
Today is the day [F!Rowan X Anon][One shot write prompt]

Jul 14th, 2018
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  1. "Today is the day I tell him." The ravenclaw told herself infront of the mirror.
  2. "Today Is the day I ask him... I will do it."
  3. The girl tried to convince the one person that doubted her most.
  4. "In fact, there is no best time to do this. I will just go tell him right now... I will wish him a good morning, then I will tell him."
  5. The girl took off her glasses and washed her face and then her glasses.
  8. It was a lazy morning in the Ravenclaw tower, usually it meant all the students just sat alone or with a small clique of friends. It was never rowdy in the common room, the atmopshere was always thoughtful. Even Ymous and Karasu left their troublemaking outside. Didn't stop them from plotting in the common room though, but they both respected their housemates.
  9. Rowan walked in the room and looked around. Anon hadn't left his dorm yet, which was good. Rowan wanted to be the first thing he saw, when she made her declaration to him.
  10. She started going trough all the scenarios trough her head...
  11. "Anon... We've been friends for years..." She thought to herself.
  12. "Yes, Rowan, but I've always considered us more than that." She imagined Anon saying, smiling his confident smile.
  13. "B-best friends?"
  14. "More than that, truth is, I've always loved you, Rowan, ever since I met you in..."
  15. No no no no no, that's more his confession than mine, Rowan thought to herself.
  16. ...
  17. "Good morning, Anon, I want to tell you something."
  18. "Good morning, Rowan, you're looking pretty. what is it you wanted to tell me?" her imagination Anon said, while not wearing a shirt.
  19. "I love you."
  20. "I know..." Anon said and flashed his confident smile.
  21. Rowan blushed, but realized this was outlandish.
  22. ...
  23. "Good morning, Anon."
  24. "Good morning, Rowan." her imagination Anon said, while flashing his confident smile. His hair was perfect and his posture was confident.
  25. "Anon... There's something I need to tell you." Rowan imagined herself saying while smiling coyly.
  26. "Sure, Rowan, what is it?" Anon said.
  27. "Can we meet at the lake after the classes?" Rowan asked.
  28. "Of course."
  29. No, I decided I would tell him right away, not wait for a romantic moment at the lake... Rowan thought to herself impatiently.
  32. Rowan's thoughts were cut short when she realized she was being called.
  33. "Rowan, snap out of it, we're going to miss breakfast." Real Anon said, with his deadpan look, messy hair and poor posture, he also had his shirt on.
  34. Rowan was mortified, she had just stood there imagining different scenarios, that she didn't notice Anon had walked past her.
  35. "Coming, coming..." She said quickly to the boy.
  36. No, she needed to tell him...
  37. "Anon, Wait!" Rowan shouted at the boy and stopped him in the common room.
  38. "What is it, Rowan?" Anon asked curiously, trying to blow off a strand of hair he had in his field of vision.
  39. Rowan looked at the boy and wished she could just move the hair out of the way herself, but... That would be too much, she needed to tell him first, maybe in few years they'd be that close. But first she needed to tell him.
  40. "Anon, we've... Been at the lake many times." Rowan started, but realized she said something stupid, she started mixing up all the different scenarios in her head.
  41. "Yeah, we have... It's a nice lake." Anon said, giving up on the hair and looking at Rowan.
  42. "Friends, I mean years." Rowan said
  43. "Yeah, we have been. The best ones."
  44. Rowan was starting to get embarrassed and annoyed, thankfully the boy was oblivious.
  45. There was a silence, Rowan was trying to gather courage and Anon just looked at her patiently.
  46. Rowan snapped out of it again.
  47. "I have something I need to tell you."
  48. "Alright, now, or can you tell me during the breakfast? I am really hungry."
  49. Rowan took the way out, she wasn't ready.
  50. "Let's go eat breakfast then."
  51. "Alright, after you." Anon said and held the door open for Rowan.
  54. Rowan followed Anon down the stairs, she was disappointed at herself... She should've just said it, but she wasn't ready, she needed to plan it better... Maybe breakfast is better anyway... She needed to prep herself better. She started going trough different ways she could tell him.
  56. "Anon... Thank you for inviting me for breakfast..." She said, in her evening gown, the two were sitting in a candlelit table in a high end restaurant.
