
Matteo2342 / Natty

Mar 28th, 2015
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  1. [12:58 AM] Matteo2343: natty
  2. [12:58 AM] Natty: ?
  3. [12:58 AM] Matteo2343: u think tyler would notice if i make myself super admin?
  4. [12:58 AM] Natty: probably
  5. [12:58 AM] Matteo2343: wanna place a wager?
  6. [12:58 AM] Natty: what are we waging
  7. [12:59 AM] Matteo2343: idk
  8. [12:59 AM] Natty: i bet you a snickerdoodle
  9. [12:59 AM] Matteo2343: but i bet at least 2 weeks
  10. [12:59 AM] Natty: ok
  11. [12:59 AM] Matteo2343: ugh half a snickerdoodle?
  12. [12:59 AM] Natty: the next time tyler sees you
  13. [12:59 AM] Matteo2343 tried to run pa rcon
  14. [12:59 AM] Matteo2343 ran console command pa useradd matt superadmin on the server.
  15. [12:59 AM] The Server has set the group of Matteo2343 to superadmin.
  16. [12:59 AM] Matteo2343: idk the owner name
  17. [01:00 AM] Matteo2343: i tried owner earlier and i was set to user
  18. [01:00 AM] Natty: xd
  19. [01:00 AM] Matteo2343: lol
  20. [01:00 AM] Matteo2343: but i bet he never notices
  21. [01:00 AM] Matteo2343: and theres no diff between admin, super, and owner, since they all have rcon
  22. [01:00 AM] Natty: true dat
  23. [01:00 AM] Matteo2343: just asthetics
  24. [01:00 AM] Matteo2343: rp crap
  25. [01:02 AM] Matteo2343: well fuq
  26. [01:02 AM] Natty: wut
  27. [01:02 AM] Matteo2343: im to tired to gmod
  28. [01:02 AM] Natty: oh
  29. [01:02 AM] Natty: wat
  30. [01:02 AM] Natty: r u black
  31. [01:02 AM] Matteo2343: sry
  32. [01:02 AM] Natty: sry?
  33. [01:02 AM] Matteo2343: ya
  34. [01:02 AM] Matteo2343: i sinned
  35. [01:02 AM] Natty: you must commit 5 seppekus
  36. [01:03 AM] Matteo2343: lolwat
  37. [01:03 AM] Matteo2343: seppekus?
  38. [01:03 AM] Natty: seppuku*
  39. [01:03 AM] Natty: :)
  40. [01:03 AM] Matteo2343: what is that?
  41. [01:03 AM] Natty: !ug seppuku
  42. [01:03 AM] Natty: o
  43. [01:03 AM] Natty: wa
  44. [01:03 AM] Natty tried to run pa ud
  45. [01:03 AM] Natty queried Urban Dictionary for "seppuku".
  46. [01:03 AM] seppuku: Ritual suicide by disembowelment carried out by samurai. Literally means "stomach cutting." The samurai committing seppuku would shove a dagger such as a tanto into their stomach while another samurai acted as their second by lopping off their head.
  47. [01:03 AM] Matteo2343 tried to run pa rcon
  48. [01:03 AM] Matteo2343 ran console command pa useradd didd superadmin on the server.
  49. [01:03 AM] The Server has set the group of Diddykonga to superadmin.
  50. [01:03 AM] Matteo2343 tried to run pa rcon
  51. [01:03 AM] Matteo2343 ran console command pa useradd natt superadmin on the server.
  52. [01:03 AM] The Server has set the group of Natty to superadmin.
  53. [01:03 AM] Matteo2343: there
  54. [01:03 AM] Natty: oh my god
  55. [01:04 AM] Natty: we gon be all in trabbluz
  56. [01:04 AM] Matteo2343: every1 happy
  57. [01:04 AM] Matteo2343: nah
  58. [01:04 AM] Matteo2343: tyler dont play on public
  59. [01:04 AM] Matteo2343: only rp
  60. [01:04 AM] Matteo2343: so i figure i can take control
  61. [01:04 AM] Matteo2343: lol
  62. [01:04 AM] Natty: we all gon takeover
  63. [01:05 AM] Natty: i like my green name tho
  64. [01:05 AM] Matteo2343: ya, ima make mor ppl admin
  65. [01:05 AM] Matteo2343: i can demote u if u want
  66. [01:05 AM] Natty tried to run pa rcon
  67. [01:05 AM] Natty ran console command pa useradd natty admin on the server.
