thoughts about her life before she returned from the inside of the shop with what appeared to be two blueberry smoothies. The size of the individual serves looked monstrous, Twilight thought after taking a single glance at the drinks. Normally she would struggle to drink such a large proportion... but it would be way too awkward not to drink it. It was purchased for her as a gesture of goodwill from Trixie after all. Besides, knowing Trixie, not drinking the entire serving would probably turn into a battle of superiority. A test of who has the largest gut mused Twilight.
  64. Trixie began sucking her smoothie down first, obnoxiously loud. Watching Trixie guzzle down the smoothie like no tomorrow sent mixed thoughts through Twilight's mind. Sensual thoughts. She couldn’t believe herself. Attracted to Trixie of all ponies! That damn Trixie and her arrogance and her... glittering violet eyes... and... flowing starlight mane... and ‘dat cutie mark...
  66. Twilight was now completely and utterly enveloped in her romanticising of Trixie. Her body began to droop and her eyes lull as she fell deeper and deeper into her thoughts.
  69. Before she could even register what was happening back in reality, her smoothie slid out of her hooves and splattered all over Trixie, covering her in deliciously scented blueberry goo. Trixie’s shocked gasp snapped Twilight out of her daydream. “I...what...oh no... how did...?” Trixie stumbled as she looked for words to properly describe her outrage. She had no need however, her eyes said more than words ever could, glowing with utmost anger.
  72. “TWILIGHT!!” screamed Trixie. “Look what you’ve done... I’m covered in this sticky blue goop... AND I HAVE A SHOW TONIGHT!”. Twilight was now the one fumbling over words, at loss on what to do. Trixie continued to stare Twilight down. “Well? This is your fault! Don’t just sit there like a dullard! HELP ME!”.
  74. Twilight calmed herself, she now knew exactly what she was going to do...
  77. Twilight casually trot over to Trixie, and ran her soft, pink tongue up Trixie’s soaked chest fur, her mouth filling with the taste of blueberries as she did so.
  79. “What are you-“ Trixie cut herself off as she felt Twilight’s tender little tongue slide up her chest once again. After that, Trixie held no protest, and didn’t even appear to be angry anymore as she lapped up Twilight’s affection. If anything, she now appeared to be completely content, moaning softly as Twilight began to lick around in circles on her neck.
  81. Despite her current cool and collected demeanor, Twilight was secretly overjoyed in the change of events. She buried her nose deep into Trixie’s fur and breathed in the intoxicating scent. This is what magic would smell like thought Twilight, as she inhaled the aroma of Trixie’s elegant perfume mixed with the stains left by the spilling of the blueberry smoothie.
  84. Twilight paused momentarily, after a few more minutes of nuzzling and licking passed, considering where she should lick next, now that the blueberry smoothie had been completely licked off by Twilight’s efforts, much to her own personal satisfaction. Trixie was annoyed by the pausing of the attention she was receiving, so she rolled over onto her back, baring her cobalt belly. “Come ooooooon... keep going my dear” crooned Trixie, eager for Twilight to continue her work.
  87. Twilight leaned down to begin her treatment anew. This time, ever so slowly dragging her tongue up from the bottom of her thighs, (dangerously close to her nether regions, all the way up her belly. Trixie gave a few giggles when Twilight licked her tummy. Twilight obviously hit a sweet spot, and she burnt the location of it into her mind, just in case this situation arises again.
  90. Twilight felt that both her and Trixie had her fill over pleasure for the evening, so she brought the entire day out to a spectacular climax... planting a big, blueberry tasting kiss on Trixie’s lips.
  93. The experience appeared to have left Trixie hopelessly exhausted.
  95. “Hey Twilight...” whispered Trixie
  97. “Yes?” Twilight was on the verge of crying. All Trixie had to do was tell her how much she had enjoyed herself, and maybe even a subtle hint of “I love you” thrown in for good measure. Twilight cared not that Trixie went from furious to loving so fast. It was obvious they both needed the touch of physical love... possibly Trixie needed it even moreso, judging by her change of character.
  99. Twilight saw Trixie’s mouth begin to quiver, words were close to coming out. Twilight began to squee on the inside. I wonder what she’s going to say?!
  102. “I think I’m going to cancel tonight’s show... I’m just SO exhausted.”
  104. Upon hearing that, Twilight got up and left, speaking not a word. Trixie didn’t even appear to care. I guess she hasn’t changed after all thought Twilight as she began to head on home, also smirking at the fact not a single sentence about magic was spoken that day...
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