

Feb 26th, 2020
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  2. [02:34] "Mmm, all that star worship is complex." Sapphire would comment, "I still find myself simply focused on the Way of Light. The Angels have been guiding us, and others."
  4. "And in that regard, what do you intend to do about myself and the other Krausites?" She'd ask, raising an eyebrow. "I've been tending to the Church and Graves for a few years now, you know? I'm rather fond of the place."
  5. (Sapphire Ashfall)
  6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. [02:39] Andrew raised a brow at the young woman, and she was being a grave-keeper? he wasn't sure about that part, but he couldn't knock it.
  10. "I understand that, but I've myself have been studying the faith under Yiel and hoping she'd take the Church. She didn't and I've been working on trying to make the building whole pretty again.
  12. I have the funds....I jsut want to see this place lively again; however, this is a big Church and no one Leader of any one faith could truly make a difference."
  14. Andrew offers a smile.
  16. "I'll say we both take control of the Church because at the end of the day Faith is Faith and what we both preach is positive.
  18. I'm sure together we could run this place while restoring it to it's former glory.
  20. We seem to both have the same goals in mind."
  21. (Andrew Mercia)
  22. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. [02:45] Her shoulders dropped a bit in relief. It was good to see a Celestialite dropping the walls between the two religions; at least enough to cooperate. So many refused to hear her out, to acknowledge that the two faiths should be holding hands, not attempting to snuff the other out.
  26. "Yes." Sapphire would give her response, "I think we'd make it quite beautiful together. We both have our range of influences, and honestly? The more people that come to this place, the better, at the end of the day."
  28. Her armor would clang together as she stepped forward, a hand extending out to him in acceptance.
  30. "Let's bring Light back to Osrona, together, shall we?"
  31. (Sapphire Ashfall)
  32. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. [02:50] Andrew smiles while extending his hand, giving out quite a powerful presence of cosmic magic. This has been a dream of his for quite a while and everything thing till this point has been somewhat of a place-holder.
  36. "I agree with you and together we shall bring the light back together."
  38. Andrew begin thinking of everything he needed to prepare in order to have this place up and running again.
  40. "The event won't be for a while now, but I believe we both should obtain official titles and ownership of the Church. After make a few flyers to let people know that the build is no longer vacant and will be open for all to see.
  42. No matter if their learning, praying, or coming to release whatever darkness is within them."
  43. (Andrew Mercia)
  44. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. [02:57] Sapphire would grin ear to ear as they shook hands.
  48. "I've already gone and spread flyers about, if I'm being honest. I'm pretty sure most know I've been... Holding sessions here. Still, to officialize things would be grand."
  50. Her eyes glanced back towards the large crack in the stone wall of the church, that had an imprint around it that uncannily looked right around Sapphire's size.
  52. "... I'm going to be needing to get better at exorcisms..."
  54. She released his hand, sighing. "Sorry. I've still got a long ways to go when it comes to Holy Magic. Though I preach, I'm really just filling the spot no one else would. Someone needed to speak the Word, why not me?"
  55. (Sapphire Ashfall)
  56. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. [03:01] "I don't blame you even with the knowledge I've obtained over the past few years there is still much I don't understand. I'm just a teenager it kind of hard to get a lot of people to hear what I have to say, but I do understand enough to enlighten another."
  60. Andrew looks around the places taking one huge deep breath. The young man wasn't sure if the city would approve them just yet; however, he wanted to see this place shine for a while now.
  62. Most people have truly given up on the dream, but Andrew could see the bigger picture. The Church needed love and care and with the help of the young woman this is what would happen.
  64. "We'll have to work harder, but you've been doing a good job from what you've told me so far."
  65. (Andrew Mercia)
  66. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. [03:07] "Sienne and Kircheis will assist as well." She'd state, her Krausite-emblazoned armor still clattering with every movement she made. "Well, Kircheis will. Sienne's a bit..."
  70. She smiled, twisting a finger around her ear. "She's a little strange. Good, but strange. Real habit of darting from one thing to another, and she's always getting into a fight with someone."
  72. "Guess that's why her offensive magic is so much better than mine. I'd try learning from her, if she wasn't so spontaneous. I swear, she has the attention span of a goldfish."
  74. Sapphire would giggle, knowing she at least wasn't the only person who thought that. "Anyways, most of the heavy repairs are done, and the library is still in tact, if a bit dusty. Though, a new altar, loads of candles, new pews, and a bunch of other things still are needed."