  57. "Of course, I love spending time with you..." Anon said, with his hair slicked back perfectly, with a strand of hair on his face.
  58. Rowan took a sip of her orange juice that was in a wine glass and leaned forward, to move the hair from Anon's face. Anon smiled at the girl and had a loving look.
  59. "And I love you... Anon." She said.
  60. ... Why were they eating breakfast during the night in a restaurant, Rowan thought to herself. None of these fantasies were helpful. She needed to keep her feet on the ground, while she was planning on how to confess.
  62. Feet... On the ground, Rowan realized she had tripped in the stairs while she was daydreaming. She couldn't even scream before her plunge was stopped by Anon.
  63. "Careful, Rowan... You nearly tripped." Anon said while holding Rowan up.
  64. "T-thanks..." Rowan said, blushing, looking at Anon's face. He was holding her so close, it was almost like an embrace and it went on for an eternity."
  65. "Oopsie-daisy" Anon said and helped Rowan back on her feet. "Pay more attention to your surroundings, when you're deep in thought."
  66. "Y-yeah..." Rowan said and stopped to look at Anon's back.
  67. Oh no, that was the perfect chance... It was romantic too, why did she miss that opportunity? Rowan started to beat herself up again.
  68. "Are you coming?" Anon asked the girl.
  69. "Yeah, coming." She said and hurried back to Anon's side.
  70. "You're a bit more absentminded than usual, something worrying you?" Anon asked
  71. "N-no, I was just... Thinking about schoolwork." Rowan lied.
  72. "It's good that you're so serious about studying." Anon said and smiled at the girl. "If nothing else, your notes are excellent for me to copy."
  73. Rowan smiled, she was glad Anon thought so highly of her, the two had a good relationship. They had been friend even before Hogwarts, and they have only gotten closer while in the school. Anon often asked to copy her notes, even though he was better at pretty much everything. Maybe she should write a love letter and pass it to Anon with her notes... Oh that would be perfect. Pity it was weekend, and the next classes with any theory was many days away... But she had waited for years anyway, what is few days compared to that?
  76. The two of them arrived at the great hall, and joined the other ravenclaws in the most quiet table in the hall. Rowan sat infront of Anon and watched as the boy absentmindedly just picked whatever on his plate and started eating.
  77. Rowan imagined what it would be like, when the two were finally together, they would eat breakfasts together always... Well, they already did that, but they would do that as a couple... he could maybe feed her? That's pretty romantic right? Rowan blushed, she was glad her complexion hid it pretty well.
  78. "So, you wanted to tell me something." Anon said while looking at the weird transparent yellow paste he had put on his plate.
  79. "Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you something..." Rowan said, slightly distracted by the fact that Anon had put orange marmalade on his sausages.
  80. "What is that?" Anon said while putting his weird food combination in his mouth.
  81. "Well, you know... We've been friends for years..." Rowan started.
  82. "Hey, this is actually pretty good... Have you ever tried that orange stuff on something savory?" Anon interrupted her.
  83. "W-what?" Rowan asked surprised. She was annoyed Anon had just interrupted her.
  84. "Here, try some from my plate. Trust me." Anon said.
  85. Rowan looked at the weird sausage topped with marmalade hesitantly.
  86. "C'mon, trust me." Anon said and cut a piece of sausage and leaned forward with it in his fork. "Open your mouth, you doubter."
  87. Rowan blushed and opened her mouth and let Anon feed her.
  88. It was absolutely horrible, the tangy zesty sweet did not go at all with the greasy sausage.
  89. "Do you like it?" Anon asked.
  90. "No, that was horrible, what is wrong with you?" Rowan snapped.
  91. "Oh well, guess it's acquired taste." Anon shrugged and went back to eating the rest of his ruined sausages.
  92. Wait! Rowan thought to herself, why did she do that, all she had to do was lie and it would have been the perfect opportunity!
  93. "Oh yeah, what were you saying before?" Anon said suddenly remembering.
  94. "...I wish I had a time-turner." Rowan said looking at her plate defeated.
  95. "Oh yeah! That would be awesome, imagine all the things we could do with one. Pity only an insane person would give a student one..." Anon said and went deep in thought imagining all the things he would do with the time-turner.
