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Oct 19th, 2018
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  1. # Ruchella Kock
  2. # 12460796
  3. # This file defines the Adventure class
  5. ##OJOO close file
  7. from room import Room
  8. from room import Route
  9. from items import Items
  10. from inventory import Inventory
  11. import sys
  14. class Adventure():
  15. """
  16. This is your Adventure game class. It should contains
  17. necessary attributes and methods to setup and play
  18. Crowther's text based RPG Adventure.
  19. """
  21. def __init__(self, game):
  22. """
  23. Create rooms and items for the appropriate 'game' version.
  24. """
  25. self.items = self.load_items(f"data/{game}Items.txt")
  26. self.rooms = self.load_rooms(f"data/{game}Rooms.txt")
  27. self.current_room = self.rooms[0]
  28. rooms_visited = []
  29. self.rooms_visited = rooms_visited
  30. self.players_inventory = Inventory()
  32. def load_items(self, filename):
  33. """
  34. Load items from filename.
  35. Returns a collection of item objects.
  36. """
  37. # open the right adventure file
  38. with open(filename, "r") as f:
  39. list_of_items = []
  40. # go over the file and make a new_item everytime
  41. while(True):
  42. item_name = f.readline().strip()
  43. if item_name == "":
  44. break
  45. item_description = f.readline().strip()
  46. initial_room_id = f.readline().strip()
  47. f.readline()
  49. new_item = Items(item_name, item_description, initial_room_id)
  50. list_of_items.append(new_item)
  51. return list_of_items
  53. def load_rooms(self, filename):
  54. """
  55. Load items from filename.
  56. Returns a collection of item objects.
  57. """
  58. with open(filename, "r") as f:
  59. list_of_rooms = []
  60. while(True):
  61. list_of_routes = []
  62. id = f.readline().strip()
  63. if id == "":
  64. break
  65. name = f.readline().strip()
  66. description = f.readline().strip()
  67. if description != "-----":
  68. f.readline()
  69. current_route = "initialize"
  70. # make a route class for every route and add it to a list of routes
  71. while(current_route != '' and current_route != "\n"):
  72. current_route = f.readline().strip()
  73. direction = current_route[:current_route.find(" ")]
  74. if current_route.find("/") != -1:
  75. route_id = current_route[current_route.rfind(" ") + 1: current_route.rfind("/")]
  76. conditional_item = current_route[current_route.find("/") + 1:]
  77. else:
  78. route_id = current_route[current_route.rfind(" ") + 1:]
  79. conditional_item = ""
  80. new_route = Route(direction, route_id, conditional_item)
  81. list_of_routes.append(new_route)
  82. del list_of_routes[-1]
  84. room_inventory = Inventory()
  85. room = Room(id, name, description, list_of_routes, room_inventory)
  86. list_of_rooms.append(room)
  88. for item in self.items:
  89. for room in list_of_rooms:
  90. if == item.initial_room_id:
  91. room.inventory.add(item)
  92. return list_of_rooms
  94. def won(self):
  95. """
  96. Check if the game is won.
  97. Returns a boolean.
  98. """
  99. return self.current_room.won()
  101. def move(self, direction):
  102. """
  103. Moves to a different room in the specified direction.
  104. """
  105. # check if it is a valid move if it is then move to that room
  106. if self.current_room.valid_move(direction, self.players_inventory) != None:
  107. current_room_id = self.current_room.valid_move(direction, self.players_inventory)
  108. for room in self.rooms:
  109. if == current_room_id:
  110. self.current_room = room
  111. self.rooms_visited.append(
  112. else:
  113. return False
  115. # if its a forced movement then print description and move to the room
  116. if self.current_room.forced_movement() and not self.current_room.won():
  117. self.current_room.look(self.rooms_visited)
  118. adventure.move("FORCED")
  119. return
  121. def play(self):
  122. """
  123. Play an Adventure game
  124. """
  125. print(f"Welcome, to the Adventure games.\n"
  126. "May the randomly generated numbers be ever in your favour.\n")
  127. self.current_room.printing(self.rooms_visited)
  129. # Prompt the user for commands until they've won the game.
  130. while not self.won():
  131. command = input("> ")
  132. command = command.upper()
  133. # Check if the command is a movement or not.
  134. if command in ["EAST", "WEST", "SOUTH", "NORTH", "UP", "DOWN", "IN", "OUT", "WAVE", "XYZZY", "PLUGH", "WAVE", "JUMP", "WATER", "SWIM"]:
  135. # if its a valid move then move to that room
  136. if adventure.move(command):
  137. self.current_room.printing(self.rooms_visited)
  138. else:
  139. print("Invalid move")
  140. # will print the description of the room the player is in
  141. elif command == "LOOK":
  142. self.current_room.look(self.rooms_visited)
  143. # will remind player how to play
  144. elif command == "HELP":
  145. print("You can move by typing directions such as EAST/WEST/IN/OUT")
  146. # will show player what is in the inventory
  147. elif command == "INVENTORY":
  148. # checks if players's inventory is empty
  149. if self.players_inventory.is_empty():
  150. print("Your inventory is empty.")
  151. else:
  152. print(self.players_inventory)
  153. # player can take an item and add it to their inventory
  154. elif command[0:4] == "TAKE":
  155. command_item = command.split()
  156. adventure.take_or_drop(command_item[1], self.players_inventory, self.current_room.inventory, "taken.")
  157. # player can drop an item and it will go back to the intitial room
  158. elif command[0:4] == "DROP":
  159. command_item = command.split()
  160. adventure.take_or_drop(command_item[1], self.current_room.inventory, self.players_inventory, "droped.")
  161. # with the quit command the program will stop running thus ending the game
  162. elif command == "QUIT":
  163. print("Thanks for playing")
  164. sys.exit()
  165. else:
  166. print("Invalid command")
  168. def take_or_drop(self, command, take_from_inventory, remove_from_inventory, string):
  169. """
  170. Take an item from the room inventory and add it to the players inventory
  171. Drop an item from the player inventory and add it to the room_inventory
  172. """
  173. # check if the item is in the inventory
  174. item = remove_from_inventory.find_item(command)
  175. # if it is then move it from one inventory to the other
  176. if item != None:
  177. take_from_inventory.add(item)
  178. remove_from_inventory.remove(item)
  179. print(f"{command} {string}")
  180. else:
  181. print("No such item.")
  184. if __name__ == "__main__":
  185. adventure = Adventure("Tiny")
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