  76. "Don't bother purchasing anything metal though, I've more than enough ore to build an entire church out of metal. Well, if it wouldn't look hideous, anyways."
  77. (Sapphire Ashfall)
  78. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. [03:08]
  81. {LOAD GAME}
  83. [03:14] "I've heard of them and I've seen them around a little bit. I've only spoken with Kircheis I believe, but not with Sienne." Andrew begin looking back to the days he passes people on the street and learned their names and such.
  85. "Also coins isn't a issue for me I'm looking forward to giving money to the churches fund to help with different events and such.
  87. I sure the moment the rent sign is down we'll have a lot more people coming here to take a look. I'm sure we'll have a lot of work todo, but I'm sure we'll handle it."
  89. Andrew nods still curious how he's to go about the official titles and ownership over the Church.
  90. (Andrew Mercia)
  91. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. [03:17] "Yes, a lot of work."
  95. She'd cast a hand out towards the large crack in the wall, and with the flow of her mana, the stone would begin to mend, shaping itself back into place.
  97. "Let's... Move on and keep going towards a future." She'd say, once the process was finished. "It's what Kraus would want of us."
  98. (Sapphire Ashfall)
  99. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  101. [03:28] Andrew Mercia says, "Well, the moment the rent sign comes down we can get to work."
  102. [03:30] Sapphire Ashfall says, "Yes, thank you Andrew. It'll be great, I'm sure."
  103. [03:30] Andrew Mercia says, "I should be tanking you. Many people have given up on the idea of the Church returning."
  104. [03:31] Andrew Mercia says, "So long as a few people ahve faith anything is possible,"
  105. [03:44] Coraline waves!
  106. (Coraline Lavigne)
  107. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  109. [03:45] Andrew waves
  110. (Andrew Mercia)
  111. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113. [03:45] Coraline Lavigne says, "I aam looking for more fire crystals, or fire flies. Or an alchemist to brew potions. Happen to have those or be an alchemist.."
  114. [03:46] Andrew Mercia says, "Hm."
  115. [03:47] Andrew Mercia says, "For one it's pretty late or early depends on the time really."
  116. [03:47] Andrew Mercia says, "Most would be asleep at this time."
  117. [03:47] Sapphire Ashfall says, "... I'm afraid I don't particularly have those items either..."
  118. [03:47] Andrew Mercia says, "Fireflies only come out at night or can see them better at night."
  119. [03:47] Coraline Lavigne says, "Dang it."
  120. [03:48] Sapphire Ashfall says, "... There's a beach to the west... Far from here. It has dozens of fireflies."
  121. [03:48] Andrew Mercia says, "Fire crystals are an entire trip to the sandy part of the world."
  122. [03:48] Andrew Mercia asks, "What do you need?"
  123. [03:48] Coraline Lavigne says, "Yah that's where I got them."
  124. [03:48] Coraline Lavigne says, "I got power potions to drink. But uh."
  125. [03:48] Coraline Lavigne says, "I'll see if Lady Marisol is around."
  126. [03:48] Andrew Mercia asks, "Power potions?"
  127. [03:49] Coraline Lavigne says, "Yeah."
  128. [03:49] Coraline Lavigne says, "To make me hit harder."
  129. [03:49] Andrew Mercia says, "That's new."
  130. [03:49] Andrew Mercia says, "People don't tend to buy those."
  131. [03:49] Andrew Mercia says, "Since y'know."
  132. [03:49] Coraline Lavigne says, "That's why I am getting the ingredients myself."
  133. [03:49] Andrew Mercia says, "You'll get stronger over time."
  134. [03:49] Coraline Lavigne says, "I'll be back later. Since I said to that one redhead dude I'd talk about Kraus with him."
  135. [03:49] Coraline Lavigne says, "Peace out girlscouts."
  136. [03:49] Sapphire Ashfall says, "... Strange girl."
  137. [03:49] Andrew Mercia says, "Very...."
  138. [03:49] Sapphire Ashfall asks, "Did she think you were a girl?"
  139. [03:50] Andrew Mercia asks, "...I don't know, do I look like one to you..?"
  140. [03:51] Sapphire Ashfall says, "Not even slightly."
  141. [03:53] Andrew Mercia says, "Thank god."
  142. [03:53] Andrew Mercia says, "Had me worried for a moment."
  143. [03:54] Sapphire Ashfall says, "Be careful of tea off the market though, or you might end up as one."
