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Apr 19th, 2019
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  1. >> Метод: getAdvancedMethodsData
  2. Документация: function(method:string?):table -- Get a complete table of information about all available methods
  3. >> Метод: pushItem
  4. Документация: function(direction:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN},slot:number,maxAmount:number?,intoSlot:number?):number -- Push an item from the current inventory into pipe or slot on the other inventory. Returns the amount of items moved
  5. >> Метод: pushItemIntoSlot
  6. Документация: function(direction:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN},slot:number,maxAmount:number?,intoSlot:number?):number -- Push an item from the current inventory into pipe or slot on the other inventory. Returns the amount of items moved
  7. >> Метод: slot
  8. Документация: -1
  9. >> Метод: pullItemIntoSlot
  10. Документация: function(direction:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN},slot:number,maxAmount:number?,intoSlot:number?):number -- Pull an item from a slot in another inventory into a slot in this one. Returns the amount of items moved
  11. >> Метод: getStackInSlot
  12. Документация: function(slotNumber:number,proxy:boolean?):object -- Get details of an item in a particular slot
  13. >> Метод: condenseItems
  14. Документация: function() -- Condense and tidy the stacks in an inventory
  15. >> Метод: getEUStored
  16. Документация: function():number -- Get how much EU is stored in this block
  17. >> Метод: getStored
  18. Документация: function
  19. >> Метод: getDemandedEnergy
  20. Документация: function():number -- Get the maximum safe EU input
  21. >> Метод: getEUOutputPerTick
  22. Документация: function():number -- Get the EU output per tick
  23. >> Метод: getSinkTier
  24. Документация: function
  25. >> Метод: getOutput
  26. Документация: function
  27. >> Метод: listMethods
  28. Документация: function(filterSource:string?):string -- List all the methods available
  29. >> Метод: getOfferedEnergy
  30. Документация: function
  31. >> Метод: destroyStack
  32. Документация: function(slotNumber:number) -- Destroy a stack
  33. >> Метод: listSources
  34. Документация: function():table -- List all method sources
  35. >> Метод: getEUSourceTier
  36. Документация: function():number -- Determine the tier of this energy source (1 = LV, 2 = MV, 3 = HV, 4 = EV)
  37. >> Метод: getInventoryName
  38. Документация: function():string -- Get the name of this inventory
  39. >> Метод: getAllStacks
  40. Документация: function(proxy:boolean?):table -- Get a table with all the items of the chest
  41. >> Метод: getEUCapacity
  42. Документация: function():number -- Get the EU capacity of this block
  43. >> Метод: swapStacks
  44. Документация: function(from:number,to:number,fromDirection:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN}?,fromDirection:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN}?) -- Swap two slots in the inventory
  45. >> Метод: getCapacity
  46. Документация: function
  47. >> Метод: pullItem
  48. Документация: function(direction:string{DOWN,UP,NORTH,SOUTH,WEST,EAST,UNKNOWN},slot:number,maxAmount:number?,intoSlot:number?):number -- Pull an item from a slot in another inventory into a slot in this one. Returns the amount of items moved
  49. >> Метод: doc
  50. Документация: function(method:string):string -- Brief description of method
  51. >> Метод: getEUSinkTier
  52. Документация: function():number -- Determine the tier of this energy sink (1 = LV, 2 = MV, 3 = HV, 4 = EV)
  53. >> Метод: type
  54. Документация: chargepad_mfsu
  55. >> Метод: getInventorySize
  56. Документация: function():number -- Get the size of this inventory
  57. >> Метод: address
  58. Документация: 9f3f037e-7fe6-44e1-840d-e0b0c0bec5f4
  59. >> Метод: expandStack
  60. Документация: function(stack:{id:string,dmg:number?,qty:number?,...}):table -- Get full stack information from id and/or damage
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