
F1 AIE "Baltimare Grand Prix" Part 2

Jul 1st, 2012
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  1. F1 Anon In Equestria "Baltimare Grand Prix" Part 2
  3. Tip for this chapter:
  4. Normal speech: "Hello."
  5. Radio speech: "*Hello.*"
  9. •I•I•I•I•
  10. •I•I•I•I•
  11. •I•I•I•I•
  13. I I I I
  15. Lap 1/60
  16. >Like a slug from a shotgun you blast forward from your stagnant position in a mix of power and control.
  17. >All 12 cars start successfully. Soarin getting the best start out of everyone. Unfortunately for him it's not enough to pass you.
  18. >He's able to get ahead of Rainbow though, much to her dismay.
  19. >Your helmet is glued the the headrest behind you as your car accelerates from 0 to 60 MPH in less than 3 seconds.
  20. >9000 combined horsepower scream down the front straight at an insane speed. Every car literally inches from one another.
  21. >You brake HARD going into turn one, forces of over 5 G's push you into the 6 point harness wrapping around your torso. It takes all your strength just to keep your head looking forward.
  22. >To your left, Thunderlane takes an early risk and immediately cuts you off before the apex.
  23. "WOAH"
  24. >Those lightning quick reflexes return and you swerve right slightly, narrowly avoiding contact with the Team Thunder machine.
  25. >Its the first fucking lap, there is no need for such risky moves right now.
  26. >Carefully easing on the throttle coming out of turn one shifting up efficiently, you follow directly behind the black #9.
  27. >You match his speed perfectly going through the sweeping left turn of turn 2. Tires at their limit of traction as you jockey the throttle.
  28. >Back further in the pack, the first incident today is a small one.
  29. >Aloe makes wheel to wheel sidepod contact with Spitfire. No real damage apparent, but it sent Spits in a short 4 wheel slide through the first turn. She quickly regained control and rejoined the race.
  31. >Powerful winds beat against your helmet as you reach turn 7, a 180° right hander.
  32. >Quickly you shift down to third gear after reaching your braking point and direct the car towards the apex.
  33. >Because of your setup into the turn, you exit the corner carrying more momentum than Thunderlane did.
  34. >You maneuver to the right and slowly ease up his right side heading toward-
  35. >SHIT! back off!
  36. >Lifting off of the throttle slightly, you give the lead back to Thunderlane.
  37. >There is no room for two cars side by side through the esses of turns 8 and 9 at these speeds. If you stayed beside him this would have all ended in tears and shards of carbon fiber on the first lap.
  38. >If you wanted to make a move it would have to be at the end of the back straight coming up to the chicane.
  39. >DRS isn't going to be enabled till lap 3. Still though, its worth a shot.
  40. >You wrestle your machine through turn 11, the "Bit Kurve" as its called back home, pushing the vehicle to its absolute limit.
  41. >Successfully carrying more momentum than Thunderlane once more, you look to the left of his machine going down the backstretch.
  42. >Thunderlane veers to the left to block your incoming move, instinctively you jink right and get on the inside of him going through turn 12, the kink in the back stretch.
  43. >Side by side you both head towards the chicane. If this pegasus wants to play hard this early, might as well give him both barrels.
  45. >Braking harder than when you were going into turn 1, along with shifting down quickly from 7th to 2nd gear allowing the engine to slow down the car even further, you let Thunder once again take the lead.
  46. >But not for long.
  47. >Because of your sudden braking, you broke his concentration and made him miss his braking point only slightly.
  48. >Going through the chicane at a higher speed than recommended, his right rear tire clips the savage curb and throws the car off balance a tad.
  49. >He loses all of his momentum power-sliding through the exit of the chicane. Easily giving you the lead.
  50. >Heh. they fall for it every time.
  51. ----
  52. Lap 3/60
  53. >TS: "*DRS is now enabled.*"
  54. >Fuck.
  55. >That and Soarin is behind you.
  56. >Double fuck.
  57. >The Drag Reduction System detection point is just before the back stretch. If you want to have any chance of staying in front of the Wonderbolt you need to put a gap of more than a second between you and him.
  58. >Don't understand whats going on? Here:
  59. >Right now going down the front straight hes half a second behind.
