
talking about the Ars Goetia demons part 2

Nov 7th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. from /hhg/ - Hazbin Hotel #454, #461, #462 and #463
  2. Ars Goetia Demons part 1:
  3. Ars Goetia Demons part 2:
  4. Furfur - Infernal Matchmaker:
  5. Lucifer's Shadow Guard:
  6. AI redeemed thing:
  7. The 'Good' demons of the Ars Goetia:
  8. talking about the Ars Goetia demons part 1:
  9. -----
  10. I'm still harping the idea that Forcas is the one who taught Charlie her fireball shooting skills and probably the one who taught her how to brawl the way she did when Killjoy attacked her...but now I also realize that in the DC timeline he was probably one of the first of the old guard to get the axe. Too dangerous to be left alive, and knew Charlie too well.
  11. -
  12. >I'm still harping the idea that Forcas is the one who taught Charlie her fireball shooting skills and probably the one who taught her how to brawl the way she did when Killjoy attacked her
  14. I can see that
  16. >but now I also realize that in the DC timeline he was probably one of the first of the old guard to get the axe. Too dangerous to be left alive, and knew Charlie too well.
  18. ....well fuck.
  20. I hope he die with honor
  21. -
  22. He might have, but the best you could hope for is him seeing a sneak attack by enforcers or overwatch coming and managing to take a few of them with him. D Charlie is underhanded when she isn't being cruel. Outside of that he probably would have gotten a public execution the same as Cherri.
  23. -
  24. >Outside of that he probably would have gotten a public execution the same as Cherri.
  26. i hope not, him taking down some enforcers or overwatch with him is a lot more badass.
  28. also, I think he will see a sneak attack coming because he been in hell for a very long time
  29. -
  30. >"You didn't knock. I suppose that means you're not here just to visit."
  31. >"Who sent you?"
  32. >"..."
  33. >"It was Charlie, wasn't it?"
  34. >"No no, she's not Charlie."
  35. >"Charlie's dead."
  36. >"Queen Charlotte sent you, right?"
  38. >Forcas turned to face his assassins, one hand stroking his long white beard in idle thought
  40. >"Well, look at you, an imp of all things, a commander in the new army!"
  41. >"I remember when you all lived in hordes that turned the plains red when you marched, fighting with wild beasts to protect your broodmothers."
  42. >"You've really come up in the world haven't you?"
  43. >"And to have someone of such high rank, leading the mission to put an end to me before I can even pose a threat!"
  45. >The Knight of Hell bowed, still flexible enough in spite of his age to do it with smooth grace
  47. >"Truly an honor, sir."
  48. -
  49. >Overwatch Commander 1789's face was steady behind his visor
  50. >His target's words barely even registered in his mind
  51. >This was an important mission
  52. >His first since receiving his promotion
  53. >He would not allow it to fail
  54. >If he did, there would be severe consequences
  56. >Spear still at the ready, he flicked his horns toward the ancient warrior demon, and the other overwatch troopers who flanked him rushed forward
  57. >Forcas incinerated the first, they didn't even have time to scream
  58. >He parried the second's attack as they came within striking distance, summoning his sword from the ether
  59. >Another blow blocked, yet another dodged, a quick darting motion to a position his opponent couldn't block from, and Forcas severed the next demon's head with a single blow
  60. >Unaffected by the brutal dispatching of their comrades, the rest of the squad continued their attack, making to surround the knight and overwhelm him
  61. >Behind them, OC-1789 sent out the signal to the enforcer units waiting outside
  62. >He'd been ordered to minimize collateral damage if possible, but the loss of two troopers in such rapid succession made it clear that an escalation of force was necessary
  63. >Reinforcements on the way, he began his own advance
  64. -
  65. >Even with enemies on all sides, Forcas managed to hold his own
  66. >He had good situational awareness, managing to block or evade blows that would have quickly laid a lesser soldier low
  67. >And he was fierce far beyond what his thin, wrinkled form would indicate, breaking spear-shafts or bones with his counterattacks, flicking fire that sent the troopers scattering when he could, allowing him to regain ground
  68. >But he was badly outnumbered, and enclosed, and his enemies felt no fear, righting themselves and resuming the assault as best they could in spite of damaged weapons or compromised armor or horrid blood loss
  69. >They couldn't land a lethal strike, but their combined efforts overwhelmed him often enough to stagger him and open wounds that sapped his strength and left him ever more vulnerable for further attacks
  70. >Then, the enforcer units broke through the wall
  71. ----------
  72. >The queen's new war machines were equipped with truly impressive sensor systems
  73. >They were able to monitor the entire fight through the walls with no trouble
  74. >When they were ordered to attack, they knew precisely where to launch themselves, even through solid blocks, to quickly meet their target
  76. >In spite of all that, Forcas' was sharp enough to sense the danger
  77. >He managed to evade their initial strike
  78. >Even as the walls ripped apart, sending debris everywhere, and the hulking weapon-encrusted pieces of machinery came hurtling in, he managed to dodge the rain of shattered stone and bladed limbs as they reached for the spot he'd been standing in only moments before
  79. >He spoke through a mouthful of blood as he shifted his attention from the overwatch troopers around him to the enforcers
  81. >"Ah, but of course, you do have the technological advantage."
