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Sep 21st, 2013
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  1. Let's Write an Interpreter - Ryan Davis (Seattle.rb)
  3. - Setting Expectations
  4. - 168 slides in 30 minutes
  5. - Almost all content is code (I'm not going to copy it over... seriously checkout the slides)
  6. - Why would you want to write an interpreter
  7. - Because we can
  8. - The "Uby" Interpreter
  9. - branching logic, while loops, local states and functions
  10. - roadmap (in descending order)
  11. - parser
  12. - runtime
  13. - environment
  14. - loops, variables and conditionals
  15. - functions
  16. - parser
  17. - ruby_parser, as uby is a subset of ruby anyway
  18. - takes input and produces an abstract syntax tree (AST)
  19. - s-expression vocabulary (aka SEXP)
  20. - s = sexp
  21. - head/type (car)
  22. - <too fast, read the slides>
  23. - not going into the parser since we're ruby_parser
  24. - runtime (how to get 7 from 3+4)
  25. - start with the source, process into AST, and then execute
  26. - applicative order evaluation (not all languages do that)
  27. - we'll do it inner values first
  28. - using ruby to deal with internals is often referred to as a meta-circular interpreter
  29. - test-driven
  30. - spans whole implementation
  31. - sanity test
  32. - in the runtime, implement test infrastructure (TestUbyInterpreter assigned to iVar)
  33. - assert_eval 3, "3"
  34. - assert_eval 7, "3+4"
  35. - error, nothing implemented
  36. - implement
  37. - subclass from SexpInterpreter
  38. - define eval (parses text first, and passes off to process method)
  39. - #process knows how to dispatch into the AST
  40. - "Unknown node type :lit"
  41. - "Unknown node type :call"
  42. - Defined #process_lit and #process_call
  43. - in #process_call
  44. - unpack arguments ``` _, recv, msg, *args = s ```
  45. - recv = process recv
  46. - map arguments through process sub
  47. - send msg to recv
  48. - we have sanity, examples pass
  49. - conditionals and truthyness
  50. - truthyness is ruby, nil and false are falsy and everything else is true
  51. - add some if tests test_if
  52. - "Unknown node type :if"
  53. - define generic handler #process_if
  54. - _, c, t, f = s
  55. - c = process c
  56. - define #process_nil and #process_false and use nil and false from ruby
  57. - we have conditionals and truthyness
  58. - add a failing test -> error node-type -> generic handler -> implement test data -> pass test --<
  59. - minitest in use
  60. - [Vizzini] Where was I!
  61. - local variables
  62. - "Unknown node type :block"
  63. - you need a container to handle multiple statements
  64. - define #process_block
  65. - subsexp lasgn (local assign)
  66. - define #process_lasgn (after creating @env hash to hold variables)
  67. - "Unknown node type :lvar"
  68. - define #process_lvar , it's a reader so pull it out of @env
  69. - functions
  70. - add defn test
  71. - "Unknown node type :defn"
  72. - unpack and store: because this is a function and we're defining it we're extracting and storing the function information in a function table
  73. - "Undefined method double for nil"
  74. - recv.send is a hack, use only for ruby derived functions
  75. - use a table to handle sending messages to user defined functions
  76. - Process for call
  77. - set up environment
  78. - call function
  79. - ensure last executed value is returned out of the function
  80. - Note that we blow away the environment
  81. - Getting to green means you don't have enough tests. - Kent Beck
  82. - fixing the environment
  83. - Stacked Hash -> Environment Class
  84. - replace stupid environment hash with Environment Class
  85. - while loops
  86. - Refactoring Fibonacci into iterative form
  87. - "Unknown node type :while"
  88. - define generic implementation #process_while
  89. - _, cond, *body = s
  90. - pop body because we don't care about the pre/post condition
  91. - while process cond is truthy call function implementation
  92. - Uby overview
  93. - basic numeric types, true, false, nil
  94. - conditional branching and looping
  95. - primitive and user defined functions
  96. - <too fast>
  97. - Extensible
  98. - richer types: strings, arrays, hashes
  99. - enforce different scoping rules
  100. - implement recursive tail-calls or closures
  101. - add and object system
  102. - change the way functions are called
  103. - Further study
  104. - SICP (structure and interpretation of computer programs)
  105. - [Neo Matrix Meme] I know SICP
  106. - The Little Schemer and The Reasoned Schemer <missed one title, sorry>
  107. - Prolog (the language)
  108. - Correcting Twitter re: Seattle-style
  109. - <I may not have gotten all of these, speaker moves too fast>
  110. - we don't use warn... it craps on test output
  111. - Seattle-style
  112. - no extra syntax (parentheticals especially)
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