Guest User


a guest
Jul 6th, 2015
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  1. [script]
  2. n0=menu status {
  3. n1= .-
  4. n2= • Server
  5. n3= .disconnect:if ($server != $null) { disconnect }
  6. n4= .Lusers:/lusers
  7. n5= .Motd:/motd
  8. n6= .Time:/time
  9. n7= • Names
  10. n8= .names ?:/names #$$?="Enter a channel name:"
  11. n9= • Join
  12. n10= .#DragonWeed:/join #DragonWeed
  13. n11= .#Dragons_lair:/join #Dragons_lair
  14. n12= .join ?:/join #$$?="Enter a channel to join:"
  15. n13= • Channel://echo -s Try double-clicking in a channel window!:
  16. n14= • XCommands
  17. n15= .InfoChannel!:/msg x info $$?="ChannelName"
  18. n16= .InfoUser!:/msg x info $$?="UserName"
  19. n17= .Motd!:/msg x motd
  20. n18= .InvisibleOn!:/msg x set invisible on
  21. n19= .InvisibleOff!:/msg x set invisible off
  22. n20= .SetLanguage!:/msg x set lang $$?"language code"
  23. n21= .ShowIgnore!:/msg x showignore
  24. n22= .SupportChan!:/msg x support $chr(35) $+ $$?="#channel" $$?"yes|no"
  25. n23= .VerifyNick!:/msg x verify $$?"nick"
  26. n24= .Help!:/msg x help $$?"Command"
  27. n25= • Other
  28. n26= .Whois ?:/whois $$?="Enter a nickname:"
  29. n27= .Query:/query $$?="Enter a nickname:"
  30. n28= .NewNick:/nick $$?="Enter your new nickname:"
  31. n29= .Away
  32. n30= ..Set Away...:/away $$?="Enter your away message:"
  33. n31= ..Set Back:/away
  34. n32= .List Channels:/list
  35. n33= .DccIgnore
  36. n34= ..IgnoreDccOn!://!dcc ignore on
  37. n35= ..IgnoreDccOff!://!dcc ignore off
  38. n36= .CTCPIgnore
  39. n37= ..IgnoreCTCPOn!://ignore -t *!*@*
  40. n38= ..IgnoreCTCPOff!://ignore -r -t *!*@*
  41. n39= • Clear Status $l(clear):clear
  42. n40= • Minimize Tray
  43. n41= ..Minimize:showmirc -t | tray -i1
  44. n42= • IRCops
  45. n43= .logon/ logoff
  46. n44= ..log on:/oper $$?="UserName" $& $$?="PassWord"
  47. n45= ..log off://mode $me -o
  48. n46= .OperServ
  49. n47= ..-
  50. n48= ..Admin
  51. n49= ...Add Admin!:/msg $$?="OperServ" ADMIN add $$?="Add Admin Nick"
  52. n50= ...Del Admin!:/msg $$?="OperServ" ADMIN del $$?="Del Admin Nick"
  53. n51= ...List Admin:/msg $$?="OperServ" ADMIN list
  54. n52= ..-
  55. n53= ..Jupe Server!:/msg $$?="OperServ" jupe $$?="Enter Server" $$?="Reason"
  56. n54= ..News
  57. n55= ...OperNews
  58. n56= ....Add!:/msg $$?="OperServ" opernews add $$"Enter Oper News"
  59. n57= ....Delete!:/msg $$?="OperServ" opernews del $$"Enter #"
  60. n58= ....List!:/msg $$?="OperServ" opernews list
  61. n59= ...LogonNews
  62. n60= ....Add!:/msg $$?="OperServ" logonnews add &&"Enter Logon News"
  63. n61= ....Delete:/msg $$?="OperServ" logonnews del $$"Enter #"
  64. n62= ....List:msg $$?="OperServ" logonnews list
  65. n63= ..Oper List
  66. n64= ...Add:msg $$?="operserv" oper add $$?="Nick to add to Oper list"
  67. n65= ...Del:msg $$?="operserv" oper del $$?="Nick to delete from Oper list"
  68. n66= ...List:msg $$?="operserv" oper list
  69. n67= ..Raw
  70. n68= ...Raw Text:msg $$?="operserv" raw $$?="Enter Text"
  71. n69= ...Change user's nick:msg $$?="operserv" raw :operserv svsnick $$?="Old Nick" $$?="New Nick" :0
  72. n70= ...Join Services
  73. n71= ....Chanserv:msg $$?="operserv" raw :chanserv join $$?=" Enter #Channel Name"
  74. n72= ....Nickserv:msg $$?="operserv" raw :nickserv join $$?=" Enter #Channel Name"
  75. n73= ..Set
  76. n74= ...Set ReadOnly:/msg $$?="operserv" set readonly $$?="On or Off"
  77. n75= ...Set Debug:msg $$?="operserv" set debug $$?=" On, Off or Number"
  78. n76= ..Services
  79. n77= ...Update:msg $$?="operserv" update
  80. n78= ...Restart:msg $$?="operserv" restart
  81. n79= ...Shutdown (normal):msg $$?="operserv" shutdown
  82. n80= ...Quit (Emergency):msg $$?="operserv" quit
  83. n81= ..-
  84. n82= ..IRC Operators:/
  85. n83= ..-
  86. n84= ..A-Kill (G-line)
  87. n85= ...Add Lvl 1:msg $$?="operserv" AKILL add $$?="Enter Time(+d,h or m, +0 perm)" $$?="Enter User@Host.Mask * OR *leet@" $$?="Enter Reason"
  88. n86= ...Add Lvl 2:msg $$?="operserv" AKILL add $$?="Enter Time(+d,h or m, +0 perm)" $$?="Enter User@Host.Mask *leet@pm* OR *leet@192.168.127.*" $$?="Enter Reason"
  89. n87= ...Add Lvl 3:msg $$?="operserv" AKILL add $$?="Enter Time(+d,h or m, +0 perm)" $$?="Enter User@Host.Mask *@* OR *@192.168.127.*" $$?="Enter Reason"
  90. n88= ...Add Lvl 4(isp ban):msg $$?="operserv" AKILL add $$?="Enter Time(+d,h or m, +0 perm)" $$?="Enter User@Host.Mask *@* OR *@192.168.*" $$?="Enter Reason"
  91. n89= ...-
  92. n90= ...Delete:msg $$?="operserv" akill del $$?="User@HostMask"
  93. n91= ...List:msg $$?="operserv" akill list $$?="User@HostMask or blank"
  94. n92= ...View:msg $$?="operserv" akill view $$?="User@HostMask or blank"
  95. n93= ..Channel Modes
  96. n94= ...Set Modes:msg $$?="operserv" mode $$?="Channel" $$?="Modes"
  97. n95= ...Clear Modes:msg $$?="operserv" clearmodes $$?="Channel"
  98. n96= ..Global Message:msg $$?="operserv" global $$?="Message"
  99. n97= ..Kick User:msg $$?="operserv" kick $$?="Channel" $$?="Nick" $$?="Reason"
  100. n98= ..Stats:msg $$?="operserv" stats $$?="Akill, All or blank"
  101. n99= ..-
  102. n100= ..Help
  103. n101= ...Admin:msg $$?="operserv" help admin
