
Blue Moon Over Canterlot

Mar 25th, 2015
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  1. >You are Anonymous, royal scribe and chief advisor...
  2. >Of the team of maids that clean this part of the castle.
  3. >They were... adequate.
  4. >You were just looking over some ancient scrolls that had been discovered.
  5. "Eh, guess I'll put this over here..."
  6. >You yawned, not like you'd get any sleep.
  7. >Too much work to be done.
  8. >"Thou art up quite late."
  9. >You smiled, Moonbutt was here to keep you company again.
  10. "You know you can cut the royal crap with me, right?"
  11. >She giggles, "I know, but it is most amusing to see you smile like that."
  12. "You sound like a dork, y'know?"
  13. >"And you're still having wet dreams about me."
  14. "... Touche."
  15. >She flutters over to your desk.
  16. >"So, what are these scrolls about?"
  17. >You pick up another one to organize and roll your eyes.
  18. "Just boring tax stuff, business agreements, the works."
  19. >"We have a section for that?"
  20. "You didn't, but I figured I'd make one for completeness."
  21. >"Why would we even need one of those?"
  22. "I'd rather be prepared than be the maid team of this wing."
  23. >"Come now, they aren't that bad surely."
  24. "Eh, I suppose you're right. Not like the first few months of training my scouts."
  25. >"You have scouts?"
  26. "How do you think I get these scrolls? I ain't going in a dank, dark cave risking my life for a piece of paper."
  27. >"That's... not how it works."
  28. "I like to imagine I'm paying them to do something dangerous."
  29. >"You don't pay them, you get money from us."
  30. "Oh well I guess that's your problem then, have fun with that."
  31. >She shakes her head and smiles, "You are a funny one."
  32. "I try, dear Princess."
  33. >You set the last of the scrolls down and sit next to her.
  34. "Now then, you don't come to me without needing something, what is it?"
  36. >She mumbles something under her breath.
  37. "What was that?"
  38. >"Oh! Nothing, nothing at all. Anyway, I was just having trouble sleeping and wanted to check on you."
  39. "Aw how sweet, I'm touched really."
  40. >You open up the drawer and pull out a bottle of Applejack Daniel's.
  41. "I think I know what can fix both of us."
  42. >"What if we do something we regret?"
  43. "Oh the only one that could regret anything is you, but don't worry. I can hold my liquor."
  44. >"I've had over a thousand years to learn how to hold my alcohol, Anon."
  45. >Shit, she's got you there.
  46. "Yeah well... shut up."
  47. >Good comeback, brain.
  48. >Hey look it's hard when you're tired okay?
  49. >No it's fine I understand man. You wrote the book on sucking dick, after all.
  50. >"Anonymous?"
  51. "Huh? Oh I spaced out there for a second, sorry about that."
  52. >You pour the two of you a drink.
  53. >One drink turns into three.
  54. >Three turns into five.
  55. >And you've both drank about nine glasses by the end of it.
  56. "I bet I can do ten."
  57. >"Y-yeah right... I've like, totally drank way more than this. I'm not a lightweight."
  58. "Bullshit Moonpies, you were never big on alcohol, were you?"
  59. >"N-no, they always gave us champagne and wine! I don't even like wine!"
  60. >You take the last swig of your drink.
  61. "Your turn sweetcheeks."
  62. >"Yeah I bet you'd like these cheeks sweet, huh?"
  63. "What does that even mean?"
  65. "Can't argue there."
  66. >She sips the last of her drink.
  67. >"Well thanks, you're my best friend... or maybe my friend with benefits... or my special friend, I dunno."
  68. "D'aww, I'm special to you?"
  69. >"N-no, you shut up now."
  70. >You throw an arm around her and lead her over to your bed, patting her on the head.
  71. "S'okay, I like you too, and frankly the maid team can go fuuuu-"
  72. >The two of you dropped dead tired on the bed.
  73. >She felt nice.
  75. >You wake up with a killer headache.
  76. >You stopped throwing up during your hangovers long ago.
  77. >That's funny, something feels soft.
  78. >You look down.
  79. >The Princess of the Night is cuddled up on your chest.
  80. >"Mmm, five more minutes Tia."
  81. >Cute, but you had to splash some water on your face.
  82. "Rise and shine, moonshine."
  83. >She blinks her eyes and squints.
  84. >"Your arms feel nice."
  85. "You feel nice."
  86. >"Why thank you, that means a lot and why are we in your bed?"
  87. "It's a good bed."
  88. >You pat the smooth, silky texture of your bed.
  89. >"I won't argue there it does look nice, but I'd say you're a better bed."
  90. "Are you trying to flatter me or flirt with me?"
  91. >"Why can't it be both?"
  92. "Because you're immortal and I'm not, unless you cast some sort of spell on me. But that'd be dumb hehe."
  93. >She fidgets, "Heh, yeah."
  94. "You hesitated for a second there."
  95. >She curls up a little, "Well, I might've maybe sorta... y'know."
  96. >You put two and two together.
  97. "When?"
