
IWUAaDNW: Exploration 2.2, Growth 3.2

Jun 17th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. I was disappointed when my pixie dropped the beetle on the floor of my dungeon… and nothing happened. It didn’t get absorbed, its corpse just sat there, unmoving. Why wasn’t I getting the research option? I popped open my info-box and saw my mana wasn’t even moving. Why the hell—
  3. My infobox flickered out of existence for a moment. A sparrow thing flew down, baited by the dead beetle. My pixie reacted faster than me and zapped it. Within moments, its body disintegrated on my dungeon floor. My infobox reappeared almost immediately after.
  5. I stared at the rotting corpse for a moment, then shrugged. At least that effort wasn’t wasted. My mana had gone up 2 points and—
  7. …and so had my impurity count.
  9. [...]
  11. It turned out that sparrows were at the very least smart enough not to dive into the death pit that was my entrance. Fortunately, the cranes were not, and after I hid my spiders, they were more than willing to chase my pixie all the way into my jaws. Unfortunately there weren’t that many of them out there, just enough to net me six out of fifteen points in Medium Birds progression—how big were the big birds?—by the time evening fell. Each of those had given me a point of impurity as well as a good amount of mana. The other birds weren’t aggressive enough to be baited by my pixie, but many could be tempted by juicy bugs. I didn’t need to use my pixie for that, though, so I recalled it after I’d killed and eaten all the cranes.
  13. —IWUAaDNW: Exploration 2.2
  17. Gwen and Garmin had come to do battle against my minions, and I obliged them. They’d offered me the remains of yesterday’s birds as an offering, worth an impurity each.
  19. —IWUAaDNW: Growth 3.2
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