
[FR Sing-Alongs] Madness

Dec 18th, 2012
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  1. >Day YouTube link in Equestria.
  3. >Wake up.
  4. >Sweet bass kicking in the background.
  5. >Almost lures you back to sleep.
  6. >But a knocking at the door stirs you into action.
  7. >Probably the yellow menace again.
  8. >Don some sheet metal pants, a flak jacket, and a tin foil hat.
  9. >You know, just in case.
  10. >Because >fetish attempts.
  11. >Open the door.
  12. >Fluttershy is sniffling at your doorstep.
  13. >It looks like she's been crying.
  14. >Not falling for it.
  15. What do you want this time, Fluttershy?
  16. >"I-I just can't get these memories out of my mind."
  17. >She grabs you by the collar with her hooves. "Like I've done horrible things to you Anon."
  18. >You can feel her chest heaving as she hyperventilates. "It's like some kind of madness has started to evolve."
  19. >You uneasily rest a hand on the back of her neck. This could be a trick.
  20. >But you can't just have her freaking out on you like this.
  21. It's okay, Flutters. You haven't done anything too crazy. I mean, aside from constantly trying to get in my pants...
  22. >She pulls harder at your shirt. "I-I've tried so hard to let you go..."
  23. >Her head twitches violently. "But some kind of madness is swallowing me whole..."
  24. >You try to brush her hooves off of you and move away but she just tightens her grip.
  25. >She grins a very unsettling grin. "I have finally seen the light..."
  26. >"And I have finally realized..." She pulls you closer to her. "What you mean..."
  27. Woah, Fluttershy... I think you need to-
  28. >"And I need to know-" She starts to shake you lightly. "if this is real love..."
  29. Fluttershy, you really need to-
  30. >"Or is this just madness keeping us afloat?"
  31. >She loosens her grip and you retreat inside, mostly closing your door.
  32. >For some reason you don't close it all the way though.
  34. >Maybe some part of you is morbidly interested in this mental break you're witnessing.
  35. >She paces outside, her face contorting between stern contemplation and giddy rapture.
  36. >"When I look back at all the crazy fights we had..."
  37. >"It's like some kind of madness-" Her eyes bulge and her hair frays. "was taking control..."
  38. >"But now, I've finally seen the light. And I've finally realized..."
  39. >She looks back at you and your eyes meet through the crack in the door.
  40. >She licks her lips. "What you need..."
  41. >She smirks again, her eyes wide and wild.
  42. >It strikes a fear into your heart and you slam the door shut and bolt it.
  43. >You pant and lean against the door.
  44. >For a moment, there's nothing and your heart rate begins to return to normal.
  45. >But suddenly...
  47. >Three solid knocks.
  48. >Enough to nudge your body with each hit.
  49. >You can hear Fluttershy through the door.
  50. >"And I have finally seen the end."
  51. >She gets quiet. "I'm not expecting you to care..."
  52. >You can hear her slump away from the door a bit.
  53. >But you can still hear her say something, soft but clear, as if she's facing away from your home.
  54. >"But I have finally seen the light. And I've realized..."
  55. >You move to peek out your window.
  56. >Fluttershy hangs her head. "I need to love."
  57. >She sniffles and sobs. "I need to LOVE."
  58. >She turns and catches sight of you in the window.
  59. >"Come to me. Trust in dreams."
  60. >She puts a hoof up to the pane and you recoil.
  61. >"Come on and rescue me."
  62. >You retreat further inside and are unable to hear anything else she says.
  63. >"Yes I know I can be wrong." Her mane falls over her face.
  64. >"Maybe I'm too headstrong..."
  65. >Fluttershy turns and begins walking home. "Our love is madness..."
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