
Movin' On Up

Apr 13th, 2018
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  1. Covet: Tae was in the kitchen making herself some easy mac in the microwave She was leaning over the counter just staring into the microwave impatiently, because she was hungry, but she also knew she needed to find Drew's necklace in her bags from Spring Break last week. "C'mon why does two and a half minutes feel like forever." // Felix had been upstairs in his room, pakcing up the loose end stuff he needed to gather up to make moving easier. He walked over to the corner where his cactus was sitting and picked it up so that he could take the box and it downstairs to his Jeep.
  2. Covet: [I worked... 23 hours in the last 2 days more or less. I really do love my job. Only place where I can easily get 40 hours and only have to work a weekend XD]
  3. Covet: [Now.. if I just elected to sleep more.. I wouldn't be so damn loopy and exhausted XD]
  4. Smokeless: [nurse???]
  5. Smokeless: [is that your job?]
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Steph was in the process of folding Felix's sheets she'd pulled off the bed into neat little squares, stacking them together in a pile on the now bare mattress. Picking up the stack, she placed it neatly inside the box she'd set aside for the linens, calling out to him. "Come back for this!" // Adam was outside in the side yard for the evening working on the dog house he was making yesterday as well. He wore a tool belt hung around his hips because it made shit easier, a framing stapler in his hand as he carefully stapled the shingles onto the wood house.-
  7. Covet: [No...well.. sort of... I'm a community support worker for my little sister who as a mental disability. SO.. basically I just hang out with her, take her where she needs to go, and make sure her needs are met. I get paid to hang out with family. XD]
  8. Smokeless: [aww thats nice]
  9. Covet: [If I'm doing overnights on the weekends ... I totally get paid to sleep XD]
  10. Smokeless: Dori sighed as she tried to process everything. she dug around in her bag finding her water bottle and her pill bottle. she popped the pill in her mouth and swallowed it down. she put both items back in her bag. she got up and made her way around the house. She saw Felix and smiled a faintly. "Hey Felix....Do you know if Adam is upstairs?"
  11. Smokeless: [i use to get paid to take care of my grandma]
  12. Tsaaq has joined the chat
  13. Covet: Tae looked over her shoulder at the voices of people and peaked her head around the corner, "Adam's outside, He's the one making all that banging and what not in the yard." Tae said, Having seen Adam out there when she'd come downstairs to make herself something to eat. // Felix yelled back up the stairs, "Yeah, yeah I've got to come back up anyways!" He said shaking his head, then stopped when he saw Dori, then turned around when Tae spoke, "oh...uh.. I guess that answers your question." He said with a light chuckle then made his way outside, with his things.
  14. Alexithymiaa: -She folded the top of the box together to make it more secure, grabbing the sharpie from her back pocket and neatly labeling the box 'Linens' before pushing it to the side for Felix to carry out. Putting her hands on her hips, she spun around the room to examine what was left. // Grabbing another shingle, Adam positioned it on the wood top of the house, stapling it into place and grabbing his level to make sure they were aligned properly with one another.-
  15. Smokeless: Dori turned and smiled to Tae"Oh thank you." she looked back at Felix and nodded her head as she made herway outside. She walked over to Adam and let a smile curve into her red lips. IT was rather fake. "Hey umm need some help." she looked at what he was doing and figured she could help. She had been thinking about what Ms.Cooper had said to her and she figured Adamwas the nicest person sheknew so why not start with him.
  16. Tsaaq: Hayley drove up to the house and parked, spraying the inside of her car with febreeze to cover the smoke smell. She got out instantly and pulled out her cans of paint before jogging over to Adam, not yet seeing Dori in the distance. "It's painting time?" She asked as she huffed, putting the cans down on the grass as she looked to Dori and went quiet.
  17. Covet: Tae watched everyone just kind of go back to what they were working on, then heard the ding of the microwave and slowly walked back over to it. She got out the little hot cup and whisperd "Ow, ow, ow" over and over until she could set it down and ad the cheese packet thingy to it, to get it all mixed up. // Felix put the box he had in the back, leaving the hatch open this time, glancing at Adam, Hayley and Dori before he went back inside and headed up the stairs two at a time. "Red, You have a doghouse for Penny already right? I can't remember if you had one in the back yard or not." He asked as he walked back into his room, to get the other box from her.
