
Event 2481 zmesdetect*.log and zmeventnotification.log

Mar 29th, 2022
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  1. 03/25/22 15:18:16.962558 zmeventnotification[4978].INF [main:1018] [PARENT: New event 2481 reported for Monitor:1 (Name:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1) Motion All[last processed eid:2480]]
  2. 03/25/22 15:18:16.979563 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=1]
  3. 03/25/22 15:18:16.979672 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: There are 1 new Events to process]
  4. 03/25/22 15:18:16.983569 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:2, total forks:16, active hooks: 1)<--------------]
  5. 03/25/22 15:18:16.984071 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [ZoneMinder::Logger:321] [LogOpts: level=DB4/DB1, screen=OFF, database=INF, logfile=DB1->/var/log/zm/zmeventnotification.log, syslog=INF]
  6. 03/25/22 15:18:16.984267 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: Forked process:9524 to handle alarm eid:2481]
  7. 03/25/22 15:18:16.984565 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [ZoneMinder::Object:125] [Loading ZoneMinder::Event from Events WHERE Id = 2481]
  8. 03/25/22 15:18:16.986418 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 Adding event path:/var/cache/zoneminder/events/1/2022-03-25/2481 to hook for image storage]
  9. 03/25/22 15:18:16.986515 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 Invoking hook on event start:'/var/lib/zmeventnotification/bin/' 2481 1 "Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1" "Motion All" "/var/cache/zoneminder/events/1/2022-03-25/2481"]
  11. ==> /var/log/zm/zmesdetect_m1.log <==
  12. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9528] INF [Setting up signal handler for logs]
  13. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9528] INF [Switching global logger to ZMLog]
  14. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9528] INF [---------| app:6.1.23, pyzm:0.3.55, ES:6.1.23 , OpenCV:4.5.3|------------]
  15. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9528] INF [Reading config from: /etc/zm/objectconfig.ini]
  16. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9528] INF [Reading secrets from: /etc/zm/secrets.ini]
  17. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_PORTAL]
  18. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_USER]
  19. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_PASSWORD]
  20. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ZM_API_PORTAL]
  21. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ML_USER]
  22. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !ML_PASSWORD]
  23. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Secret token found in config: !PLATEREC_ALPR_KEY]
  24. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [allowing self-signed certs to work...]
  25. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG4 [Now checking for monitor overrides]
  26. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG4 [Finally, doing parameter substitution]
  27. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9528] INF [Importing local classes for Object/Face]
  28. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [Released pyzm_uid33_cpu_lock portalock]
  29. 03/25/22 15:18:18 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG1 [perf: processor:cpu Yolo detection took: 1964.73 ms]
  30. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [perf: processor:cpu Yolo NMS filtering took: 1.05 ms]
  31. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [core model detection over, got 4 objects. Now filtering]
  32. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
  33. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [Converted 90% to 432000.0]
  34. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [Ignoring book [729, 332, 765, 600] as conf. level 0.26400047540664673 is lower than 0.3]
  35. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [Returning filtered list of 3 objects.]
  36. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [This model iteration inside object found: labels: ['book', 'book', 'clock'],conf:[0.6234503388404846, 0.5506402850151062, 0.30125436186790466]]
  37. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
  38. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [Converted 90% to 432000.0]
  39. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [intersection: object:book,POLYGON ((692 334, 750 334, 750 602, 692 602, 692 334)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
  40. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|boat)]
  41. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [full_image intersects object:book[[(692, 334), (750, 334), (750, 602), (692, 602)]] but does NOT match your detect pattern filter]
  42. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [intersection: object:book,POLYGON ((664 344, 712 344, 712 596, 664 596, 664 344)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
  43. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|boat)]
  44. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [full_image intersects object:book[[(664, 344), (712, 344), (712, 596), (664, 596)]] but does NOT match your detect pattern filter]
  45. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [intersection: object:clock,POLYGON ((266 68, 304 68, 304 118, 266 118, 266 68)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
  46. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|boat)]
  47. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [full_image intersects object:clock[[(266, 68), (304, 68), (304, 118), (266, 118)]] but does NOT match your detect pattern filter]
  48. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [We did not find any object matches in frame: alarm]
  49. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG1 [============ Frame: alarm Running face detection type in sequence ==================]
  50. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [Skipping TPU face detection as it is disabled]
  51. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [Skipping DLIB based face recognition as it is disabled]
  52. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG3 [face has a same_model_sequence strategy of union]
  53. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [We did not find any face matches in frame: alarm]
  54. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG1 [============ Frame: alarm Running alpr detection type in sequence ==================]
  55. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG2 [Making sure we have matched one of ['car', 'motorbike', 'bus', 'truck', 'boat'] in [] before we proceed]