  104. n102= ...-
  105. n103= ...Jupe:msg $$?="operserv" help jupe
  106. n104= ...News
  107. n105= ....OperNews:/msg $$?="operserv" help opernews
  108. n106= ....LogonNews:msg $$?="operserv" help logonnews
  109. n107= ...Oper List:msg $$?="operserv" help oper
  110. n108= ...Raw:msg $$?="operserv" help raw
  111. n109= ...Set
  112. n110= ....Set ReadOnly:/say Sets read-only mode on or off. In read-only mode, normal users will not be allowed to modify any Services data, including channel and nickname access lists, etc. IRCops with sufficient Services privileges will be able to modify Services' AKILL list and drop or forbid nicknames and channels, but any such changes will not be saved unless read-only mode is deactivated before Services is terminated or restarted. This option is equivalent to the command-line option -readonly. Limited to Services admins.
  113. n111= ....Set Debug:/say Sets debug mode on or off. In debug mode, all data sent to and from Services as well as a number of other debugging messages are written to the log file. If num is given, debug mode is activated, with the debugging level set to num. This option is equivalent to the command-line option -debug. Limited to Services admins.
  114. n112= ...Services
  115. n113= ....Update:msg $$?="operserv" help update
  116. n114= ....Restart:msg $$?="operserv" help restart
  117. n115= ....Shutdown:/msg $$?="operserv" help shutdown
  118. n116= ....Quit:msg $$?="operserv" help quit
  119. n117= ...-
  120. n118= ...A-Kill:msg $$?="operserv" help akill
  121. n119= ...Modes
  122. n120= ....Mode:msg $$?="operserv" help mode
  123. n121= ....Clear Modes:/say Clears all binary modes (i,k,l,m,n,p,s,t) and bans from a channel. If ALL is given, also clears all ops and voices (+o and +v modes) from the channel. Limited to Services operators. ..Global:msg operserv help global
  124. n122= ...Kick:msg $$?="operserv" help kick
  125. n123= ...Stats:msg $$?="operserv" help stats
  126. n124= .IRCD Commands
  127. n125= ..Adchat:adchat $$?="Enter Text"
  128. n126= ..Chatops:chatops $$?="Enter Text"
  129. n127= ..-
  130. n128= ..Globops:globops $$?="Enter Text"
  131. n129= ..Locops:locops $$?="Enter Text"
  132. n130= ..Wallops:wallops $$?="Message"
  133. n131= ..-
  134. n132= ..Snotes:snotes $$?="Enter Number"
  135. n133= ..Snote:snote $$?="Enter text"
  136. n134= ..-
  137. n135= ..Trace:trace $$?="Nick or leave blank"
  138. n136= ..Kill:kill $$?="user1,user2,user3 etc." $$?="Reason"
  139. n137= ..Kline:/kline $$?="nick or user@host" $$?="reason"
  140. n138= ..Unkline:unkline $$?="user@host"
  141. n139= ..Akill:akill $$?="nick!user@host" $$?="Reason"
  142. n140= ..Rakill:rakill $$?="nick!user@host"
  143. n141= ..Gline:gline $$?="user@host" $$?="Seconds" $$?="Reason"
  144. n142= ..Remgline:remgline $$?="user@host"
  145. n143= ..Zline:/zline $$?="Enter IP"
  146. n144= ..Shun: shun $$?="nick" $$?="Minutes" $$?="Reason"
  147. n145= ..Unshun: unshun $$?="nick"
  148. n146= ..Local Connect:/connect $$?="Enter Server Name"
  149. n147= ..Remote Connect:/connect $$?="Enter Server 1" $$?="Enter Port" $$?="Enter Server 2"
  150. n148= ..Squit:/squit $$?="Enter server to delink from"
  151. n149= ..Rehash:/rehash
  152. n150= ..Restart:/restart $$?="Password"
  153. n151= ..Die:/die $$?="Password
  154. n152= ..Addline:/addline $$?="Enter Line"
  155. n153= ..-
  156. n154= ..Help
  157. n155= ...Local connect:/echo Links together two servers. Your're on one of servers which is about to link to another. Syntax: /CONNECT <servername>
  158. n156= ...Remote connect:/echo Links together two servers. Remote = You're not on any of the two servers which are getting linked. Syntax: /CONNECT <server1> <port> <server2>
  159. n157= ...Server quit:/echo Delinks the server you are on from the specified server. Syntax: /SQUIT <server to delink from>
  160. n158= ...Kill:/echo Kills the specified user off the server, but the user may reconnect. Syntax: /KILL <user1,user2,user3...> <reason>
  161. n159= ...Wallops:/echo Sends text to the server, anyone with +w may listen but must be an IRCop to send the message. Syntax: /WALLOPS <message>
  162. n160= ...Rehash:/echo Reloads the ircd.conf (Used when changes are made in the ircd.conf). Syntax: /REHASH
  163. n161= ...Restart:/echo Restarts the server you are on. Syntax: /RESTART <possibly need passwd>
  164. n162= ...Die:/echo Shuts down current irc server. Syntax: /DIE <possibly need passwd>
  165. n163= ...Akill:/echo Auto-kills and bans the specificed hostmask from the network. Syntax: /AKILL <nick!user@host> <reason>
  166. n164= ...Rakill:/echo Removes an akill. Syntax: /RAKILL <nick!user@host>
  167. n165= ...Kline:/echo Adds a local server ban. Syntax: /KLINE <nick> or <user@host> <reason>
  168. n166= ...Unkline:/echo Removes a kline. Syntax: /UNKLINE <user@host>
  169. n167= ...Shun:/echo Prevents all traffic from the nickname specified in the shun from reaching the server (text, msg, joins, parts, etc). The time is in minutes, and the user will be automatically unshunned when the time is up. If you set time for 0, they will be shunned until they disconnect.
