
[Satyr] Hope's stand

Nov 3rd, 2013
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  1. >Day Volunteer work in Equestria.
  2. >Sighing, you follow Bindy as she leads you through the halls.
  3. >You didn't want to come to school today, you even begged your parents to let you stay home.
  4. >But your dad told you that skipping school was a bad idea.
  5. >'One day becomes two. Two becomes three. It only keeps adding Hope.'
  6. >It didn't make much sense, but you trusted your parents to know what they were talking about.
  7. >Now here you are, about to set up banners for the school dance as a part of your required TA class.
  8. >Holding the box containing all of the supplies for setting the banner Bindy is carrying, you shift it's weight between your hand to try and get comfy.
  9. >”What do you think Hope, here?”
  10. >Your friend stops near the middle of the main hall.
  11. ”I guess...”
  12. >The yellow filly looks back, worry in her eyes.
  13. >”If you want, I can do the hammering.”
  14. >You knew better.
  15. >A pony that wasn't a Unicorn trying to hammer was asking for trouble.
  16. “Nah, I can do it. Just give me a sec.”
  17. >You put down the box and open it up.
  18. >There is a hammer and box of nails off to the side, surrounded by other various tools.
  19. >You grab the tool and box, placing them to the side.
  20. >”Uhhh, did you remember the ladder?”
  21. >Bringing your hand to your head, you take a deep breath and shake your head.
  22. >”Oh... I-it's okay, I'll go grab it.”
  23. “Okay...”
  24. >As Bindy runs off, fall flat on your butt and sigh.
  25. >With some time alone, you realize just how weird school feels without Manny to hang around.
  26. >Eating lunch made you feel like you were eating a lot more than usual.
  27. >With nowhere to go for recess, you kind of just walked around and looked for anyone who would play with you.
  28. >Even now, you would usually get paired with the big huggable Minotaur.
  29. >Bindy was a good friend, but she wasn't your best friend.
  30. >”Whoa, what's a sad sack doing in the hallways?”
  31. >Turning your head, you see Leo and his two stooges.
  32. “I thought you said you were going to stop bullying me.”
  33. >He chuckles, bringing a claw up to his mouth.
  34. >”Oh! It's Hope. I couldn't tell. Sorry.”
  35. >The two dumb butts laugh behind him, looking to each other.
  36. >Sighing, you stand up and wipe your skirt.
  37. “Shouldn't you be in class?”
  38. >Leo walks next to you, taking the banner that you and Bindy were supposed to hang.
  39. >”We're just doing our TA stuff. Since we knew you wouldn't be able to do it, we figured we could just pick up your slack now that the big ball of fat isn't around.”
  40. >... What did he say?
  41. >As you stand there, dumb founded, he and the two Pegasi take to the air with the banner and hammer.
  42. >”Don't worry. I know I can't bully you anymore or I'll get in trouble, but you can't get in trouble for talking bad about someone who isn't here. Like fatso.”
  43. >You feel your face turn red, hands shaking a little.
  44. >The Griffon flies over to one side, hammering two nails into it.
  45. >”Man, the school feels a lot bigger now that the lazy momma's boy isn't around.”
  46. >Something weird is happening.
  47. >Everything sounds louder and your teeth are hurting.
  48. >Leo flies over to the opposite side.
  49. >Each hit of the hammer resonates.
  50. >A loud *CLANG CLANG CLANG*.
  51. >”Of course it would, losing that much weight at once must feel amazing for the school! Doesn't it?”
  52. >Your breathing feels weird, like you are pushing out of your chest with each inhale.
  53. >One of the stooges covers his mouth, rolling his eyes.
  54. >”It feels GREAT!”
  55. >The three of them stop hovering, walking over to you.
  56. >For some reason, your eyes are starting to water.
  57. >”Man, I bet he is being torn apart at his new Minotaur school. Torn apa-”
  58. >Your eyes clench shut and everything goes quiet.
  59. >The world is silent and is colored a mixture of black and red.
  60. >It stays this way for a few minutes.
