

Nov 17th, 2018
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  1. on chat:
  2. cancel event
  3. if {nick::%uuid of player%} is set:
  4. if {prefix::%uuid of player%} is set:
  5. if {suffix::%uuid of player%} is set:
  6. broadcast "&r%{prefix::%uuid of player%}%%{nick::%uuid of player%}%%{suffix::%uuid of player%}%&a: &r%coloured message%"
  7. else:
  8. broadcast "&r%{prefix::%uuid of player%}%%{nick::%uuid of player%}%&a: &r%coloured message%"
  9. else:
  10. if {suffix::%uuid of player%} is set:
  11. broadcast "&r%{nick::%uuid of player%}%%{suffix::%uuid of player%}%&a: &r%coloured message%"
  12. else:
  13. broadcast "&r%{nick::%uuid of player%}%&a: &r%coloured message%"
  14. else:
  15. if {prefix::%uuid of player%} is set:
  16. if {suffix::%uuid of player%} is set:
  17. broadcast "&r%{prefix::%uuid of player%}%%player%%{suffix::%uuid of player%}%&a: &r%coloured message%"
  18. else:
  19. broadcast "&r%{prefix::%uuid of player%}%%player%&a: &r%coloured message%"
  20. else:
  21. if {suffix::%uuid of player%} is set:
  22. broadcast "&r%player%%{suffix::%uuid of player%}%&a: &r%coloured message%"
  23. else:
  24. broadcast "&r%player%&a: &r%coloured message%"
  26. options:
  27. prefix: &6[&3System&6]&r
  29. command /systems [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  30. permission: server.admin
  31. permission message: &cYou don't permitted use a this command.
  32. aliases: /system, /serversystems:systems, /serversystems:system
  33. trigger:
  34. if arg-1 is "rank" or "chat" or "player":
  35. if arg-1 is "rank":
  36. if arg-2 is "set" or "list" or "check":
  37. if arg-2 is "set":
  38. if arg-3 is set:
  39. if arg-4 is "vip" or "mvp" or "elite" or "legend" or "builder" or "admin" or "subowner" or "owner":
  40. if arg-4 is "vip":
  41. broadcast "{@prefix} &eRank: &2%arg 3%&a が&c&lVIP&aになりました。"
  42. set {%arg 3%.rank} to "&c&lVIP"
  43. execute console command "systems chat sets prefix %arg 3% &b[&cVIP&b] &r"
  44. execute console command "nte player %arg 3% prefix &b[&cVIP&b] &r"
  45. if arg-4 is "mvp":
  46. broadcast "{@prefix} &eRank: &2%arg 3%&a が&6&lMVP&aになりました。"
  47. set {%arg 3%.rank} to "&6&lMVP"
  48. execute console command "systems chat sets prefix %arg 3% &b[&6MVP&b] &r"
  49. execute console command "nte player %arg 3% prefix &b[&6MVP&b] &r"
  50. if arg-4 is "elite":
  51. broadcast "{@prefix} &eRank: &2%arg 3%&a が&e&lELITE&aになりました。"
  52. set {%arg 3%.rank} to "&e&lELITE"
  53. execute console command "systems chat sets prefix %arg 3% &b[&eELITE&b] &r"
  54. execute console command "nte player %arg 3% prefix &b[&eELITE&b] &r"
  55. if arg-4 is "legend":
  56. broadcast "{@prefix} &eRank: &2%arg 3%&a が&a&lLEGEND&aになりました。"
  57. set {%arg 3%.rank} to "&a&lLEGEND"
  58. execute console command "systems chat sets prefix %arg 3% &b[&aLEGEND&b] &r"
  59. execute console command "nte player %arg 3% prefix &b[&aLEGEND&b] &r"
  60. if arg-4 is "builder":
  61. broadcast "{@prefix} &eRank: &2%arg 3%&a が&3&lBUILDER&aになりました。"
  62. set {%arg 3%.rank} to "&3&lBUILDER"
  63. execute console command "systems chat sets prefix %arg 3% &r[&3BUILDER&r] &r"
  64. execute console command "nte player %arg 3% prefix &r[&3BUILDER&r] &r"
  65. if arg-4 is "admin":
  66. broadcast "{@prefix} &eRank: &2%arg 3%&a が&4&lADMIN&aになりました。"
  67. set {%arg 3%.rank} to "&4&lADMIN"
  68. execute console command "systems chat sets prefix %arg 3% &e[&4ADMIN&e] &r"
  69. execute console command "nte player %arg 3% prefix &e[&4ADMIN&e] &r"
  70. if arg-4 is "subowner":
  71. broadcast "{@prefix} &eRank: &2%arg 3%&a が&5&lSUBOWNER&aになりました。"
  72. set {%arg 3%.rank} to "&5&lSUBOWNER"
  73. execute console command "systems chat sets prefix %arg 3% &e[&5SUBOWNER&e] &r"
  74. execute console command "nte player %arg 3% prefix &e[&5SUBOWNER&e] &r"
  75. if arg-4 is "owner":
  76. broadcast "{@prefix} &eRank: &2%arg 3%&a が&2&lOWNER&aになりました。"
  77. set {%arg 3%.rank} to "&2&lOWNER"
  78. execute console command "systems chat sets prefix %arg 3% &e[&2OWNER&e] &r"
  79. execute console command "nte player %arg 3% prefix &e[&2OWNER&e] &r"
  80. else:
  81. send "{@prefix} &eCommand: &cUsage: &7/systems rank set %arg 3% <rank>"
  82. else:
  83. send "{@prefix} &eCommand: &cUsage: &7/systems rank set <player> <rank>"
  84. if arg-2 is "list":
  85. if arg-2 is "list":
  86. send "&3Ranks (8): &aVip&r, &aMvp&r, &aElite&r, &aLegend&r, &2Builder&r, &2Admin&r, &2SubOwner&r, &6Owner"
  87. if arg-2 is "check":
  88. if arg-3 is set:
  89. send "{@prefix} &eRank Check: &2%arg 3% &aは%{%arg 3%.rank}%&aランクを持っています。"
  90. else:
  91. send "{@prefix} &eCommand: &cUsage: &7/systems rank check <player>"
  92. else:
  93. send "{@prefix} &eCommand: &cUsage: &7/systems rank <set/check>..."
