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Broken's Log, Day One and Two

a guest
Jun 22nd, 2013
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  1. I must have pissed God off somehow. Wake up in the middle of a strange, rural town. Ponies. Ponies everywhere. At first, I figured it was a dream. I mean, I love ponies, and sometimes wished I could meet Twilight Sparkle. The only thing is, it wasn't a dream. It was very real. I know because I knocked myself out within the first few minutes of being there, and woke up several hours after. I came into this world a Unicorn. A "magic-user". I still looked like myself to a small degree. Same eyes, same brown hair tone (although it's now a mane and tail), and my skin tone has become the color of my coat. I lack a cutie mark, but that's no surprise. So, all hopped up on "IMINEQUESTRIANOWANDEVERYTHINGISAWESOME" feels, I charge up the new horn and figure I'll see what happens.
  3. Apparently, an explosion. Well, they tell me the horn will grow back over time. I hope so. This is embarrassing. The nurses have taken to calling me "that Broken guy". I guess if the horn doesn't grow back, I might as well own it and make it a signature, rather than something everypony (and that's weird to say) can make fun of. Call me Broken, then.
  5. So, I'm not the only "human pony" in Equestria. Celestia and Luna don't seem to trust us, though, and they're shipping us off to the frontier to create a new civilization. Here I was hoping to frequent a certain Librar-tree and discuss esoteric magi-scientifical stuff with a local beauty, but I guess that's not happening now. Le sigh. On the plus side, the other ponies here are helpful. This one guy, Mad Stan, helped me to figure out a few things with the horn. I can pick up my quill, at least, and that means I can write in my log. The problems are that we have next to nothing, and my horn sparks, sputters, and has kickback whenever I try to do anything other than lift the quill. I heard them say there's some old ruins to the northwest. I might want to check those out tomorrow. In the meantime, I spent the day stripping branches from trees so that the others could turn them into logs for making buildings. Had to stop for a break when I nearly had another explosion. This is going to be difficult.
  7. What do we even call ourselves though? We're ponies, but we're humans. Humies? Ponemen? Screw it, in a decade or so, they'll all forget where we came from and we'll be Equestrians like the rest of them.
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