  61. >...
  62. >”AhaaaaaHa-a-ahaooowwww!”
  63. >Slowly opening your eyes, you see Leo laying on the ground, clutching his chin and stomach.
  64. >His Pegasi friends stare down at him, eyes wide as their hooves shake.
  65. >As the world starts to come back, you notice a lot of things.
  66. >Your face is hot, like, burning red hot!
  67. >Seething, you notice that your nails are digging deep into the palms of your hands
  68. >Looking down, you see your leg is raised up high and shaking.
  69. “Wh-wha?”
  70. >Leo screams out in pain, crying as he gasps for air.
  71. >Shaking your head, you see Bindy in the corner of your eye.
  72. >Her jaw is practically touching the floor as she stares at the curled Griffon.
  73. >The ladder she left to get is laying on the side next to her, almost as if she threw it off.
  74. >Looking back to Leo, you see him still crying, but alone.
  75. >Gulping, you fall to your butt and crawl backwards.
  76. >”Hope?! Hope?!”
  77. >The voice of headmaster Pule is ringing through the halls.
  78. >He appears soon after; looking first to the crying Griffon, then to you.
  79. >Gulping, you notice that your body is still shaking.
  82. >”Th-This has to be some sort of mistake, right? Hope would NEVER beat up anyone! Even that little-”
  83. “Lyra, we don't know the full story. Please, calm down until we get to Pule's office.”
  84. >As your wife walks through the halls of St. Caval Rhy, you follow, attempting to calm her frantic thoughts.
  85. >The school sent a letter home with Hope, telling you that she had beaten Leo.
  86. >It didn't state who initiated it, but it did state that they wanted you and Lyra to attend a meeting between yourselves, Leo's parents, and the headmaster himself.
  87. >Reaching the office in question, you see Lyra taking deep breaths, trying to calm herself.
  88. >”It's fine. This is fine. My baby girl isn't a violent filly, she didn't beat up anyone.”
  89. >Taking a deep breath as well, you open the door.
  90. >The Griffon's parents are already here, with their son in tow.
  91. >He is wearing a neckbrace and looks on the verge of tears.
  92. >Each of them stare at you, a mixture of contempt and rage in both their eyes.
  93. >This is not going to be easy for you to handle.
  94. >Gathering your courage, you step in, followed by Lyra.
  95. >Pulling out a seat for your wife, you take the one next to her.
  96. >Pule sighs, adjusting his glasses.
  97. >”I am glad you could all show up today.”
  98. >The mother snaps.
  99. >”Of course we showed up! Their girl savagely beat our son!”
  100. >The boy nods, eyes welling up with tears.
  101. “That's not what Hope told us. From what we've heard, Leo-”
  102. >Pule raises his hoof, trying to silence you.
  103. >”Leo was antagonizing Hope with the fact that Manfred is no longer with us, therefore eliciting an unintentional violent reaction from the young child.”
  104. >The father is grinding his teeth.
  105. >”We know that is a load of horse crock!”
  106. >Lyra's eyes dart to the man, mouth open in shock.
  107. >Pule seems to have taken offense to the comment as well, but in a much more subtle furrowing of his brows.
  108. >”... I apologize for my outburst, but what I said remains true. Leo was just minding his business when Hope attacked him.”
  109. >Pule sighs, pulling out three slips of paper.
  110. >”No, as a matter of fact, he was not. I have three signed affidavits that confirm he was indeed not minding his own business.”
  111. >You feel Lyra slip her hoof into your hand.
  112. >Squeezing, you try to silently reassure your wife.
  113. >Pule looks over the room before speaking.
  114. >”Mr. Nado, your son was walking through the halls under the false pretense of aiding in his TA responsibilities. This in fact, was not the case. We questioned the teacher he was assigned to, and she told us that your son was supposed to be getting her supplies. Yet, it was the Tweedle twins who reported your son's -beating-. Why was he with them when he was told to gather supplies and return to his classroom?”
  115. >So he lied to the teacher, then went on a walk with his friends.