  60. >It would be considered a miracle if you could gain a half second lead in half a lap. But now is not the time to doubt yourself, go for it!
  61. >Navigating each turn perfectly like you're guided on a rail, you ask Twi how far behind he is just before you reach the DRS detection zone.
  62. >TS: "*He's still half a second behind.*"
  63. >Oh god dammit.
  65. >Exiting the Bit Kurve onto the back stretch, his DRS flap on the rear wing lifts up.
  66. >His down force drastically decreases, thus allowing his cars top speed to increase.
  67. >You're pretty much helpless as he screams past you heading towards the chicane.
  68. >The stands erupt in celebration across the entire facility. You cant hear them over your engine, but you can see eveyp0ny jumping up and down.
  69. >TS: "Don't worry, let him take it. We don't need you stressing out those tires even more. Come time for pit strategy is when we'll retake the lead."
  70. >You silently hope shes right. Because of that slingshot, Soarin has already gotten a full second in front of you.
  71. ----
  72. Lap 14/60
  73. >Piloting the Bass Cannon Racing #3 machine is Octavia, currently shes at a comfortable 5th place after she passed Cloud Chaser a few laps earlier.
  74. >Considered one of the dark horses (no pun intended) of the grid mainly because shes only known as a classical cellist. Shes surprised most with her driving abilities recently.
  75. >Unfortunately, her race today isn't going to last for much longer.
  76. >While under braking at the chicane, she feels a sudden small shock from the right front wheel area. Followed by a small vibration.
  77. >Knowing this isn't normal, she radios to her crew chief.
  78. >OCT: "*Hey, I'm just now getting alot of feedback from my right front. Is the telemetry saying anything?*"
  79. >CC: "*Nothing too out of place, You probably just have a flat spot on your front tire. We'll get it fixed when you come in for new tires in a few laps.*"
  80. >All while her crew chief talks to her, the vibration gradually gets worse.
  81. >OCT: "*Uh... I dont think the cars gonna hold up until-*"
  82. *SNAP*
  83. "WAHH!"
  84. >
  86. >Octavia's right front suspension literally explodes going into turn one.
  87. >Her hooves are forced off of the wheel as it violently snaps to the right by itself. Shards of suspension arms bounce off her car and litter the track behind.
  88. >She careens past the first turn almost colliding with Dash. After sliding into the gravel pit, she gradually comes to a grinding halt in front of the Arena stands.
  89. >CC: "*Octavia! You ok!?*"
  90. >OCT: "*Fine.* That is the last time I LISTEN TO A BUCKING DJ!!!"
  91. >She tosses the steering wheel out of the car to the gravel below in frustration.
  92. >As she gets out of the car though, the crowd in front of her cheers for her well being. She looks up and cant help but smile and wave with everyp0ny happy that she made it out ok.
  93. >Turns out Vinyls little suspension adjustment decision didn't quite work out with Octavia's setup.
  94. >As Vinyl herself passes by Octavia's crippled car, she instantly realizes she caused her teammates downfall.
  95. >VS: "oops..."
  96. ----
  97. Lap 15/60
  98. >At the Cloudsdale Weather pit wall telemetry station, Twilight gets instant intel on the situation which she immediately relays to both you and Rainbow.
  99. >TS: "*Waving yellow in sector 1, Octavia's out.*"
  100. "*Woah really!? What happened?*"
  101. >TS: "*Her front tire just disconnected itself from her car. No idea how.*"
  102. >RD: "*I saw it in my mirrors. She almost ran into the back of me.*"
  103. "*Sounds like you made it out alright though.*"
  104. >RD: "*Yep, still goin strong...*"
  105. >There's that tone again. You'll have to ask whats eating her after the race.
  106. >Right now, getting passed Soarin is top priority.
  108. Lap 22/60
  109. >TS: "*Soarin has come in to fit a set of prime tires. This is it, come in next time by. Push as hard as you can this next lap!*"
  110. >Following her order, you give this lap everything you've got.
  111. -
  112. >The strategy is when Soarin comes in to pit, you take one lap around to get a little bit of ground on him.
  113. >He'll then come out of pit lane on brand new and very cold tires, giving you a huge lead on him.
  114. >That's when you pit in, Get a perfect pit stop, and head out. Hopefully putting you ahead of Soarin.