  170. n168= ...Globops:/echo Sends a message to all opers with +g flag on. Syntax: /GLOBOPS :<text> NOTE: The ':' is required.
  171. n169= ...Locops:/echo Sends a message to all local irc operators with +g flag. Syntax: /LOCOPS <text>
  172. n170= ...Chatops:/echo Sends a message to all ircops using +b flag. Syntax: /CHATOPS :<text> NOTE: The ':' is required.
  173. n171= ...Adchat:/echo Sends a message to all server admins (+A). Syntax: /ADCHAT :<text> NOTE: The ':' is required.
  174. n172= ...Trace:/echo Shows information about the server or user. Syntax: /TRACE or /TRACE <user>
  175. n173= ...Server notes:/echo Opers can view messages posted on the server. Syntax: /SNOTES <#>
  176. n174= ...Server note:/echo Writes a message to the server and is saved to file. Syntax: /SNOTE <text>
  177. n175= ...Addline:/echo Writes the exact line inputted from irc into the ircd.conf. Limited to only server admins. Syntax: /ADDLINE <line>
  178. n176= ...Gline:echo Creates a network-ban on the user@host. Also the ban may be timed. Syntax: /GLINE <user@host> <seconds> <reason>
  179. n177= ...Rem Gline:/echo Removes a gline. Syntax: /REMGLINE <user@host>
  180. n178= ...zline:echo adds a ban to an IP syntax: zline <IP>s Server operators
  181. n179= ..server admins
  182. n180= ...irc operators
  183. n181= ...forbid nick:msg $$?="nickserv" forbid $$?="enter nick"
  184. n182= ...drop nick:msg $$?="nickserv" drop $$?="enter nick"
  185. n183= ...-
  186. n184= ...forbid channel:msg $$?="chanserv" forbid $$?="enter #channel"
  187. n185= ...drop channel:msg $$?="chanserv" drop $$?="enter #channel"
  188. n186= ...-
  189. n187= ...get nick pass:msg $$?="nickserv" getpass $$?="enter nick"
  190. n188= ...get chan pass:msg $$?="chanserv" getpass $$?="enter #channel"
  191. n189= ...-
  192. n190= ...connect server:connect $$?="server" name ie: roa*"
  193. n191= ...reHash:rehash
  194. n192= • Global TimeStamp
  195. n193= .GTOn!:/timestamp on
  196. n194= .GTOff!:/timestamp off
  197. n195= -
  198. n196= Edit Notes:/run notepad.exe notes.txt
  199. n197= Fuck IRC:/quit Leaving
  200. n198=}
  201. n199=menu channel {
  202. n200= -
  203. n201= • Channel:/channel
  204. n202= • Channel Modes
  205. n203= .Moderate://mode $chan +m
  206. n204= .UnModerate://mode $chan -m
  207. n205= .Invite://mode $chan +i
  208. n206= .UnInvite://mode $chan -i
  209. n207= .Restrict://mode $chan +r
  210. n208= .UnRestrict://mode $chan -r
  211. n209= .LockChan://mode $chan +b *!*@* +r +i +m | //mm -o
  212. n210= .UnLockChan://mode $chan -b *!*@* -r -i -m
  213. n211= .Hop:/hop $chan
  214. n212= • XCommands
  215. n213= .500 Channel Manager:
  216. n214= ..Join/Part
  217. n215= ...Join!:/msg x join $chan
  218. n216= ...Part!:/msg x part $chan
  219. n217= ..AutoJoin
  220. n218= ...On!:/msg x set $chan autojoin on
  221. n219= ...Off!:/msg x set $chan autojoin off
  222. n220= ..NoOp
  223. n221= ...On!:/msg x set $chan noop on
  224. n222= ...Off!:/msg x set $chan noop off
  225. n223= ..StrictOp
  226. n224= ...On!:/msg x set $chan StrictOp on
  227. n225= ...Off!:/msg x set $chan StrictOp off
  228. n226= ..MassDeopPro!:/msg x set $chan massdeoppro $$?="Value 0 to 7?:"
  229. n227= .450-499 Trusted Channel Admin:
  230. n228= ..CustomSet!:/msg x set $chan $$?="Variable" $& $$?="Value"
  231. n229= ..AutoTopic
  232. n230= ...On!:/msg x set $chan autotopic on
  233. n231= ...Off!:/msg x set $chan autotopic off
  234. n232= ..Description!:/msg x set $chan description $$?="Enter Text"
  235. n233= ..KeyWords!:/msg x set $chan keywords $$?="Enter Text"
  236. n234= ..SetModesToX!:/msg x set $chan mode $$?="Enter Channel Mode"
  237. n235= ..Url!:/msg x set $chan url $$?="Enter URl"
  238. n236= ..UserFlags!:/msg x set $chan userflags $$?="0-2"
  239. n237= ..Join!:/msg x join $chan
  240. n238= .400-449 UserList Admin:
  241. n239= ..AddUser!:/msg x adduser $chan $$?="UserName" $+ $chr(32) $$?="AccessLevel"
  242. n240= ..ClearMode!:/msg x clearmode $chan
  243. n241= ..ModInfo!:/msg x modinfo $chan $$?="Access|AutoMode:" $+ $chr(32) $+ $$?="UserName:" $+ $chr(32) $+ $$?="AccessLevel|None|Op|Voice:"