  116. >You've only know so much about what happened, but you know this boy was nowhere near being in the right.
  117. >Ruben is stammering, trying to find a way to put his son in the victim's light.
  118. >”S-So he was walking during class time! That doesn't justify the fact the girl beat my son!”
  119. >The mule nods, pulling one of the papers to the side.
  120. >”No, it does not. However, her reasons for doing so seem understandable, but not excusable. Your son was witnessed making several insults against Manfred Von Karma. The student who reported this is quite trustworthy, and was present when I found your son in the state I did.”
  121. >You knew your daughter wasn't lying, but it helps to hear someone else say it.
  122. >Again, the father is cornered.
  123. >”So you admit that what she did was wrong, yet she is not being punished?!”
  124. >Silence feels the air.
  125. >The clock behind Pule ticks slowly.
  126. >”... When did I ever insinuate Hope would not be punished? Given her actions, she is being sentenced to a week of detention as well as an extended period in her TA responsibilities after her time within detention.”
  127. >Detention?
  128. >You wish you could argue that your daughter didn't deserve this, but you saw her hoof.
  129. >She clearly did a number to the boy if it caused that much damage to herself as well.
  130. >Detention is her getting off VERY easy.
  131. >”Detention?! That's it?! What part of-”
  132. >Pule slams his hoof against the desk.
  133. >”Hope Heartstrings did NOT beat your son! There was a single kick involved, as proven by our own nurse, and NOTHING more! Now, if you have a problem with how our institution is handling the situation, you have no obligation to continue to allow your son attendance here. Do I make myself clear sir?!”
  134. >It only takes you a moment to notice that you are holding your breath as your eyes are staring at the mule.
  135. >Whatever the Griffon was going to say, seems to have been smothered by Pule's sudden outburst.
  136. >”... All right then.”
  137. >Leo looks to his father, wide eyed.
  138. >”Wh-What?”
  139. >”We are pulling our son from this your school. Expect to hear from our people.”
  140. >The two parents hold onto their son as he kicks and screams.
  141. >”No! I don't wanna go to another school! No! No! All my friends are-”
  142. >His voice slowly is muffled as they leave.
  143. >You don't know how to respond to what just happened.
  144. >Lyra swallows something and turns back to the mule.
  145. >”W-Will everything be all right?”
  146. >The headmaster piles the three papers together and places them in his desk.
  147. >”Yes. They will not get far with their lawsuit with all the concrete evidence supplied by our staff. Do not worry, this isn't the first time our institution has come in the crossfire of parents regarding a bullying incident.”
  148. >Nodding, you finally inhale.
  149. “I... don't know what to say.”
  150. >Pule looks up to you from his desk.
  151. >”Mrs. Heartstrings, may I speak to your husband in private for a moment?”
  152. >Lyra nods, holding on to your hand for a second before leaving the room.
  153. >Alone, Pule sighs and rubs his forehead.
  154. >”It should be quite obvious I favored Hope regarding this situation.”
  155. “I didn't want to say...”
  156. >Silence falls in the room.
  157. >He had explained before about his feelings regarding Hope and her situation as a half breed.
  158. >Still, you didn't think he would protect your daughter so fervently.
  159. “Pule... Jean, thank you. Hope is lucky to have someone like you making sure she stays safe in school.”
  160. >The stallion cracks a smile.
  161. >”As well as to have a father like you. She speaks very highly of you. Not many parents would go the extra miles you take for your daughter.”
  162. “... Not many parents here know what's it like to truly feel alone in this world.”
  163. >The mule's smile fades, replaced with a remorseful frown.
  164. >”Indeed, I had forgotten your situation. I apologize.”
  165. “Don't be. Kind of glad you did, means you just saw me as another father here. Right?”
  166. >He nods, smile returning.
  167. >”May I ask how Hope's hoof is doing?”
  168. >Seething, you rub your arm.
  169. “It'll be fine, but it doesn't look pretty. She'll be feeling sore for a couple days.”