  68. [01:05 AM] The Server has set the group of Natty to admin.
  69. [01:05 AM] Natty: ok
  70. [01:05 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has used tool starfall_screen on models/hunter/plates/plate2x2.mdl.
  71. [01:05 AM] Matteo2343: thats no fun
  72. [01:05 AM] Natty: this server needs more life
  73. [01:05 AM] Matteo2343: lemme make u owner
  74. [01:05 AM] Natty: please insert more wire people
  75. [01:05 AM] Natty: and car people
  76. [01:05 AM] Natty: and whatever
  77. [01:05 AM] Matteo2343 tried to run pa rcon
  78. [01:05 AM] Matteo2343 ran console command pa useradd didd Owner on the server.
  79. [01:05 AM] The Server has set the group of Diddykonga to Owner.
  80. [01:06 AM] Natty: hmm
  81. [01:06 AM] Matteo2343 tried to run pa rcon
  82. [01:06 AM] Matteo2343 ran console command pa useradd didd administrator on the server.
  83. [01:06 AM] The Server has set the group of Diddykonga to administrator.
  84. [01:06 AM] Natty: must be wrong
  85. [01:06 AM] Natty: try root
  86. [01:06 AM] Matteo2343 tried to run pa rcon
  87. [01:06 AM] Matteo2343 ran console command pa useradd didd root on the server.
  88. [01:06 AM] The Server has set the group of Diddykonga to root.
  89. [01:06 AM] Matteo2343: lolwat
  90. [01:06 AM] Matteo2343: howd u know?
  91. [01:06 AM] Natty: idk
  92. [01:06 AM] Matteo2343 tried to run pa rcon
  93. [01:06 AM] Matteo2343 ran console command pa useradd didd superadmin on the server.
  94. [01:06 AM] The Server has set the group of Diddykonga to superadmin.
  95. [01:06 AM] Natty: must had seen tyler do it once
  96. [01:06 AM] Matteo2343 tried to run pa rcon
  97. [01:06 AM] Matteo2343 ran console command pa useradd matt root on the server.
  98. [01:06 AM] The Server has set the group of Matteo2343 to root.
  99. [01:06 AM] Matteo2343: there
  100. [01:06 AM] Matteo2343: this is apt
  101. [01:06 AM] Natty: sudo apt-get root
  102. [01:07 AM] Matteo2343: sure u dont want owner?
  103. [01:07 AM] Natty: i sur
  104. [01:07 AM] Natty: i hop in rp sometimes
  105. [01:07 AM] Matteo2343: it doesnt transfer
  106. [01:07 AM] Natty: wut
  107. [01:07 AM] Natty: lies
  108. [01:07 AM] Matteo2343: ya lol
  109. [01:07 AM] Matteo2343: thats why im not worried
  110. [01:07 AM] Matteo2343: he literally doesnt play here
  111. [01:07 AM] Matteo2343: and ranks are independant
  112. [01:07 AM] Matteo2343: so he'll niver find out
  113. [01:08 AM] Natty: i got my admin rank from rp a while ago
  114. [01:08 AM] Natty: and came ere wit it?
  115. [01:08 AM] Natty: or maybe
  116. [01:08 AM] Matteo2343: i wish some random noob would join so i could make em owner
  117. [01:08 AM] Natty: i just never--- idk
  118. [01:08 AM] Natty: never gonna happen
  119. [01:08 AM] Natty: not at this hour xD
  120. [01:08 AM] Matteo2343: ill invite a friend
  121. [01:09 AM] Matteo2343: damn
  122. [01:09 AM] Matteo2343: i have no friends
  123. [01:09 AM] Matteo2343: forgot that
  124. [01:09 AM] Natty: wat
  125. [01:10 AM] Natty: i'll be ur friend
  126. [01:10 AM] Matteo2343: no1 to invite
  127. [01:10 AM] Natty: then you can invite me
  128. [01:10 AM] Matteo2343: gotta add u to friends first
  129. [01:11 AM] Natty: Blocked
  130. [01:11 AM] Natty: jk
  131. [01:11 AM] Natty (STEAM_0:1:26555821) has disconnected from Public Build (Disconnect by user.).