  144. [03:55] Andrew Mercia says, "Yeah."
  145. [03:55] Andrew Mercia says, "I wouldn't want that.."
  146. [03:55] Andrew Mercia says, "Seeing how most of the woman in the city are attracted to each other that would sit very well with me."
  147. [03:55] Sapphire Ashfall says, "... Lesbianism is fairly popular."
  148. [03:57] Andrew Mercia says, "The entire Flame-Keepers guild supports it since all of them are lesbians."
  149. [03:57] Andrew Mercia says, "It's a common practice now these days."
  150. [04:00] Sapphire Ashfall says, "I've never had any romance, so I wouldn't know anything of it either way."
  151. [04:01] Andrew Mercia says, "Huh? I've only seen it from a far."
  152. [04:01] Andrew Mercia says, "I never really pursued it or the times I've tried didn't go well."
  153. [04:06] Sapphire Ashfall says, "I don't think anyone's been interested in me enough. I'm not very attractive, compared to other women."
  154. [04:07] Andrew Mercia says, "What makes you think that? You look fine to me if not better than most of them."
  155. [04:08] Andrew Mercia says, "You respect yourself enough to not have your boobs out in public."
  156. [04:10] Sapphire giggles a bit at that, "Thank you, but I also don't really have much going on under the armor. That, and my face is a little plain, don't you think?" She'd then run her hand through her hair, pulling at a lock of it. "Plus, my hair's the most... Generic brown."
  158. "It's like someone built me not to stand out in the slightest."
  159. (Sapphire Ashfall)
  160. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  162. [04:12] "Eh? Looks isn't everything y'know and you look beautiful in my opinion. Not just by looks alone it's what's on the inside that counts as well."
  164. Andrew nods sagely.
  166. "You have a beautiful soul and I'm sure a person would be lucky to have you granted they take the time out to know you better. Most people like to rush things and seek some quick pleasure and you don't seem like that.
  168. You stand out to me quite a bit since you've been dong quite a lot."
  169. (Andrew Mercia)
  170. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  172. [04:20] A slight pink came to the sun-kissed face of the young woman. She wasn't used to being complimented, especially in regards to her looks. Romantic inclinations were almost always placed as a second thought to her, so to hear Andrew say such... Well, she was slightly caught off-guard.
  174. "... Thank you." She responded again, this time sounding more sincere, not simply deflecting his words.
  176. "I've never been one to desire to compete with other women anyways. If that's the road they wish to go down, so be it. I've devoted myself to Kraus, and I chose that path firmly."
  177. (Sapphire Ashfall)
  178. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  180. [04:25] "Compete? No I don't think you have to compete with the others in my opinion they have to compete with you. You have a lot going for yourself.
  182. You have looks and you have some faith to go with it. In my eyes you are really a good person that anyone would be lucky to have.
  184. Just keep it up and somebody will be bound to ask you on a date or something."
  186. He'd smile hoping he'd at least help her feel a little better about herself.
  187. (Andrew Mercia)
  188. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  190. [04:29] "You're right." Sapphire would admit, "Guess I just need to give it some time."
  192. With that, she'd turn back towards the entrance of the Church, to go back inside. "I'm going to get back to work and start cleaning. You're more than welcome to stick around."
  193. (Sapphire Ashfall)
  194. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  196. [04:32] "Oh? I'd be more than happy to join you; honestly I've been curious about you and I wanted to get to know you a little better."
  198. Andrew smiled and followed her into the Church.
  200. "You seem very interesting to me."
  201. (Andrew Mercia)
  202. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  204. [04:33] Sapphire Ashfall asks, "Oh, hello Maria! Have you come for guidance?"
  205. [04:34] Maria Masters says, "I figured I'd check on the church. It's very quiet at this hour."
  206. [04:36]
  207. {LOAD GAME}
  209. [04:39] The girl would nod then, continuing on her way to a nearby storage closet, where she'd pull out a broom. She went quickly to starting to sweep the place, the daily dust and grime that accumulated on the oiled, wooden flooring here always kept her busy.
  211. "Yes, it's quiet. Which is good, given how bold the Demons have been. Serafim was harmed the other day by one - At least five of them invaded past the wall, in upper Osrona."
  213. "It's quite terrifying to think of. That's why I must be more stalwart in my faith and duties than ever before."
  214. (Sapphire Ashfall)
  215. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  217. [04:39] Maria Masters says, "Their attacks have intensified."
