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May 26th, 2018
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  1. //Exmaple VMT By Boba Fett.
  2. "vertexlitgeneric" //VertexLitGeneric is used for models
  3. //"LightmappedGeneric" //LightmappedGeneric is used for world textures
  4. {
  5. "$basetexture" "Root/Model/Diffuse Map" //Enter here your Diffuse map vtf name.
  6. "$bumpmap" "Root/Model/Normal Map" //Enter here your Normal map vtf name.
  7. "$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" 1 //This command tells the game that there is a phongmask on the alpha layer of the normal map. "Only use when there is one, if there is non on the alpha layer enter 0"
  8. "$surfaceprop" "metal" //This command tells the game to use the material type you entered. "Most used are (default, rock, metal, wood, grass, dirt, sand, water, etc...)
  9. "$envmap" "env_cubemap" //This command tells the game to use a reflection from the generated cube map of the map you are playing on. (good for reflections on your model)
  10. "$envmaptint" "[ .1 .1 .1 ]" //This command tells the game to set a environment reflection tint.
  11. "$envmapconstrast" "1" //This command tells the game the contrast the environment reflections gives.
  12. "$model" "1" //Tells if the texture is for a model or not.
  13. "$translucent" "1" //Makes your texture translucent (works with your alpha channel on your diffuse texture "can't be used with selfillium")
  14. "$selfillum" "1" //Maeks your texture glow in the dark (works with your alpha channel on your diffuse texture "can't be used with translucent")
  17. //These commands can only be used when phong is available:
  19. "$phong" "1" //This enables phong.
  20. "$phongexponent" "22" //This tells the model that how much the phong shall affect the model.
  21. "$phongexponenttexture" "Exponent Texture" //This uses a texture to tells how much phong affects the model.
  22. "$phongboost" "1" //This controls the master brightness of the phong effect.
  23. "$phongtint" "[0.7 0.9 1]" // Specular light tint for this material. [0.7 0.9 1] is blued, [1 1 0.8] is yellowed.
  24. "$phongfresnelranges" "[1 9 6]" //Now imagine a circle. X is the inner brightness of the circle, and y is nearly the outer brightness. Z is a rim light.
  25. "$phongalbedotint" "1" //This command will make the phong that bit better on the model.
  26. "$phongwarptexture" "Boba_Fett/shaders/phongwarp" //This will use the phongwarp, this is a shader first seen in EP2 on the hunter (that green stuff) you can do much cool things with colors and other stuff, works really great with normal maps and phong.
  27. "$lightwarptexture" "Boba_Fett/shaders/lightwarp" //This command will use a lightwarp texture (can be gray scaled or colored) to give the model a more shadow effect or color effect when you make this texture.
  28. "$halflambert" "1" //If turned on you can experience a great quality result being in-game.
  30. //These commands need phong enabled:
  32. "$rimlight" "1" //This enables rimlight.
  33. "$rimlightexponent" "22" //This will tell how much the rimlight affects the model.
  34. "$rimlightboost" "0.2" //This controls the master brightness of the rimlight effect.
  35. }
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