  132. [01:11 AM] Natty has connected to Public Build.
  133. [01:11 AM] Matteo2343: did i invite you?
  134. [01:11 AM] Natty has spawned in Public Build.
  135. [01:12 AM] Matteo2343: did i invite you?
  136. [01:12 AM] Natty: ye
  137. [01:12 AM] Natty: new to this server
  138. [01:12 AM] Matteo2343: oh
  139. [01:12 AM] Natty: is this a good server?
  140. [01:12 AM] Matteo2343 tried to run pa rcon
  141. [01:12 AM] Matteo2343 ran console command pa useradd natt user on the server.
  142. [01:12 AM] The Server has set the group of Natty to user.
  143. [01:12 AM] Matteo2343: pretty good
  144. [01:12 AM] Matteo2343: after time
  145. [01:12 AM] Matteo2343: youll get used to it
  146. [01:12 AM] Natty: can i have admin
  147. [01:12 AM] Matteo2343: maybe climb ranks
  148. [01:12 AM] Natty: i want to be admin
  149. [01:12 AM] Natty: pls i am good amin
  150. [01:12 AM] Matteo2343: newcomers dont get admin
  151. [01:13 AM] Natty: i admin 5 servers
  152. [01:13 AM] Natty: i am very pro
  153. [01:13 AM] Matteo2343: so sry, we require 6
  154. [01:13 AM] Natty: if u make me admin here
  155. [01:13 AM] Matteo2343: minimum training is mega pro
  156. [01:13 AM] Natty: i will 6
  157. [01:13 AM] Natty: ok
  158. [01:13 AM] Natty: train me
  159. [01:13 AM] Matteo2343: u promise?
  160. [01:13 AM] Natty: i promise
  161. [01:13 AM] Matteo2343: ok then
  162. [01:13 AM] Matteo2343: i belive you
  163. [01:13 AM] Matteo2343 tried to run pa rcon
  164. [01:13 AM] Matteo2343 ran console command pa useradd natt root on the server.
  165. [01:13 AM] The Server has set the group of Natty to root.
  166. [01:13 AM] Natty: yaay
  167. [01:13 AM] Natty: i am root!
  168. [01:14 AM] Matteo2343: ^^
  169. [01:14 AM] Matteo2343: i wanna be rank tree root
  170. [01:14 AM] Natty: we r so boried
  171. [01:14 AM] Natty: we are roleplaying
  172. [01:14 AM] Matteo2343: i wonder if i can add groups
  173. [01:14 AM] Matteo2343: make my own
  174. [01:14 AM] Matteo2343: and change root's name
  175. [01:14 AM] Matteo2343: would be betr
  176. [01:15 AM] Matteo2343: like groupadd?
  177. [01:15 AM] Natty: why is it useradd and not adduser
  178. [01:15 AM] Matteo2343: then i would need permission commands and colors et
  179. [01:15 AM] Natty: i don't like it
  180. [01:15 AM] Matteo2343: etc*
  181. [01:15 AM] Natty: do et
  182. [01:15 AM] Matteo2343: tyler has down-syndrome
  183. [01:15 AM] Matteo2343: thats why
  184. [01:15 AM] Natty: xD
  185. [01:15 AM] Matteo2343: lol
  186. [01:15 AM] Matteo2343: wow im mean
  187. [01:16 AM] Matteo2343: but so is tyler so i dont feel so bad
  188. [01:16 AM] Natty: ye
  189. [01:16 AM] Matteo2343: least im just joking
  190. [01:16 AM] Matteo2343: tyler is an ass and for serious reasons
  191. [01:16 AM] Matteo2343: lol
  192. [01:35 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin has connected to Public Build.
  193. [01:39 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin has spawned in Public Build.
  194. [01:39 AM] Natty: u want to?