  96. Rowan realized she had missed her opportunity for the fourth or fifth time today, she had lost count...
  97. The two finished their breakfast in relative silence. Once they left the great hall Anon turned to Rowan.
  98. "So, what would you like to do, We could go study in the library or common room. I would like to copy your transfiguration notes, if you don't mind."
  99. "Yeah..." Rowan said timidly, she was convinced she would always miss every opportunity... Wait did he say he needed to copy her notes? This was her opportunity, she would have to write a quick letter for him and then pass them off, and all she had to gather courage for, was to give the notes. It was perfect for a shy academic person like her.
  100. "Yeah, let's go to library." Rowan said cheerfully. "I'll let you copy my notes, sure."
  101. "Great." Anon said and smiled at the girl.
  102. Now all she had to do was write him a letter, before giving him the notes... She'd do that quickly while they were in the library.
  103. "Let's go get my notes then." Rowan said and started skipping towatds the Ravenclaw common room.
  104. Anon looked at the girl and smiled.
  107. Rowan went to get her notes and some empty parchment and her quill. She stopped to look at the quill, Anon had given it to her for birthday, it never ran out of ink... It would be the perfect thing to write a confession with.
  108. The two arrived in the library after a while and sat down. Rowan took her empty parchment and started thinking what to write...
  109. "So..." Anon started.
  110. Rowan snapped out of her thought and looked at the boy.
  111. "What?" She asked.
  112. "Can I have the notes?"
  113. Oh no, she didn't think of this.
  114. "Not yet, let me... Just... Write some addendums..."
  115. "Addendums? On schoolnotes?" Anon asked a bit sceptically.
  116. "Yes, just read a book while I finish this." Rowan said annoyed.
  117. "Why would you addendum notes?"
  118. "Well... There are things that I figured out later... Like... Just leave me alone for a bit, you'll have the notes soon."
  119. "Alright, I'll read up on some stuff while you finish with your epilogue."
  121. Finally the boy was off her hair, she could write a short, sweet and romantic note that would win his heart and they would get married and live happily ever after...
  122. Rowan smiled and imagined what it would be like, they would study together and... Well, do all the same things as they did now, except as a couple... How do couples study, she could sit on his lap while they were reading, he could wrap his arms around her, while they read the same book... Though she was faster reader, she could use the time waiting for him to just lean on him or something...
  123. Rowan smiled and decided to write the best loveletter ever, she just needed to...
  124. ...
  125. What is she going to write? Rowan had no idea what to write, she wanted to make it personal and something that would make Anon fall for her immediately, but she couldn't think of anything. Just a "I love you" wouldn't do it. He would just scoff at her half-assed efforts and. No he wouldn't do that... Maybe just a "I love you" would work.
  126. Rowan was deep in thought, when Anon walked behind and put his arms around her and stuck a book in her face.
  127. "Look, Rowan, check this spell out." Anon said.
  128. Rowan yelped, she wasn't expecting Anon to surprise her like that, this was exactly how she imagined it. The girl and tried to get out of the situation, but she couldn't get out.
  129. "W-what." She asked flustered.
  130. "Look, it's a spell that makes glass water resistant!" Anon said excitedly. "Give me your glasses, I want to try it."
  131. "W-what, no!" Rowan said raising her voice a little.
  132. "just five seconds, I'll learn the spell and you will never have to worry about rain." Anon said and put the book on the table.
  133. "No! Why don't, you try it on your shades or something!" Rowan said annoyed.
  134. "I left them in the common room, who wears shades indoors anyway?" Anon said disappointed.
  135. "F-fine..." Rowan said and took her glasses off. Maybe this would distract Anon enough to let her finish the letter.
  136. Anon took the glasses and went away to try the spell out.
  137. Rowan looked at the parchment and realized she couldn't write like this.
  138. "Oh no..." She whispered, Rowan looked at the indistinguishable blob waving his wand at her glasses, that she couldn't even make out without them.
  139. But she was determined, she just stuck her face to the table and tried to write the love letter anyway. This was extremely difficult.
  140. 'Dear anon, we have been friends for...' No she crumpled the parchment. She had said that thing to him many times today, repetition wouldn't do. Rowan took another parchment
  141. 'Anon Ymos, I need to confess something to you. Truth is I am too shy to tell to you this in person, but I need to get it off my chest. The truth is that I love you, and have always loved you ever since the day we met. I can not continue without you knowing it and I hope that you tell me how you feel'
  142. Rowan finished pouring her heart into the parchment... She would just need to give it to Anon with her notes.
  143. "Rowan, look!" Anons said, he sounded like he was close. Rowan immediately turned the parchment around.