  115. -
  116. >Here's your chance, Exiting the chicane you ease immediately right to the entrance of pit lane.
  117. >Over at your pit stall the entire pit crew scrambles to their places, pneumatic wrenches and tires at the ready.
  118. >You Shift down into first and hit the pit speed limiter button, making your way to the pit stall very slowly.
  119. >"Dont fuck this up" you think to yourself as you swerve into a spot with barely enough space for your machine to fit in between all the p0nies to either side of you.
  120. >The car is lifted up on the jacks once more, and at lightning speed each Option tire is replaced with brand new Prime's.
  121. >In less than 4 seconds you are placed back down on the ground with the car shifted into first.
  122. >TS: "*Go go go!*"
  123. >The engine screams as you drop the clutch, launching forward with tires spinning from the pit stall.
  124. >Here's where you find out if it was a good enough pit stop.
  125. >You roll down the remainder of pit lane at an agonizingly slow pace. Thumb hovering over the pit limiter button awaiting the end of pit lane.
  127. Lap 23/60
  128. >Come on, economy cars go down the highway at a faster speed than this.
  129. >You can hear him coming down the front straight behind you as you pass the line indicating pit exit.
  130. >Pressing the limiter you slam the throttle towards turn one staying on the inside line.
  131. >You yank the wheel to the right, machine following your order entering turn one.
  133. >It takes you till the middle of turn 3 to notice there is no blue and yellow F1 car in front of you.
  134. >You did it!
  135. "YES!!!"
  136. >The celebration though is short lived once you glance at your mirrors.
  137. >Soarin is breathing down your fucking neck heading into turn 5. You swear hes staring into your eyes through your mirrors.
  138. >That isn't menacing at all...
  139. >OK! focus. You're going to have to save all 6 seconds of your KERS for the back stretch to hopefully counter his DRS.
  140. >He'll still gain ground on you, but maybe not enough to get completely past you.
  141. >...
  142. >Wait...
  143. >Why not just do this?
  144. >You move aside exiting turn 7 letting Soarin past you. Instantly you get right back behind him staying in his slipstream.
  145. >TS: "*Anon!? What the hell are you doing!? You were in front!*"
  146. "*Calm down, I got this.*"
  147. >Letting him in front of you again did give him the lead momentarily, but he didn't slingshot past you like he did in the DRS zone at the beginning of the race. You have turned the tables and are now breathing down his neck through turns 8 and 9.
  149. >And you plan to keep it this way until DRS detection at the start of the back stretch.
  150. >But Soarin quickly catches on to your plan. Must have wondered why you just went up and gave the lead to him out of nowhere.
  151. >Going into turn 10 he brakes earlier than you were ready for, forcing you to swerve inside him to avoid destroying your front wing on his diffuser.
  152. "Oh no you don't." You say as you slow down a bit, realizing what hes doing.
  153. >Its a race to the DRS Detection line, the only race ever where you wanna cross the line 2nd.
  154. >You both turn down the Bit Kurve side by side a tad bit slower than race pace trying to keep behind each other. This must be an odd sight for all the spectators here.
  155. >Crossing the DRS Detection line nose to nose you each floor the throttle, activate KERS, and press the DRS button on the wheel hoping that your rear wing was the one that flipped up and not his.
  156. >After pressing the button though, you felt a small click from the rear of your car.
  157. >Seeing the Wonderbolt shrink in your mirrors was all the proof you needed that you were granted DRS.
  158. >Your engine, with 300 horsepower per litre, propels the car forward no longer hindered by massive downforce. Marking the highest speed any car has reached so far today.
  159. >That speed before you hit the brakes clocked in at 203 mph. By comparison, the car could only reach a top speed of 190 mph without your Drag Reduction System engaged.
  160. >Soarin is definitely out of range as you glance at your mirrors entering the front straight.
  161. >TS: "He's a second and a quarter behind, Nice move Anon!"
  162. >Now with a nice buffer in between you and 2nd, you can focus on just hitting your marks not having to worry about anyone near you.
  164. Lap 42/60
  165. >That same trance like mode you were in yesterday during qualifying has taken you over once more.
  166. >You have been in this state for about 20 laps now, perfectly hitting each mark and apex every lap.
