

Jul 21st, 2011
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  1. ------------------------
  2. Vitals
  3. ------------------------
  4. Name : Sylvie Mizushima
  5. Alias/Nicknames : Matsuri
  7. Age : 16
  8. Height : 5'5''
  9. Weight : 108 lbs
  10. Birthday : January 24th, 1983 (birthstone: Garnet)
  11. Appearance :
  12. The one on the right is Sylvie. The one on the left is Cynthia.
  14. ------------------------
  15. Stats
  16. ------------------------
  17. Resolve : 18 (18)
  19. Magic : 9
  20. Heart : 7
  21. Fury : 3
  23. Aggro : 3
  24. Cool : 6
  25. Social : 4
  26. Sharp : 8
  28. Specializations
  29. Dance Dance Revolution! : 4
  30. Advanced Mathematics : 3
  31. Urgent Affairs* : 2
  33. *the effect is to identify something important that's happening that should be dealt with or otherwise gain insight to what the most important aspect of a situation is
  35. Magical Weapon : Varies
  36. Finishing Attack : The Dreamlands Overflow: Can only be used when clashing. Perform your clash. On a failure, the attack fails. On a success, deal an additional 1d6 damage with your attack and the next time the target makes an attack action, you may clash as a free action. *particular manifestation of this finisher varies per use
  38. Magical Element : Dreams, more specifically the dream-like hallucinations brought on by a state of extreme sleep deprivation. To clarify, this means Sylvie's magical power is dependent on her state of sleep deprivation and exhaustion. The more sleep deprived she is, the more she walks the subtle line between wakefulness and sleep, the more intensely her deliriums become and the more they slip into reality and can be roughly directed with her magical powers. Fortunately for her, she gets sleepy more easily than most, as she isn't as firmly rooted in the waking world as most. Being completely lucid wipes out Sylvie's magical ability, so maintaining a (un)healthy level of sleep deprivation is the only way to ensure she can act at full magical strength.
  40. Magical Effect : Delirium Effect - Sleepwalker's Riposte: Perform an additional clash as a free action at a cost of 1 OC. Cost doubles for each additional use in a given encounter. (1, 2, 4, 8, etc)
  42. Magical Power : Symbolsight - The ability to view the symbolic connections the world has with magic. Objects and places of significance appear with a distinguishable layer of symbolic visual content overlaying them. A common office worker or his totally mundane desk will appear as normal, but the CEO of a powerful company that funds imperialistic ventures in the 3rd world may appear with the trappings of conquest - a crown and conquistador style dress, perhaps stained with blood. Similarly, Michaelangelo's Pieta appears with a glowing halo above. There is a degree of synaesthesia associated with the power, sometimes causing a significant radio broadcast or musical performance to produce visual manifestations in the surrounding area.
  44. Places of magical power and people who wield magic often appear with some symbolic content when viewed through the lens of symbolsight. The more powerful the magic, or the more curse tiers a magical girl has broken, the more likely it is that symbolic content can be viewed. While symbolsight visions of magical girls tend to be related to their powers or curse, this is not always the case.
  46. As the power is based on dream logic and the delirium of sleep deprivation, the symbols viewed don't always make much sense. As Sylvie becomes more tired and sleep deprived, more of her delirium is able to slip into reality and the more intense and pronounced her symbolsight visions are. However, they also tend to become less and less coherent, whereas her visions are incredibly few but straightforward when awake.
  48. Magical Effect : Symbolsight Effect - Reading the Leylines: One free OC in Magic each encounter.
  50. ------------------------
  51. Details
  52. ------------------------
  53. Costume : Varies, though it usually has to do with the dream or delusion being drawn on in a battle. The further Sylvie slips into sleep deprivation and delirium, the more vivid and elaborate the costume and weapon are. When she is fully awake, her costume and weapon are rather minimal, and her lack of magical power reflects that appearance.
  54. Crisis : See curse
  55. Background :
  57. ------------------------
  58. Curse
  59. ------------------------
  60. Object : Dream Journal
  61. Curse :
  62. Tier : 1
  63. Progress :
  65. Tier 1 : Dream-testing
  66. Notes : Lucid dreamers have a technique they call "reality-testing" that exploits how the dreaming mind functions differently than the waking mind. Some of these include looking at written text or a clock, as they will appear scrambled or contain strange symbols upon viewing them. Light switches sometimes fail to work in dreams. Reflections in mirrors appear distorted, frightening or simply blurred. These identifying characteristics alert a lucid dreamer to their sleeping state - however, for Sylvie, she'll notice these distortions happening in reality, much to her frustration.