  98. >"A couple months ago, you just stay up so late and you appreciate my stars so much and-"
  99. >You shush her.
  100. "I'm gonna go splash water on my face, then I'm going to get a drink. MAYBE if I'm not too bitter, I'll take you up on your offer."
  101. >She nods her head and gives you a cute little smile.
  102. >Damn she's adorable.
  103. >You grumble to yourself, not like you asked for any of this shit.
  104. >What were you even supposed to do with that much time?
  105. >That's like, forever.
  106. >Oh dear you're going to be here for a while.
  107. >Well, could be worse. You could've grown a horn and wings.
  108. >That would just be stupid.
  109. >Because humans would look ridiculous with wings and horns.
  110. >Well, this is the first day of the rest of your life.
  111. >Might as well make it count.
  113. >"So, you live in the castle archives?"
  114. "Yes, it's very roomy and full of knowledge. I like it."
  115. >You take a swig of your drink and put the bottle away.
  116. "Don't try and change the subject, when were you going to tell me?"
  117. >"Well, I was going to tell you last night, but you offered a drink and I didn't want to be rude."
  118. "It's fine, I guess. Just wasn't expecting to be immortal, y'know? Not sure if I want to be."
  119. >"Why is that?"
  120. "I mean, it's something you say you want, but then after you have it it's kind of a curse."
  121. >"I know exactly what you mean."
  122. >She sheds a couple of tears.
  123. >Oh right, banished to the moon. Thousand years.
  124. "Sorry, I didn't mean to remind you of that."
  125. >You cut the sarcastic crap out for a second and give her a hug.
  126. >"But at least we have each other, right?"
  127. >You knew you shouldn't indulge her.
  128. >But you did.
  129. "Yeah, I guess we do."
  130. >You looked her in the eyes and leaned in.
  131. >Closer.
  132. >Closer.
  133. >And..
  134. "Boop."
  135. >"What? What was that?"
  136. "I booped you, what were you expecting? A ki-"
  137. >She shut you up.
  138. >Goddamn she's good with that tongue.
  139. >"Don't tease me like that, Anon."
  140. "Duly noted. Well, I have business to attend to."
  141. >"Giving the maid team a hard time?"
  142. "No, going to see Discord for breakfast. You can come with if you want."
  143. >"I think I'll sit this one out, Tia requires my presence anyway."
  144. "Alright, I'll catch you later."
  145. >That got domestic real fast.
  147. >You made your way to the other resident freak's room.
  148. >You opened the door and were greeted by what you could only call abstract art.
  149. >Looked like something out of Alice in Wonderland.
  150. >Wait a minute, it was!
  151. >"I do so appreciate you telling me of this Alice in Wonderland thing, it's quite lovely."
  152. "No problem Discord, how was your morning?"
  153. >He teleports over to you, "I was just waiting on my favorite human!"
  154. "I'm the only human here Discord."
  155. >"Well I'm sure if there were more you'd still be my favorite!"
  156. "Well good, because I'm immortal now."
  157. >"Luna?"
  158. "Luna."
  159. >"She always was a bit clingy, but a sweet girl nonetheless."
  160. >He snaps his fingers and dons a mobster outfit.
  161. >"But if you hurt one of my bosses, I'm gonna have to break you."
  162. >The two of you stare at each other for a moment before laughing.
  163. "Ah, this is why I like you man."
  164. >"Yes, it is delightful isn't it?"
  165. >He stops laughing.
  166. >"But seriously, don't do it."
  167. "They gave me a home, why would I hurt them?"
  168. >"Because we chaotic creatures can be stupid sometimes."
  169. >The two of you had a rather lively breakfast.
  170. >"So when did it happen?"
  171. "Couple months ago apparently, say can I still die from unnatural causes?"
  172. >"Oh of course not! You'll still feel pain though."
  173. "Ah, good. Figured it might be one of those bogus immortal deals where you can still die."
  174. >"Well it wouldn't be immortality if you could die now would it?"
  175. "I suppose not, hey could you get that gravy dogpot over here?"
  176. >"All you have to do is call for him, goodness you can be so lazy sometimes."
  177. "Yo Gravy!"
  178. >The little guy runs up to your biscuit and pours you some gravy.
  179. >You give him a pat on the head and he wags his handle.
  180. >"See? That wasn't so hard."
  181. >Bomb-ass biscuits man.
  182. "Well, that was a good breakfast. Thanks Discord."
  183. >"It was my pleasure."
  184. >A maid shows up for Discord.
  185. >"You were supposed to help out an hour ago!"
  186. >"I was waiting for my friend here."
  187. >He dons a maid outfit, "So testy, later Anon!"
  189. >You decided to go mess with the maid team.
  190. >Discord could use the help.
  191. >You made your way to the dining room.
  192. >There was some sort of meeting with the Griffon Kingdom going down during the Gala or something.
  193. >Celestia had wanted to see you but that could probably wait.
  194. >She knew you and Discord liked to pal around, and decided it would be best to let you two have fun together.
  195. >No harm in making her wait a little while, is there?