  195. [01:40 AM] Natty: !ytplay
  196. [01:40 AM] Matteo2343: part 2 is best part
  197. [01:40 AM] Natty: okay
  198. [01:40 AM] Matteo2343: trust me
  199. [01:40 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: Is the Server Tyler
  200. [01:40 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: or sum fagit
  201. [01:40 AM] Matteo2343: 1st part is kinda stupd
  202. [01:40 AM] Matteo2343: u gotta see flying
  203. [01:40 AM] Matteo2343 tried to run pa rcon
  204. [01:40 AM] Matteo2343 ran console command pa useradd derp root on the server.
  205. [01:40 AM] The Server has set the group of pbrp | Derpsassin to root.
  206. [01:40 AM] Matteo2343: congrats
  207. [01:41 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: wot
  208. [01:41 AM] Matteo2343: u been rpomoted
  209. [01:41 AM] Natty: yayyy
  210. [01:41 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: i dont even trust myself with Root
  211. [01:41 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: lel
  212. [01:41 AM] Matteo2343: tyler been doing a no rank day
  213. [01:41 AM] Matteo2343: it lasts like 46,234 hours tho
  214. [01:41 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: tyler
  215. [01:41 AM] Matteo2343: 45,234 hours
  216. [01:41 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: u need 2 sleep 4 skool tomorrow
  217. [01:41 AM] Natty: xd
  218. [01:41 AM] Matteo2343: who?
  219. [01:41 AM] Natty: skool 4 losers 2morrow
  220. [01:42 AM] Natty: play ur video maybe?
  221. [01:42 AM] Natty: unless u want to watch dis
  222. [01:42 AM] Matteo2343: theres school tomorrow?>
  223. [01:42 AM] Matteo2343: its may
  224. [01:42 AM] Matteo2343: i thaught there was no school in may
  225. [01:42 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: I get out in June
  226. [01:42 AM] Matteo2343: WOW
  227. [01:42 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: June 5 or something
  228. [01:42 AM] Matteo2343: they do push back school huh
  229. [01:42 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: start august 30 or something
  230. [01:42 AM] Matteo2343: last time i was in school, it ended in late april
  231. [01:42 AM] Matteo2343: but that was like 7 years ago
  232. [01:43 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: lel
  233. [01:43 AM] Matteo2343: lol
  234. [01:43 AM] Matteo2343: what game is this?
  235. [01:43 AM] Matteo2343: oh
  236. [01:43 AM] Natty: moder warfare 3
  237. [01:43 AM] Matteo2343: cod mw3
  238. [01:43 AM] Matteo2343: ya
  239. [01:43 AM] Matteo2343: dur
  240. [01:43 AM] Matteo2343: i play all the time, just havenet played that map
  241. [01:43 AM] Matteo2343: but ya, its alll accurate
  242. [01:43 AM] Matteo2343: go him
  243. [01:44 AM] Matteo2343: i blame bill
  244. [01:44 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: i am sleep
  245. [01:44 AM] Matteo2343: not the gate, or the saget, but the nye
  246. [01:44 AM] Natty: u scrub
  247. [01:44 AM] Natty: wake up
  248. [01:44 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: ill be on
  249. [01:44 AM] Matteo2343: bye durp
  250. [01:44 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: tomorrow
  251. [01:44 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: after skool
  252. [01:44 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: i am sleep for tired
  253. [01:44 AM] Natty: only 1:44 am
  254. [01:44 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: job got me tired
  255. [01:44 AM] Matteo2343: can i play 2nd part now?
  256. [01:44 AM] Natty: ya
  257. [01:45 AM] Natty: i sed u cud
  258. [01:45 AM] Matteo2343: !ytplay
  259. [01:45 AM] [DEAD] pbrp | Derpsassin: #rekt
  260. [01:45 AM] Natty: Derp
  261. [01:45 AM] Matteo2343: lol
  262. [01:45 AM] Natty tried to run pa god
  263. [01:45 AM] Natty has granted god mode upon Natty.
  264. [01:45 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin tried to run pa god
  265. [01:45 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin has granted god mode upon pbrp | Derpsassin, and Diddykonga.