  68. Tier 2 :
  69. Notes :
  71. ------------------------
  72. Taboo
  73. ------------------------
  74. Taboo : Sylvie's habit of keeping a dream journal has become a supernatural compulsion - failure to record a night's dreams with sufficient effort or detail results in a temporary loss of her powers.
  76. ------------------------
  77. Silly Stuff for Myself
  78. ------------------------
  79. Madness Meters
  81. Violence
  82. Hardened : [x][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
  83. Failed : [x][ ][ ][ ][ ]
  85. Unnatural
  86. Hardened : [x][x][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
  87. Failed : [x][ ][ ][ ][ ]
  89. Helplessness
  90. Hardened : [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
  91. Failed : [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
  93. Isolation
  94. Hardened : [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
  95. Failed : [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
  97. Self
  98. Hardened : [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
  99. Failed : [x][ ][ ][ ][ ]
  101. *Tentatively putting stress checks at 2d6+cool = 11+ to succeed.
  103. ------------------------
  104. Changes
  105. ------------------------
  106. [* in brackets denotes permanent changes]
  108. Change [ ] :
  109. Attribute :
  111. ------------------------
  112. Goals
  113. ------------------------
  114. -What kind of girl are you?
  115. Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrr do this later
  117. ------------------------
  118. Relationships
  119. ------------------------
  120. ------------------------
  121. The 321 Stars
  122. ------------------------
  124. The 321 Stars are a modestly successful competitive DDR team that travels around the world searching for moderately-sized tournaments where they can eke out some success. The team is currently on hiatus following the winning of a large cash prize from their last tournament - they didn't manage to take first, but they were high up in the rankings.
  126. Name : Aldric "Tsugaru" Mizushima
  127. Attribute : Heart
  128. Strain : [ ][ ][ ] c( )
  129. Notes : Brother, easygoing, magical boy, is not aware of Cynthia's status as a magical girl
  131. Name : Cynthia "Exotic Ethnic" Gosingtian
  132. Attribute : Magic
  133. Strain : [ ][ ][ ] c( )
  134. Notes : Aldric's girlfriend, the eccentric leader of The 321 Stars, magical girl, is not aware of Aldric's status as a magical boy, counts on Sylvie for support in magical matters
  136. Name : Ambessa "Witch Doctor" Campbell
  137. Attribute : Heart
  138. Strain : [ ][ ][ ] c( )
  139. Notes : The rich boy who funds the team, a bit of a pushover but cares about the team
  141. Name : Zakiya "Ever Snow" Baer
  142. Attribute : Fury
  143. Strain : [ ][ ][ ] c( )
  144. Notes : a streetwise punk who used to belong to a rival DDR team, she was recruited by Sylvie after her team disbanded due to a mysterious murder of one of the teammates
  146. Name : Sen "B4U" Zhang
  147. Attribute : Magic
  148. Strain : [ ][ ][ ] c( )
  149. Notes : the team's quiet bookworm, he is actually aware of the existence of magic and investigates it with Sylvie, is unaware any of the team is magical
  151. ------------------------
  152. Other
  153. ------------------------
  155. Name :
  156. Attribute :
  157. Strain : [ ][ ][ ] c( )
  158. Notes :
  160. Name :
  161. Attribute :
  162. Strain : [ ][ ][ ] c( )
  163. Notes :
  165. Name :
  166. Attribute :
  167. Strain : [ ][ ][ ] c( )
  168. Notes :
  170. ------------------------
  171. Effects for Future Advancements
  172. ------------------------
  173. Dreamscape - Your subconscious decides to play god, altering your immediate surroundings into a disconcerting and confusing phantasmagorical domain. If you choose to take one point of Overcharge, foes who pass into this space to attack you find themselves assaulted by the strange imagery that shifts between reality and illusion, and attacks from the outside result in a magical feedback. Any foe who attempts to attack you is injured in doing so. Roll support, on a result of 11 or less, the effect does no damage unless extra OC was taken, on 12-14 any attacker takes 1 point of damage, 15-17 results in 2 points of damage, 18-20 results in 3, and 21+ causes 4 points of damage to any attackers. If this ability defeats an enemy, they do not get their attack off. Every additional point of overcharge you take to use this effect results in another point of damage, but you may not use OC on the activation roll. The effect ends once an enemy successfully injures you, but they are still subject to the damage in doing so.
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