
Vlad Ully

Jan 7th, 2015
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  1. Ulrich's dungeon crawl!
  2. Character sheet - Legendary Crawl.
  4. Name: Vladimir B. Blade, formerly Edward Smith
  5. Gender/Sex: Dat Limp Dick Bish
  6. Race: Vampire
  7. Age: 24
  8. Appearance: A taller individual at 6'5", pale skin, brown haired, muscular individual with a plain, shaven face. A slightly large nose is the most prominent feature of the face.
  9. Personality: Sort of a dick, rather rash and bull-head, not fully thinking many things through preferring to beat things rather than solve a problem. However if it's a large threat he isn't
  10. Armaments: The Black Blade: 6 Foot long, 1 foot wide, pendulum style double edged sword, used for slicing and stabbing with the pointed pendulum blades, accompanied with a smaller shortsword for closer combat.
  11. Garments/Armor: Whatever light chainmail I can have.
  12. Accessories/Jewelery: NA
  13. Magic: Vampiric Blood Magic: Manipulation of spilled blood to make blood into defenses and offenses
  14. Abilities/Powers: Blood Energy: Can turn blood into energy to enhance strength and speed
  15. Strength Level: Superhuman
  16. Durability Level: Superhuman
  17. Weak against vampire weaknesses
  19. Magical Power (separate from magic skill): Adept Vampiric Powers if any.
  21. Spiritual Durability: Average to Low
  23. Speed: Superhumanly fast, but rather slowed by weaponry until using something lighter.
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