Guest User


a guest
Mar 14th, 2018
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  1. [root@bbcqaapp01:/export/trunk/junction2] # rake db:populate
  2. (in /export/trunk/junction2)
  3. Loading 001_baseline_data.rb...
  4. Loading 002_country_data.rb...
  5. Loading 003_model_projects.rb...
  6. Adding project internal_visible
  7. Adding project internal_invisible
  8. Loading 004_demo_data.rb...
  9. Creating person craigmcc
  10. Adding craigmcc as owner of network community
  11. Adding community glassfish
  12. Adding community javadesktop
  13. Adding community mobileandembedded
  14. Adding community netbeans
  15. Adding community openjdk
  16. Adding community openoffice
  17. Adding community opensolaris
  18. Loading 005_more_demo_data.rb...
  19. Adding person mehdi
  20. Adding project oasis
  21. Loading 006_relax_create_issues_permissions.rb...
  22. Loading 006_tag_suggestions.rb...
  23. Loading 007_refine_scm_activity_description.rb...
  24. Loading 008_add_delete_activity_for_downloads.rb...
  25. Adding delete download activity
  26. Adding permission for delete download activity
  27. Loading 010_default_content_repository.rb...
  28. Loading 011_project_link_categories.rb...
  29. Loading 012_add_with_navigation_flag.rb...
  30. Loading 014_change_registered_role.rb...
  31. Loading 020_correct_file_downloads_display_name.rb...
  32. Loading 028_update_default_wiki_permissions.rb...
  33. Loading 030_add_invite_data.rb...
  34. Loading 031_add_forum_demo_data.rb...
  35. Creating person Denise Richards
  36. ## there was a problem saving Denise Richards
  37. --- &id001 !ruby/object:Person
  38. attributes:
  39. forum_last_post_at:
  40. email_address_lower:
  41. member_since: 2008-03-24 23:24:51.360981 +00:00
  42. email_address:
  43. forum_post_count: 0
  44. language_id: 1
  45. salt: !str 54600.7197595819799846
  46. hashed_password: eb42dd796951eeae8ed04b767c4b8a1a0ed747ae
  47. show_first_name: true
  48. show_geo_coordinates: false
  49. show_email_address: false
  50. show_last_name: true
  51. show_member_since: true
  52. created_at:
  53. country_id: 1
  54. forum_format: bbcode
  55. reset_password: false
  56. last_name: Richards
  57. show_pic: false
  58. show_country: true
  59. path_to_pic:
  60. username: deniserichards
  61. active: true
  62. updated_at:
  63. show_language: true
  64. latitude:
  65. first_name: Denise
  66. image_id:
  67. remote_id:
  68. longitude:
  69. errors: !ruby/object:ActiveRecord::Errors
  70. errors:
  71. base:
  72. - Password pick a password between 6 to 10 characteres long
  73. base: *id001
  74. language: !ruby/object:Language
  75. attributes:
  76. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  77. display_name: English
  78. name: en
  79. id: !str 1
  80. description:
  81. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  82. attributes_cache: {}
  83. country: !ruby/object:Country
  84. attributes:
  85. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  86. display_name: United States
  87. name: US
  88. id: !str 1
  89. description:
  90. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  91. attributes_cache: {}
  92. password: Denise Richards
  93. attributes_cache: {}
  94. new_record: true
  95. password_confirmation: Denise Richards
  96. Creating person Mick Jagger
  97. ## there was a problem saving Mick Jagger
  98. --- &id001 !ruby/object:Person
  99. attributes:
  100. forum_last_post_at:
  101. email_address_lower:
  102. member_since: 2008-03-24 23:24:51.360981 +00:00
  103. email_address:
  104. forum_post_count: 0
  105. language_id: 1
  106. salt: !str 55180.6393154325454297
  107. hashed_password: fc592a204ad8561e08fb72fdf6cfc3a5b0025691
  108. show_first_name: true
  109. show_geo_coordinates: false
  110. show_email_address: false
  111. show_last_name: true
  112. show_member_since: true
  113. created_at:
  114. country_id: 1
  115. forum_format: bbcode