  266. [01:45 AM] Natty: stare at this
  267. [01:45 AM] Matteo2343: i like dis part
  268. [01:45 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: error
  269. [01:45 AM] Matteo2343: lol
  270. [01:46 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: wot it do
  271. [01:46 AM] Natty: cars
  272. [01:46 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: this is topkek
  273. [01:46 AM] Matteo2343: lol
  274. [01:46 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: what it do
  275. [01:46 AM] Matteo2343: parachuites
  276. [01:46 AM] Natty: makes da world
  277. [01:46 AM] Matteo2343: thats bf parachutes
  278. [01:47 AM] Matteo2343: FLYING
  279. [01:47 AM] Matteo2343: LOL
  280. [01:47 AM] [DEAD] Matteo2343: lol
  281. [01:47 AM] Natty: oops
  282. [01:47 AM] Matteo2343: lol
  283. [01:47 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin tried to run pa rcon
  284. [01:47 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin ran console command pa slay natty on the server.
  285. [01:47 AM] The Server has slayed Natty.
  286. [01:47 AM] Matteo2343: i remember that
  287. [01:47 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin: #rekt
  288. [01:47 AM] Matteo2343: no1 knew how to fly
  289. [01:47 AM] Matteo2343: LOL
  290. [01:48 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin tried to run pa rcon
  291. [01:48 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin ran console command pa ban derp 120 rekt on the server.
  292. [01:48 AM] Console tried to run pa ban
  293. [01:48 AM] The Server has banned pbrp | Derpsassin for 2 hours with the reason rekt.
  294. [01:48 AM] pbrp | Derpsassin (STEAM_0:0:21985010) has disconnected from Public Build (Banned: rekt).
  295. [01:48 AM] Ninten has connected to BuildRP.
  296. [01:48 AM] Ninten (STEAM_0:0:32638033) has disconnected from BuildRP (Disconnect by user.).
  297. [01:48 AM] Matteo2343: ugh
  298. [01:48 AM] Matteo2343: thats 120 hours
  299. [01:48 AM] Natty: ?
  300. [01:48 AM] Matteo2343: ya
  301. [01:48 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has spawned models/props_c17/furnitureStove001a.mdl.
  302. [01:48 AM] Matteo2343: tyler changed it
  303. [01:48 AM] Matteo2343: lol
  304. [01:48 AM] Natty: wat
  305. [01:49 AM] Matteo2343: ha cant come back for ceil(120/24) days
  306. [01:49 AM] Matteo2343: like 9 days
  307. [01:49 AM] Natty: wat
  308. [01:49 AM] Natty: he only banned himself 2 hours
  309. [01:49 AM] Matteo2343: oh
  310. [01:49 AM] Matteo2343: ok it is min
  311. [01:49 AM] Natty: u drunk high cat
  312. [01:49 AM] Matteo2343: ya
  313. [01:49 AM] Matteo2343: mostly drunk
  314. [01:49 AM] Matteo2343: and thats a problem
  315. [01:49 AM] Natty: o
  316. [01:49 AM] Matteo2343: i need to smoke
  317. [01:49 AM] Natty: smoke mor
  318. [01:49 AM] Matteo2343: ya
  319. [01:49 AM] Matteo2343: see
  320. [01:50 AM] Matteo2343: we agree
  321. [01:50 AM] Matteo2343: thats my problem
  322. [01:50 AM] Matteo2343: marijauna deprivation
  323. [01:50 AM] Natty: xd
  324. [01:50 AM] Matteo2343: its a hirrible trajedy
  325. [01:50 AM] Matteo2343: here, ill give u a epic vid
  326. [01:50 AM] Matteo2343: i dare u to watch it all
  327. [01:50 AM] Natty: ok
  328. [01:50 AM] Matteo2343: its like 2 min
  329. [01:50 AM] Natty: i can do it
  330. [01:50 AM] Matteo2343: watch while i smoke
  331. [01:50 AM] Natty: i can
  332. [01:50 AM] Natty: seriously
  333. [01:51 AM] Natty: i can
  334. [01:51 AM] Natty: i CAN
  335. [01:51 AM] Natty: I CAN
  336. [01:51 AM] Matteo2343: !ytplay
  337. [01:51 AM] Matteo2343: brb ina min
  338. [01:51 AM] Matteo2343 tried to run pa ragdoll
  339. [01:51 AM] Matteo2343 has ragdolled Matteo2343.