  83. >He turned to face OC-1789 and flick away a spear-thrust that would otherwise have put an end to him
  85. >"This fight may be yours, Commander, but I will see that it costs you."
  86. -
  87. >Forcas raised his hand toward the ceiling and sent forth a bolt of true hellfire that quickly began to consume the structure
  88. >In any other fight, the enemy would have reconsidered, reorganized, withdrawn and waited for a new opportunity to attack that wouldn't cost them so many casualties
  89. >But these demons were members of The Overwatch Of Hell's Populace
  90. >Supported by The Enforcers Of The Queen's Will
  91. >The former's minds had been scrubbed of fear, and all other emotions for that matter
  92. >The only thing they feared anymore was a failed mission; the cost of which was far beyond anything anyone could inflict on them
  93. >The latter had never known fear, never known anything, and never would
  94. >And so the brawl continued, even as gobs of lethal, soul-erasing fire began to fall about them
  95. -
  96. >The overwatch troopers did their best to keep away from the flames as they attacked
  97. >They wouldn't be able to kill their target if they themselves were dead
  98. >But they gave not an inch of ground to the last of Hell's knights nor to the inferno he'd conjured
  100. >The enforcers simply marched forward
  101. >Mindless
  102. >Tank-like
  103. >Not feeling the sparks of unholy fire as they rained down upon them and ate away at their metallic forms
  104. >The simplest of tactics evaded them
  105. >They existed only to obey their basic programming
  106. >And they had been programmed to kill
  107. -
  108. >The machines left themselves vulnerable in their suicidal drive to engage their target
  109. >Forcas was able to use the flaming environment around him to his advantage
  110. >But the automated horrors were simply built too sturdily
  111. >They could be slowed, but they could not be stopped
  112. >Blades still stabbed out and gun barrels belched out slugs and flechettes with mechanical precision, even as the enforcers themselves lost armor plates, ocular sensors, or limbs
  113. >With their inexorable battlefront before him and troopers to his sides, the knight was soon backed up against the only structurally sound wall left
  114. -
  115. >Then, he was pinned against it as the enforcer seized him
  116. >Forcas had already known it was over as soon as he felt the stone touch his back, but he soldiered on, defiant for defiance's sake
  117. >He put a few more gashes into the machine that had its metal claws around his neck
  118. >With his spare hand, he landed a solid hit with a fireball on another, the troopers flanking it scattering as its munitions casing began to pop and sputter
  119. >Then, he felt the blade enter his chest
  120. >He grunted, then sighed
  122. >"Well done, commander"
  124. >He looked down at the little soot-drenched imp who had struck the final blow
  126. >"Well done indeed. Brilliant tactics."
  127. >"...not brilliant actually. But a very effective use of the resources you were given."
  128. >"You got the job done."
  129. >"Hmm-hmmm~"
  130. >"I suppose that's all that really matters."