  167. >Your last 20 lap times rival the consistency of robots as each time is within .5 seconds of each other. That consistency has allowed you to put another 2 seconds in between you and Soarin.
  168. >Word also reached you that Dash is working on passing the Wonderbolt right now. Must be pretty close behind.
  169. Current Driver Positions:
  170. 1. Anonymous
  171. 2. Soarin
  172. 3. Rainbow Dash
  173. 4. Thunderlane
  174. 5. Spitfire
  175. 6. Cloud Chaser
  176. 7. Vinyl Scratch
  177. 8. Flitter
  178. 9. Lotus
  179. 10. Blossomforth
  180. 11. Aloe
  181. 12. Octavia - Out: Suspension damage.
  182. >Another round of pit stops should be coming soon. You can feel the tires losing their performance slightly. Especially around the chicane; the car is getting gradually more unstable there.
  183. >TS: "*You've got slower traffic coming up, watch out.*"
  184. >Oh wow you're lapping somep0ny? You didn't expect this at all.
  185. >No seriously, everyone was within half a second of one another. You shouldn't be lapping a driver for the entirety of the Grand Prix.
  187. >Something must be wrong with this drivers machine for it to be falling back like this.
  188. >Getting closer, you see the machine has a bright pink and blue livery. That's definitely a SPA Racing car.
  190. (Aloe's perspective)
  191. >Are you kidding me...
  192. >Around 7 laps ago your third gear failed, became obsolete, and now it feels like the engine itself is on its last legs.
  193. >This is a brand new engine and gearbox combo! What gives?.
  194. >Oh wait. That turn one incident with Spitfire. Right...
  195. >The shunt didn't feel like it was that bad! Must have screwed everything up internally.
  196. >Your crew chief then comes in on the radio.
  197. >CC: "*It doesn't look like the car is going to make it till the end. I'm sorry but you're gonna have to bring it in if you want to avoid littering the track with engine parts.*"
  198. "*Cant we just get it replaced? There might just be enough time left to do that.*"
  199. >CC: "*Negative Aloe, against the rules. Engine and/or suspension failure both qualify for automatic DNF's. Again sorry. Box now.*"
  200. >You haven't been this dissapointed in a long time.
  201. >As the leaders pass by, lapping you, you pull into pit lane hitting the engine killswitch allowing the car to just coast to the garage.
  202. >The scream of still operating machines and cheering fans fill your ears as you enter your garage stall nose first. Your day officially ending.
  203. >As you climb out, some of your pit crew give you a pat on the back. There was definitely nothing you could do about this. It was a racing incident. Shit happens.
  204. >With a low sigh you take off your helmet and Nomex balaclava allowing your long, shiny blue mane to get some fresh air.
  205. >You notice some of the male crew members from Lotus' pit crew are staring while you flip your mane out of your face. With a smile you give them a playful wink in their direction.
  206. >Some flustered stallions quickly put their focus back on the TV monitor. Heh, Flirting was always a spirit lifter.
  207. (End Aloe's perspective)
  209. Lap 50/60
  210. >Up in the circular "Mercedes Grandstand" as its called back home. Three of your most loyal fans are deeply enjoying themselves as they watch the Grand Prix go into it's final laps.
  211. >The forth, being Rarity, went to the bathroom about 15 minutes ago.
  212. >Up in one of the upper rows of the grandstand, their seats give them a very nice view of the raceway:
  213. >PP: "Any idea how many laps are left? I lost count."
  214. >AJ: "Ten. It says so on that video-board over yonder." she says as she points over to the end of pit lane. A large video-board is setup there displaying to the grandstands live footage of the race along with race positions and lap times.
  215. >PP: "Now where was THAT this whole time!?" She exclaims throwing her arms forward.
  216. >AJ: "Right there Pinkie, never moved." She says giving out a laugh.
  217. >RA: "I'm back! And with snacks!"
  218. >Funnel cakes for everyone! She passes them down the row as she asks:
  219. >RA: "Did I miss anything?"
  220. >PP: "One of the SPA Racing cars left the race for some reason."
  221. >Fluttershy, wearing a set of noise cancelling headphones with a noticeable antenna, chimes in.
  222. >FS: "Aloe retired from the race with a malfunctioning gearbox. Her engine was also about to blow so they decided to pull it in as to not bring out the safety car."