  56. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG1 [Did not find pre existing labels, not running detection type]
  57. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG1 [perf: TOTAL detection sequence (with image loads) took: 5041.03 ms to process 2480]
  58. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] INF [Prediction string:[s] detected:person:98% ]
  59. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG1 [Prediction string JSON:{"labels": ["person"], "boxes": [[117, 10, 441, 594]], "frame_id": "snapshot", "confidences": [0.9772003889083862], "image_dimensions": {"original": [480, 640], "resized": [600, 800]}}]
  60. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG1 [Writing detected image to /var/cache/zoneminder/events/1/2022-03-25/2480/objdetect.jpg]
  61. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG1 [Writing JSON output to /var/cache/zoneminder/events/1/2022-03-25/2480/objects.json]
  62. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9504] DBG1 [Closing logs]
  63. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] INF [Connecting with ZM APIs]
  64. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [API SSL certificate check has been disbled]
  65. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [using username/password for login]
  66. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Using new token API]
  67. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [Access token expires on:2022-03-25 17:18:19.372095 [7200s]]
  68. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [Refresh token expires on:2022-03-26 15:18:19.373223 [86400s]]
  69. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [using ml_sequence]
  70. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [using stream_sequence]
  71. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [Resetting models, will be loaded on next run]
  72. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG3 [Using automatic locking as we are switching between models]
  73. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Media get SSL certificate check has been disbled]
  74. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Using URL 2481 for stream]
  75. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [We will only process frames: ['snapshot', 'alarm']]
  76. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [No need to start streams, we are picking images from]
  77. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG3 [Reading]
  78. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG3 [No need to relogin as access token still has 119.99971493333334 minutes remaining]
  79. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG3 [make_request called with url= payload={} type=get query={'token': 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJab25lTWluZGVyIiwiaWF0IjoxNjQ4MjQ2Njk5LCJleHAiOjE2NDgyNTM4OTksInVzZXIiOiJzdGV2ZSIsInR5cGUiOiJhY2Nlc3MifQ.7L3m4Lf4yLc1Z2y4E5E4l8TL-Fz13GXphpLOPQtTvU8'}]
  80. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [perf: Starting for frame:snapshot]
  81. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [Sequence of detection types to execute: ['object', 'face', 'alpr']]
  82. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [============ Frame: snapshot Running object detection type in sequence ==================]
  83. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Skipping TPU object detection as it is disabled]
  84. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Loading sequence: YoloV4 GPU/CPU]
  85. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Initializing model type:object with options:{'name': 'YoloV4 GPU/CPU', 'enabled': 'yes', 'object_config': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/yolov4/yolov4.cfg', 'object_weights': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/yolov4/yolov4.weights', 'object_labels': '/var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/yolov4/coco.names', 'object_min_confidence': 0.3, 'object_framework': 'opencv', 'object_processor': 'cpu', 'gpu_max_processes': 1, 'gpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'cpu_max_processes': 3, 'cpu_max_lock_wait': 100, 'max_detection_size': '90%', 'disable_locks': 'no'}]
  86. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [portalock: max:3, name:pyzm_uid33_cpu_lock, timeout:100]
  87. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG3 [object has a same_model_sequence strategy of first]
  88. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [--------- Frame:snapshot Running variation: #1 -------------]
  89. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [detect extracted image dimensions as: 800wx600h]
  90. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Waiting for pyzm_uid33_cpu_lock portalock...]
  91. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Got pyzm_uid33_cpu_lock portalock]
  92. 03/25/22 15:18:19 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [|--------- Loading "YoloV4 GPU/CPU" model from disk -------------|]
  94. ==> /var/log/zm/zmeventnotification.log <==
  95. 03/25/22 15:18:19.353679 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 parse of hook:[s] detected:person:98% and {"labels": ["person"], "boxes": [[117, 10, 441, 594]], "frame_id": "snapshot", "confidences": [0.9772003889083862], "image_dimensions": {"original": [480, 640], "resized": [600, 800]}}]
  96. 03/25/22 15:18:19.353848 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 hook start returned with text:[s] detected:person:98% json:{"labels": ["person"], "boxes": [[117, 10, 441, 594]], "frame_id": "snapshot", "confidences": [0.9772003889083862], "image_dimensions": {"original": [480, 640], "resized": [600, 800]}} exit:0]
  97. 03/25/22 15:18:19.354337 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 For 1 (Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1), SHM says: state=3, eid=2481]
  98. 03/25/22 15:18:19.354707 zmeventnotification[9500].INF [main:1018] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 Event 2480 for Monitor 1 has finished]
  99. 03/25/22 15:18:19.357398 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 Event end object is: state=>pending with cause=>Motion: All]
  100. 03/25/22 15:18:21.378424 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 rules: Checking rules for alarm caused by eid:2480, monitor:1, at: Fri Mar 25 15:18:21 2022 with cause:[s] detected:person:98% Motion All]
  101. 03/25/22 15:18:21.378543 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 rules: No rules found for Monitor, allowing:1]
  102. 03/25/22 15:18:21.378654 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 Matching alarm to connection rules...]