  196. >You found Discord being accosted by the chief maids of this wing, Spick and Span.
  197. >The unicorn and pegasus twins took notice of you immediately.
  198. >"What's the big idea bud? Keepin' our assistant busy? Don'tcha know he has a job?"
  199. "Good to see you too, Span. Now kindly get your feathers out of my face."
  200. >You pushed her aside and greeted Spick.
  201. "Sorry to keep you waiting, what needs organizing?"
  202. >"Well the Gala is in a week, and we need to make sure everything is in tip-top shape! We were hoping you could help."
  203. >One of the maids almost dropped a ladder on the dining table.
  204. >"It's okay! I got it! I think."
  205. >"As you can see our girls could use some coordinating."
  206. "That's putting it lightly."
  207. >"Hey pal, you gonna help or what?!"
  208. "Okay, jeez I knew a little birdie told me to help but I didn't remember it being this loud."
  209. >She gave a little huff, and flew off to talk with her sister.
  210. >"I've never seen her give up an argument."
  211. "Lemme guess, you tried being nice?"
  212. >"It's what Fluttershy would do."
  213. "I'll fill you in on Span, she's one of those ponies that respects not taking any bullshit. That includes her own."
  214. >"So just stand up to her?"
  215. "Basically, she's kinda like Dash in that regard."
  216. >"You know her?"
  217. "Of course, I met all of them at last year's Gala."
  218. >How could you forget?
  219. >You all woke up drunk the next morning.
  220. >And Pinkie stuck something up your ass.
  221. >Never did figure out what it was.
  223. >Well, it only took a couple of painful hours, but you got the last of the Gala decorations organized.
  224. "I swear to Luna, Fizzy Pop if you drop that ladder and it breaks the table again I am putting you in timeout."
  225. >She hurries along with the ladder, making sure to be careful with it.
  226. >Timeout was thirty minutes in the dungeon.
  227. >That's about all you really used it for, there weren't many criminals around here.
  228. >"I suppose I can see the appeal of doing things by hand, but I could've just snapped my fingers and fixed everything."
  229. "Where's the fun in that?"
  230. >"I suppose you're right."
  231. >"Say, did you see her rump though? I bet you wanted to get fizzy and pop that, am I right?"
  232. "Just... no. Besides, Luna has a better butt."
  233. >"Sure, sure... I'm just saying, cute little mare like that, she'd love a guy like you."
  234. "Sometimes I don't know if you want me to fail or succeed."
  235. >"I don't know either, and that's the fun part. Though I am leaning more towards your success."
  236. "I guess it is a nice butt..."
  237. >"Teehee, you like Earth mares."
  238. "Oh haha, very funny Mr. I-Love-Pinkie-She's-The-Best-Element."
  239. >"Relax, I'm just pulling your leg."
  240. >He pulls off one of your legs before putting it back on.
  241. "Don't do that. It's weird."
  242. >"Well, you ARE a weirdo. But that's okay, so am I!"
  243. "We really are a couple of idiots, aren't we?"
  244. >"No, that's just you. I have an excuse, I'm the Master of Chaos!"
  245. "You have no idea what you're doing, do you?"
  246. >"Maybe. Maybe not. Or maybe I don't not. Or I could maybe do and not know it. It might be both at the same time."
  247. "You realize that's not going to confuse me, right? You're just saying things trying to trip me up."
  248. >"Oh darn it, you're no fun sometimes. You too are deliciously chaotic."
  249. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
  250. >"Well, don't mind me. You have a couple of ladies waiting for you. Toodles!"
  251. "Wait what?"
  252. >He teleported away.
  253. >You turned around to see Celestia and Luna.
  254. >Oh right.
  255. >Shit.
  257. "Now listen I can explain this."
  258. >"Do go on, we're listening."
  259. >Shit Celestia please calm down.
  260. "Uh, I came to help out the maids?"
  261. >"Mhm, and this wasn't another excuse to slack off with Discord?"
  262. "Yo Fizzy Pop!"
  263. >She was coming back to report to you when she froze up.
  264. "You can vouch for me, right? I helped."
  265. >She timidly bowed before the Princesses.
  266. >"Um, w-well he did help out quite a bit your majesties."
  267. >Luna gave her a little hug before sending her on her way.
  268. >"Very well then, why was Discord here?"
  269. "He was helping out too."
  270. >"Now that is a bold-faced lie Anonymous. He can't even clean his own room."
  271. >Spick showed up to save your ass.
  272. >"Actually, Discord is one of our top workers."
  273. >"Surprisingly."
  274. >"Span, what have I told you about insulting Discord?"
  275. >"That we shouldn't take what is basically a god for granted, yeah yeah."
  276. >Celestia sighed, "Whatever, we just need you for a few minutes. I've just been stressed out over this event and I'm taking it out on you."
  277. >You walked to their secret meeting room with them.
  278. >"So Anon, how are you enjoying your position as chief scribe?"
  279. "It's good, you guys pay me a lot. I get to stay up at night, looking at the stars. Sometimes I talk with your sister."