  18. Alexithymiaa: -She spun around to look at Felix, picking up the box to hand it to him. "Oh you mean the house she's never stepped foot in? Yeah I do, why?" She asked, tipping her head to one side. // Adam lifted his head when Dori walked outside to him, sending her a quick smile. "Oh hi. Uhh..." He looked at his work, fidgeting with the stapler in his hand. "I'm pretty much done and then Hayley is going to paint." His eyes shifted to Hayley when she came over, gesturing to the nearly completed house. "Almost. What do you think?"-
  19. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head and she smiled when Hayley walked up. "Hey Hayley." She looked at the dog house and she drew in a deep breath."I was hoping I could talk to you both actually so its good you showed up." She toyed with her braid a little. She was a tad nervous about talking to anyone.
  20. Tsaaq: She tilted her head as she looked the dog house over. "Move over Tim Allen. You're such a handy man." Hayley complimented as she nudged him. "Looks pretty good-" She went to sit on the grass as she looked over to Dori once more. "Oh, okay." Hayley said with a curious glance.
  21. Covet: Tae pulled her sleeves over her hands and picked up the hot plastic cup of mac n cheese and made her way upstairs with her fork in her mouth. She kind of groaned a little as she climed the stairs, just feeling all over sore, and fatigued. // "Oh.. well nevermind that would defeat my idea entirely... or... maybe not. I wonder how ellaborate of a doghouse Adam could make... How cool would it be if Penny had a Pirate ship doghouse? Maybe she'd actually use it. And we could totally call it the Jolly Roger." Felix told her as he flopped back on the now empty matress.
  22. Alexithymiaa: -She raised her brows at him, turning to follow his motion with her eyes. "That would be really cool, but I still doubt she would use it. When she's outside, she's running around. And when she lays down, she sticks by me most of the time. I guess that's what happens when you let your animals sleep in your bed all the time." She said with a shrug, hooking her thumbs into the front pockets of her jeans. "But... if we adopted that poodle... maybe he would use it...." Not sly, Steph. Not sly. // "Thank you, Halo." He said with a grin, taking pride in his work before redirecting his attention to Dori. "Oh sure, what's up?" He asked her.-
  23. Smokeless: Dori looked at the dog house and avoided direct eye contact with them. "Well I was told to Reach out to my peers by Ms.Cooper. I figured you and hayley are some of the nicest people I know."she looked down at her feet and twisted her foot abit digging her shoe into the grass.
  24. CovetCovet : Reaching the top of the stairs she heard Steph and Felix talking and went to poke her head in seeing the mostly sort of bare room. "Woah, spring cleaning or are you moving in?" She asked since she'd never seen him actually stay there. // Felix scrunched up his nose, because yay doggos but poodles reminded him of rich uppity people, he prefers dogs that have that friendly mutt look to them. "True.. or... It could be my doghouse... for when I inevitably fuck up again." He looked over at her with a grin, thinking he was hilarious.
  25. Tsaaq: ((Kiki!))
  26. Tsaaq: "You're welcome." Hayley grinned and blew him a kiss. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Adam before looking to Dori once more. "Uh... Ms. Cooper told you to?" She asked, looking a bit confused.
  27. Covet: [Oh.. fuck.. I got excited and then didn't even pay attention ... MY BAD!]
  28. Smokeless has left the chat
  29. Covet: [I'll let you go accordingly at the right time.. or nevermind.. because it doesn't matter that much if it's just the three of us...KBYETHNX smh.]
  30. Alexithymiaa: "What's with the face? He's like an adorable floppy poodle mix or something." She dug her hand into her pocket to pull out her phone, bringing up the picture she'd taken a couple weeks ago of the floppy poodle and passing it over to him so he could see. ( ) She started to smirk, shaking her head. "I wouldnt never actually make you sleep outside. But this is also why we're going to find room for your couch, that way you can sleep on it when you fuck up." She smirked, looking to Tae in the doorway. "Moving out, actually." // Adam watched Dori rush away into the house, slowly looking to Hayley with a sort of 'wtf' look on his face. "Is she okay?"-
  31. Tsaaq: Hayley tilted her head and looked over to Adam. She frowned a moment. "I don't know... She's been acting like that since she came back from, vacation?" Hayley asked, trying to remeber what lie Dori told.
