
Who is your SEO guru? And what is your best SEO lesson learn

Jun 6th, 2019
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  1. Who is your SEO guru? And what is your best SEO lesson learnt so far?
  2. I don't really think of him as an SEO guru, but Brian Dean just makes the most sense to me.
  3. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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  16. An SEO guru to me is someone who can rank for any keyword in a short amount of time, which is very rare nowadays, especially without using blackhat methods. I used to be all about ranking for keywords as quickly as possible, but it's much better to rank using methods that aren't likely to get your site penalized. I've been penalized before, and it sucks to see your site finally become successful only to get blown out of search a few days later. Also, it's a better idea to not rely on Google traffic completely, because even if you do everything right, Google can be temperamental.
  18. I like your following words:
  19. "it's much better to rank using methods that aren't likely to get your site penalized."
  20. One should have integrity while doing seo because it's all about honesty and organic results means naturally we have to get ranked by search engines and we should not forget the fundamental that our content should make audience to hangout with it.
  22. I like your following words:
  23. "it's much better to rank using methods that aren't likely to get your site penalized."
  24. One should have integrity while doing seo because it's all about honesty and organic results means naturally we have to get ranked by search engines and we should not forget the fundamental that our content should make audience to hangout with it.
  25. most do not have the integrity that you speak of...
  26. and most still do blind seo on sites not related to your niche...
  29. I consider Rand Fishkin of MOZ as my SEO guru. As every friday from the whiteboard friday he publishes trendy SEO article which are really helpful to increase knowledge as well as helpful to make us updated.
  30. Every article of whiteboard friday is the best SEO lesson to me.
  33. Phil Frost of Main Street Roi, have been very helpful to me in his daily seo email updates. Every article he publish is worth the time reading it.
  36. I followed Neil Patel and Brian Dean. Maybe I can consider them as one of the best. Mostly, I learned more about the methods for SEO that we can use and of course applying it to your work is the most challenging thing.
  39. This forum is one of my seo guru and others include johnchow ,many other forums and blogs.Not only reading but taking action is important.For me there is no best lessons.Everything i learned here and at other blogs,forums .All are good.
  41. I followed Neil Patel and Rand Fishkin of MOZ as my SEO guru.because there are lots of articles related to SEO article which are really helpful to increase the knowledge.
  42. Brian Dean, Rand Fishkin and Neil Pattel (don't even say that it's too ordinary:)
  44. I consistently read the articles on Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Land, Search Engine Roundtable, and Search Engine Watch. Those four websites are filled with SEO wisdom.
  45. If I could sit with and pick the brain of just one person, it would probably be either Rand Fishkin or Jill Whalen.
  47. My SEO source is Google guides but ofcourse im reading some research statics on the websites. Websites not important, important is Google guides.
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