  132. >Forcas dropped his sword
  133. >He pointed the forefingers of both hands at the ground
  134. >Hellfire began to glow around them again
  136. >"I know it's not in your usual playbook, but I suggest you retreat"
  137. >"I don't mind letting you and your friends live, but I'm afraid I'll be taking these machines of yours down to The Abyss with me"
  139. ---
  141. >Overwatch Commander 1789 yanked his spear back out of his target
  142. >He'd managed to slip in a killing blow while the enforcers kept him occupied
  143. >Even if he wasn't quite dead yet, he was done for
  144. >Mission accomplished
  145. >But he intended to go out in a blaze of glory
  146. >He flicked his radio on, but still shouted as loud as he could to make sure as many troopers as possible would hear him over the crackle of the firestorm around them and the sharp clatter of enforcer ammo cooking off
  148. >"ALL UNITS"
  149. >"FALL BACK"
  150. >"FULL RETREAT"
  153. >He turned tail and ran just as bolts of unholy flame began to turn the floor into molten rock
  154. >He felt a stray bullet from an enforcer's exploding ammunition case hit his leg as he passed through the ruined doorway, but he kept running
  155. -
  156. >A wave of heat washed over OC-1789 as he cleared the building
  157. >He'd made it just far enough that the column of fire rising into the night sky only managed to throw him to the ground and heat his armor's plates to an uncomfortable degree
  158. >The troopers who hadn't been as quick had less luck
  159. >The ones closest to the blast were reduced to ash or smeared across the ground by flying debris
  160. >Gone in an instant
  161. >Those just behind him were scorched, and began rolling over the ground to put out the flames engulfing them
  163. >The small handful of troopers who had made it out before them and reached a safe distance rushed back once the flaming pillar faded from lethal pyre down to a mere raging blaze
  164. >They attended to their comrades with callous indifference
  165. >The pain and shock was of no concern, only whether or not they could survive and be brought back into fighting shape
  166. >Those most likely to recover were given priority treatment
  168. >A gloved hand grabbed OC-1789 by the back of his armor and hauled him to his feet
  169. >He gritted his teeth as he was forced to stand upon a leg with a bullet lodged in it, and the blisters forming on his skin grated against his uniform, but made no sound
  170. >He looked to the trooper who had lifted him up
  172. >"All is in order, trooper?"
  174. >They nodded
  176. >"All is in order, sir."
  178. >He nodded back
  180. >"Survivors?"
  182. >They gestured around at the uninjured troopers helping the injured drag themselves further from the blaze
  184. >"What you see is all that's left."
  186. >"Understood."
  187. >"Gather up and wait for extraction."
  189. >"Affirmative."
  191. >The trooper saluted, flakes of their own burnt flesh and ruined armor sloughing away from the motion
  192. >OC-1789 turned away from them and submitted a request to patch through to Headquarters
  193. ---
  194. >"This is Overwatch Commander 1789 to HQ."
  195. >"Please respond."
  197. >There was a pause as the usual process of deciding whether or not the transmission was worthy of being put through proceeded
  198. >OC-1789 took a few steps back and to the side to dodge another spray of hot metal and building blocks as another enforcer unit went off
  199. >The usual static on the channel cut out to eerie silence for a moment, leaving only the roar of the flames and the grunts of his surviving troopers as company, then he was cleared for communication
  201. >"1789, this is HQ."
  202. >"Status of objective?"
  204. >"Target has been eliminated."
  206. >"Status of unit?"
  208. >"OT's 481, 1791, 263, 421, 889, 347, 2011, 394-C, and 911-Alpha have been erased"
  209. >"OT's 299, 1354, 888, 721, 761-B, 3504, 4117-D, and 805 are injured but salvageable."
  210. >"Remainder of troopers are unharmed."
  211. >"All enforcer units have been destroyed."
  212. >"I am in need of medical attention."
  214. >There was a pause on the other end of the line before they spoke again
  216. >"Acceptable losses."
  217. >"Return to base."
  218. >"Report immediately for debriefing once you have been treated."
  220. >He had to be careful to keep his sigh of relief from being heard over the radio
  221. >But it felt as though a great weight had been lifted on him
  222. >They had found his service adequate
  223. >He and his forces would face no punishment for the loss of personnel and materiel
  225. >"Affirmative HQ."
  226. >"Moving within the hour."
  228. >The line closed without further acknowledgement
  229. >OC-1789 looked around and found his spear, a few short, painful steps away from him
  230. >He picked it back up and, using it as a walking stick, began to hobble over to rejoin the rest of the overwatch demons
  231. >He would sleep well tonight, after getting this slug out of his leg and sitting through his debriefing
  232. >All was in order
  233. >He had made it so
  235. fin
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