

Jun 12th, 2015
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  1. [X] 1 Back off into the woods, grabbing a bunch of flowers, pebbles, and so forth to bring with you. Try to avoid making any horrible ones, but be ready to dispose of them (perhaps with fire, or in a hole) if you need to. Keep going until you run out of things to enchant or you find a few that you think you could use to entrance/charm your way through the fort. Then use said pebbles to entrance/charm your way through the fort (while stickign to your alibi. Practice in our Actor skill woudl be a good thing).: (Sirrocco)
  2. [X] 1 Back off into the woods, grabbing a bunch of flowers, pebbles, and so forth to bring with you. Try to avoid making any horrible ones, but be ready to dispose of them (perhaps with fire, or in a hole) if you need to. Keep going until you run out of things to enchant or you find a few that you think you could use to entrance/charm your way through the fort. Then use said pebbles to entrance/charm your way through the fort (while stickign to your alibi. Practice in our Actor skill woudl be a good thing).: (Winged One)
  3. -[X] 4 Better to get some facts straight first, though. Don't mention them if they don't ask, but you don't want to have to come up with lies on the spot either.: (Pipeman, JENTHULHU, Clarvel, Robotninja)
  4. --[X] 4 Check out the river out of fort's sight. Play around with various floating items to see if you can make a sufficiently sturdy and easy to control boat.: (steamrick, CptTagon, Tavarokk, shadowward)
  5. --[X] 3 Check out the river out of fort's sight. We know how to swim, so swimming over the river if the current isn't too strong shouldn't be a problem. If the current is too strong, try to find a shallow area/area with a weaker current.: (theweepingman, Raron, theBSDude)
  6. -[X] 3 Ditch most of the suspicious stuff you're carrying! This means the Staff, the Priceless Gems and the Shattering ones as well.: (Pipeman, JENTHULHU, Clarvel)
  7. [X] 1 Explore, look for a way across that does not involve going into the scary unknown castle. Seriously, they could arrest you for your race.: (Olivebirdy)
  8. -[X] 4 Same story as before, it served you well so far and the merchant may even have mentioned you.: (Pipeman, JENTHULHU, Clarvel, Robotninja)
  9. --[X] 2 Specifically try a few thistle crowns and thistle rings, of you can find the thistle to do it with.: (Sirrocco, Winged One)
  10. -[X] 1 Take up wood carving, carve simple objects and shapes(wooden sword, dice, bowl, knife, etc.) and imbue the result.: (Olivebirdy)
  11. [X] 7 There has to be a way around without going through if raiders have made it over!: (steamrick, CptTagon, Tavarokk, theweepingman, Raron, shadowward, theBSDude)
  12. [X] 3 Try making the border fort more beautiful. Perhaps that will distract them?: (Heaven Canceler, Yurihime, redaeth)
  13. [X] 5 Try the border crossing?: (Pipeman, Anasurimbor, JENTHULHU, Clarvel, Robotninja)
  14. --[X] 4 Your clothes are outlandish enough that you can pretend not to be from Serine which is probably for the best anyways, so just use your actual home's name if they ask where you're from. If they've never heard of it, you can excuse never having heard of the stuff you should know around here as well.: (Pipeman, JENTHULHU, Clarvel, Robotninja)
  15. --[X] 4 Your reason for leaving is that you don't want to get lynched before you figure out how to get home and that's about all the facts you have right now.: (Pipeman, JENTHULHU, Clarvel, Robotninja)
  16. ---[X] 1 assuming all goes well, if the other side of the border is more wilderness walking, take up wood carving, carve simple objects and shapes(wooden sword, dice, bowl, knife, etc.) and imbue the result.: (JENTHULHU)
  17. [X] 1 plan Piperman: (Minion #Q)
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