  244. n242= ..RemUser!:/msg x $chan $$?="UserName"
  245. n243= .200 UserList Op:
  246. n244= ..Kick!:/msg x kick $chan $?="Nick | *!*user@*.host" $& $?="Reason"
  247. n245= ..Status!:/msg x status $chan
  248. n246= .100-399 Channel Operator:
  249. n247= ..Op!:/msg x op $chan $$?="[Nick] [Nick2] ... [NickN]"
  250. n248= ..Deop!:/msg x deop $chan $$?="[Nick] [Nick2] ... [NickN]"
  251. n249= ..Invite!:/msg x invite $$?="ChannelName" $me
  252. n250= ..Suspend!:/msg x suspend $chan $$?="UserName" $& $$?="Duration" $& $$?="AccessLevel"
  253. n251= ..UnSuspend!:/msg x unsuspend $chan $$?="UserName"
  254. n252= .75-99 New Channel Operator:
  255. n253= ..Ban,Time,Level,Reason!:/msg x ban $chan $$?="Nick:" $& $$?="Time:" $& $$?="Ban Level:" $& $chr(32) $+ $$?="Reason:"
  256. n254= ..UnBan!:/msg x unban $chan $$?="Nick | *!*user@*.host"
  257. n255= .50-74 Trusted Channel Regular:
  258. n256= ..Kick!:/msg x kick $chan $?="Nick" $& $?="Reason"
  259. n257= ..Topic!:/msg x topic $chan $$?="Topic"
  260. n258= .25-49 Channel Regular:
  261. n259= ..Voice!:/msg x voice $chan $$?="[Nick] [Nick2] ... [NickN]"
  262. n260= ..Devoice!:/msg x devoice $chan $$?="[Nick] [Nick2] ... [NickN]"
  263. n261= .1-24 Minimum Access:
  264. n262= ..BanList!:/msg x Banlist $chan
  265. n263= ..Status!:/msg x status $chan
  266. n264= .0 Everyone:
  267. n265= ..Access
  268. n266= ...SeeAllUsers!:/msg x access $chan * -modif
  269. n267= ...SingleUser!:/msg x access $chan $$?="UserName"
  270. n268= ...SingleUsers-modif!:/msg x access $chan $$?="UserName" -modif
  271. n269= ...ShowAboveAccess!:/msg x access $chan -min $+ $$?="AccessLevel"
  272. n270= ...ShowBelowAccess!:/msg x access $chan -max $+ $$?="AccessLevel"
  273. n271= ...ShowAutoOpUsers!:/msg x access $chan -op
  274. n272= ...ShowAutoVoiceUsers!:/msg x access $chan -voice
  275. n273= ...ShowNoAutoUsers!:/msg x access $chan -none
  276. n274= ...ShowLastUser!:/msg x access $chan -modif
  277. n275= ..UserInfo!:/msg x info $$?="UserName"
  278. n276= ..ChanInfo!:/msg x chaninfo $chan
  279. n277= ..ListBanList!:/msg x lbanlist $chan $$?="*!*user@*.host"
  280. n278= ..Help!:/msg x help $$?="Command Name"
  281. n279= ..Login!:/msg login $$?="UserName" $& $$?*="PassWord"
  282. n280= ..MOTD!:/msg x motd
  283. n281= ..RemUser!:/msg x $chan $$?="Your UserName"
  284. n282= ..Search!:/msg x search $$?="Search Parameter"
  285. n283= ..Set
  286. n284= ...Invisible
  287. n285= ....On!:/msg x set invisible on
  288. n286= ....On!:/msg x set invisible on
  289. n287= ...Language!:/msg x set lang $$?="Language Code"
  290. n288= ...ShowCommands!:/msg x showcommands $chan
  291. n289= ...ShowIgnore!:/msg x showignore
  292. n290= ...SupportChannel
  293. n291= ....Yes!:/msg x support $chan yes
  294. n292= ....No!:/msg x support $chan no
  295. n293= ..Verify!:/msg x verify $$?="Nick"
  296. n294= .Invite!:/msg x invite $chan $me
  297. n295= .Ban,Time,Level,Reason!:/msg x ban $chan $$?="Nick:" $& $$?="Time:" $& $$?="Ban Level:" $& $chr(32) $+ $$?="Reason:"
  298. n296= .UnBanAll!:/msg x unban $chan *!*@*
  299. n297= • Clear:clear
  300. n298= • Minimize Tray $l(2,tray):showmirc -t | tray -i1
  301. n299= • Notice
  302. n300= .notice!://notice $$?="nick" $& $$?="notice message"
  303. n301= .notice #:notice # $$?="notice message to channel"
  304. n302= .$iif($me isop #,)
  305. n303= .notice ops:o $$?="notice message to ops"
  306. n304= • IRCops
  307. n305= ; $iif($server && o isin $usermode, • IRCops)
  308. n306= .logon/ logoff
  309. n307= ..log on:oper $$?="UserName" $& $$?*="PassWord"
  310. n308= ..log off:mode $me -o
  311. n309= .operserv
  312. n310= ..-
  313. n311= ..admin
  314. n312= ...add admin:msg $$?="operserv" ADMIN add $$?="nick to add as admin"
  315. n313= ...del admin:msg $$?="operserv" ADMIN del $$?="nick to delete as admin"
  316. n314= ...list admin:msg $$?="operserv" ADMIN list
  317. n315= ..-
  318. n316= ..jupe server:msg $$?="operserv" jupe $$?="enter server" $$?="reason"
  319. n317=
  320. n318= ...opernews
  321. n319= ....add:msg $$?="operserv" opernews add $$"enter oper news"