  94. if arg-1 is "chat":
  95. if arg-2 is "sets" or "alert" or "clean":
  96. if arg-2 is "sets":
  97. if arg-3 is "prefix" or "suffix" or "nick":
  98. if arg-3 is "prefix":
  99. if arg-4 is set:
  100. if arg-5 is set:
  101. broadcast "{@prefix} &eChat-Prefix: &2%player%&a が &2%arg 4% %aの称号 (前) を""&r%coloured arg 5%&a""にしました。"
  102. set {prefix::%uuid of arg-4%} to coloured arg-5
  103. else:
  104. send "{@prefix} &eCommand: &cUsage: &7/systems chat sets prefix %arg 4% <text>"
  105. else:
  106. send "{@prefix} &eCommand: &cUsage: &7/systems chat sets prefix <player> <text>"
  107. if arg-3 is "suffix":
  108. if arg-4 is set:
  109. if arg-5 is set:
  110. broadcast "{@prefix} &eChat-Prefix: &2%player%&a が &2%arg 4% %aの称号 (後) を""&r%coloured arg 5%&a""にしました。"
  111. set {suffix::%uuid of arg-4%} to coloured arg-5
  112. else:
  113. send "{@prefix} &eCommand: &cUsage: &7/systems chat sets suffix %arg 4% <text>"
  114. else:
  115. send "{@prefix} &eCommand: &cUsage: &7/systems chat sets suffix <player> <text>"
  116. if arg-3 is "nick":
  117. if arg-4 is set:
  118. if arg-5 is set:
  119. broadcast "{@prefix} &eChat-Prefix: &2%player%&a が &2%arg 4% %aのニックネームを""&r%coloured arg 5%&a""にしました。"
  120. set {nick::%uuid of arg-4%} to coloured arg-5
  121. else:
  122. send "{@prefix} &eCommand: &cUsage: &7/systems chat sets nick %arg 4% <text>"
  123. else:
  124. send "{@prefix} &eCommand: &cUsage: &7/systems chat sets nick <player> <text>"
  125. else:
  126. send "{@prefix} &eCommand: &cUsage: &7/systems chat sets <prefix/suffix/nick>..."
  127. if arg-2 is "alert":
  128. if arg-3 is set:
  129. broadcast "&c&l!&4 Alert &c&l!&r %coloured arg 3%"
  130. else:
  131. send "{@prefix} &eCommand: &cUsage: &7/systems chat alert <text>"
  132. if arg-2 is "clean":
  133. loop 75 times:
  134. broadcast ""
  135. broadcast "{@prefix} &eChat: &2%player%&a がチャットをクリアしました。"
  136. else:
  137. send "{@prefix} &eCommand: &cUsage: &7/systems chat <sets/alert>..."
  138. if arg-1 is "player":
  139. if arg-2 is "vanish":
  140. if arg-2 is "vanish":
  141. if arg-3 is "check" or "toggle":
  142. if arg-3 is "check":
  143. if arg-4 is set:
  144. if {%arg 4%.vanish} set:
  145. send "{@prefix} &ePlayer-Vanish-Check: &2%arg 4% &aは&b透明&aです。"
  146. else:
  147. send "{@prefix} &ePlayer-Vanish-Check: &2%arg 4% &aは&c不透明&aです。"
  148. else:
  149. if {%player%.vanish} set:
  150. send "{@prefix} &ePlayer-Vanish-Check: &aあなたは&b透明&aです。"
  151. else:
  152. send "{@prefix} &ePlayer-Vanish-Check: &aあなたは&c不透明&aです。"
  153. if arg-3 is "toggle":
  154. if arg-4 is set:
  155. if {%arg 4%.vanish} is set
  156. send "{@prefix} &ePlayer-Vanish-Toggle: &2%arg 4%&aは&c不透明&aになりました"
  157. delete {%arg 4%.vanish}
  158. reveal the arg-4 from all players
  159. else:
  160. send "{@prefix} &ePlayer-Vanish-Toggle: &2%arg 4%&aは&b透明&aになりました"
  161. set {%arg 4%.vanish} to true
  162. hide the arg-4 from all players
  163. else:
  164. if {%player%.vanish} is set
  165. send "{@prefix} &ePlayer-Vanish-Toggle: &aあなたは&c不透明&aになりました"
  166. delete {%player%.vanish}
  167. reveal the player from all players
  168. else:
  169. send "{@prefix} &ePlayer-Vanish-Toggle: &aあなたは&b透明&aになりました"
  170. set {%player%.vanish} to true
  171. hide the player from all players
  172. else:
  173. send "{@prefix} &eCommand: &cUsage: &7/systems player vanish <check/toggle> [player]"
  174. else:
  175. send "{@prefix} &eCommand: &cUsage: &7/systems player <vanish> <check/toggle> [player]"
  176. else:
  177. send "{@prefix} &eCommand: &cUsage: &7/systems <rank/chat/player>..."
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