
Anon In Equestria 1. "Introductions"

Feb 9th, 2013
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  1. >Your name is Anonymous
  2. >And recently your life took a very strange turn
  3. >A right turn to be precise
  4. >straight off of normal life lane and down everything has gone to shit oh god what the fuck street.
  5. >About a week ago you stood in front of your mirror, going through your daily routine.
  6. >Whilst shaving you foolishly decided to say "Adventure" three times as you stared at your reflection
  7. >You saw a light flicker in your reflection's eye.
  8. >It had you enamoured, like a moth caught in the dance of an azure flame
  9. >So you leaned in closer, and closer, and closer... wondering what that new glimmer was.
  10. >and after slowly being reeled in, your nose touched the glass
  11. >The next thing you knew you were being pulled in by the mirror.
  12. >It was as if someone had grabbed you by the throat and was dragging you towards whatever it was you saw in your reflection
  13. >Everything went black, with only a tiny speck of light that looked like a star infront of you
  14. >The light twisted and contorted into an image as it was being catapulted towards you
  15. >and then WHAM!
  16. >Going head first into the ground had garnered you a face full of dirt
  17. >Plus a nice little cut on your right cheek
  18. >You gasp for air, finally released from the grip of whatever held you
  19. >Your breathing returned to normal as you slowly stood up and looked around, trying to get your bearings
  20. >Nighttime, fantastic.
  21. >Yet it was very quiet, even for nighttime.
  22. >There was no calling of crickets or hooting of owls, the night was deadly quiet.
  23. >You almost heard a voice at the back of your mind remark
  24. >"Welcome to the rabbit hole. Let's see how far you'll tumble."
  25. >After stumbling around in the dark for a couple minutes, you decided to stay put until dawn.
  26. >The ground was cold, but at least it was dry comfy grass.
  27. >From what you could make out you were on a grass hill next to an orchard.
  28. >Looking up, your eyes gazed toward the moon.
  29. >It was full, and giving off a light grey glow.
  30. >You had never seen it so vividly.
  31. >Watching it wade through the sky, your eyes grew heavy.
  32. >That night was a black dreamless sleep.
  34. "WHAT THE FUC-" Shooting up you look around, after a couple seconds of brain gears turning you realised it was a cockerel.
  35. >Good work brain.
  36. >Thank you sir.
  37. >Well, so much for a lie in. You've got to figure out where the fuck you are.
  38. >And how to get home.
  39. >With the new lease of morning light, a path some 200 metres away.
  40. >Yes! Someone is here!
  41. >You briskly walk towards the path with your head on a swivel.
  42. >Calling out might have been a good idea, but you had seen what had happened to city boys in the woods.
  43. >Deliverance, that fucking film cost you many nights of good sleep.
  44. >You were just glad you didn't think about it last night.
  45. >As you continue down the path, a small spire begins to poke out from the trees.
  46. >A house! a barn? or something?
  47. >You close the distance as it comes into view... it's fantastic.
  48. >An ornately decorated red building with all sorts of apples and apple like artwork.
  49. >You close in on the front door and sheepishly knock three times.
  50. >A muffled voice from inside can be heard
  51. >"Hold on partner, Ah'll be out lickety split!"
  52. >Holy hell that voice isredneck, here's to hoping they have a phone
  53. >You hear the clattering of... hooves? as someone advances towards the door
  54. >"Now what can ah do for-"
  55. >What the fuck
  56. >WhatthefuckWhatthefuckWhatthefuckWhatthefuckWhatthefuckWhatthefuckWhatthefuck
  57. >Brain help me out here
  58. >BRAIN
  60. >"M-mister? Y'all right" it says waveringly
  61. "...uuuhhh. who, me? Ahahah yeah!... I'm fine..."
  62. >*THUD*
  63. >That was the first time you had ever fainted
  64. >But to be honest who could fucking blame you
  65. >A horse that stood no taller than your belly button had just spoken to you.
  66. >That same voice from earlier began to echo in your mind, rattling your thoughts with it's laughter
  67. >"hehehehahaha..."
  68. >Your eyelids opened.
  69. >And then they closed.
  70. >And Opened.
  71. >Goddamnit stay open.
  72. >You could feel a rosy warmth on your forehead
  73. >It quickly turned into a fiery heat then a blazing burning
  74. >Groggily you raise your hand up to touch the painful area on your brow
  75. >It felt very fibrous, almost like bandage-
  76. >Your hand quickly pats around the top of your head
  77. >Yep, your entire head from the eyebrow up was wrapped up in linen.
  78. >It also occured to you that you were in a bed
  79. >The sheets were adorned with similar apple decorations you noticed on the barn.
  80. >Did that horse do this?
  81. >Your mind began racing as you heard the same clacking of what you now know was hooves going up stairs
  82. >You stare at the door as your heart follows suit.
  83. >You see the door creak open as it reveals the same horse you saw earlier
  84. >Now being followed by a smaller, paler pony with a dark red mane and pink bow
  85. >Behind it was an older horse, crookedly walking in, followed finally by a giant mountain of red, with a blonde mane
  86. >That one must be a stallion.
  87. >Your speculation was interrupted by the orange one
  88. >"H-howdy mister uh..."
  89. >Your voice croaks "Anonymous"
  90. >"Anonymous, Mah name's Applejack, and this here's Applebloom, Big Mac n' Granny Smith"
  91. >She inhales sharply
  92. >AJ"W-what are ya'll"
  93. >AB"Is it a monster? Is it gon' try to eat us!?" Her eyes widen as her lip begins to quiver in panic
  94. >That Applebloom is adorable.
  95. "No! no, I'm not a monster. I'm a human" you say with a dumb smile
  96. >AJ"Hu-man? Ain't never heard o' that before."
  97. >Her head swings left and right as her peers effectively shrug in an equal loss for words
  98. "Where am I?"
  99. >Applejack's face lights up
  100. >AJ"You're here at Sweet Apple Acres! Best farmin' family patch round this side of Equestria!"
  101. >Your eyebrow involuntarily raises itself
  102. "...Equestria?"
  103. >AJ"Yeah! Equestria! You know, home of all the ponies right?" Her smile slowly fades as you give her a look of fear
  104. >Where the fuck are you, You've never heard of an "Equestria" before.
  105. >A different planet? Too far fetched, it would take thousands of years to find a solar system suitable for-
  106. >AJ"Anonymous, ya still there? Ya banged yer head pretty bad earlier."
  107. "Huh? Yes. Yes I'm fine. If it's alright with you I'd rather get up"
  108. >You can see Applejack stress if she should try and help you, but she steps back in fear of being a nuisance.
  109. >Swinging your legs of the bed you slowly rise
  110. >And hit your head on the ceiling
  111. >Sweet Mary and Joseph that fucking hurts
  112. >You hiss and exhale as you hold the crown of your head
  113. >AJ"Y'alright!?" she says with panic in her tone.
  114. "Still good. I guess I forgot the height difference for a second."
  115. >AJ"Listen here, one of mah closest friends is a unicorn called Twilight Sparkle, That mare is nothin' short of genius. I know you got alotta questions Anonymous. She'll be the one with the answers."
  116. "... A unicorn?"
  117. >Your day just keeps getting more and more lucid.
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