  322. n320= ....delete:msg $$?="operserv" opernews del $$"enter #"
  323. n321= ....list:msg $$?="operserv" opernews list
  324. n322= ...logonnews
  325. n323= ....add:msg $$?="operserv" logonnews add &&"enter log on news"
  326. n324= ....delete:msg $$?="operserv" logonnews del $$"Enter #"
  327. n325= ....list:msg $$?="operserv" logonnews list
  328. n326= ..Oper List
  329. n327= ...Add:msg $$?="operserv" oper add $$?="Nick to add to Oper list"
  330. n328= ...Del:msg $$?="operserv" oper del $$?="Nick to delete from Oper list"
  331. n329= ...List:msg $$?="operserv" oper list
  332. n330= ..Raw
  333. n331= ...Raw Text:msg $$?="operserv" raw $$?="Enter Text"
  334. n332= ...Change user's nick:msg $$?="operserv" raw :operserv svsnick $$?="Old Nick" $$?="New Nick" :0
  335. n333= ...Join Services
  336. n334= ....Chanserv:msg $$?="operserv" raw :chanserv join $$?=" Enter #Channel Name"
  337. n335= ....Nickserv:msg $$?="operserv" raw :nickserv join $$?=" Enter #Channel Name"
  338. n336= ..Set
  339. n337= ...Set ReadOnly:/msg $$?="operserv" set readonly $$?="On or Off"
  340. n338= ...Set Debug:msg $$?="operserv" set debug $$?=" On, Off or Number"
  341. n339= ..Services
  342. n340= ...Update:msg $$?="operserv" update
  343. n341= ...Restart:msg $$?="operserv" restart
  344. n342= ...Shutdown (normal):msg $$?="operserv" shutdown
  345. n343= ...Quit (Emergency):msg $$?="operserv" quit
  346. n344= ..-
  347. n345= ..IRC Operators:/
  348. n346= ..-
  349. n347= ..A-Kill (G-line)
  350. n348= ...Add Lvl 1:msg $$?="operserv" AKILL add $$?="Enter Time(+d,h or m, +0 perm)" $$?="Enter User@Host.Mask * OR *leet@" $$?="Enter Reason"
  351. n349= ...Add Lvl 2:msg $$?="operserv" AKILL add $$?="Enter Time(+d,h or m, +0 perm)" $$?="Enter User@Host.Mask *leet@pm* OR *leet@192.168.127.*" $$?="Enter Reason"
  352. n350= ...Add Lvl 3:msg $$?="operserv" AKILL add $$?="Enter Time(+d,h or m, +0 perm)" $$?="Enter User@Host.Mask *@* OR *@192.168.127.*" $$?="Enter Reason"
  353. n351= ...Add Lvl 4(isp ban):msg $$?="operserv" AKILL add $$?="Enter Time(+d,h or m, +0 perm)" $$?="Enter User@Host.Mask *@* OR *@192.168.*" $$?="Enter Reason"
  354. n352= ...-
  355. n353= ...Delete:msg $$?="operserv" akill del $$?="User@HostMask"
  356. n354= ...List:msg $$?="operserv" akill list $$?="User@HostMask or blank"
  357. n355= ...View:msg $$?="operserv" akill view $$?="User@HostMask or blank"
  358. n356= ..Channel Modes
  359. n357= ...Set Modes:msg $$?="operserv" mode $$?="Channel" $$?="Modes"
  360. n358= ...Clear Modes:msg $$?="operserv" clearmodes $$?="Channel"
  361. n359= ..Global Message:msg $$?="operserv" global $$?="Message"
  362. n360= ..Kick User:msg $$?="operserv" kick $$?="Channel" $$?="Nick" $$?="Reason"
  363. n361= ..Stats:msg $$?="operserv" stats $$?="Akill, All or blank"
  364. n362= ..-
  365. n363= ..Help
  366. n364= ...Admin:msg $$?="operserv" help admin
  367. n365= ...-
  368. n366= ...Jupe:msg $$?="operserv" help jupe
  369. n367= ...News
  370. n368= ....OperNews:/msg $$?="operserv" help opernews
  371. n369= ....LogonNews:msg $$?="operserv" help logonnews
  372. n370= ...Oper List:msg $$?="operserv" help oper
  373. n371= ...Raw:msg $$?="operserv" help raw
  374. n372= ...Set
  375. n373= ....Set ReadOnly:/say Sets read-only mode on or off. In read-only mode, normal users will not be allowed to modify any Services data, including channel and nickname access lists, etc. IRCops with sufficient Services privileges will be able to modify Services' AKILL list and drop or forbid nicknames and channels, but any such changes will not be saved unless read-only mode is deactivated before Services is terminated or restarted. This option is equivalent to the command-line option -readonly. Limited to Services admins.
  376. n374= ....Set Debug:/say Sets debug mode on or off. In debug mode, all data sent to and from Services as well as a number of other debugging messages are written to the log file. If num is given, debug mode is activated, with the debugging level set to num. This option is equivalent to the command-line option -debug. Limited to Services admins.