  340. [01:51 AM] Matteo2343: WATCH
  341. [01:51 AM] Natty: Funny Half Life Video
  342. [01:52 AM] Natty: i've seen these before
  343. [01:52 AM] Matteo2343: rly?
  344. [01:52 AM] Matteo2343: lol
  345. [01:52 AM] Matteo2343: chocolate chip cookies
  346. [01:52 AM] Matteo2343 (STEAM_0:0:19785474) has disconnected from Public Build (Disconnect by user.).
  347. [01:52 AM] Matteo2343 has connected to Public Build.
  348. [01:53 AM] Natty: !ytplay
  349. [01:53 AM] Matteo2343 has spawned in Public Build.
  350. [01:53 AM] Natty: r u high yet
  351. [01:54 AM] Natty: do u like
  352. [01:54 AM] Natty: mega64?
  353. [01:57 AM] Natty: !ytplay pants
  354. [01:57 AM] Natty: !yt
  355. [01:58 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has spawned gmod_playx.
  356. [01:58 AM] Natty: !ytplay
  357. [01:58 AM] Natty: !ytplay matteo
  358. [01:58 AM] Natty: wut
  359. [01:58 AM] Natty tried to run pa useradd
  360. [01:58 AM] Natty has set the group of Natty to admin.
  361. [02:00 AM] Natty: !ytplay help
  362. [02:00 AM] Natty: !ytplay mega64
  363. [02:03 AM] Natty: !ytplay pure pwnage episode 1
  364. [02:28 AM] Matteo2343: wow
  365. [02:28 AM] Matteo2343: still in gmod
  366. [02:28 AM] Matteo2343: and rejoined
  367. [02:28 AM] Natty: yes
  368. [02:28 AM] Matteo2343: wat happened
  369. [02:28 AM] Natty: u crashed i fink
  370. [02:28 AM] Matteo2343: lolwat
  371. [02:28 AM] Matteo2343: rly?
  372. [02:28 AM] Natty: !ytplay pure pwnage ep 2
  373. [02:28 AM] Natty: idk
  374. [02:28 AM] Natty: i think u did
  375. [02:28 AM] Matteo2343: nope
  376. [02:28 AM] Matteo2343: u kicked me
  377. [02:28 AM] Natty: no
  378. [02:28 AM] Natty: i am admin
  379. [02:29 AM] Matteo2343: !econ pa useradd natt root
  380. [02:29 AM] Matteo2343: lol
  381. [02:29 AM] ForceFul Entry has connected to Public Build.
  382. [02:29 AM] Matteo2343 tried to run pa rcon
  383. [02:29 AM] Matteo2343 ran console command pa useradd natt root on the server.
  384. [02:29 AM] The Server has set the group of Natty to root.
  385. [02:29 AM] Natty: xd
  386. [02:29 AM] Natty: I AM ROOT AGAIN
  387. [02:30 AM] Matteo2343: sry, but u must be punished
  388. [02:30 AM] Natty: i keep getting ranked as punishment
  389. [02:30 AM] Matteo2343: ya, just dont be good, might be demoted
  390. [02:31 AM] Natty: i live on the mountain
  391. [02:31 AM] Natty: here
  392. [02:31 AM] Matteo2343: whats white and grey?
  393. [02:31 AM] Natty: supposed to be like
  394. [02:31 AM] Natty: rock
  395. [02:31 AM] Natty: and da mountain
  396. [02:31 AM] Matteo2343: oh
  397. [02:31 AM] Natty: and da snow
  398. [02:32 AM] ForceFul Entry has never joined before!
  399. [02:32 AM] ForceFul Entry has spawned in Public Build.
  400. Created new user named ForceFul Entry with SteamID STEAM_0:0:64062549.
  401. [02:32 AM] Matteo2343: i like how u render each step, never seen anything like this, yet i know how its done
  402. [02:32 AM] Matteo2343 tried to run pa rcon
  403. [02:32 AM] Matteo2343 ran console command pa useradd force root on the server.
  404. [02:32 AM] The Server has set the group of ForceFul Entry to root.