  103. 03/25/22 15:18:21.378766 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 Checking alarm conditions for token ending in:...BqYagXnjLX]
  104. 03/25/22 15:18:21.378901 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 Monitor 1 event: should send out as 190.71405005455 is >= interval of 0]
  105. 03/25/22 15:18:21.378977 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 token is unique, shouldSendEventToConn returned true, so calling sendEvent]
  106. 03/25/22 15:18:21.379128 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 isAllowedChannel: got type:event_start resCode:0]
  107. 03/25/22 15:18:21.379303 zmeventnotification[9500].INF [main:1018] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 Sending event_start notification over FCM]
  108. 03/25/22 15:18:21.410947 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 Resetting counters for tokenBqYagXnjLX as month changed]
  109. 03/25/22 15:18:21.417751 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 fcmv1: SnLogs for 2481apshot frame matched, changing picture url to:https://portal/zm/index.php?view=image&eid=2480&fid=objdetect&width=600&username=steve&password=testing456 ]
  110. 03/25/22 15:18:21.427978 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 setting channel to zmninja]
  111. 03/25/22 15:18:21.428184 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 fcmv1: Final JSON using FCMV1 being sent is: {"badge":1,"image_url":"https://portal/zm/index.php?view=image&eid=2480&fid=objdetect&width=600&username=steve&password=xxx},"sound":"default","token":"camCNCqgQRutGXxnaJKDiR:APA91bEvnNQTgMXHb1_ojo7NtcobGDWrlAOmoGn0jRjt0JwCyV66_loYTRd_QIAiQEXEhPW4jeD50N_wqiKo-kQBZLsO-9xABbBbJ_fmtXHgf2jJJ6sacg8PMpDy9IGK1fBqYagXnjLX","body":"[s] detected:person:98% Motion All at 03:18 PM, 25-Mar","data":{"mid":"1","eid":"2480","notification_foreground":"true"},"title":"Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 Alarm (2480)"} to token: ...gXnjLX]
  113. ==> /var/log/zm/zmesdetect_m1.log <==
  114. 03/25/22 15:18:21 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [perf: processor:cpu Yolo initialization (loading /var/lib/zmeventnotification/models/yolov4/yolov4.weights model from disk) took: 2442.16 ms]
  115. 03/25/22 15:18:21 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [Using CPU for detection]
  116. 03/25/22 15:18:21 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [|---------- YOLO (input image: 800w*600h, model resize dimensions: 416w*416h) ----------|]
  118. ==> /var/log/zm/zmeventnotification.log <==
  119. 03/25/22 15:18:21.956161 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:2, total forks:16, active hooks: 1 running for:846 min)<--------------]
  120. 03/25/22 15:18:21.956304 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 1, ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 1, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
  121. 03/25/22 15:18:21.956636 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->update_parallel_hooks--TYPE--add]
  122. 03/25/22 15:18:21.956835 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->update_parallel_hooks--TYPE--del]
  123. 03/25/22 15:18:21.957552 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->active_event_update--TYPE--1--SPLIT--2480--SPLIT--Start--SPLIT--Cause--SPLIT--[s] detected:person:98% Motion All--JSON--{"labels": ["person"], "boxes": [[117, 10, 441, 594]], "frame_id": "snapshot", "confidences": [0.9772003889083862], "image_dimensions": {"original": [480, 640], "resized": [600, 800]}}]
  124. 03/25/22 15:18:21.957916 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: Job: Update active_event eid:2480, mid:1, type:Start, field:Cause to: [s] detected:person:98% Motion All--JSON--{"labels": ["person"], "boxes": [[117, 10, 441, 594]], "frame_id": "snapshot", "confidences": [0.9772003889083862], "image_dimensions": {"original": [480, 640], "resized": [600, 800]}}]
  125. 03/25/22 15:18:21.958261 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->event_description--TYPE--1--SPLIT--2480--SPLIT--[s] detected:person:98% ]
  126. 03/25/22 15:18:21.958343 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: Job: Update monitor 1 description:[s] detected:person:98% ]
  127. 03/25/22 15:18:21.958417 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: updating Notes clause for Event:2480 with:[s] detected:person:98% ]
  128. 03/25/22 15:18:21.961577 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->fcm_notification--TYPE--camCNCqgQRutGXxnaJKDiR:APA91bEvnNQTgMXHb1_ojo7NtcobGDWrlAOmoGn0jRjt0JwCyV66_loYTRd_QIAiQEXEhPW4jeD50N_wqiKo-kQBZLsO-9xABbBbJ_fmtXHgf2jJJ6sacg8PMpDy9IGK1fBqYagXnjLX--SPLIT--1--SPLIT--1--SPLIT--2]
  129. 03/25/22 15:18:21.961703 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: GOT JOB==> update badge to 1, count to 1 for: camCNCqgQRutGXxnaJKDiR:APA91bEvnNQTgMXHb1_ojo7NtcobGDWrlAOmoGn0jRjt0JwCyV66_loYTRd_QIAiQEXEhPW4jeD50N_wqiKo-kQBZLsO-9xABbBbJ_fmtXHgf2jJJ6sacg8PMpDy9IGK1fBqYagXnjLX, at: 2]
  130. 03/25/22 15:18:21.961806 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: There are 2 active child forks & 1 zm_detect processes running...]