  218. [04:40] Maria Masters says, "My boyfriend was accosted by 3, a family of sorts. Cut the arm off one, killed another, but the third, uncaring of the dead one... As is typical for their kind, I suppose, took his eye. Thankfully, it was his dead one."
  219. [04:41] Andrew followed her into Sapphire into the Church and he'd join her in the efforts to clean the building. He'd take the broom and begin sweeping the floor behind her.
  221. He hasn't really part of the clean up crew, but he'd spend more time around here now.
  222. (Andrew Mercia)
  223. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  225. [04:47] "Ah, that's terrible. I hope he was able to at least get a replacement?" She'd ask, grateful for the advances in artificing that had at least made grievous injuries like that somewhat functional. She could only imagine the days before prosthetics; a single wound could destroy one's life!
  227. She smiled to Andrew then, seeing him starting to assist her. That was good; hopefully he wouldn't just buy the place and let it rot again.
  229. Well, she'd take care of it, regardless of what happened. Such was her duty. "My own encounters with Demons have fortunately gone in my favor. I have habit of encountering the weaker ones, it seems."
  230. (Sapphire Ashfall)
  231. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  233. [04:48] Maria Masters says, "Mine haven't."
  234. [04:49] Maria Masters says, "Then again, I was a bit weaker then. I feel like I'm slowly learning and improving."
  235. [04:52] Andrew continued cleaning he'd move around the church while they had their conversation. He didn't mind sticking around the place for a little while.
  237. Andrew took a deep breath and took the dust pan and begin getting the trash up around the church.
  239. "Hopefully it doesn't get dirty again."
  241. he said to himself while cleaning up the different piles of mess.
  242. (Andrew Mercia)
  243. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  245. [04:55] "It always does." Sapphire would respond to Andrew as they started to finish up. She herself would move to the pews, and take a seat, breathing heavily. As though she'd been winded by the chore, for some reason.
  247. "You said earlier that you were curious about me?" Sapphire would ask after a moment, looking to Andrew. "There's really not too much to tell, you know? But feel free to ask away."
  248. (Sapphire Ashfall)
  249. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  251. [04:58]
  252. {LOAD GAME}
  254. [05:01] "I am because you suddenly appeared and you'd had a dream similar to mines. In-fact you've made me want to push for the church to open again despite how inactive it's been for a while.
  256. I just want to know more about you in general since you're very interesting. So, just tell me more about yourself in general and where you see yourself in a few year."
  258. Andrew smiles a bit while resting his hands on his lap.
  260. "And if you have anything you wanna ask me then by all means go for it."
  261. (Andrew Mercia)
  262. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  264. [05:05] "A few years from now?" She mulled that over, before smiling. "Hopefully standing atop the ruins of the Demon Tower. I'd like to imagine we'd have won this war by then..."
  266. Her gentle presence made the next comment surprising: "I think I'd like to be on the frontlines of this battlefield. My barriers, if I could become stronger, could protect a lot of soldiers. Plus, I'm a Holy Magi, it's really just my duty to be out there, isn't it?"
  268. She leaned back, relaxing as she spoke. Despite a goal of participating in warfare, she exuded peace. "To banish the dark from our realm. That's my true goal. I preach here, because I want to truly show people the path to take, and the hope that still hasn't vanished."
  269. (Sapphire Ashfall)
  270. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  272. [05:07] Maria Masters says, "I thought I just wanted to wipe this land of the demonic, but... I've been looking after a lot of children lately."
  273. [05:08] Maria Masters says, "Sum, Lorelai, my nephew Magnus, my student... When this war is over, and if I survive, I want to help nuture the next generation."
  274. [05:14] "You have quite a noble goal and we'll likely continue to cross paths. I see myself getting rid of the demons as well while helping the church return to it's former glory."
  276. He'd take a deep breath while tapping his foot on the ground for a little while.
  278. "I'm sure we'll do all that and much more when the time comes, but you have pretty noble goals. I hope you achieve them as the years roll in."
  279. (Andrew Mercia)
  280. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  282. [05:33] "I think all three of us do." Sapphire would say, "Though I didn't expect you to be so motherly, Maria. It's rather surprising."
  284. She'd give another giggle, before a knock came at the door. That was odd - She was pretty sure it couldn't be locked.
  286. "Better go see who that is. Hopefully not a tax collector come to kick us all out..."
  288. In the end, she'd probably wish it was a tax collector.
  289. (Sapphire Ashfall)
  290. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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