  280. >"My dear sister tells me you've gotten a bit sweet on her."
  281. "I'd say it was the other way around, being that she's a sweet girl."
  282. >She giggles, "My, and you're comfortable saying this with her around?"
  283. >You shrug.
  284. "Kinda already made out with her, so yeah."
  285. >She stops.
  286. >"If you hurt her, not even a thousand years on the moon will be a sufficient punishment."
  287. >You felt your temperature drop.
  288. >"Tia, stop scaring Anon!"
  289. >She gave her the puppy dog eyes.
  290. >"Oh alright Luna, but don't let him take advantage of you."
  291. >"I'll have you know that-"
  292. >"Oh look! We're here!"
  294. >"-he's been a perfect gentleman."
  295. >"Nevermind that Luna, show him what we got him!"
  296. >They open a cupboard to reveal a set of armor.
  297. >Very bold, very striking, and very black.
  298. >With green trimming.
  299. >"This is made of the finest metals in Equestria, and is light enough to run in!"
  300. "This is... actually pretty badass. What's the catch?"
  301. >"No catch... just that we wanted you to help security during the Gala."
  302. "Me? Against a Griffon?"
  303. >"For all they know you're a minotaur. That should be enough to intimidate them."
  304. "And if they aren't scared of me?"
  305. >"I made you immortal Anon, the most you're going to have is searing pain from being stabbed."
  306. "Lovely."
  307. >"Anyway, if things go right you shouldn't have to worry about it."
  308. "Yeah yeah, wouldn't be the first time I had something jammed up my ass."
  309. >They stare at you blankly.
  310. "Pinkie is into some weird stuff apparently."
  311. >Celestia starts to open her mouth.
  312. "The last Gala was pretty fun for me."
  313. >"I need to write to Twilight about this new information."
  314. >This left you and Luna alone.
  315. "So, you want a personal guard or what?"
  316. >"I do love the idea of having my own dashing knight, and the other guard captains have got the ballroom and dining rooms covered."
  317. "Plus you need someone to protect the negotiations. And I can bring some old info in case they try to cheat you."
  318. >"I'm liking the sound of this."
  319. "And if we end up snuggling and showing affection, well who's to stop us?"
  320. >"Certainly not Tia."
  321. "Certainly not the Griffons."
  322. >You give each other a quick hug and laugh.
  323. >This was gonna be a fun Gala.
  325. >You spent the next few days researching Griffons.
  326. >Nothing you didn't already know.
  327. >If you had to fight it was going to be painful for you.
  328. >Hopefully that armor would stand up to their weapons.
  329. >You heard the door open.
  330. "I already told you, that welcome mat is not a joke, it is there for visitors. I'm not that grumpy Span."
  331. >"My, is this how you greet all of your guests? This is our library too."
  332. "Ah, Luna. Sorry, been having trouble with her teasing me about a welcome mat. Figured it tied the whole place together."
  333. >"It does seem a bit unnecessary."
  334. "Gotta get visitors somehow, don't I?"
  335. >"You could try being less sarcastic."
  336. "I could also sit on a cactus, neither would be appealing to me."
  337. >"Fair enough I suppose. I do enjoy your dry wit."
  338. "I do too, if I didn't have that I'd need more booze."
  339. >"I know I shouldn't reinforce your bad habit, but we do have a distillery."
  340. "Already tried it, tastes like shit."
  341. >"That's why I don't drink... much."
  342. "Well, I guess we're ready for the Griffons."
  343. >"But are you?"
  344. >You turn around and look her straight in the eyes.
  345. "I really don't know. At the very least I can be an invincible meatshield."
  346. >"I'd rather you not be."
  347. "Yeah yeah, I might be immortal but my nerves still respond to pain. I got it."
  348. >"Just, be careful okay? I've heard they're bringing in some elite soldiers."
  349. "Any assassins?"
  350. >"What."
  351. "You know, they sneak up on you and do the stabby thing?"
  352. >"I know what an assassin is, I didn't know a proud warrior race like the Griffons used assassins."
  353. "Apparently their assassins are trained from childhood. They are also taught some rather naughty things."
  354. >"I don't want to know what you read."
  355. "You really don't, it's super kinky. Like, you wouldn't imagine."
  356. >"Try me."
  357. "Well..."
  359. >"My word! Those thighs are rather powerful!"
  360. "And that is how they snap your neck while sixty-nining you."
  361. >You close the book and give her a smile.
  362. >She stares at you.
  363. >"I might have to use some of the non-lethal methods later."
  364. >Why did you show her this again?
  365. "Right, I guess I know what to expect from you at least."
  366. >You get settled into bed.
  367. "Now it'll just be a couple hours before I go to sleep."
  368. >"Maybe I can be of assistance?"
  369. >She cuddles up next to you.
  370. "I'm grateful for the sentiment but I-"
  372. >You blinked open your eyes.
  373. "How did you even do that?"
  374. >"Princess of the Night, I just made you sleepy."
  375. "Thanks, I'll have to invite you over more often."
  376. >You give her a peck on the cheek and got your armor on.
