

Jun 9th, 2013
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  3. As we have all seen in recent weeks, scandals have begun to plague this nation.
  5. In light of the recent revelation regarding the National Security Agency's “PRISM” program, as well as their collection of all telephone metadata, we, as members of “NAME or just this protest” have decided that enough is enough in regards to warrant-less spying upon the American people. Insert an excellent counter to you have nothing to hide argument. We call upon the administration to immediately cease the PRISM program, and all other related programs which violate the 4th Amendment of the US Constitution.
  7. One may argue that the 4th Amendment does not protect us in the case of online communications through companies, but the semantics of the writing, which specifically says we shall be secure in all “papers and effects”, held great foresight, and indeed covers these exact problems. In addition to the cessation of these programs, we call upon all involved in the implementation of these programs to resign from their posts. In the event that these people do not, we call upon Congress, the direct representatives of the people, to do whatever is necessary to force their resignation. We, the People, have had enough.
  9. Purpose For the Protest:
  10. 1. To Educate the Public on unlawful acts of the NSA towards the People of America.
  11. 2. To Fix the trespass committed against the People of America.
  12. 3. To Gather supporters and shut down the PRISM program and any programs that
  13. infringe on our right to Privacy as stated in the 4th Amendment on the Bill of rights.
  15. Demands:
  16. 1. Shut down PRISM and all programs like it from being used in the USA and against
  17. American citizens/People.
  18. 2. Enact laws limiting the power agencies like the NSA are capable of wielding.
  19. 3. Complete transparency and accountability measures.
  20. 4. To hold be able to hold responsible/accountable those who have abused their authority we have allowed
  21. them to recieve.
  22. 5. To STOP any and every agency spying on American citizens/People.
  24. Code of Conduct:
  25. 1. Stay within the bounds of the law
  26. 2. Show respect
  27. 3. Stay on topic
  28. 4. No profanity
  29. 5. Remain orderly
  30. 6. No violence
  31. 7. Make preparations, in case the protest last more than a day.(so that we don't have an OWS2.0)
  32. 8. Clean up after yourselves
  33. 9. No racial, political, gender or equality based remarks/comments keep it PRISM/NSA 4th Amendment Related.
  35. Dress Code
  36. 1. Dress for the Climate
  37. 2. No risque' clothing or suggestive, keep it modest.
  38. 3. No Masks ( NO MASKS)
  39. 4. see CoC rule 7
  40. 5. Clothing should NOT express political opinions/affiliations that do not directly deal with PRISM.
  41. i.e. equality (economic, gender, political or racial), no suggestive clothing, NO
  42. ANONYMOUS WE ARE LEGION, HURR clothing, just don't.
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