  377. n375= ...Services
  378. n376= ....Update:msg $$?="operserv" help update
  379. n377= ....Restart:msg $$?="operserv" help restart
  380. n378= ....Shutdown:/msg $$?="operserv" help shutdown
  381. n379= ....Quit:msg $$?="operserv" help quit
  382. n380= ...-
  383. n381= ...A-Kill:msg $$?="operserv" help akill
  384. n382= ...Modes
  385. n383= ....Mode:msg $$?="operserv" help mode
  386. n384= ....Clear Modes:/say Clears all binary modes (i,k,l,m,n,p,s,t) and bans from a channel. If ALL is given, also clears all ops and voices (+o and +v modes) from the channel. Limited to Services operators. ..Global:msg operserv help global
  387. n385= ...Kick:msg $$?="operserv" help kick
  388. n386= ...Stats:msg $$?="operserv" help stats
  389. n387= .IRCD Commands
  390. n388= ..Adchat:adchat $$?="Enter Text"
  391. n389= ..Chatops:chatops $$?="Enter Text"
  392. n390= ..-
  393. n391= ..Globops:globops $$?="Enter Text"
  394. n392= ..Locops:locops $$?="Enter Text"
  395. n393= ..Wallops:wallops $$?="Message"
  396. n394= ..-
  397. n395= ..Snotes:snotes $$?="Enter Number"
  398. n396= ..Snote:snote $$?="Enter text"
  399. n397= ..-
  400. n398= ..Trace:trace $$?="Nick or leave blank"
  401. n399= ..Kill:kill $$?="user1,user2,user3 etc." $$?="Reason"
  402. n400= ..Kline:/kline $$?="nick or user@host" $$?="reason"
  403. n401= ..Unkline:unkline $$?="user@host"
  404. n402= ..Akill:akill $$?="nick!user@host" $$?="Reason"
  405. n403= ..Rakill:rakill $$?="nick!user@host"
  406. n404= ..Gline:gline $$?="user@host" $$?="Seconds" $$?="Reason"
  407. n405= ..Remgline:remgline $$?="user@host"
  408. n406= ..Zline:/zline $$?="Enter IP"
  409. n407= ..Shun: shun $$?="nick" $$?="Minutes" $$?="Reason"
  410. n408= ..Unshun: unshun $$?="nick"
  411. n409= ..Local Connect:/connect $$?="Enter Server Name"
  412. n410= ..Remote Connect:/connect $$?="Enter Server 1" $$?="Enter Port" $$?="Enter Server 2"
  413. n411= ..Squit:/squit $$?="Enter server to delink from"
  414. n412= ..Rehash:/rehash
  415. n413= ..Restart:/restart $$?="Password"
  416. n414= ..Die:/die $$?="Password
  417. n415= ..Addline:/addline $$?="Enter Line"
  418. n416= ..-
  419. n417= ..Help
  420. n418= ...Local connect:/echo Links together two servers. Your're on one of servers which is about to link to another. Syntax: /CONNECT <servername>
  421. n419= ...Remote connect:/echo Links together two servers. Remote = You're not on any of the two servers which are getting linked. Syntax: /CONNECT <server1> <port> <server2>
  422. n420= ...Server quit:/echo Delinks the server you are on from the specified server. Syntax: /SQUIT <server to delink from>
  423. n421= ...Kill:/echo Kills the specified user off the server, but the user may reconnect. Syntax: /KILL <user1,user2,user3...> <reason>
  424. n422= ...Wallops:/echo Sends text to the server, anyone with +w may listen but must be an IRCop to send the message. Syntax: /WALLOPS <message>
  425. n423= ...Rehash:/echo Reloads the ircd.conf (Used when changes are made in the ircd.conf). Syntax: /REHASH
  426. n424= ...Restart:/echo Restarts the server you are on. Syntax: /RESTART <possibly need passwd>
  427. n425= ...Die:/echo Shuts down current irc server. Syntax: /DIE <possibly need passwd>
  428. n426= ...Akill:/echo Auto-kills and bans the specificed hostmask from the network. Syntax: /AKILL <nick!user@host> <reason>
  429. n427= ...Rakill:/echo Removes an akill. Syntax: /RAKILL <nick!user@host>
  430. n428= ...Kline:/echo Adds a local server ban. Syntax: /KLINE <nick> or <user@host> <reason>
  431. n429= ...Unkline:/echo Removes a kline. Syntax: /UNKLINE <user@host>
  432. n430= ...Shun:/echo Prevents all traffic from the nickname specified in the shun from reaching the server (text, msg, joins, parts, etc). The time is in minutes, and the user will be automatically unshunned when the time is up. If you set time for 0, they will be shunned until they disconnect.
  433. n431= ...Globops:/echo Sends a message to all opers with +g flag on. Syntax: /GLOBOPS :<text> NOTE: The ':' is required.
  434. n432= ...Locops:/echo Sends a message to all local irc operators with +g flag. Syntax: /LOCOPS <text>
  435. n433= ...Chatops:/echo Sends a message to all ircops using +b flag. Syntax: /CHATOPS :<text> NOTE: The ':' is required.
  436. n434= ...Adchat:/echo Sends a message to all server admins (+A). Syntax: /ADCHAT :<text> NOTE: The ':' is required.
