

Jan 4th, 2012
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  1. [06:16:57] * Garlyle changes topic to '#pokeymads - powered by Opinions || Schedule: | 1.29 Release | New pkmn game! | Hey Altho players, also MONS RUNNING HUNT TODAY | Stylers anyone?'
  2. [06:18:28] <~Happymancer> Why is this in the topic and not in the devdoc
  3. [06:18:34] * Happymancer changes topic to '#pokeymads - powered by Opinions || Schedule: | 1.29 Release | New pkmn game! | Hey Altho players, also MONS RUNNING HUNT TODAY |'
  4. [06:19:40] <~Happymancer> You're acting like every ranger will have maxed out their energy efficiency
  5. [06:19:43] <~Happymancer> And have a zapper
  6. [06:19:43] <@Garlyle> It is in the dev doc
  7. [06:19:46] <~Happymancer> Which doesn't always work
  8. [06:19:53] <~Happymancer> I know, that's why I took it off
  9. [06:20:06] <@Garlyle> This is kind of a major issue for Rangers in general is the thing though
  10. [06:20:12] <@Garlyle> Because they have an MP system essentially
  11. [06:20:19] <@Garlyle> But the way they use it is a complete mess
  12. [06:20:22] <~Happymancer> And it's in the devdoc, alright
  13. [06:21:11] <~Happymancer> While if you put every single one of them together, yes it's sort of redundant
  14. [06:21:25] <~Happymancer> You realize zapper fails 6/10 times
  15. [06:21:30] <~Happymancer> And is daily
  16. [06:21:41] <@Garlyle> It doesn't even need to. You won't even use that much styler energy
  17. [06:21:46] <@Garlyle> Is the point
  18. [06:21:49] <~Happymancer> And the recharge from spec ops is out of 2 elements on a special attack ever
  19. [06:21:55] <~Happymancer> And only when you have that in
  20. [06:22:40] <@Garlyle> The only thing that consumes any significant amount of styler energy at the moment is Hyper Beam, for which Captain has an upgrade which - after the revamp - exists purely to give them the styler energy necessary to use it. Except it's Daily only anyway.
  21. [06:23:10] <~Happymancer> Well someone got mad when I tried to up the styler energy use for specops
  22. [06:23:10] <@Garlyle> Other than that there's Detective's Active Camoflauge in future revisions which can consume significant amounts, which is where the variance of maximum energies gets silly
  23. [06:23:49] <@Garlyle> I got mad when you put the mostly nonfunctional limiter in and that didn't stop you?
  24. [06:24:06] <@Garlyle> But, I mean, it might just be one of those things that we have to look at as a whole, because right now it's bordering on redundant
  25. [06:24:12] <~Happymancer> And I wanted to up the energy and you bitched about how that's limiting them even more
  26. [06:24:32] <~Happymancer> Then look at it as a whole, don't fucking go, THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING
  27. [06:24:54] <@Garlyle> I didn't
  28. [06:24:57] <@Garlyle> Also
  29. [06:24:58] <~Happymancer> You are not the end all be all of decision makers, there is an entire page for these decisions and people will make a decision after they've seen it
  30. [06:25:12] <@Garlyle> I specifically said I would rather increased styler energy costs on special ops than the slots limitation
  31. [06:25:20] <~Happymancer> It's fucking six thirty AM, nobody is up that can fucking even discuss this
  32. [06:25:26] <@Garlyle> You are right here
  33. [06:25:31] <Stevimaru> Morning
  34. [06:25:38] <~Happymancer> I am BUSY
  35. [06:25:38] <@Garlyle> Also hello
  36. [06:25:49] <@Garlyle> You started a discussion about it with me anyway
  37. [06:25:51] <~Happymancer> Which is why I'm fairly fucking pissed off at you right now
  38. [06:25:54] <@Garlyle> I am also at work and busy
  39. [06:26:04] <~Happymancer> Then do work and stop fucking off on an irc
  40. [06:26:51] <@Garlyle> Hypocrisy, etc. If you don't want to discuss it now, that's fine.
  41. [06:27:24] <Stevimaru> Alright, there's no need to sling insults at each other
  42. [06:27:28] * Stevimaru is now known as Kain
  43. [06:27:33] * UboaServ sets mode: +o Kain
  44. [06:27:34] <~Happymancer> Garlyle I'm at home, you are lazing around at work, fuck off
  45. [06:27:44] <@Kain> Happy, seriously
  46. [06:27:58] <@Garlyle> Happy, you started discussing this with me, keep that in mind
  47. [06:28:11] <~Happymancer> I took it OUT of the topic here and said to take it to the dev doc
  48. [06:28:27] <@Garlyle> And then pursued a discussion with me
  49. [06:28:28] <~Happymancer> Said a few things and was going to drop it and move on
  50. [06:28:46] <@Kain> Is this really an important thing to argue about
  51. [06:28:53] <@Kain> Why don't you guys just drop it now. :B
  52. [06:28:57] <KujiUn> Whoops. Put three [ instead of two.