  116. reset_password: false
  117. last_name: Jagger
  118. show_pic: false
  119. show_country: true
  120. path_to_pic:
  121. username: mickjagger
  122. active: true
  123. updated_at:
  124. show_language: true
  125. latitude:
  126. first_name: Mick
  127. image_id:
  128. remote_id:
  129. longitude:
  130. errors: !ruby/object:ActiveRecord::Errors
  131. errors:
  132. base:
  133. - Password pick a password between 6 to 10 characteres long
  134. base: *id001
  135. language: !ruby/object:Language
  136. attributes:
  137. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  138. display_name: English
  139. name: en
  140. id: !str 1
  141. description:
  142. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  143. attributes_cache: {}
  144. country: !ruby/object:Country
  145. attributes:
  146. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  147. display_name: United States
  148. name: US
  149. id: !str 1
  150. description:
  151. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  152. attributes_cache: {}
  153. password: Mick Jagger
  154. attributes_cache: {}
  155. new_record: true
  156. password_confirmation: Mick Jagger
  157. Creating person Scarlett Johansson
  158. ## there was a problem saving Scarlett Johansson
  159. --- &id001 !ruby/object:Person
  160. attributes:
  161. forum_last_post_at:
  162. email_address_lower:
  163. member_since: 2008-03-24 23:24:51.360981 +00:00
  164. email_address:
  165. forum_post_count: 0
  166. language_id: 1
  167. salt: !str 55240.9265662187785914
  168. hashed_password: 428b8454b764779f4e05dce502fe0a9ff5a7066a
  169. show_first_name: true
  170. show_geo_coordinates: false
  171. show_email_address: false
  172. show_last_name: true
  173. show_member_since: true
  174. created_at:
  175. country_id: 1
  176. forum_format: bbcode
  177. reset_password: false
  178. last_name: Johansson
  179. show_pic: false
  180. show_country: true
  181. path_to_pic:
  182. username: scarlettjohansson
  183. active: true
  184. updated_at:
  185. show_language: true
  186. latitude:
  187. first_name: Scarlett
  188. image_id:
  189. remote_id:
  190. longitude:
  191. errors: !ruby/object:ActiveRecord::Errors
  192. errors:
  193. base:
  194. - Password pick a password between 6 to 10 characteres long
  195. base: *id001
  196. language: !ruby/object:Language
  197. attributes:
  198. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  199. display_name: English
  200. name: en
  201. id: !str 1
  202. description:
  203. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  204. attributes_cache: {}
  205. country: !ruby/object:Country
  206. attributes:
  207. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  208. display_name: United States
  209. name: US
  210. id: !str 1
  211. description:
  212. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  213. attributes_cache: {}
  214. password: Scarlett Johansson
  215. attributes_cache: {}
  216. new_record: true
  217. password_confirmation: Scarlett Johansson
  218. Creating person Andy Samberg
  219. ## there was a problem saving Andy Samberg
  220. --- &id001 !ruby/object:Person
  221. attributes:
  222. forum_last_post_at:
  223. email_address_lower:
  224. member_since: 2008-03-24 23:24:51.360981 +00:00
  225. email_address:
  226. forum_post_count: 0
  227. language_id: 1
  228. salt: !str 55300.5336366355789801
  229. hashed_password: 636151b41ddcb5a6d9b3b9801e922f1a25846018
  230. show_first_name: true
  231. show_geo_coordinates: false
  232. show_email_address: false
  233. show_last_name: true
  234. show_member_since: true
  235. created_at:
  236. country_id: 1
  237. forum_format: bbcode
  238. reset_password: false
  239. last_name: Samberg
  240. show_pic: false
  241. show_country: true
  242. path_to_pic:
  243. username: andysamberg
  244. active: true
  245. updated_at:
  246. show_language: true
  247. latitude:
  248. first_name: Andy