  377. >Snazzy.
  378. >Turning to her, you notice a look of concern on her face.
  379. "Don't worry, everything is gonna be just fine."
  380. >She nods, a smile replacing the frown.
  381. "Now come on! Time for breakfast!"
  382. >"You're in a good mood this morning."
  383. "Well, for starters I actually got a good night's rest."
  384. >You grin.
  385. "And two, if things go tits up I might actually have a good fight on my hands."
  386. >"I thought you didn't want to fight them?"
  387. "True, but it's also been a while since I had a good sparring partner."
  388. >"You spar?"
  389. "A man has to have his hobbies."
  391. >You had a nice breakfast and decided to help out with the proceedings.
  392. >You had to give everybody a handshake.
  393. >It was exhausting.
  394. >Maybe you could sneak away and dip into the punch...
  395. >"Oh hey Nonny! Don't worry, I made sure to take my cake batter vibrator home with me last year."
  396. >Son of a bitch that's what it was.
  397. "Hey girls, how's it going?"
  398. >"It's been lovely darling, could you excuse me for a moment? I need to teach Pinkie some manners."
  399. >"Sorry 'bout that, they've been a bit uppity lately. Dunno why, guess Rarity wanted another shot at the Gala."
  400. "And Pinkie?"
  401. >"She's just being Pinkie, don't worry about her."
  402. >You let them on by and gave Luna a tired smile.
  403. "That was all of them, lemme go get those scrolls for your meeting."
  404. >You opened the archives and went through anything relevant.
  405. >You had about a dozen scrolls to carry.
  406. >You were about to call in a couple of maids to help out when you heard something.
  407. "Who's there?"
  408. >Nothing.
  409. "If you so much as misplace a book I will kick your ass, I'm not in the mood for pranksters."
  410. >You saw a red Griffon perched on a bookcase.
  411. "You one of those elite soldiers? Cause I don't care who the fuck you are, get out of my archives."
  412. >She dropped down and smirked, "I'm an assassin, not a soldier."
  413. "Good for you, that changes nothing."
  414. >When did you grow a pair?
  415. >About the same time someone broke into your workplace and home.
  416. >She took a swipe at you.
  417. >There was a loud clang as her claw hit the armor.
  418. >She doubled over in pain, at least the armor works.
  419. >"I'll be back, just you wait!"
  420. "Can I at least get the name of the lady that had her night ruined?"
  421. >"It's Scarlet! Don't you forget it!"
  422. >Scary. Now to get a couple of maids to help out.
  424. "Sir, they paid off those debts a hundred and fifty-seven years ago. They don't owe you a bit."
  425. >Trying to get the Princesses to cough up 294,563 bits.
  426. >Oddly specific, actually.
  427. >For aid during the Chaos Wars.
  428. >The fuck even is that?
  429. >There was nothing in your archives about it, but apparently that happened.
  430. "And no sir, you're not allowed to detain tourists and make them sex slaves."
  431. >"What if they wanted to be?"
  432. "That is really kinky, but it's their choice."
  433. >"What about the land agreement?"
  434. "Do I look like a damn fool? This has no benefits to the ponies."
  435. >"We're bad at agriculture."
  436. "Then ask for help, maybe?"
  437. >One of his advisors whispered something in his ear.
  438. >"Could you maybe, leave us alone? You've helped out a great deal but I'd like to speak to the Princesses now."
  439. >You rolled your eyes, politicians.
  440. >Stepping outside, you took a stroll over to the punch bowl.
  441. >Pouring yourself a drink, you heard a small dinging noise.
  442. >"Sir, Trixie hopes she is not disturbing you, but could you tell me where Twilight Sparkle and her friends are?"
  443. >There was something about this pony, something that made you want to give her a hug.
  444. >You stooped down and wrapped your arms around her neck.
  445. "I don't know why, but you look like you could use a hug, maybe it's the eyes."
  446. >"T-thank you, but ah... my question?"
  447. "Oh they're probably in the ballroom. Twilight isn't the worst dancer, but she is definitely the nerdiest."
  448. >"What's that mean?"
  449. "Trust me, you'll understand once you see."
  450. >She gave you a smile and a nod and trotted off.
  451. >Sometimes being nice felt good.
  452. >"Hey there good-looking, whatcha doing?"
  453. "Y'know putting on a slightly different voice isn't going to fool me, right Scarlet?"
  454. >You turned around and saw her fuming.
  455. "What? What're you gonna do about it hun?"
  457. >"Boys, we have a challenger!"
  458. >Wait, what?
  459. >Suddenly a few squads of Griffon soldiers swooped in on the scene.
  460. >"Take care of him, would you?"
  461. >"Sir, you are making a grave error thinking you can take us all on."
  462. "Four..."
  463. >"We are going to beat you black and blue."
  464. "Nine..."
  465. >"And that's if you're lucky!"
  466. "Sixteen."
  467. >"And... what are you doing?"
  468. "Oh no, please do go on. I'm listening."
  469. >"Uh... well, we're going to brutalize you. Probably kill you, actually."