  131. 03/25/22 15:18:21.962148 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: We've already worked on Monitor:1, Event:2481, not doing anything more]
  132. 03/25/22 15:18:21.962213 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
  133. 03/25/22 15:18:21.962268 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
  134. 03/25/22 15:18:21.962338 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:2, total forks:16, active hooks: 1)<--------------]
  135. 03/25/22 15:18:22.387946 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 fcmv1: FCM push message returned a 200 with body {"Success":"projects/ninja-1105/messages/0:1648246726390910%311426be311426be"}]
  136. 03/25/22 15:18:22.388157 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 child finished writing to parent]
  138. ==> /var/log/zm/zmesdetect_m1.log <==
  139. 03/25/22 15:18:23 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Released pyzm_uid33_cpu_lock portalock]
  140. 03/25/22 15:18:23 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [perf: processor:cpu Yolo detection took: 1971.57 ms]
  141. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [perf: processor:cpu Yolo NMS filtering took: 1.09 ms]
  142. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [core model detection over, got 4 objects. Now filtering]
  143. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
  144. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Converted 90% to 432000.0]
  145. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Ignoring book [632, 148, 744, 290] as conf. level 0.2181423008441925 is lower than 0.3]
  146. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Returning filtered list of 3 objects.]
  147. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [This model iteration inside object found: labels: ['person', 'book', 'book'],conf:[0.9772003889083862, 0.5952441692352295, 0.46922364830970764]]
  148. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
  149. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Converted 90% to 432000.0]
  150. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [No polygons, adding full image polygon: {'name': 'full_image', 'value': [(0, 0), (640, 0), (640, 480), (0, 480)], 'pattern': None}]
  151. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG3 [resized polygons x=1.25/y=1.25: [{'name': 'full_image', 'value': [(0, 0), (800, 0), (800, 600), (0, 600)], 'pattern': None}]]
  152. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [intersection: object:person,POLYGON ((117 10, 441 10, 441 594, 117 594, 117 10)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
  153. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|boat)]
  154. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [full_image intersects object:person[[(117, 10), (441, 10), (441, 594), (117, 594)]]]
  155. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [intersection: object:book,POLYGON ((696 334, 748 334, 748 602, 696 602, 696 334)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
  156. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|boat)]
  157. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [full_image intersects object:book[[(696, 334), (748, 334), (748, 602), (696, 602)]] but does NOT match your detect pattern filte2481r]
  158. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [intersection: object:book,POLYGON ((662 343, 708 343, 708 597, 662 597, 662 343)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
  159. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|boat)]
  160. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [full_image intersects object:book[[(662, 343), (708, 343), (708, 597), (662, 597)]] but does NOT match your detect pattern filter]
  161. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [breaking out of same model loop, as matches found and strategy is "first"]
  162. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [============ Frame: snapshot Running face detection type in sequence ==================]
  163. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Skipping TPU face detection as it is disabled]
  164. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Skipping DLIB based face recognition as it is disabled]
  165. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG3 [face has a same_model_sequence strategy of union]
  166. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [We did not find any face matches in frame: snapshot]
  167. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [============ Frame: snapshot Running alpr detection type in sequence ==================]
  168. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Making sure we have matched one of ['car', 'motorbike', 'bus', 'truck', 'boat'] in ['person'] before we proceed]
  169. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [Did not find pre existing labels, not running detection type]
  170. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG3 [Reading]
  171. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG3 [No need to relogin as access token still has 119.91905788333334 minutes remaining]
  172. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG3 [make_request called with url= payload={} type=get query={'token': 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJab25lTWluZGVyIiwiaWF0IjoxNjQ4MjQ2Njk5LCJleHAiOjE2NDgyNTM4OTksInVzZXIiOiJzdGV2ZSIsInR5cGUiOiJhY2Nlc3MifQ.7L3m4Lf4yLc1Z2y4E5E4l8TL-Fz13GXphpLOPQtTvU8'}]
  173. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [perf: Starting for frame:alarm]
  174. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [Sequence of detection types to execute: ['object', 'face', 'alpr']]
  175. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [============ Frame: alarm Running object detection type in sequence ==================]
  176. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG3 [object has a same_model_sequence strategy of first]
  177. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [--------- Frame:alarm Running variation: #1 -------------]
  178. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [detect extracted image dimensions as: 800wx600h]
  179. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Waiting for pyzm_uid33_cpu_lock portalock...]