  249. image_id:
  250. remote_id:
  251. longitude:
  252. errors: !ruby/object:ActiveRecord::Errors
  253. errors:
  254. base:
  255. - Password pick a password between 6 to 10 characteres long
  256. base: *id001
  257. language: !ruby/object:Language
  258. attributes:
  259. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  260. display_name: English
  261. name: en
  262. id: !str 1
  263. description:
  264. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  265. attributes_cache: {}
  266. country: !ruby/object:Country
  267. attributes:
  268. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  269. display_name: United States
  270. name: US
  271. id: !str 1
  272. description:
  273. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  274. attributes_cache: {}
  275. password: Andy Samberg
  276. attributes_cache: {}
  277. new_record: true
  278. password_confirmation: Andy Samberg
  279. Creating person Jim Parkinson
  280. ## there was a problem saving Jim Parkinson
  281. --- &id001 !ruby/object:Person
  282. attributes:
  283. forum_last_post_at:
  284. email_address_lower:
  285. member_since: 2008-03-24 23:24:51.360981 +00:00
  286. email_address:
  287. forum_post_count: 0
  288. language_id: 1
  289. salt: !str 55360.8657192272948159
  290. hashed_password: e4d2bf864d411ca3f8f3c3af8a05101aebb64ba3
  291. show_first_name: true
  292. show_geo_coordinates: false
  293. show_email_address: false
  294. show_last_name: true
  295. show_member_since: true
  296. created_at:
  297. country_id: 1
  298. forum_format: bbcode
  299. reset_password: false
  300. last_name: Parkinson
  301. show_pic: false
  302. show_country: true
  303. path_to_pic:
  304. username: jimparkinson
  305. active: true
  306. updated_at:
  307. show_language: true
  308. latitude:
  309. first_name: Jim
  310. image_id:
  311. remote_id:
  312. longitude:
  313. errors: !ruby/object:ActiveRecord::Errors
  314. errors:
  315. base:
  316. - Password pick a password between 6 to 10 characteres long
  317. base: *id001
  318. language: !ruby/object:Language
  319. attributes:
  320. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  321. display_name: English
  322. name: en
  323. id: !str 1
  324. description:
  325. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  326. attributes_cache: {}
  327. country: !ruby/object:Country
  328. attributes:
  329. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  330. display_name: United States
  331. name: US
  332. id: !str 1
  333. description:
  334. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  335. attributes_cache: {}
  336. password: Jim Parkinson
  337. attributes_cache: {}
  338. new_record: true
  339. password_confirmation: Jim Parkinson
  340. Creating person Octavian Tanase
  341. ## there was a problem saving Octavian Tanase
  342. --- &id001 !ruby/object:Person
  343. attributes:
  344. forum_last_post_at:
  345. email_address_lower:
  346. member_since: 2008-03-24 23:24:51.360981 +00:00
  347. email_address:
  348. forum_post_count: 0
  349. language_id: 1
  350. salt: !str 55420.8493486076354391
  351. hashed_password: 439f55807d11dc6114191a4f2742951b840c26a4
  352. show_first_name: true
  353. show_geo_coordinates: false
  354. show_email_address: false
  355. show_last_name: true
  356. show_member_since: true
  357. created_at:
  358. country_id: 1
  359. forum_format: bbcode
  360. reset_password: false
  361. last_name: Tanase
  362. show_pic: false
  363. show_country: true
  364. path_to_pic:
  365. username: octaviantanase
  366. active: true
  367. updated_at:
  368. show_language: true
  369. latitude:
  370. first_name: Octavian
  371. image_id:
  372. remote_id:
  373. longitude:
  374. errors: !ruby/object:ActiveRecord::Errors
  375. errors:
  376. base:
  377. - Password pick a password between 6 to 10 characteres long
  378. base: *id001
  379. language: !ruby/object:Language
  380. attributes:
  381. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  382. display_name: English
  383. name: en
  384. id: !str 1
  385. description:
  386. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  387. attributes_cache: {}
  388. country: !ruby/object:Country
  389. attributes:
  390. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  391. display_name: United States
  392. name: US
  393. id: !str 1
  394. description:
  395. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  396. attributes_cache: {}
  397. password: Octavian Tanase
  398. attributes_cache: {}
  399. new_record: true
  400. password_confirmation: Octavian Tanase
  401. Creating person Fernando Castano
  402. ## there was a problem saving Fernando Castano
  403. --- &id001 !ruby/object:Person
  404. attributes:
  405. forum_last_post_at:
  406. email_address_lower:
  407. member_since: 2008-03-24 23:24:51.360981 +00:00
  408. email_address:
  409. forum_post_count: 0
  410. language_id: 1
  411. salt: !str 55480.24689363650304885
  412. hashed_password: 43e7f6526fdeb85dd2a7c2bf8126f8cb34c85ffc
  413. show_first_name: true
  414. show_geo_coordinates: false
  415. show_email_address: false
  416. show_last_name: true
  417. show_member_since: true
  418. created_at:
  419. country_id: 1
  420. forum_format: bbcode
  421. reset_password: false
  422. last_name: Castano
  423. show_pic: false
  424. show_country: true
  425. path_to_pic:
  426. username: fernandocastano
  427. active: true
  428. updated_at:
  429. show_language: true
  430. latitude:
  431. first_name: Fernando
  432. image_id:
  433. remote_id:
  434. longitude:
  435. errors: !ruby/object:ActiveRecord::Errors
  436. errors:
  437. base:
  438. - Password pick a password between 6 to 10 characteres long
  439. base: *id001
  440. language: !ruby/object:Language
  441. attributes:
  442. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  443. display_name: English
  444. name: en
  445. id: !str 1
  446. description:
  447. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  448. attributes_cache: {}
  449. country: !ruby/object:Country
  450. attributes:
  451. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  452. display_name: United States
  453. name: US
  454. id: !str 1
  455. description:
  456. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  457. attributes_cache: {}
  458. password: Fernando Castano
  459. attributes_cache: {}
  460. new_record: true
  461. password_confirmation: Fernando Castano
  462. Creating person Jim Berney
  463. Creating person Srikanth Ramakrishna
  464. ## there was a problem saving Srikanth Ramakrishna
  465. --- &id001 !ruby/object:Person
  466. attributes:
  467. forum_last_post_at:
  468. email_address_lower:
  469. member_since: 2008-03-24 23:24:51.360981 +00:00
  470. email_address:
  471. forum_post_count: 0
  472. language_id: 1
  473. salt: !str 55600.45400644971511217
  474. hashed_password: 7a7f72a05e2510a81634c1a9ef4ab48235ae028e
  475. show_first_name: true
  476. show_geo_coordinates: false
  477. show_email_address: false
  478. show_last_name: true
  479. show_member_since: true
  480. created_at:
  481. country_id: 1
  482. forum_format: bbcode
  483. reset_password: false
  484. last_name: Ramakrishna
  485. show_pic: false
  486. show_country: true
  487. path_to_pic:
  488. username: srikanthramakrishna
  489. active: true
  490. updated_at:
  491. show_language: true
  492. latitude:
  493. first_name: Srikanth
  494. image_id:
  495. remote_id:
  496. longitude:
  497. errors: !ruby/object:ActiveRecord::Errors
  498. errors:
  499. base:
  500. - Password pick a password between 6 to 10 characteres long
  501. base: *id001
  502. language: !ruby/object:Language
  503. attributes:
  504. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  505. display_name: English
  506. name: en
  507. id: !str 1
  508. description:
  509. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  510. attributes_cache: {}