  470. "Twenty-one, counting her."
  471. >"Alright, seriously, why the counting?"
  472. >You took a few moments to stretch and limber up.
  473. "Oh you know, seeing if this was going to be a decent warm-up."
  474. >They all looked at each other and started laughing.
  475. >"You seriously think you can take on twenty elite Griffon soldiers AND a Griffon assassin?"
  476. "Yep, that's the idea."
  477. >"Listen, pal. I uh, I think the punch has gone to your head."
  478. "You kidding me? This stuff can barely give me a buzz, not half bad though."
  479. >You heard someone laughing about so and so being a lightweight.
  480. >"Well, do you at least want a weapon?"
  481. "Nah I'm good, you need all the help you can get."
  482. >"S-sir I'd really advise you take a weapon."
  483. "It's cute that you're worried about being dishonorable, but my armor should be more than enough."
  484. >"Alright captain I've heard just about enough of this loudmouth!"
  485. >A Griffon with a spear charged at you, "I'm gonna break that pretty armor of yours!"
  486. >The spear landed square in the middle of your armor.
  488. >He stood there holding a broken spear.
  489. "Nice try, not good enough though."
  490. >You bashed his face in.
  491. >Griffons are part eagle, and birds aren't known for their durability.
  492. >As long as you hit the half that was bird you'd be fine.
  493. >It helps that the front half is bird.
  494. "Come on then, have at you and whatnot."
  495. >Knife guy, knee to the face.
  496. >Swordsman, flung him across a table nuts-first.
  497. >Mace girl got smacked into a wall.
  498. >Club dude took a hard hit to his glass jaw.
  499. >There was a lot of murmuring in the crowd of soldiers.
  500. "I'm bored."
  501. >"What?"
  502. "Bored, you're boring me. Gonna make this more fun."
  503. >You took off your breastplate and set it on the floor under the punch table.
  504. "There, now it's fair for you guys."
  505. >One of the spear guys got cocky and took a stab at you.
  506. >"Come on! Go in there!"
  507. >You felt a burning sensation, but the spear wouldn't hit anything vital.
  508. >"By the Emperor, this thing isn't normal!"
  509. >You pulled the spear out and broke it before slamming him into the ground face-first.
  510. >A couple of knife-toting catbirds tried to pounce you.
  511. >You used their momentum to toss them into a pillar.
  512. >Pulling their knives out, you tossed them back to a couple of guys.
  513. >They won't be walking on those legs for a while.
  514. >"This guy just took out half our men commander!"
  515. >"W-well don't just stand there, fight him!"
  516. >A spear-knife-mace wielding trio stepped forward.
  517. >You grabbed the mace and pulled the guy towards you.
  518. >These gauntlets were pretty good.
  519. >Smacking him across the face with his own weapon, you turned your attention to his comrades.
  520. >The spear guy dropped his weapon and tried to run away but the commander gave him a massive headbutt.
  521. >You picked up the spear and stabbed knife guy in the foot before ramming a knee into his face.
  523. >Some of them started crying.
  524. "What's wrong? You started this fight, I'm just finishing it."
  525. >Last spear guy took a bad hit to his torso.
  526. >You hoped you didn't break anything important.
  527. >Knife dude was greeted with a powerbomb.
  528. >It was time for Rustlemania.
  529. >Cause you're stirring up fear and, more importantly, anger in the commander.
  530. >A couple of suplexes and a piledriver later, it was down to the commander and the assassin.
  531. "Go on, let's get this over with."
  532. >"I will not let you disgrace my men in such a way!"
  533. >For all his flair he only took a few more punches than the others did.
  534. "Happy Scarlet? You just got a bunch of men, and a lady, injured."
  535. >She started swiping away at your chest.
  536. >"Come on! If it bleeds I can kill it!"
  537. >You grabbed her claws and started squeezing.
  538. "I know these gauntlets must hurt."
  539. >Years of video games and beating your meat left you with quite a grip.
  540. >"Ach... I uh, heheAAGH!"
  541. >You grinned, finally wiped that smug grin off of her face.
  542. >You let her go and she dropped to the ground.
  543. >... and then you gave her the people's elbow.
  544. "Thanks for playing, see you later."
  545. >Grabbing your breastplate, you were about to go change when you were stopped by Luna.
  546. >"What did you do Anon?!"
  547. "I beat twenty-one Griffons in a fight."
  548. >"Are you insane?!"
  549. "Maybe, but I feel pretty good about myself right now."
  550. >You give her a kiss and head off to your room.
  551. >Do immortals get scars? Is your chest gonna have scars now?
  552. >You bumped into the Griffon ambassador.
  553. "Oh, uh hey. Listen just so you know, they started it."
  554. >He gives you a wide smile, "And you handled it magnificently my dear boy!"
  555. >What.
  556. >"If there's one thing we Griffons enjoy more than duty, it is a good fight. And that was stupendous!"
  557. "Thanks sir, uh can I go change now?"
  558. >"Of course! Don't let me keep you waiting."
  560. >You decided changing into your suit would be more appropriate now that "diplomacy" was over.
