

Feb 12th, 2021
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  1. [14:57:59] [main/INFO]: Booting up Velocity 1.1.3...
  2. [14:58:00] [main/INFO]: Connections will use NIO channels, Java 11 compression, Java ciphers
  3. [14:58:00] [main/WARN]: Player info forwarding is disabled! All players will appear to be connecting from the proxy and will have offline-mode UUIDs.
  4. [14:58:00] [main/INFO]: Loading plugins...
  5. [14:58:00] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin authmevelocity 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT by AuthMeTeam
  6. [14:58:00] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin snap 1.0-SNAPSHOT (build 9) by Phoenix616
  7. [14:58:00] [main/INFO]: Loaded plugin velocityresourcepacks 1.8.2 (build 353) by Phoenix616
  8. [14:58:00] [main/INFO]: Loaded 3 plugins
  9. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: Current auth servers:
  10. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: > lobby
  11. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: Loaded snap.conf
  12. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: Loaded 0 plugins!
  13. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: Loaded config.yml
  14. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: Loaded players.conf
  15. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: Debug level: INFO
  16. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/ERROR]: Could not save lang.en.yml to plugins\velocityresourcepacks\languages\lang.en.yml
  17. Stream closed
  18. at ~[?:?]
  19. at ~[?:?]
  20. at ~[?:?]
  21. at ~[?:?]
  22. at java.nio.file.Files.copy( ~[?:?]
  23. at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.lang.velocity.VelocityLanguageConfig.saveConfigResource( ~[?:?]
  24. at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.lang.velocity.VelocityLanguageConfig.<init>( ~[?:?]
  25. at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.lang.velocity.LanguageManager.lambda$loadConfigs$1( ~[?:?]
  26. at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.lang.LanguageManagerCore$1.visitFile( ~[?:?]
  27. at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.lang.LanguageManagerCore$1.visitFile( ~[?:?]
  28. at java.nio.file.Files.walkFileTree( ~[?:?]
  29. at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.lang.LanguageManagerCore.loadInTree( ~[?:?]
  30. at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.lang.LanguageManagerCore.loadConfigs( ~[?:?]
  31. at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.lang.velocity.LanguageManager.loadConfigs( ~[?:?]
  32. at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.lang.velocity.LanguageManager.<init>( ~[?:?]
  33. at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.lang.velocity.LanguageManager.<init>( ~[?:?]
  34. at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.lang.velocity.LanguageManager.<init>( ~[?:?]
  35. at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.lang.velocity.LanguageManager.<init>( ~[?:?]
  36. at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.VelocityResourcepacks.loadConfig( ~[?:?]
  37. at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.VelocityResourcepacks.onProxyInitialization( ~[?:?]
  38. at net.kyori.event.asm.generated.ce3cbf52bb.VelocityResourcepacks-onProxyInitialization-ProxyInitializeEvent-3.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
  39. at net.kyori.event.method.SimpleMethodSubscriptionAdapter$MethodEventSubscriber.invoke( ~[velocity.jar:1.1.3]
  40. at ~[velocity.jar:1.1.3]
  41. at com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityEventManager.fireEvent( ~[velocity.jar:1.1.3]
  42. at com.velocitypowered.proxy.plugin.VelocityEventManager.lambda$fire$1( ~[velocity.jar:1.1.3]
  43. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ ~[?:?]
  44. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[?:?]
  45. at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[?:?]
  46. at [?:?]
  47. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: Found locale en!
  48. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: Loading packs:
  49. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: lobbypack - - abcdef012345678abcdef012345678abcdef0123
  50. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: [DEBUG] {url=, hash=abcdef012345678abcdef012345678abcdef0123, format=1, version=1.8, restricted=false, permission=velocityresourcepacks.pack.lobbypack, variants=null}
  51. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: globalpack - - abcdef012345678abcdef012345678abcdef0123
  52. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/ERROR]: Could not add pack 'globalpack'. There is already a pack with the hash 'abcdef012345678abcdef012345678abcdef0123' but a different name defined! (lobbypack)
  53. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: gamepack - 2 variants
  54. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: [DEBUG] {url=null, hash=null, format=null, version=null, restricted=false, permission=velocityresourcepacks.pack.gamepack, variants=[{url=, hash=012345678abcdef012345678abcdef012345678a, format=null, version=1.15, restricted=false, permission=velocityresourcepacks.pack.gamepack-variant-1, variants=null}, {url=, hash=012345678abcdef01234567dddcdef012345678a, format=null, version=1.12, restricted=false, permission=velocityresourcepacks.pack.gamepack-variant-2, variants=null}]}
  55. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: Empty pack - - 01517226212d27586ea0c5d6aff1aa5492dd2484
  56. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: Loading global assignment...
  57. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/WARN]: No pack with the name globalpack defined?
  58. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: [DEBUG] Secondary packs:
  59. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: [DEBUG] - lobbypack
  60. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: [DEBUG] Send delay: 20
  61. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: [DEBUG] Loaded PackAssignment{name=global, pack=null, secondaries=[lobbypack], sendDelay=20}
  62. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: Loading server assignments...