  405. [02:32 AM] Natty: i wonder
  406. [02:32 AM] Matteo2343: its a cool generator
  407. [02:32 AM] Natty: thx
  408. [02:32 AM] Natty: !p
  409. [02:32 AM] Natty tried to run pa pm
  410. [02:32 AM] No search term for player name for Argument 1. Fix the problem and try running the command again.
  411. [02:33 AM] Matteo2343: i bet it can do realistic stuff if tweaked
  412. [02:33 AM] Natty: ye
  413. [02:33 AM] Natty: wat should I tweak
  414. [02:33 AM] Matteo2343: the beaches
  415. [02:33 AM] Matteo2343: a lil biger
  416. [02:33 AM] Matteo2343: like 1 pixel
  417. [02:33 AM] Natty: ok
  418. [02:33 AM] Matteo2343: less mountain(max) and more lanfmass
  419. [02:33 AM] Natty: less mountain
  420. [02:33 AM] Matteo2343: 2/3 water, bot 90% of land is connected
  421. [02:34 AM] ForceFul Entry: what tis this
  422. [02:34 AM] Natty: lots of water
  423. [02:34 AM] Matteo2343: random map generator
  424. [02:34 AM] ForceFul Entry: 0.o
  425. [02:34 AM] Natty: mountains seem fine
  426. [02:34 AM] Matteo2343: ya, too much water
  427. [02:34 AM] Natty: 2 much watur?
  428. [02:34 AM] Matteo2343: and what lil land there is, its mostly mountain
  429. [02:34 AM] Matteo2343: lol
  430. [02:35 AM] Natty: lets try dis
  431. [02:35 AM] Matteo2343: consequences can be intresting
  432. [02:35 AM] Natty: more land
  433. [02:35 AM] Matteo2343: cool
  434. [02:35 AM] Natty: wooauah
  435. [02:35 AM] Alina has connected to Public Build.
  436. [02:36 AM] Natty: how's dat?
  437. [02:36 AM] umrebel55 has connected to BuildRP.
  438. [02:38 AM] Alina (STEAM_0:0:88143410) has disconnected from Public Build (Disconnect by user.).
  439. [02:39 AM] Natty: tweakin
  440. [02:39 AM] Matteo2343: twerkin*
  441. [02:39 AM] Natty: twerkin
  442. [02:39 AM] Matteo2343: update yourself
  443. [02:39 AM] Matteo2343: there ya go
  444. [02:39 AM] Matteo2343: more beach lol
  445. [02:40 AM] Matteo2343: otherwise, near perfekt
  446. [02:40 AM] Natty: forgot da beach
  447. [02:40 AM] Matteo2343: oh my
  448. [02:40 AM] Matteo2343: im rdy for a golf game
  449. [02:40 AM] Matteo2343: lol.
  450. [02:40 AM] Matteo2343: not bad
  451. [02:41 AM] Matteo2343: still seems like the land is too broken up
  452. [02:41 AM] Natty: ya
  453. [02:41 AM] Matteo2343: bunch of lakes
  454. [02:42 AM] Matteo2343: lil better
  455. [02:42 AM] Natty: increase da variaables
  456. [02:43 AM] Matteo2343: lol
  457. [02:43 AM] umrebel55 (STEAM_0:0:42934748) has disconnected from BuildRP (Disconnect by user.).
  458. [02:43 AM] Matteo2343: wow
  459. [02:43 AM] Matteo2343: thats very close
  460. [02:43 AM] Natty: da seeds man
  461. [02:44 AM] Matteo2343: nice
  462. [02:44 AM] Natty: 2 sandy?