  561. >Luna was waiting outside for you, along with Spick and Span.
  562. >"We were very worried about you, are you in pain?"
  563. >Truth be told? You were really sore, but you put on a smile.
  564. "Eh, I'll live. I'd say I've been through worse but that'd be a lie."
  565. >"Our maids have a big mess to clean up thanks to you."
  566. >"But good on you for wrecking those guys, snooty jerks."
  567. >You ruffled Span's mane.
  568. "Well, I guess it all worked out in the end."
  569. >"The ambassador was so impressed by you that he called off all his demands, amazed that we were able to breed such a warrior."
  570. "But, you guys didn't... you clever girl."
  571. >"Some deception was required, it was what you would call a golden opportunity."
  572. "Still, I can't help but feel I'm forgetting something..."
  573. >You heard laughter in the distance.
  574. >Making your way to the ballroom, you saw Trixie laughing at Twilight.
  575. >"I'm sorry, it's just that's actually super adorable!"
  576. >"Trixie..."
  577. >"I can't even keep up my composure, hehe!"
  578. >She wraps her hooves around her and sighs.
  579. >"I just came here to thank you and catch up with you, but thanks for the laughs."
  580. >Twilight rolls her eyes and hugs Trixie back, "No problem, so how have you been?"
  581. >You tuned it out at this point, and went over to the bar for a drink.
  582. "One for me and one for the lady."
  583. >Luna sidled up next to you.
  584. >"Are you sure this is a good idea?"
  585. "Negotiations are over, time to party."
  586. >"Yeah, say why don't you let me treat the Princess pal?"
  587. >You turned to see a burly, rough looking prick.
  588. "Yeah, no. I just beat up twenty-one Griffons, back off."
  589. >He shut up and sat down after that.
  590. >"My, when did you get so assertive?"
  591. "Eh, I guess when I need to be. Not gonna take shit when I don't need to."
  592. >"When would you need to?"
  593. "... When there are more important things on the line than my pride."
  595. >"... Something happened to you to make you so sarcastic, didn't it?"
  596. "Yeah, I lost an entire squad I was supporting because I didn't have all the intel."
  597. >"So that's why you're so obsessed with knowing everything and having the archives filled to the brim."
  598. "Still, it's in the past. I just made sure to learn from my mistake."
  599. >You set your glass down.
  600. "Listen I was never one for this mushy stuff but... you wanna go back to my room and cuddle?"
  601. >She blushed, "Aw, you are quite sweet. Pray tell, why the sudden interest?"
  602. "Because you actually helped with my insomnia."
  603. >"Oh dear, if I knew that was why you stayed up so late I would've helped out long ago!"
  604. "And miss out on your beautiful nights? Not a chance doll."
  605. >"Calling me pet names now?"
  606. "I'm giving it a test run, you can tell me if you like it or not."
  607. >"I certainly wouldn't object to you continuing to use them."
  608. "Well, let's go then."
  609. >On the way back you ran into Celestia.
  610. >She glared a hole through you.
  611. >"... Good work, Anon."
  612. >She looked at Luna and motioned for her to go on ahead.
  613. >"Listen, I don't want you to think I'm being hard on you for the sake of it."
  614. "I figured you were just being a big sister."
  615. >She giggles, "Well, there is that, but... I just don't want to see her hurt again. Please promise me you'll take care of her?"
  616. "Hurting her wasn't in my schedule, I'll let you know if I go crazy so you can hit me on the head."
  617. >She gave a sigh of relief and smiled, "Good, that's all I needed to hear."
  618. "What? Just like that?"
  619. >"I would know if you're lying, over a thousand years to learn, remember?"
  620. >Oh yeah.
  621. >"Now go on, your Princess is waiting for you."
  622. >She gave you a wink and sent you on your way.
  623. >That went surprisingly well, all things considered.
  625. >You sit down on your bed next to Luna.
  626. >"Did Tia scare you again Anon?"
  627. "Nah, it's fine. She's just worried about you."
  628. >"She's always doing that, it can get tiresome but I appreciate it."
  629. "... Can you hold me again?"
  630. >"Of course, is something wrong?"
  631. "No, it's just..."
  632. >"What was that?"
  633. "I kinda enjoy..."
  634. >"You'll have to speak up dear."
  635. "I like cuddles okay?"
  636. >She cooed and wrapped her hooves around you.
  637. >"So do I!"
  638. >You grumbled.
  639. "Don't tell anyone about this okay?"
  640. >"Of course my love."
  641. "D'ya have to call me pet names too?"
  642. >She gave you a peck on the cheek and nuzzled you, "Don't be so fussy."
  643. "But-"
  644. >She shushed you, "It's snuggle time!"
  645. >You could feel yourself blushing.
  646. >For all your complaining, you did enjoy this.
  647. >You could get used to it, actually.
  648. >When you teased her last night about it you were being sarcastic.
  649. >You didn't think you'd tell her you actually enjoyed snuggling.
  650. "Luna?"
  651. >"Yes?"
  652. "... Please don't leave me."