  511. country: !ruby/object:Country
  512. attributes:
  513. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  514. display_name: United States
  515. name: US
  516. id: !str 1
  517. description:
  518. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  519. attributes_cache: {}
  520. password: Srikanth Ramakrishna
  521. attributes_cache: {}
  522. new_record: true
  523. password_confirmation: Srikanth Ramakrishna
  524. Creating person Richard Green
  525. ## there was a problem saving Richard Green
  526. --- &id001 !ruby/object:Person
  527. attributes:
  528. forum_last_post_at:
  529. email_address_lower:
  530. member_since: 2008-03-24 23:24:51.360981 +00:00
  531. email_address:
  532. forum_post_count: 0
  533. language_id: 1
  534. salt: !str 55660.2939273530439477
  535. hashed_password: f9481ce07d6cf10ba87522d70bb40157643316c9
  536. show_first_name: true
  537. show_geo_coordinates: false
  538. show_email_address: false
  539. show_last_name: true
  540. show_member_since: true
  541. created_at:
  542. country_id: 1
  543. forum_format: bbcode
  544. reset_password: false
  545. last_name: Green
  546. show_pic: false
  547. show_country: true
  548. path_to_pic:
  549. username: richardgreen
  550. active: true
  551. updated_at:
  552. show_language: true
  553. latitude:
  554. first_name: Richard
  555. image_id:
  556. remote_id:
  557. longitude:
  558. errors: !ruby/object:ActiveRecord::Errors
  559. errors:
  560. base:
  561. - Password pick a password between 6 to 10 characteres long
  562. base: *id001
  563. language: !ruby/object:Language
  564. attributes:
  565. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  566. display_name: English
  567. name: en
  568. id: !str 1
  569. description:
  570. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:30.143555
  571. attributes_cache: {}
  572. country: !ruby/object:Country
  573. attributes:
  574. updated_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  575. display_name: United States
  576. name: US
  577. id: !str 1
  578. description:
  579. created_at: 2008-03-24 16:24:31.743187
  580. attributes_cache: {}
  581. password: Richard Green
  582. attributes_cache: {}
  583. new_record: true
  584. password_confirmation: Richard Green
  585. TOPIC: Glassfish server startup
  586. ... creating a post
  587. ... creating a post
  588. ... creating a post
  589. TOPIC: How to indcrementally publish
  590. ... creating a post
  591. ... creating a post
  592. TOPIC: Eclipse GlassFish Install problem
  593. ... creating a post
  594. done with User Forum
  595. TOPIC: Web application symbolic links not recognized or followed
  596. ... creating a post
  597. ... creating a post
  598. ... creating a post
  599. TOPIC: Deploying Spring Application in GlassFish
  600. ... creating a post
  601. ... creating a post
  602. ... creating a post
  603. ... creating a post
  604. ... creating a post
  605. TOPIC: glass fish slow startup
  606. ... creating a post
  607. ... creating a post
  608. TOPIC: Load Balancing Glassfish W/SJSWS 6.1
  609. ... creating a post
  610. TOPIC: Form based login anomalty
  611. ... creating a post
  612. TOPIC: Setup of Glassfish Email to use remote server and Port
  613. ... creating a post
  614. done with Developer Forum
  615. TOPIC: Inserting images constant pixel widths
  616. ... creating a post
  617. ... creating a post
  618. TOPIC: Page numbers in header
  619. ... creating a post
  620. ... creating a post
  621. ... creating a post
  622. done with User Forum
  623. TOPIC: OpenOffice network install
  624. ... creating a post
  625. ... creating a post
  626. ... creating a post
  627. TOPIC: Desktop shortcut.....
  628. ... creating a post
  629. ... creating a post
  630. ... creating a post
  631. done with Developer Forum
  632. [root@bbcqaapp01:/export/trunk/junction2] #
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