
Sam Fisher- Flooding Escape

Apr 30th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. He released her collar. She rolled over, scrambled to her feet, grabbed Fisher's outstretched hand, and together they sprinted to the ramp, around the railing, and started up the incline. Behind them, the wave surged into the intersection, crashed over the railing, and slammed into their legs, shoving them sideways. Fisher went down. His nose shattered on the concrete. His vision swirled. He tasted blood. He spit, pushed himself to his knees. Ahead of him, Gillespie had stopped on the ramp. She saw him fall and turned back.
  3. "No! I'm okay. . . . I'm up!" he shouted. "Keep going!"
  5. Valentina came sprinting down the ramp, and Fisher shouted, "Take her!" and together she and Gillespie turned and kept going. Fisher gathered his feet under him, then slipped and skidded back down the ramp. The water crashed over his head, enveloping him. The world went muffled. Then he was sliding again. In the froth he glimpsed a straight line . . . a piece of steel. The railing! He slapped at it with his hand and missed. Tried again and, this time, managed to hold on. He reached up with his opposite hand, grabbed the next railing, and heaved. His head broke into the air. Behind him, the fourth level was gone, flooded up to the ceiling.
  7. "Sam!"
  9. Fisher looked up. Noboru was leaning over the railing with his hand extended and Hansen holding on to his legs. "Grab on!"
  11. Fisher put his foot on the railing. It slipped off. Pain shot up his leg. He gasped. Something wrong with my left foot, he thought. Broken. He tried again, this time using his knee, and managed to climb halfway from the water. With both arms braced on the railing, Fisher lifted his right leg from the water, pressed it against the top rail. Noboru's hand was eighteen inches away. Fisher took a breath, coiled his leg beneath him, and pushed off. His palm touched Noboru's; then he was falling again. He curled his fingertips into claws. Noboru did the same. Fisher jerked to a stop. Noboru's other hand was waving before his eyes. Fisher latched onto it with his free hand. Hansen began hauling them upward.
  13. Together, they sprawled backward onto the ramp. They'd gained only a temporary advantage, he saw: The water was already rising around the curve.
  15. "You okay?" Hansen asked, helping Fisher to his feet. "You're bleeding."
  17. "I'm fine. Let's go."
  19. Hansen and Noboru charged up the ramp and around the next turn. Fisher hobbled after them. "Sam?" Hansen called.
  21. "Keep going!"
  23. Hansen reappeared on the ramp. "Your foot."
  25. "Fell asleep."
  27. The water lapped over his ankles. Fisher stopped and looked down. His toes were almost pointing backward. The pain thundered in his head. He squeezed his eyes shut, then forced them open again.
  29. Hansen started back down toward him.
  31. "Ben."
  33. The tone of Fisher's voice stopped Hansen in his tracks. "I can help you, Sam."
  35. "Get everybody topside. I'm right behind you."
  37. "Your foot's broken."
  39. "I'm not going to argue with you. Go now, or the next time I see you I'm going to shoot you."
  41. Hansen held his gaze for a few moments, then nodded, turned around, and disappeared.
  43. - Conviction, Chapter 39
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