
giant star system concept (few planets)

May 2nd, 2019
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  1. A red giant system. The outer planets start very close to aligned with each other, the idea being that interplanetary transfers are direct, not hohmann transfers, which is possible this far out from the sun. Lore: a colony from one of the formerly-not-cooked planets. on the "homeworld" body wakes up after a few billion years of hibernation or time travel, discovering more time had passed than they intended.
  2. -Giant Star: 0.8 Msol, 1500 Lsol, hab zone @ 39 au. M2III.
  3. --Cooked planet 1: A planet very close to the star's surface. Tidally locked, half of its surface is a lava ocean and the other half is barren wasteland, with some liquid water lakes on the far side temperate regions. Very thin atmosphere. 2 Earth masses. 2 au.
  4. --Cooked planet 2: A hot mercury-like world with an equatorial belt of lava. 3 au.
  6. --Dwarf Star: 0.09 Msol, M7V. 8 au
  8. --Gas Giant 1: 17 au. 0.5 Jupiter masses.
  9. ---GGM1: Small dry steamball. 1.8 atmospheres of vaporized volatiles.
  10. ---GGM2: Small wet steamball. 8 atmospheres of vaporized volatiles.
  12. --Gas Giant 2: 29 au. Neptune-mass.
  13. ---GG2M1: Little waterworld.
  14. ---GG2M2: Kerbin-mass alt homeworld. Water world with sparse islands.
  16. --Homeworld: 41 au. Kerbin-mass. Dry planet in an eccentric orbit which crosses the orbits of the giant planets out of plane. Planet has extremely slow rotation period, in a spin-orbit lock so that only one side of the planet gets cooked per orbit.
  18. --Mun-like body: coincidentally very close to Homeworld at game start, but orbiting in a more circular orbit less than an au away from the homeworld.
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