  437. n435= ...Trace:/echo Shows information about the server or user. Syntax: /TRACE or /TRACE <user>
  438. n436= ...Server notes:/echo Opers can view messages posted on the server. Syntax: /SNOTES <#>
  439. n437= ...Server note:/echo Writes a message to the server and is saved to file. Syntax: /SNOTE <text>
  440. n438= ...Addline:/echo Writes the exact line inputted from irc into the ircd.conf. Limited to only server admins. Syntax: /ADDLINE <line>
  441. n439= ...Gline:echo Creates a network-ban on the user@host. Also the ban may be timed. Syntax: /GLINE <user@host> <seconds> <reason>
  442. n440= ...Rem Gline:/echo Removes a gline. Syntax: /REMGLINE <user@host>
  443. n441= ...zline:echo adds a ban to an IP syntax: zline <IP>s Server operators
  444. n442= ..server admins
  445. n443= ...irc operators
  446. n444= ...forbid nick:msg $$?="nickserv" forbid $$?="enter nick"
  447. n445= ...drop nick:msg $$?="nickserv" drop $$?="enter nick"
  448. n446= ...-
  449. n447= ...forbid channel:msg $$?="chanserv" forbid $$?="enter #channel"
  450. n448= ...drop channel:msg $$?="chanserv" drop $$?="enter #channel"
  451. n449= ...-
  452. n450= ...get nick pass:msg $$?="nickserv" getpass $$?="enter nick"
  453. n451= ...get chan pass:msg $$?="chanserv" getpass $$?="enter #channel"
  454. n452= ...-
  455. n453= ...connect server:connect $$?="server" name ie: roa*"
  456. n454= ...reHash:rehash
  457. n455= • ctcp
  458. n456= .ping:.ctcp # ping
  459. n457= .version:.ctcp # version
  460. n458= .help:.ctcp # help
  461. n459= .finger:ctcp # finger
  462. n460= .time:ctcp # time
  463. n461= .userinfo:ctcp # userinfo
  464. n462= .clientInfo:ctcp # clientinfo
  465. n463= • Utilities
  466. n464= .log #
  467. n465= ..LogOn:log on #
  468. n466= ..LogOff:log off #
  469. n467= .Op://say - $nick(#,0,o) $+ ( $+ $round($calc($nick(#,0,o) / $nick(#,0) * 100),0) $+ % $+ ):chanstats # ops
  470. n468= .HalfOp://say - $nick(#,0,h) $+ ( $+ $round($calc($nick(#,0,h) / $nick(#,0) * 100),0) $+ % $+ ):chanstats # halfops
  471. n469= .Voice://say - $nick(#,0,v) $+ ( $+ $round($calc($nick(#,0,v) / $nick(#,0) * 100),0) $+ % $+ ):chanstats # voice
  472. n470= .Regular://say - $nick(#,0,r) $+ ( $+ $round($calc($nick(#,0,r) / $nick(#,0) * 100),0) $+ % $+ ):chanstats # reg
  473. n471= .-
  474. n472= .Total://say - $nick(#,0):chanstats # total
  475. n473= -
  476. n474=}
  477. n475=menu query {
  478. n476= • Clear!:clear
  479. n477= • Whois!:/whois $* $$*
  480. n478= • UWho!:uwho $$1
  481. n479= • DNS!:dns $$*
  482. n480= • Notice!:.notice $$1 $$?="notice message user"
  483. n481= • Dcc!
  484. n482= .send: raw -q notice $1 : Preparing for DCC file transfer. | dcc send $$1
  485. n483= .chat: dcc chat $$1
  486. n484= .fserve:fserve $$1 $?="how many file gets:" $$sdir="Path for user to get files:" txt\welcome.txt
  487. n485= .$iif(* iswm $server,dccallow)
  488. n486= ..add:{ .quote dccallow + $+ $$1 | echo -a •12• dcc allow » (12 $$1 ) added }
  489. n487= ..remove:{ .quote dccallow - $+ $$1 | echo -a •12• dcc allow » (12 $$1 ) removed }
  490. n488= • ctcp!
  491. n489= .ping: ctcp $$* ping
  492. n490= .version: ctcp $$* version
  493. n491= .help: ctcp $$* help
  494. n492= .finger: ctcp $$* finger
  495. n493= .time: ctcp $$* time
  496. n494= .userinfo: ctcp $$* userinfo
  497. n495= .clientinfo: ctcp $$* clientinfo
  498. n496= .-
  499. n497= .custom:ctcp $1 $?=" $l(81,please enter a ctcp request) "
  500. n498= • utilities!
  501. n499= .Ignore!:/ignore $$1 1 | /closemsg $$1
  502. n500= .log $1
  503. n501= ..on:log on $1
  504. n502= off $1
  505. n503=}
  506. n504=menu nicklist {
  507. n505= • Info!
  508. n506= .$address($snick(#,1),0):halt
  509. n507= .$duration($nick($active,$1).idle) $l(63,idle in) #:halt
  510. n508= .-
  511. n509= .ReFresh!: .who #
  512. n510= • Query!:{ var %t = $snick(#,0) | var %t2 = 1 | while (%t2 <= %t) { query $snick(#,%t2) | inc %t2 1 } }
  513. n511= • Notice!: notice $$* $?="notice message"
  514. n512= • UWho!: uwho $$1
  515. n513= • Whois!:/whois $* $$*
  516. n514= • DNS!:dns $$*
  517. n515= • dcc
  518. n516= .send: raw -q notice $* : Preparing for DCC file transfer | dcc send $$1
  519. n517= .chat:{ var %t = $snick(#,0) | var %t2 = 1 | while (%t2 <= %t) { dcc chat $snick(#,%t2) | inc %t2 1 } }
  520. n518= .fserve:fserve $$1 $?="(how many file gets:) " $$sdir=" $l(69,Path for user to get files:) " txt\welcome.txt
  521. n519= .$iif(* iswm $server,dccallow)
  522. n520= ..$l(72,add):{ .quote dccallow + $+ $$1 | echo -a •12• dcc $l(74,allow) » (12 $$1 ) $l(75,added) }
  523. n521= ..$l(73,remove):{ .quote dccallow - $+ $$1 | echo -a •12• dcc $l(74,allow) » (12 $$1 ) $l(76,removed) }
  524. n522= • ctcp
  525. n523= .Ping!:{ var %t = $snick(#,0) | var %t2 = 1 | while (%t2 <= %t) { ctcp $snick(#,%t2) ping | inc %t2 1 } }
  526. n524= .Version!:{ var %t = $snick(#,0) | var %t2 = 1 | while (%t2 <= %t) { ctcp $snick(#,%t2) version | inc %t2 1 } }
  527. n525= .Help!:{ var %t = $snick(#,0) | var %t2 = 1 | while (%t2 <= %t) { ctcp $snick(#,%t2) help | inc %t2 1 } }
  528. n526= .Finger!:{ var %t = $snick(#,0) | var %t2 = 1 | while (%t2 <= %t) { ctcp $snick(#,%t2) finger | inc %t2 1 } }
  529. n527= .Time!:{ var %t = $snick(#,0) | var %t2 = 1 | while (%t2 <= %t) { ctcp $snick(#,%t2) time | inc %t2 1 } }
  530. n528= .UserInfo!:{ var %t = $snick(#,0) | var %t2 = 1 | while (%t2 <= %t) { ctcp $snick(#,%t2) userinfo | inc %t2 1 } }
  531. n529= .ClientInfo!:{ var %t = $snick(#,0) | var %t2 = 1 | while (%t2 <= %t) { ctcp $snick(#,%t2) clientinfo | inc %t2 1 } }
  532. n530= .-
  533. n531= .Custom!:ctcp $1 $?="(please enter a ctcp request) "
  534. n532= • Op Con
  535. n533= .Op!