  180. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Got pyzm_uid33_cpu_lock portalock]
  181. 03/25/22 15:18:24 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [|---------- YOLO (input image: 800w*600h, model resize dimensions: 416w*416h) ----------|]
  183. ==> /var/log/zm/zmeventnotification.log <==
  184. 03/25/22 15:18:24.388925 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 DB Event notes contain detection text, all good]
  185. 03/25/22 15:18:24.389171 zmeventnotification[9500].INF [main:1018] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 end hooks/use hooks not being used, going to directly send out a notification if checks pass]
  187. ==> /var/log/zm/zmesdetect_m1.log <==
  188. 03/25/22 15:18:25 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Released pyzm_uid33_cpu_lock portalock]
  189. 03/25/22 15:18:25 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [perf: processor:cpu Yolo detection took: 1534.51 ms]
  190. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [perf: processor:cpu Yolo NMS filtering took: 1.21 ms]
  191. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [core model detection over, got 4 objects. Now filtering]
  192. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
  193. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Converted 90% to 432000.0]
  194. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Ignoring object:book, as it's area: 484408px exceeds max_object_area of 432000.0px]
  195. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Ignoring book [728, 332, 766, 600] as conf. level 0.21499359607696533 is lower than 0.3]
  196. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Returning filtered list of 2 objects.]
  197. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [This model iteration inside object found: labels: ['book', 'book'],conf:[0.5947258472442627, 0.5044583082199097]]
  198. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Max object size found to be: 90%]
  199. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Converted 90% to 432000.0]
  200. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [intersection: object:book,POLYGON ((694 335, 748 335, 748 601, 694 601, 694 335)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
  201. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|boat)]
  202. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [full_image intersects object:book[[(694, 335), (748, 335), (748, 601), (694, 601)]] but does NOT match your detect pattern filter]
  203. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [intersection: object:book,POLYGON ((662 344, 710 344, 710 594, 662 594, 662 344)) intersects polygon:full_image,POLYGON ((0 0, 800 0, 800 600, 0 600, 0 0))]
  204. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Using global match pattern: (person|car|motorbike|bus|truck|boat)]
  205. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [full_image intersects object:book[[(662, 344), (710, 344), (710, 594), (662, 594)]] but does NOT match your detect pattern filter]
  206. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [We did not find any object matches in frame: alarm]
  207. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [============ Frame: alarm Running face detection type in sequence ==================]
  208. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Skipping TPU face detection as it is disabled]
  209. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Skipping DLIB based face recognition as it is disabled]
  210. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG3 [face has a same_model_sequence strategy of union]
  211. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [We did not find any face matches in frame: alarm]
  212. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [============ Frame: alarm Running alpr detection type in sequence ==================]
  213. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG2 [Making sure we have matched one of ['car', 'motorbike', 'bus', 'truck', 'boat'] in [] before we proceed]
  214. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [Did not find pre existing labels, not running detection type]
  215. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [perf: TOTAL detection sequence (with image loads) took: 6727.65 ms to process 2481]
  216. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] INF [Prediction string:[s] detected:person:98% ]
  217. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [Prediction string JSON:{"labels": ["person"], "boxes": [[117, 10, 441, 594]], "frame_id": "snapshot", "confidences": [0.9772003889083862], "image_dimensions": {"original": [480, 640], "resized": [600, 800]}}]
  218. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [Writing detected image to /var/cache/zoneminder/events/1/2022-03-25/2481/objdetect.jpg]
  219. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [Writing JSON output to /var/cache/zoneminder/events/1/2022-03-25/2481/objects.json]
  220. 03/25/22 15:18:26 zmesdetect_m1[9528] DBG1 [Closing logs]
  222. ==> /var/log/zm/zmeventnotification.log <==
  223. 03/25/22 15:18:26.271684 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 parse of hook:[s] detected:person:98% and {"labels": ["person"], "boxes": [[117, 10, 441, 594]], "frame_id": "snapshot", "confidences": [0.9772003889083862], "image_dimensions": {"original": [480, 640], "resized": [600, 800]}}]
  224. 03/25/22 15:18:26.271898 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 hook start returned with text:[s] detected:person:98% json:{"labels": ["person"], "boxes": [[117, 10, 441, 594]], "frame_id": "snapshot", "confidences": [0.9772003889083862], "image_dimensions": {"original": [480, 640], "resized": [600, 800]}} exit:0]
  225. 03/25/22 15:18:26.272625 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 For 1 (Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1), SHM says: state=0, eid=2481]
  226. 03/25/22 15:18:26.273217 zmeventnotification[9524].INF [main:1018] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 Event 2481 for Monitor 1 has finished]
  227. 03/25/22 15:18:26.276496 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 Event end object is: state=>pending with cause=>Motion: All]
  228. 03/25/22 15:18:26.391210 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 rules: Checking rules for alarm caused by eid:2480, monitor:1, at: Fri Mar 25 15:18:26 2022 with cause:[s] detected:person:98% Motion All]
  229. 03/25/22 15:18:26.391429 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 rules: No rules found for Monitor, allowing:1]
  230. 03/25/22 15:18:26.391646 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 Matching alarm to connection rules...]
