

Jun 24th, 2018
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  1. on rightclick:
  2. if clicked block is sea lantern:
  3. if {join::%uuid of player%} is true:
  4. message "&9》 &7すでに参加しています。"
  5. execute console command "playsound player %player% ~ ~ ~ 20000000000000 1"
  6. else:
  7. if {gamestart} is true:
  8. message "&9》 &7ゲームが開始しています。次の試合に参加してください。"
  9. execute console command "playsound player %player% ~ ~ ~ 20000000000000 1"
  10. else:
  11. chance of 20%:
  12. add 1 to {zombies}
  13. set {zombie::%uuid of player%} to true
  14. set {zombies.s::%{zombies}%} to player
  15. message "&9》 &7参加しました。"
  16. execute console command "playsound player %player% ~ ~ ~ 20000000000000 1"
  17. set {join::%uuid of player%} to true
  18. set {j.player::%uuid of player%} to player
  19. add 1 to {player}
  20. if {player} is greater than or equal to 4:
  21. broadcast "&9》 &7人数が揃ったため、試合を開始します。"
  22. execute console command "13jkjdlsjkdfjerutbiouasdhjhekhrejksdsade"
  24. on command:
  25. if command is "13jkjdlsjkdfjerutbiouasdhjhekhrejksdsade":
  26. if {gamestart} is true:
  27. stop
  28. else:
  29. wait 5 seconds
  30. set {x} to random integer between 1 and {maps}
  31. execute console command "playsound minecraft:entity.generic.explode player @a ~ ~ ~ 2000000000000 1"
  32. broadcast "&6=================================================="
  33. broadcast "&f マップが決定されました。"
  34. broadcast "&f"
  35. broadcast "&f"
  36. broadcast "&6 %{maps::%{x}%}%"
  37. broadcast "&f"
  38. broadcast "&f"
  39. broadcast "&6=================================================="
  40. teleport {j.player::*} to {lobby}
  41. wait 3 seconds
  42. teleport {j.player::*} to {map.first::%{maps}%}
  43. loop all players:
  44. set {s.s.mode::%uuid of loop-player%} to true
  45. send {j.player::*} title "&4MAP - %{maps::%{x}%}%" with subtitle "&4Made by &6%{map.creator::%arg-2%}%" for 3 seconds
  46. wait 1 second
  47. send {j.player::*} title "&4GAME START IN" with subtitle "&63 SECONDS..." for 1 seconds
  48. wait 1 second
  49. send {j.player::*} title "&4GAME START IN" with subtitle "&62 SECONDS..." for 1 seconds
  50. wait 1 second
  51. send {j.player::*} title "&4GAME START IN" with subtitle "&61 SECONDS..." for 1 seconds
  52. wait 3 ticks
  53. send {j.player::*} title "&4GAME STARTED" with subtitle "&310秒後にゾンビが決定" for 1 seconds
  54. loop all players:
  55. set {s.s.mode::%uuid of loop-player%} to false
  56. wait 10 seconds
  57. loop {zombies} times:
  58. add 1 to {sss}
  59. broadcast "&2 ☑&4》 &a%{zombies.s::%{sss}%}%"
  60. teleport {zombies.s::%{sss}%} to {map.second::%{maps}%}
  63. on any movement:
  64. if {s.s.mode::%uuid of player%} is true:
  65. cancel event
  67. on quit:
  68. remove 1 from {player}
  69. set {zombie::%uuid of player%} to false
  70. set {j.player::%uuid of player%} to none
  71. set {join::%uuid of player%} to false
  72. set {s.s.mode::%uuid of player%} to false
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