  536. n534= ..Op!:{ var %t = $snick(#,0) | var %t2 = 1 | while (%t2 <= %t) { mode # +o $snick(#,%t2) | inc %t2 1 } }
  537. n535= ..DeOp!:{ var %t = $snick(#,0) | var %t2 = 1 | while (%t2 <= %t) { mode # -o $snick(#,%t2) | inc %t2 1 } }
  538. n536= .HalfOp!
  539. n537= ..HalfOp!:{ var %t = $snick(#,0) | var %t2 = 1 | while (%t2 <= %t) { mode # +h $snick(#,%t2) | inc %t2 1 } }
  540. n538= ..DeHalfOp!:{ var %t = $snick(#,0) | var %t2 = 1 | while (%t2 <= %t) { mode # -h $snick(#,%t2) | inc %t2 1 } }
  541. n539= .Voice!
  542. n540= ..Voice!:{ var %t = $snick(#,0) | var %t2 = 1 | while (%t2 <= %t) { mode # +v $snick(#,%t2) | inc %t2 1 } }
  543. n541= ..DeVoice!:{ var %t = $snick(#,0) | var %t2 = 1 | while (%t2 <= %t) { mode # -v $snick(#,%t2) | inc %t2 1 } }
  544. n542= .Kick
  545. n543= ..Kick!:{ var %t = $snick(#,0) | var %t2 = 1 | while (%t2 <= %t) { kick # $snick(#,%t2) | inc %t2 1 } }
  546. n544= ..Kick!Why!:/kick # $$* $$?="Reason:"
  547. n545= .Ban!
  548. n546= ..Ban(Multi)!:.ban # $* *
  549. n547= .Ban!Kick!
  550. n548= ..Ban!Kick!:/ban -k $* 2
  551. n549= ..Ban!Kick!Why!:/ban -k $* $$?="Reason:"
  552. n550= .Ignore!
  553. n551= ..Ignore:/ignore $$* 1
  554. n552= ..Unignore:/ignore -r $$* 1
  555. n553= .Protect!:/protect $$1
  556. n554= • X Op Con
  557. n555= .Op!:/msg x op $chan $$*
  558. n556= .DeOp!:/msg x deop $chan $$*
  559. n557= .Voice!:/msg x voice $chan $$*
  560. n558= .DeVoice!:/msg x devoice $chan $$*
  561. n559= .Verify!:/msg x verify $$*
  562. n560= .Access!:/msg x access $chan $chr(61) $+ $$1
  563. n561= .Modif!:/msg x access $chan $chr(61) $+ $$1 -modif
  564. n562= .Kick!:/msg x kick $chan $$* $?="Reason:"
  565. n563= .Ban!:/msg x ban $chan $$* $?="Reason:"
  566. n564= .Ban,Time,Level,Reason!:/msg x ban $chan $$?="Nick" $& $$?="Time:" $& $$?="Ban Level:" $& $chr(32) $+ $$?="Reason:"
  567. n565=
  568. n566= -
  569. n567= Invite!: /.invite $* $$?="channel to invite to:"
  570. n568= FunToDo
  571. n569= .Slap!:/me slaps $$* around a bit with an analy used Dildo
  572. n570= .Bonk!:/me bonks $$* on the head with his tail
  573. n571= .MBonk!:/ame bonks $$* on the head with his tail
  574. n572=
  575. n573=}
  576. n574=menu menubar {
  577. n575= • Hide Window
  578. n576= .Status
  579. n577= ..Hide!:scid -a window -hn "Status Window"
  580. n578= ..Show!:scid -a window -aw "Status Window"
  581. n579= • AlarmClock
  582. n580= .calctime://echo -a $calc($$?="calculation:")
  583. n581= .setAlarm://timer 1 $$?="timeunit:" //splay -p C:\dimmu.mp3
  584. n582= • Fuck
  585. n583= .Fuck That:/join #$$?="Enter channel name:"
  586. n584= .Fuck This:/part #$$?="Enter channel name:"
  587. n585= • Bother People
  588. n586= .Bother A Bitch:/query $$?="Enter nickname and message:"
  589. n587= .Bother VIA Notice:/notice $$?="Enter nickname and message:"
  590. n588= • WhoTheFuck is User:/whois $$?="Enter nickname:"
  591. n589= • Annoy With CTCP
  592. n590= .Annoy:/ctcp $$?="Enter nickname:" ping
  593. n591= .FuckingAnnoying:/ctcp $$?="Enter nickname:" time
  594. n592= .MostFuckingAnnoying:/ctcp $$?="Enter nickname:" version
  595. n593= • Time To Fuck Off
  596. n594= .AwayOn:/away $$?="Enter away message:"
  597. n595= .AwayOff:/away
  598. n596= • Spam user:/invite $$?="Enter nickname and channel:"
  599. n597= • SupaSlap
  600. n598= .PimpSlap User:/ban $* $$?="Enter channel:" ?+ $?="nickname:"
  601. n599= .BitchSlap user:/kick $nick $+ $$?="NickName:" | $chan $$?="ChannelName:"
  602. n600= • Ignore
  603. n601= .Forget User:/ignore $$?="Enter nickname:"
  604. n602= .Forgive User:/ignore -r $$?="Enter nickname:"
  605. n603= • NewNick:/nick $$?="Enter new nickname:"
  606. n604= • Fuck IRC:/quit
  607. n605=
  608. n606= -
  609. n607= Edit Notes:/run notepad.exe notes.txt
  610. n608=
  611. n609=}
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