Guest User


a guest
Mar 27th, 2018
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PHP 4.47 KB | None | 0 0
  1. <?
  2. $hi = "Hi, ";
  3. $english = "English";
  4. $german = "German";
  5. $polish = "Polish";
  6. $privacy = "Privacy Policy";
  7. $contact = "Contact";
  8. $home = "Home";
  9. $login = "Log in";
  10. $register = "Register";
  11. $credits = "Credits";
  12. $premium = "Premium";
  13. $panel = "User Panel";
  14. $title2 = "NEW CSGO SKIN CHANGER";
  15. $trynow = "TRY NOW!";
  16. $checkfaq = "Check FAQ";
  17. $dlaczegomy1title = "Application Developing";
  18. $dlaczegomy1text = "We work in sweat to provide you with a project that will stay in your memory for longer.";
  19. $dlaczegomy2title = "Any Windows OS";
  20. $dlaczegomy2text = "The program supports all operating systems, including 32bit.";
  21. $dlaczegomy3title = "Quick Support";
  22. $dlaczegomy3text = "We are available for almost 24/7, almost, because beyond computer life is also real.";
  23. $aboutcschanger = "About CSChanger";
  24. $onastekst = "Over the course of our project we started work in early October 2017. We have been developing it and trying to introduce new features to improve it. We are open to your help and we promise that we will meet your expectations.";
  25. $unikalnychuser = "Registered Users";
  26. $hoursused = "Hours Used";
  27. $timesused = "Times Used";
  28. $najnowszevideo = "Newest Video About CSChanger";
  29. $ytsection = "YouTube Section";
  30. $subscribenews = "Subscribe to our Newsletter";
  31. $subscribe = "Subscribe";
  32. $noshareemail = "We'll never share your email with anyone else.";
  33. $tos = "Terms of Service";
  34. $skip = "Skip";
  35. $logout = "Logout";
  36. $przejdzdopanelu = "<span class=''>R</span><span class=''>E</span><span class=''>D</span><span class=''>I</span><span class=''>R</span><span class=''>E</span><span class=''>C</span><span class=''>T</span>
  37. <span class=''>T</span><span class=''>O</span> <span class=''>U</span><span class=''>S</span><span class=''>E</span><span class=''>R</span> <span class=''>P</span><span class=''>A</span><span class=''>N</span><span class=''>E</span><span class=''>L</span>";
  38. $przejdznastroneglowna = "REDIRECT TO HOMEPAGE";
  39. $dzisiajunikatowychuserow = "Today's Unique Users";
  40. $aktualnie_online = "Users Online";
  42. $wylogowywanie = "Logging Out";
  43. $zostaleswylogowany = "You are logged out, go to the homepage";
  45. // rejestracja
  47. $registerform = "Register Form";
  48. $registerformtext = "Fill all fields to register";
  50. $alert1 = "Fields can not be empty, fill them!";
  51. $alert2 = "The passwords are not the same!";
  52. $alert3 = "The email you provided is not valid!";
  53. $alert4 = "Email or login is already used!";
  54. $alert5 = "You have registered, confirmed your account using the link sent to the mail (check SPAM too).";
  55. $alert6 = "We could not send an activation link to your email address, please contact the site administration.";
  56. $alert7 = "Something went wrong! Try later or write to administrator!";
  58. $password = "Password";
  59. $repassword = "Reply Password";
  61. $zarejestruj_przycisk = "Register";
  63. // aktywowanie konta
  65. $alert12 = "Sorry, we can not activate your account!";
  66. $alert13 = "We have activated your account, you can login now!";
  67. $alert14 = "Your account has been activated!";
  68. $alert15 = "Sorry, the code did not match the user! Please contact the administration of the site!";
  69. $alert16 = "We can not find user like that!";
  70. $alert17 = "You are already logged in, you can not register again. You will be taken to the user panel for a moment!";
  72. // logowanie
  74. $loginform = "Logging In";
  75. $loginformtext = "Fill in the details to log in";
  77. $wylogowany = "You are logged out, click button below to redirect to the main page!";
  79. $alert8 = "This account has not yet been activated, check your email (including SPAM) and click the link in the message to activate your account.";
  80. $alert9 = "You are logged in, click button below to redirect to the user panel.";
  81. $alert10 = "The data given is incorrect. Validate login and password.";
  82. $alert11 = "You are already logged in, you will be redirected to the user panel shortly.";
  84. $zaloguj_przycisk = "Log In";
  86. $regulamin = "Terms of Use";
  88. // BAN
  90. $banned = "Your account has been Banned!";
  91. $staybanned = "Account will stay banned till:";
  92. $permanent = "Permanent";
  93. $ban1 = "The reason for blocking is the wrong email address provided during account registration.";
  94. $ban2 = "The reason for blocking is editing the program code.";
  95. $ban3 = "The reason for blocking is to offer an account on auction sites.";
  96. $ban4 = "The reason for blocking the account has not been specified by the Administrator.";
  97. $abyuniknac = "To avoid locking your account in the future, become familiar with <b><a href='tos.php'>Terms of Service</a></b>.";
  100. ?>
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