  63. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: Loading assignment for server lobby...
  64. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: [DEBUG] Pack: lobbypack
  65. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: [DEBUG] Secondary packs:
  66. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: [DEBUG] - gamepack
  67. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: [DEBUG] Loaded server assignment PackAssignment{name=lobby, pack=lobbypack, secondaries=[gamepack], sendDelay=-1}
  68. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: Loading assignment for server minigame...
  69. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: [DEBUG] Regex: minigame_.*
  70. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: [DEBUG] Pack: gamepack
  71. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: [DEBUG] Loaded server assignment PackAssignment{name=minigame, pack=gamepack, secondaries=[], sendDelay=-1, regex=minigame_.*}
  72. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: [DEBUG] Stored packs override assignments: false
  73. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]:
  74. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: If you enjoy my VelocityResourcepacks plugin then you might also be
  75. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: interested in the more advanced ForceResourcepacks version!
  76. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]:
  77. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: Besides getting additional features like WorldGuard support and
  78. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: the ability to force a player to accept the resources pack you
  79. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: will also support the continued development of this plugin!
  80. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]:
  81. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: Check it out here on
  82. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]:
  83. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]: - Phoenix616
  84. [14:58:00] [Velocity Event Executor - #0/INFO]:
  85. [14:58:00] [Velocity Task Scheduler - #0/ERROR]: Exception in thread "Velocity Task Scheduler - #0" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.kyori.adventure.text.TextComponent.builder(Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/kyori/adventure/text/TextComponent$Builder;
  86. [14:58:00] [Velocity Task Scheduler - #0/ERROR]: at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.minedown.adventure.MineDownParser.appendValue(
  87. [14:58:00] [Velocity Task Scheduler - #0/ERROR]: at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.minedown.adventure.MineDownParser.appendValue(
  88. [14:58:00] [Velocity Task Scheduler - #0/ERROR]: at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.minedown.adventure.MineDownParser.parse(
  89. [14:58:00] [Velocity Task Scheduler - #0/ERROR]: at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.minedown.adventure.MineDown.toComponent(
  90. [14:58:00] [Velocity Task Scheduler - #0/ERROR]: at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.libs.minedown.adventure.MineDown.parse(
  91. [14:58:00] [Velocity Task Scheduler - #0/ERROR]: at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.VelocityResourcepacks.getComponents(
  92. [14:58:00] [Velocity Task Scheduler - #0/ERROR]: at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.VelocityResourcepacks.sendMessage(
  93. [14:58:00] [Velocity Task Scheduler - #0/ERROR]: at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.velocity.VelocityResourcepacks.sendMessage(
  94. [14:58:00] [Velocity Task Scheduler - #0/ERROR]: at de.themoep.resourcepacksplugin.core.PackManager.lambda$generateHashes$0(
  95. [14:58:00] [Velocity Task Scheduler - #0/ERROR]: at com.velocitypowered.proxy.scheduler.VelocityScheduler$VelocityTask.lambda$run$0(
  96. [14:58:00] [Velocity Task Scheduler - #0/ERROR]: at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  97. [14:58:00] [Velocity Task Scheduler - #0/ERROR]: at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  98. [14:58:00] [Velocity Task Scheduler - #0/ERROR]: at java.base/
  99. [14:58:00] [Netty NIO Boss #0/INFO]: Listening on /0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:25577
  100. [14:58:00] [main/INFO]: Done (1,26s)!
  101. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: Exception in thread "main" Error executing 'stty.exe -a': 0 [main] stty 893 C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\stty.exe: *** fatal error - couldn't initialize fd 0 for /dev/pty0
  102. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: 12967 [main] stty 893 cygwin_exception::open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to stty.exe.stackdump
  103. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: at org.jline.terminal.impl.AbstractPosixTerminal.setAttributes(
  104. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: at org.jline.reader.impl.LineReaderImpl.readLine(
  105. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: at org.jline.reader.impl.LineReaderImpl.readLine(
  106. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: at net.minecrell.terminalconsole.SimpleTerminalConsole.readCommands(
  107. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: at net.minecrell.terminalconsole.SimpleTerminalConsole.start(
  108. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: at com.velocitypowered.proxy.Velocity.main(
  109. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: Caused by: Error executing 'stty.exe -a': 0 [main] stty 893 C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\stty.exe: *** fatal error - couldn't initialize fd 0 for /dev/pty0
  110. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: 12967 [main] stty 893 cygwin_exception::open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to stty.exe.stackdump
  111. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: at org.jline.utils.ExecHelper.exec(
  112. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: at org.jline.terminal.impl.ExecPty.doGetConfig(
  113. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: at org.jline.terminal.impl.ExecPty.getAttr(
  114. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: at org.jline.terminal.impl.ExecPty.doSetAttr(
  115. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: at org.jline.terminal.impl.AbstractPty.setAttr(
  116. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: at org.jline.terminal.impl.AbstractPosixTerminal.setAttributes(
  117. [14:58:48] [main/ERROR]: ... 5 more
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