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Mar 18th, 2019
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  1. command /warn [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  2. usage: /warn <player> [reason]
  3. permission: ssb.warn
  4. trigger:
  5. if arg-1 is not set:
  6. send "&7&l» &r&6Type /warn <player> [reason]"
  7. stop
  8. add 1 to {warns::%arg-1%}
  9. send "" to all players
  10. if arg-2 is set:
  11. send "&3&lSERVER &r&8» &b%arg-1% &7was &b&lWARNED &r&7by &b%player% &7for &b%arg-2% &7[WARN ##%{warns::%arg-1%}%]" to all players
  12. else:
  13. send "&3&lSERVER &r&8» &b%arg-1% &7was &b&lWARNED &r&7by &b%player% &7[WARN ##%{warns::%arg-1%}%]" to all players
  14. send "" to all players
  15. if {warns::%arg-1%} is equal to 3:
  16. execute console command "mute %arg-1% 1h"
  17. send "" to all players
  18. send "&3&lSERVER &r&8» &b%arg-1% &7was &b&lMUTED &7for &bhaving 3 warns &7[1 HOUR]" to all players
  19. send "" to all players
  21. command /warnset [<text>] [<integer>]:
  22. usage: /warnset <player> <warns>
  23. permission: ssb.warnset
  24. trigger:
  25. if arg-1 is not set:
  26. send "&7&l» &r&6Type /warnset <player> <warns>"
  27. stop
  28. if arg-2 is not set:
  29. send "&7&l» &r&6Type /warnset <player> <warns>"
  30. stop
  31. set {_player} to arg-1 parsed as a offline player
  32. if {_player} is not set:
  33. if arg-1 is not "*":
  34. send "&7&l» &r&6Could not find the specified player."
  35. stop
  36. else:
  37. set {_player} to "*"
  38. set {warns::%{_player}%} to arg-2
  39. if {_player} is "*":
  40. send "&7&l» &r&6You set everyone's warn count to &b%arg-2%&6."
  41. send "&7&l» &r&6Your warn count has been set to &b%arg-2%&6." to all players
  42. else:
  43. send "&7&l» &r&6You set &b%{_player}%&6's warn count to &b%arg-2%&6."
  44. send "&7&l» &r&6Your warn count has been set to &b%arg-2%&6." to {_player}
  46. command /warnget [<text>]:
  47. usage: /warnget <player>
  48. permission: ssb.warnget
  49. trigger:
  50. set {_player} to arg-1 parsed as a offline player
  51. if {_player} is not set:
  52. send "&7&l» &r&6Type /warnget <player>"
  53. stop
  54. if {warns::%arg-1%} is not set:
  55. send "&7&l» &r&6This player could not be found or doesn't have any warns."
  56. else:
  57. send "&7&l» &r&b%arg-1% &6has %{warns::%arg-1%}% warns."
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