  231. 03/25/22 15:18:26.392027 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 isAllowedChannel: got type:event_end resCode:0]
  232. 03/25/22 15:18:26.392370 zmeventnotification[9500].INF [main:1018] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 Sending event_end notification over FCM]
  233. 03/25/22 15:18:26.394367 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 Resetting counters for tokenBqYagXnjLX as month changed]
  234. 03/25/22 15:18:26.394569 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 setting channel to zmninja]
  235. 03/25/22 15:18:26.394737 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 fcmv1: Final JSON using FCMV1 being sent is: {"data":{"notification_foreground":"true","eid":"2480","mid":"1"},"title":"Ended:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 Alarm (2480)","token":"camCNCqgQRutGXxnaJKDiR:APA91bEvnNQTgMXHb1_ojo7NtcobGDWrlAOmoGn0jRjt0JwCyV66_loYTRd_QIAiQEXEhPW4jeD50N_wqiKo-kQBZLsO-9xABbBbJ_fmtXHgf2jJJ6sacg8PMpDy9IGK1fBqYagXnjLX","body":"Motion: All ended at 03:18 PM, 25-Mar","image_url":"https://portal/zm/index.php?view=image&eid=2480&fid=objdetect&width=600&username=steve&password=xxx}} to token: ...gXnjLX]
  236. 03/25/22 15:18:26.593675 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 fcmv1: FCM push message returned a 200 with body {"Success":"projects/ninja-1105/messages/0:1648246730744527%311426be311426be"}]
  237. 03/25/22 15:18:26.593923 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 child finished writing to parent]
  238. 03/25/22 15:18:26.960255 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:2, total forks:16, active hooks: 1 running for:846 min)<--------------]
  239. 03/25/22 15:18:26.960476 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 1, ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 1, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
  240. 03/25/22 15:18:26.961179 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->timestamp--TYPE--1648245815.89102--SPLIT--1--SPLIT--1648246701.37903]
  241. 03/25/22 15:18:26.961388 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: Job: Update last sent timestamp of monitor:1 to 1648246701.37903 for id:1648245815.89102]Logs for 2481
  242. 03/25/22 15:18:26.961865 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->update_parallel_hooks--TYPE--del]
  243. 03/25/22 15:18:26.963772 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->active_event_update--TYPE--1--SPLIT--2481--SPLIT--Start--SPLIT--Cause--SPLIT--[s] detected:person:98% Motion All--JSON--{"labels": ["person"], "boxes": [[117, 10, 441, 594]], "frame_id": "snapshot", "confidences": [0.9772003889083862], "image_dimensions": {"original": [480, 640], "resized": [600, 800]}}]
  244. 03/25/22 15:18:26.964069 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: Job: Update active_event eid:2481, mid:1, type:Start, field:Cause to: [s] detected:person:98% Motion All--JSON--{"labels": ["person"], "boxes": [[117, 10, 441, 594]], "frame_id": "snapshot", "confidences": [0.9772003889083862], "image_dimensions": {"original": [480, 640], "resized": [600, 800]}}]
  245. 03/25/22 15:18:26.964581 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->event_description--TYPE--1--SPLIT--2481--SPLIT--[s] detected:person:98% ]
  246. 03/25/22 15:18:26.964706 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: Job: Update monitor 1 description:[s] detected:person:98% ]
  247. 03/25/22 15:18:26.964846 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: updating Notes clause for Event:2481 with:[s] detected:person:98% ]
  248. 03/25/22 15:18:26.968635 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->fcm_notification--TYPE--camCNCqgQRutGXxnaJKDiR:APA91bEvnNQTgMXHb1_ojo7NtcobGDWrlAOmoGn0jRjt0JwCyV66_loYTRd_QIAiQEXEhPW4jeD50N_wqiKo-kQBZLsO-9xABbBbJ_fmtXHgf2jJJ6sacg8PMpDy9IGK1fBqYagXnjLX--SPLIT--1--SPLIT--1--SPLIT--2]
  249. 03/25/22 15:18:26.968774 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: GOT JOB==> update badge to 1, count to 1 for: camCNCqgQRutGXxnaJKDiR:APA91bEvnNQTgMXHb1_ojo7NtcobGDWrlAOmoGn0jRjt0JwCyV66_loYTRd_QIAiQEXEhPW4jeD50N_wqiKo-kQBZLsO-9xABbBbJ_fmtXHgf2jJJ6sacg8PMpDy9IGK1fBqYagXnjLX, at: 2]
  250. 03/25/22 15:18:26.969245 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->timestamp--TYPE--1648245815.89102--SPLIT--1--SPLIT--1648246706.39178]
  251. 03/25/22 15:18:26.969370 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: Job: Update last sent timestamp of monitor:1 to 1648246706.39178 for id:1648245815.89102]
  252. 03/25/22 15:18:26.969494 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: There are 2 active child forks & 0 zm_detect processes running...]
