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Jan 5th, 2013
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  2. (All ideas are sold "as-is" with no warranty implied.
  3. Stories unused within 70 years are forfeit for resale.)
  5. A boy and a girl travel to the beach together, where
  6. they pay a man to xxxxxx receive a bicycle ride from
  7. his monkey. The ride is very uncomfortable, due to
  8. a spoon tied to the seat which keeps whacking their
  9. legs. Nevertheless, they fall in love and are maried.
  10. At the end, the monkey is eating avocado with a spoon.
  11. So that's what it was for. $3
  13. A girl visits a boot store. In one of the racks, she
  14. discovers a village of little people that has ssoraly
  15. been living among the boots. A boy comes off the bus
  16. outside, sees the girl in teh store, falls in love and
  17. goes and tells the girl he's in love with her. She
  18. tries to show how the little village works, but he is
  19. only marginally interested in that. They are wed, $1
  21. A man eats corn on top of his house. It is his favorite
  22. pasttime. He marries and dies happy. $3
  24. Adam and Eve are riding bicycles (naked) in the Garden of
  25. Eden. They decide to have a race to see who is the
  26. fastest person in teh world. Adam's wheel pops and he
  27. uses the snake St Satan as a replacement tube. $4
  29. A retired police offericer struggles to find acceptances
  30. in the sububan life of Blouder Springs, Colorado. He
  31. befriends a local fishmonger but still must fight his
  32. personal demons. XXX 50
  34. A guy with an enormous chin has the chin surgically
  35. removed and is promptly married. $3
  37. A man who collects prisms finds his house inundated
  38. with refracted light, such that he is transformed into
  39. a superpowerful albino who masquerades at as a wild
  40. horse at night. A local fishmonger feeds the horse and
  41. feeds him a green apple (not knowing the situation here)
  42. which kills the albino half of the guy. So at night now
  43. he's a live horse but is dead albino during the day.
  44. The sheriff's office discovers the dead man and gives
  45. him a proper funeral. During the funeral, the sun sets
  46. and the whole horse body busts through the coffin. $12
  48. A nerdy underappreciated kid wins a raffle and receives
  49. his own Space Shuttle for a week. He installs a soft-serve
  50. ice cream machine onboard and teaches a pet monkey to sit
  51. in the cockpoit. One day, while going home from a birthday
  52. party in space, the shuttle explodes (a la Challenger) $3
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