  53. [06:29:17] <@Garlyle> My point is, I don't like being told "Shut up I'm not interested in listening so don't bother addressing this even if someone else could chime in"
  54. [06:29:33] <@Kain> I'm rather tired of all the aggressiveness people have against each other lately and this can be ended right now before tempers get worse
  55. [06:30:11] <~Happymancer> Go at it all you want with Kain, but don't fucking put it in the topic like you're the one who decides what goes on when everyone is sleeping
  56. [06:30:31] <@Garlyle> So I can't bring up something where other people than the devdoc can look at see something?
  57. [06:30:43] <@Kain> I do have to agree with Happy a little bit there, Gar
  58. [06:30:58] <@Kain> Bring it up when people are on, don't put a single dev issue in the topic please.
  59. [06:31:03] <~Happymancer> We all operate in the PM for the most part
  60. [06:31:06] <~Happymancer> So bring it up then
  61. [06:31:23] <~Happymancer> Not when the night owls can be the ones who say that it was discussed by plenty of people and shove it through
  62. [06:31:36] <@Garlyle> >_>
  63. [06:31:45] <@Garlyle> Thanks for the show of faith, happy
  64. [06:31:50] <@Kain> And Happy has a point there, that HAS happened a few times.
  65. [06:31:58] <@Kain> Just relax guys, calm down.
  66. [06:32:04] <@Kain> There's no need to make this into a show.
  67. [06:33:28] <@Garlyle> And I don't see how there is no reason it can't be discussed at night if there is someone willing. Just because you didn't like it didn't mean you were the only person awake or the only person who WILL see it given how many idlers we have, so I don't like being told "Shut up and go away" when I bring up a serious issue.
  68. [06:33:56] <@Garlyle> I apologise for putting it in the topic
  69. [06:34:25] <@Garlyle> And am now leaving for the night.
  70. [06:34:30] <@Kain> \/
  71. [06:34:33] <@Kain> =/
  72. [06:34:37] <@Kain> Night Gar
  73. [06:34:42] * @Garlyle ( has left #pokeymans
  74. [06:35:15] <@Kain> Happy, seriously. I know there's a lot of things that aggravate you but you need to control your anger better.
  75. [06:35:43] <~Happymancer> I'm just gonna be up front
  76. [06:35:44] <@Kain> Things like that are going to rip our little community here apart from the seams. I've seen it happen before.
  77. [06:35:46] <~Happymancer> I can't stand him
  78. [06:35:50] <~Happymancer> I've never liked him
  79. [06:36:04] <~Happymancer> I never liked him being a dev
  80. [06:36:20] <~Happymancer> I'll give up my ops if that means I'm gonna fuck this up
  81. [06:36:34] <~Happymancer> But that means I'll just be, the former ops guys that hates everyone
  82. [06:37:05] <@Kain> It's not necessarily that, though when you do kickban people suddenly when you're angry that IS sort of =/. But that's generally unrelated to this specifically.
  83. [06:37:06] <~Happymancer> I can't even remember why I don't like him, but it makes everything he does so grating on my nerves
  84. [06:37:16] <~Happymancer> I didn't kickban him then
  85. [06:37:20] <@Kain> I know
  86. [06:37:23] <~Happymancer> Which I was fairly proud of
  87. [06:37:30] * @Kain patpats
  88. [06:37:37] <@Kain> And I'm going to be upfront too
  89. [06:37:44] <~Happymancer> I'm an ass
  90. [06:37:45] <~Happymancer> I know
  91. [06:37:50] <@Kain> I'm not sure why you hate him either but you need to do your best to get over it
  92. [06:38:40] <KujiUn> For the sake of the system, please.
  93. [06:38:52] <@Kain> I think he might have been responsible for Dirty Fighter and Ninja sneaking by without proper review but that was a mess anyway and at least now we have good versions of them.
  94. [06:39:21] <@Kain> And that made us step up things by being sure to include "Don't include this, review only" tags
  95. [06:40:05] * UnderHoof ( Quit (Ping timeout)
  96. [06:40:14] <@Kain> as far as anything else, Gar has been an extremely contributive guy and a decent member of the community.
  97. [06:40:42] <~Happymancer> I know, I've looked at everything objectively and you don't need to tell me
  98. [06:40:49] <@Kain> All I'm asking is that we KEEP the peace we have around here. :<
  99. [06:40:52] <~Happymancer> I'm gona for now
  100. [06:40:57] <@Kain> Alright, sleep well Happy.
  101. [06:41:05] <~Happymancer> >implying it isn't just underlying tones of bitter hatred for one another
  102. [06:42:14] <@Kain> Oh
  103. [06:42:18] <@Kain> that wasn't a typo of gone
  104. [06:43:59] <~Happymancer> yeah it was
  105. [06:44:04] <~Happymancer> I just wanted the last word
  106. [06:44:16] <@Kain> Oh
  107. [06:44:18] <@Kain> Alright then
  108. [06:44:19] <@Kain> night
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