  253. 03/25/22 15:18:26.969781 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
  254. 03/25/22 15:18:26.969883 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
  255. 03/25/22 15:18:26.969994 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:2, total forks:16, active hooks: 0)<--------------]
  256. 03/25/22 15:18:28.277471 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 rules: Checking rules for alarm caused by eid:2481, monitor:1, at: Fri Mar 25 15:18:28 2022 with cause:[s] detected:person:98% Motion All]
  257. 03/25/22 15:18:28.277686 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 rules: No rules found for Monitor, allowing:1]
  258. 03/25/22 15:18:28.277892 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 Matching alarm to connection rules...]
  259. 03/25/22 15:18:28.278127 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 Checking alarm conditions for token ending in:...BqYagXnjLX]
  260. 03/25/22 15:18:28.278394 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 Monitor 1 event: should send out as 197.71405005455 is >= interval of 0]
  261. 03/25/22 15:18:28.278549 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 token is unique, shouldSendEventToConn returned true, so calling sendEvent]
  262. 03/25/22 15:18:28.278848 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 isAllowedChannel: got type:event_start resCode:0]
  263. 03/25/22 15:18:28.279192 zmeventnotification[9524].INF [main:1018] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 Sending event_start notification over FCM]
  264. 03/25/22 15:18:28.281680 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 Resetting counters for tokenBqYagXnjLX as month changed]
  265. 03/25/22 15:18:28.282083 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 fcmv1: Snapshot frame matched, changing picture url to:https://portal/zm/index.php?view=image&eid=2481&fid=objdetect&width=600&username=steve&password=testing456 ]
  266. 03/25/22 15:18:28.282453 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 setting channel to zmninja]
  267. 03/25/22 15:18:28.282731 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 fcmv1: Final JSON using FCMV1 being sent is: {"title":"Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 Alarm (2481)","data":{"notification_foreground":"true","eid":"2481","mid":"1"},"body":"[s] detected:person:98% Motion All at 03:18 PM, 25-Mar","token":"camCNCqgQRutGXxnaJKDiR:APA91bEvnNQTgMXHb1_ojo7NtcobGDWrlAOmoGn0jRjt0JwCyV66_loYTRd_QIAiQEXEhPW4jeD50N_wqiKo-kQBZLsO-9xABbBbJ_fmtXHgf2jJJ6sacg8PMpDy9IGK1fBqYagXnjLX","sound":"default","android":{"icon":"ic_stat_notification","channel":"zmninja","priority":"high"},"image_url":"https://portal/zm/index.php?view=image&eid=2481&fid=objdetect&width=600&username=steve&password=xxx} to token: ...gXnjLX]
  268. 03/25/22 15:18:28.583403 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 fcmv1: FCM push message returned a 200 with body {"Success":"projects/ninja-1105/messages/0:1648246732715053%311426be311426be"}]
  269. 03/25/22 15:18:28.583663 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 child finished writing to parent]
  270. 03/25/22 15:18:30.584902 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 DB Event notes contain detection text, all good]
  271. 03/25/22 15:18:30.585244 zmeventnotification[9524].INF [main:1018] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 end hooks/use hooks not being used, going to directly send out a notification if checks pass]
  272. 03/25/22 15:18:30.594758 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 exiting]
  273. 03/25/22 15:18:30.594948 zmeventnotification[9500].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2480 Ending process:9500 to handle alarms]
  274. 03/25/22 15:18:31.958863 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:2, total forks:16, active hooks: 0 running for:846 min)<--------------]
  275. 03/25/22 15:18:31.959048 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 1, ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 1, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
  276. 03/25/22 15:18:31.960270 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->fcm_notification--TYPE--camCNCqgQRutGXxnaJKDiR:APA91bEvnNQTgMXHb1_ojo7NtcobGDWrlAOmoGn0jRjt0JwCyV66_loYTRd_QIAiQEXEhPW4jeD50N_wqiKo-kQBZLsO-9xABbBbJ_fmtXHgf2jJJ6sacg8PMpDy9IGK1fBqYagXnjLX--SPLIT--1--SPLIT--1--SPLIT--2]
  277. 03/25/22 15:18:31.960416 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: GOT JOB==> update badge to 1, count to 1 for: camCNCqgQRutGXxnaJKDiR:APA91bEvnNQTgMXHb1_ojo7NtcobGDWrlAOmoGn0jRjt0JwCyV66_loYTRd_QIAiQEXEhPW4jeD50N_wqiKo-kQBZLsO-9xABbBbJ_fmtXHgf2jJJ6sacg8PMpDy9IGK1fBqYagXnjLX, at: 2]
  278. 03/25/22 15:18:31.960925 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->timestamp--TYPE--1648245815.89102--SPLIT--1--SPLIT--1648246708.27865]
  279. 03/25/22 15:18:31.961061 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: Job: Update last sent timestamp of monitor:1 to 1648246708.27865 for id:1648245815.89102]
  280. 03/25/22 15:18:31.961460 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->active_event_delete--TYPE--1--SPLIT--2480]
  281. 03/25/22 15:18:31.961616 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: Job: Deleting active_event eid:2480, mid:1]
  282. 03/25/22 15:18:31.961809 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: There are 1 active child forks & 0 zm_detect processes running...]