  463. [02:44 AM] Matteo2343: ima cry
  464. [02:44 AM] Matteo2343: i gtg
  465. [02:44 AM] Matteo2343: :'(
  466. [02:44 AM] Natty: :C
  467. [02:44 AM] Natty: good night bb
  468. [02:44 AM] Natty: thx 4 twerks
  469. [02:44 AM] Matteo2343: ok bb ttyl gtg gl hf
  470. [02:44 AM] Natty: i go 2 sleep 2
  471. [02:45 AM] Matteo2343: ya
  472. [02:45 AM] Natty: 2:44 am nao
  473. [02:45 AM] Matteo2343: like 3 am here
  474. [02:45 AM] Matteo2343: yep
  475. [02:45 AM] Matteo2343: i like that
  476. [02:45 AM] Matteo2343: make one spawn one each side of the left
  477. [02:45 AM] Natty: wut
  478. [02:46 AM] Matteo2343: spawn points
  479. [02:46 AM] Matteo2343: that make good map
  480. [02:46 AM] Matteo2343: resources all on right side
  481. [02:46 AM] Natty: i could totally like
  482. [02:46 AM] Natty: do some magic with this
  483. [02:46 AM] Matteo2343: do it
  484. [02:47 AM] Matteo2343: ima go eat pizza, sleap, shower, work, and then ill be back
  485. [02:47 AM] Natty: w8
  486. [02:47 AM] Matteo2343: ILL BE BACK
  487. [02:47 AM] Natty: but
  488. [02:47 AM] Natty: that'll be like
  489. [02:47 AM] Natty: 5 mins
  490. [02:47 AM] Matteo2343: 24 hours lol
  491. [02:47 AM] Natty: i can't
  492. [02:47 AM] Matteo2343: lol
  493. [02:47 AM] Matteo2343: after dis lode
  494. [02:47 AM] Natty: fun 2 watch
  495. [02:47 AM] Matteo2343: lol
  496. [02:48 AM] Natty: not so many mountains anymore
  497. [02:48 AM] Matteo2343: i just undid constraints i made like 5 hours ago when i was minging sme gu i made owner
  498. [02:48 AM] Matteo2343: guy*
  499. [02:48 AM] Matteo2343: ok
  500. [02:48 AM] Matteo2343: now i go
  501. [02:48 AM] Natty: bye
  502. [02:48 AM] Matteo2343: pizza getin kewld
  503. [02:48 AM] Natty: i just gonna tweak mountains and i sleep 2
  504. [02:48 AM] Matteo2343: nice map
  505. [02:48 AM] Matteo2343: we resume tomerowe
  506. [02:49 AM] Matteo2343: night
  507. [02:49 AM] Matteo2343 (STEAM_0:0:19785474) has disconnected from Public Build (Disconnect by user.).
  508. [02:49 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has used tool starfall_screen on models/hunter/plates/plate2x2.mdl.
  509. [02:49 AM] Natty tried to run pa rcon
  510. [02:49 AM] Natty ran console command pa useradd natty admin on the server.
  511. [02:49 AM] Natty ran console command pa useradd natty admin on the server.
  512. [02:49 AM] Natty ran console command pa useradd natty admin on the server.
  513. [02:49 AM] Console tried to run pa useradd
  514. [02:49 AM] The Server has set the group of Natty to admin.
  515. [02:49 AM] ForceFul Entry(STEAM_0:0:64062549) has used tool wire_expression2 on the world.
  516. [02:49 AM] ForceFul Entry(STEAM_0:0:64062549) has used tool wire_expression2 on the world.
  517. [02:49 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has used tool starfall_screen on the world.
  518. [02:50 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has used tool starfall_screen on models/hunter/plates/plate2x2.mdl.
  519. [02:50 AM] ForceFul Entry (STEAM_0:0:64062549) has disconnected from Public Build (Disconnect by user.).
  520. [02:50 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has used tool starfall_screen on the world.
  521. [02:50 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has used tool starfall_screen on the world.
  522. [02:51 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has used tool starfall_screen on models/hunter/plates/plate2x2.mdl.
  523. [02:51 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has used tool starfall_screen on the world.
  524. [02:51 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has used tool starfall_screen on the world.
  525. [02:51 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has used tool starfall_screen on the world.
  526. [02:52 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has used tool starfall_screen on the world.
  527. [02:52 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has used tool starfall_screen on the world.
  528. [02:52 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has used tool starfall_screen on the world.
  529. [02:52 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has used tool starfall_screen on the world.
  530. [02:52 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has used tool starfall_screen on the world.
  531. [02:52 AM] Natty(STEAM_0:1:26555821) has used tool starfall_screen on models/hunter/plates/plate2x2.mdl.
  532. [02:52 AM] Natty (STEAM_0:1:26555821) has disconnected from Public Build (Disconnect by user.).
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