  32. Covet: "My couch barely fits me curled up. I'll be sleeping on YOUR couch if it comes to that." Felix told her then looked at the picture. " He's pretty cute, but tell me something like this...isn't more adorable. "Felix said then pulled out his phone to scroll through old pictures he had saved on his phone until he found the one he was looking for. [ ] "That was our first and only dog Pachy. Mom named him after a Pachycerus cactus. She has a problem, but he ended up with cancer and Mom didn't want to replace him. // "Oh..." Tae said. " I didn't realize that someone actually lived in this room. So... does that mean this room is going to be free?"
  33. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "Uh... yeah. I guess it does mean that." She said with a shrug, taking his phone and looking at the picture and with absolutely no hesitation just sarcastically blurting out. "Nice hair." She studied the picture, beginning to pout. "He's so cute... look at his little ears..." She dropped down onto the bed with a huff, passing him back his phone. "The issue is that I want to adopt every animal that needs a home... which is why I have so many." // "Yeah, she really has." He retorted before turning his attention to the dog house. "Are you ready to start painting?" He said with a smile, setting his hands to rest on the tool belt that hung around his hips.-
  34. Tsaaq: "Yes I am!" She jumped up and pried open the paint can and attempted to dip the paint brush inside and began to paint the wood purple.
  35. Covet: "Yeah. It's all yours if you want it." Felix said, "Bed included, cause I'm not taking it with. But everything else will be out this weekend" He looked at Steph and laughed. "Maybe you should open up your own sort of shelter or pet sanctuary" Sitting back up he got to his feet and grabbed the box of sheets. "Speaking of pet sanctuaries, we should probably get back to the house to let at least one out for her run." // Tae smiled, "Oh, cool. I might look into snagging this up. That way Adam and Hayley can have their privacy back and I don't have to embarass them anymore."
  36. Alexithymiaa: "I've considered it, but I would probably cry everytime an animal gets adopted and I never get to see it again. I dont need to induce more emotional stress than I already do." Picking up her phone, she glanced at the time. "Yeah... we need to let Penny out. But maybe next week we can go to the shelter and play with all the puppies and you'll consider rescuing another one?" She asked, trying to be cute about it, but honestly stop fucking adopting animals. You cant afford it, bitch. // Adam watched Hayley begin to paint the dog house, leaning to one side to inspect. "Did you end up getting those jewel things for it, too?"-
  37. Covet: [Just get him an adorable living cactus. AKA hedgehog]
  38. Covet: "We can totally go play with the puppies one of these days, and then come home to have the zoo be mad and jealous of the strange puppy smells. " Felix said, then looked at Tae, " Cool, glad someone will get some use out of this room, I know I barely did." // Tae gave an awkward laugh then turned to head to her current bedroom to eat her food and find her lost things.
  39. Covet: [GOD DAMMIT
  40. Covet: I'm sorry Bliss...]
  41. Tsaaq: ((Smfh.))
  42. Tsaaq: ((-pats- xD))
  43. Tsaaq: Hayley looked over her shoulder at him then nodded her head. "Yeah the rest of the stuff is in the car. I was very specific when I went to the arts and crafts store and bothered the workers about it." She told him, painting the doggy house. It had to be painted.
  44. Alexithymiaa: "They'll only be jealous if we don't bring one home with us..." She trailed off in a sing songy voice because she was suck on rescuing another dog. Grabbing her bag from the floor, she hitched it onto her shoulder, waving him on. "Lets go before Penny pees on the floor." She said on her way out so she could head down to the Jeep. // Adam smiled, just watching her paint because she seemed so happy to do it and that made him happy. "It is definitely a nice color purple." He said as he watched, sitting down in the grass and leaning back on his palms so he could be happy about watching her do this and it was a cute couple project for other people who arent me.-
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