  283. 03/25/22 15:18:31.962119 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: checkEvents() new events found=0]
  284. 03/25/22 15:18:31.962229 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: There are 0 new Events to process]
  285. 03/25/22 15:18:31.962347 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: ---------->Tick END (active forks:1, total forks:16, active hooks: 0)<--------------]
  286. 03/25/22 15:18:32.588501 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 rules: Checking rules for alarm caused by eid:2481, monitor:1, at: Fri Mar 25 15:18:32 2022 with cause:[s] detected:person:98% Motion All]
  287. 03/25/22 15:18:32.588672 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 rules: No rules found for Monitor, allowing:1]
  288. 03/25/22 15:18:32.588823 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 Matching alarm to connection rules...]
  289. 03/25/22 15:18:32.589048 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 isAllowedChannel: got type:event_end resCode:0]
  290. 03/25/22 15:18:32.589357 zmeventnotification[9524].INF [main:1018] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 Sending event_end notification over FCM]
  291. 03/25/22 15:18:32.592005 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 Resetting counters for tokenBqYagXnjLX as month changed]
  292. 03/25/22 15:18:32.592304 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 setting channel to zmninja]
  293. 03/25/22 15:18:32.592556 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 fcmv1: Final JSON using FCMV1 being sent is: {"badge":1,"image_url":"https://portal/zm/index.php?view=image&eid=2481&fid=objdetect&width=600&username=steve&password=xxx},"title":"Ended:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 Alarm (2481)","data":{"mid":"1","eid":"2481","notification_foreground":"true"},"body":"Motion: All ended at 03:18 PM, 25-Mar","token":"camCNCqgQRutGXxnaJKDiR:APA91bEvnNQTgMXHb1_ojo7NtcobGDWrlAOmoGn0jRjt0JwCyV66_loYTRd_QIAiQEXEhPW4jeD50N_wqiKo-kQBZLsO-9xABbBbJ_fmtXHgf2jJJ6sacg8PMpDy9IGK1fBqYagXnjLX"} to token: ...gXnjLX]
  294. 03/25/22 15:18:32.802621 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 fcmv1: FCM push message returned a 200 with body {"Success":"projects/ninja-1105/messages/0:1648246736952111%311426be311426be"}]
  295. 03/25/22 15:18:32.802854 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 child finished writing to parent]
  296. 03/25/22 15:18:36.803759 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 exiting]
  297. 03/25/22 15:18:36.804041 zmeventnotification[9524].DB1 [main:1006] [|----> FORK:Camera1-BesderA6-PTZ-1 (1), eid:2481 Ending process:9524 to handle alarms]
  298. 03/25/22 15:18:36.960199 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: ----------> Tick START (active forks:1, total forks:16, active hooks: 0 running for:846 min)<--------------]
  299. 03/25/22 15:18:36.960384 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: After tick: TOTAL: 1, ES_CONTROL: 0, FCM+WEB: 0, FCM: 1, WEB: 0, MQTT:0, invalid WEB: 0, PENDING: 0]
  300. 03/25/22 15:18:36.961627 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->fcm_notification--TYPE--camCNCqgQRutGXxnaJKDiR:APA91bEvnNQTgMXHb1_ojo7NtcobGDWrlAOmoGn0jRjt0JwCyV66_loYTRd_QIAiQEXEhPW4jeD50N_wqiKo-kQBZLsO-9xABbBbJ_fmtXHgf2jJJ6sacg8PMpDy9IGK1fBqYagXnjLX--SPLIT--1--SPLIT--1--SPLIT--2]
  301. 03/25/22 15:18:36.961786 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: GOT JOB==> update badge to 1, count to 1 for: camCNCqgQRutGXxnaJKDiR:APA91bEvnNQTgMXHb1_ojo7NtcobGDWrlAOmoGn0jRjt0JwCyV66_loYTRd_QIAiQEXEhPW4jeD50N_wqiKo-kQBZLsO-9xABbBbJ_fmtXHgf2jJJ6sacg8PMpDy9IGK1fBqYagXnjLX, at: 2]
  302. 03/25/22 15:18:36.962334 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->timestamp--TYPE--1648245815.89102--SPLIT--1--SPLIT--1648246712.58895]
  303. 03/25/22 15:18:36.962483 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: Job: Update last sent timestamp of monitor:1 to 1648246712.58895 for id:1648245815.89102]
  304. 03/25/22 15:18:36.962915 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: RAW TEXT-->active_event_delete--TYPE--1--SPLIT--2481]
  305. 03/25/22 15:18:36.963062 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: Job: Deleting active_event eid:2481, mid:1]
  306. 03/25/22 15:18:36.963229 zmeventnotification[4978].DB1 [main:1006] [PARENT: There are 0 active child forks & 0 zm_detect processes running...]
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