  170. >Pule nods again, eyes fixed on his desk.
  171. >”I'll alert her teachers. Thank you for coming Anon, give Hope my best regards.”
  172. “Will do.”
  173. >Standing, you ready to leave the office.
  174. >You meant what you said about sharing a feeling of loneliness in this world.
  175. >She has clearly shown sings that she is feeling what you felt when you first arrived in Equestria.
  176. >Worse, she knows the feeling of being harassed.
  177. >You are grateful she doesn't know it in the same way you were...
  178. >You pray she never will know it in the same way you were harassed.
  179. >Fucking Fluttershy.
  180. >”Honey?”
  181. >Pulled form your thought, you look to our wife.
  182. >She seems worried.
  183. >”Are you all right? You look... upset.”
  184. >You shake your head.
  185. “I'm fine, just thinking.”
  186. >She nods, looking to the floor.
  187. >”What did headmaster Pule want to talk to you about?”
  188. >She doesn't know what Pule has shared with you, and you do not want her to worry about it right now.
  189. “He just wanted to know how Hope's hoof was doing.”
  190. >Lyra's lips curl a bit, eyes solemn.
  191. >”Our poor baby...”
  192. “Who is probably still waiting for us... Come on honey, let's go get our baby girl.”
  193. >Walking beside Lyra, you can't help but wonder again about Hope's future.
  196. >The walk up the stairs is awkward.
  197. >Bindy's father said that the girls hadn't left his daughter's room since Hope arrived at their house.
  198. >Outside the room, the stallion raps his hoof against the door.
  199. >”Hope? Your parents are here.”
  200. >You hear heavy hoofsteps.
  201. >As the door opens, you see Hope leaning against her friend for support.
  202. >You turn your back to the girls and take a knee.
  203. “I'll take it from here Bindy, thank you.”
  204. >It is awkward for Hope to clamber on your back, but she eventually get in a position where her hoof is comfortable.
  205. >”Thanks dad...”
  206. >Standing, you look to the yellow coated ponies.
  207. “Thanks for watching Hope for us.”
  208. >The stallion flashes a soft smile.
  209. >”Any time. You know you're more than welcome to come over Hope, right?”
  210. >Your daughter buries her head into your neck before nodding.
  211. >She hadn't visited Bindy's house much before, but that may change with all that has happened.
  212. >Saying your goodbyes, you begin the walk home with your family.
  213. >Hope sniffles a bit, lip trembling on the back of your neck.
  214. “Talk to us Hope?”
  215. >She croaks as she speaks.
  216. >”A-Am I in trouble?”
  217. >Lyra looks up to your daughter, giving her that beautiful motherly smile of hers.
  218. >”Not entirely. You'll have detention for a week and need to spend some time after that helping the teachers, but no. You're not in trouble.”
  219. >You feel a hot drop of water run down your back.
  220. >”A-And Leo?”
  221. “Gone. His parents are pulling him from the school.”
  222. >More drops hit your back as the little satyr cries more freely.
  223. >”I-I didn't mean to kick him! I-I'm sorry!”
  224. >Shushing the girl, you rock her a bit on your back, careful to avoid hitting her hoof.
  225. “Hope, don't be. He said he was going to stop bullying you and he didn't. You need to stand up for yourself sometimes, let them know you won't take it and that you will respond.”
  226. >She sniffles more, tears slowing.
  227. >”S-So I did the right thing?”
  228. “Yes and no. Yes in that you stood up for yourself, no in that you did it violently. Violence is a last resort.”
  229. >The tears return to the previous pace.
  230. >”I-I didn't mean to dad!”
  231. >Chuckling, you wish you could let her see the smile on your face right now.
  232. “I know, and I'm proud of you for not meaning to. Still, because you used violence, you have that one week of detention. It's just a week now, so no fussing. All right?”
  233. >Your daughter sniffles, nodding against your skin.
  234. >Letting off a soft sigh, you continue the walk home.
  235. >Already planning to give her the biggest hug and kiss when you get home.
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