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Nov 22nd, 2023
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  1. Okay so I have to tell you something that happened to me at work on Thursday I was having a conversation with one of my co-workers um and she was talking about her dog um and how he's like a pug but heis like a cross breed with something else so he doesn't have the same like issues that most pugs have like he like you know he doesn't have breathing problems and his eyes don't fall out of his head um and my other coworker chimed in and was like oh yeah that's because they're like genetically modified right and I was like uh well I mean like you know they're bread like so they're genetically modified and that we changed them yeah like you know but all dogs are bread and she's like all dogs and I was like yeah like all dogs like they all started off as wolves like definitely all dogs are bread and she was like like even my dog like he's a poodle I was like yeah definitely especially your dog uh like they're all genetically modified they're all bred and she's just like I thought they just found them in France
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