  653. >She held you closer.
  654. >That's all you needed to feel.
  656. >This dream again.
  657. >You didn't want to finish it, but you kept getting closer each time.
  658. >You already knew how it ended.
  659. >"Just leave me Anon!"
  660. "No way FemAnon! If I can get anybody out of here I'm getting you out!"
  661. >This was the mission where everything went wrong.
  662. >And it was all your fault.
  663. >She'd been shot in the leg and you had tried to carry her to the evac zone.
  664. >You shouldn't have left your post in the first place.
  665. >But you had to try and save someone.
  666. >She'd been your best friend since childhood.
  667. >She couldn't die on you.
  668. "Come on! We're almost there!"
  669. >You heard enemy chatter.
  670. >"I'll buy you some time."
  671. >Please wake up.
  672. "No! We're getting out of this together!"
  673. >"Remember when I told you I'd give my life for you?"
  674. >Wake up.
  675. "No, you can't leave me too!"
  676. >"Well, it's time to make good on that promise."
  677. >She pulled out her rifle and gave you a grin, "See you later, ponyboy."
  678. >She was the only one who knew your secret.
  679. >"Come and get me you bastards!"
  680. >She took it with her to the grave.
  681. >The reports say she took down over half a dozen guys with her.
  682. >Turns out she did, if what you were seeing here was true.
  683. >"So this is why you are so grumpy."
  684. "Damn it Luna, why'd you make me finish this dream?"
  685. >"Fears must be faced Anon, she wanted you to live."
  686. "I know, but it was my fault she died! I should've known there was an ambush!"
  687. >She gave you a hug, "Let it go Anon, it's in the past."
  688. "Don't bring up that movie right now, damn it."
  689. >"What movie?"
  690. "Nevermind."
  691. >"Well, it's time for us to wake up."
  692. >As you opened your eyes you saw Luna smiling at you.
  693. >The only thing you could do was hug her.
  695. >After you let it all out of your system and had calmed down, you wiped your tears away.
  696. >"So this is what you are under all the sarcasm, is it?"
  697. "What do you mean?"
  698. >"I mean you're not as confident as you seem at first glance."
  699. "And?"
  700. >"You're a sad, broken... um."
  701. "Man."
  702. >"Man, yes. That's okay, I was in your position once as well."
  703. "I know, I read the history books on you, when's the good news?"
  704. >She laid a hoof on your hand.
  705. >"I just want you to know I'm here for you."
  706. >You had no quips left.
  707. >No one-liners.
  708. >No jokes.
  709. >All you could do was kiss her.
  710. >She deserved that much.
  711. "Luna... I..."
  712. >"Yes?"
  713. >She fluttered her eyelashes, already knowing what you were trying to say.
  714. "... I love you."
  715. >She rested her head on your shoulder.
  716. >"I love you too, Anon."
  717. >The two of you watched the sunrise.
  718. "Felt like I should tell you that, since you've been so nice to me these past few months."
  719. >"Oh don't mention it, I should thank you for bringing such joy to my nights."
  720. "Ah come on, you're the nice one."
  721. >"But you're the funny one!"
  722. "I'm not funny, I'm honest."
  723. >"You're also sarcastic."
  724. "Maybe I am, why does that matter?"
  725. >"You're impossible."
  726. "No, I'm Anon."
  727. >The two of you spent a good few minutes laughing about everything that had happened.
  728. >Everything was gonna be just fine.
  730. >Eventually the two of you married, and you were crowned as Equestria's first Prince.
  731. >Blueblood didn't count because nobody cared about him anyway.
  732. >Luna had also wanted a child, which Twilight managed to help out with.
  733. >You would never understand how their magic works at times.
  734. >Tide Water was running around your legs smiling up at you.
  735. >"Dad, dad, dad! Come play with me!"
  736. >You reached down and picked her up, holding her close.
  737. "Sure thing sweetie."
  738. >After the first couple hundred years you got used to being immortal.
  739. >You'd also had a good laugh at Twilight's punishment after Celestia found out she made her friends immortal.
  740. >She made her clean the castle bathrooms for fifty years.
  741. >You couldn't blame her. It's not like you could just replace those five.
  742. >To this day Pinkie still brings up the cake batter vibrator incident.
  743. >As long as Tide was around she couldn't say anything though.
  744. >"Dad, am I adopted?"
  745. >You held her tighter, where did this come from?
  746. "No, because of the magic of friendship you're my daughter."
  747. >"... What if I was adopted?"
  748. "That would change nothing, I'd still love you."
  749. >You wanted to tell her it was just magic in general but you figured you'd teach her the value of friendship.
  750. >The last thing you needed was another Twilight on your hands.
  751. >"Thanks dad, you're the best."
  752. >You wanted to say "I know." but that wouldn't be right.
  753. >Instead you just gave her a kiss on the forehead.
  754. "Thank you sweetheart, it means a lot to me."
  755. >You stepped outside into the garden and set her down.
  756. "Now come on, it's time to play!"
  757. >"Hehe, yeah!"
  759. The End.
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