  144. "What is it?" Rowan asked flustered.
  145. "I think it worked, check your glasses out now." Anon said and gave Rowan her glasses, she put them back on.
  146. "Okay, how would we test it?" Rowan asked.
  147. "R-right... We would just have to wait for rain." Anon said scratching his neck. "Or I could get a glass of water and splash you with it?"
  148. "Absolutely not!" Rowan snapped.
  149. "C'mon, I really want to know if it worked."
  150. "Fine, we'll try it later, just let me read my notes before I give them to you... Go on, leave me for five seconds."
  151. Anon looked disappointed and walked around the table and sat down infront of Rowan.
  152. Rowan took her notes and got up, she walked to Anon and was about to put her letter at the bottom of the pile when she noticed something. Now that she had her glasses on she realised she had written the boy's name wrong.
  153. "Oh no!" She said, she immediately crumpled the letter and put in in her pocket.
  154. "What's wrong, Rowan?" Anon asked.
  155. "N-nothing..." Rowan said and looked around, she would have to write the letter again.
  156. "Can I have the notes now? It's getting late."
  157. Rowan wanted to shout out of frustration, she was so disappointed at everything, she just dropped the notes infront of Anon and walked off.
  158. "Thanks, Rowan." Anon said and smiled at the girl walking off.
  159. Rowan went behind the bookshelves and slumped down to a secluded spot. She was mortified that she couldn't ever get the courage to do anything, and when she did, everything went wrong... The girl buried her face between her knees and sobbed softly.
  160. But this was nothing new, she had missed many years like this... She would always just be his best friend, she would have to be there when he finally gets a girlfriend, who takes him away from her... She would...
  161. Rowan stopped when she realized something, she looked at her glasses. They were rejecting the tears, almost like a tiny layer was repelling them. The girl smiled... Anon had really learned how to help her during rain. She wiped her eyes and walked back to Anon, who was busy copying her notes.
  162. "I think the charm you put on my glasses worked." Rowan said smiling at the boy.
  163. "Oh, how do you figure that?" Anon said.
  164. "Because you cast it..." Rowan smiled.
  165. "You give me too much credit, we have to try it out properly." Anon said and finished copying the notes.
  166. "Alright, do you want to go to the lake and see if it worked?" Rowan asked.
  167. "That's a bit far away, I was thinking about going to a bathroom to test it out." Anon said. "But it is nice day outside... Let's do that."
  170. Rowan was happy following Anon to the lake, she was overthinking things, if it never happened between the two, he would still be a great friend to her, even if he got a girlfriend.
  171. The two arrived at the lake and went to the shore.
  172. "Well, can't get much more serious test than this." Anon said.
  173. "Yeah." Rowan said and took her glasses off and held them infront of Anon, who dipped his hand in the lake and held it over her glasses.
  174. "Wow, it actually worked" Anon said triumphantly and gave the glasses back to Rowan.
  175. "Of course it worked, you cast it..." Rowan said smiling and put her glasses back on, just to notice Anon was blushing.
  176. "Rowan... I..." Anon started, he stopped to think. "...Nevermind, why do you think so highly of my skills."
  177. "Because I love you." Rowan said without thinking.
  178. Anon blushed even more and stared at Rowan, who slowly realized what she had said without thinking... The girl started blushing, she wasn't prepared for it at all, she just said it and now Anon was speechless, staring at her. Did he not like her, what happened... Why is he so quiet, did she ruin everything?
  179. Rowan wanted to run off, she turned away from Anon, she was embarrassed. But anon grabbed her shoulder, showly turning her back to face him.
  180. "For months... Years... I have been trying to gather the courage..." Anon started.
  181. "W-what?" Rowan asked.
  182. "I love you, Rowan." Anon said. "I have been trying to tell it to you for years, but I was worried that you might not feel the same."
  183. The two of them were just standing there silently. Neither knew what to do really, or what this changed...
  184. "So, are we... A couple now?" Anon asked carefully.
  185. "I guess we are... Do you want to teach me that spell now?" Rowan asked
  186. "Yes." Anon smiled at the girl, nothing had changed, except they both knew how the other felt.
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