  223. >Everyone looks at her with a kind of "How the fuck do you know that?" look.
  224. >FS: "Radio broadcast." She says pointing to her right ear.
  225. >PP: "Oh well duh! That's why shes been quiet the entire race!"
  227. >FS: "Oh OH! Anon's coming in to pit again!"
  228. >AJ: "Come on boy don't screw this up!"
  229. >They all eye the Video-board as the cameras are trained on your car.
  230. >
  231. Lap 51/60
  232. >As they lower your car, Soarin retakes the lead.
  233. >Nearly everyp0ny around the four of them cheers as he does so. Rarity though, gives an opposite exclamation.
  234. >RA: "NO!"
  235. >FS: "It's ok Rarity, Soarin still needs to pit as well. Just look at em."
  236. >Soarin is visibly having trouble keeping the car steady with heavily worn tires. The rear end keeps threatening to come out from under him every time he touches the throttle exiting a turn.
  237. >You exit pit lane a few seconds behind the Wonderbolts Racing machine. Half a second behind you is Rainbow Dash. Thunderlane just now went in leaving you three ahead of the field by a large margin.
  238. >PP: "AWESOME!! There's Dashie right there!"
  239. >FS: "Hopefully she can get out ahead of Soarin and Thunderlane after her next pit stop. Twilight just told her to pit in."
  240. >You and Dash speed out of view towards turns 5 and 6 as Thunderlane exits pit road. The rest of the field of 10 cars has also come in to replace their tires. Thus putting a huge 10 second gap in between the first 4 cars and 5th.
  242. FS: "There he goes. Soarin's in."
  243. >Soarin pulls his #6 blue and yellow racing machine into pit lane.
  244. >2.5 seconds later you fly past both the entrance of pit lane and Soarin giving you the lead once more.
  245. >As you tackle the "Coca-Cola Kurve", Dash enters pit lane as well with her heavily blistered tires.
  246. >PP: "YEAH!!! GO ANON GO!!!"
  247. >You've pretty much got this race in the bag, just don't mess up any of the next turns for nine laps.
  248. Lap 52/60
  249. >Soarin successfully pulls into his pit stall. His pit crew getting to work replacing the tires.
  250. >Rainbow passes by him on the way to her pit box at the end of pit lane. But just before she goes to turn in, she kinda, maybe, fucks up a tad. Just a little bit.
  251. >Only slightly.
  252. >
  253. >RA & FS: "Oooooo"
  254. >AJ: "Oh what the buck Rainbow." She says as she facehoofs
  255. >PP: "WOW! How do you spin out going that slow? Seriously!?"
  256. >As Soarin speeds off on fresh rubber, Rainbows pit crew get the car turned around as quickly as they can.
  257. >They replace the OBVIOUSLY spent tires with new Options as its only a 8 lap stint now, and send her off.
  258. >Thunderlane has retaken 3rd place because of Dash's incident. Making a 4 second gap between 3rd and 4th.
  259. >But as Rainbow exits pit lane and tries to get back in the groove of things, she is greeted in her mirrors with an all too familiar sight.
  260. >The #4 machine of Vinyl Scratch.
  262. >AJ: "Wasn't Scratch all the way back in seventh a few laps ago?"
  263. >FS: "Yes, She got a really good pit stop last lap. Like really, really good."
  264. >PP: "Come on Dashie! You can hold her off!"
  265. >Going into turn two Vinyl gets on the inside of Dash after she goes a little wide. Taking 4th position just before turn 3.
  266. >PP: "Oh um... Well buck."
  267. >RA: "The poor mare is just falling apart out there."
  268. >FS: "Its just cold tires, she was pushing them too hard too early. Vinyls pressure didn't help at all either. Once they warm up I believe Rainbow will easily take her position back."
  269. >AJ: "You sure?"
  270. >FS: "Positive."
  271. ----
  272. (Rainbows perspective)
  273. TS: "*Focus Rainbow. You've only got-*"
  275. >Cant focus with somep0ny talking into your ear. Fuck that's annoying.
  276. >Whats even more annoying is that YOU SPUN AT WALKING SPEED IN PIT LANE.
  277. >You don't even know how the hell you did that. All of a sudden the car was just like "NOPE".
  278. >Celestia Dammit.
  279. >Now this blue maned cunt has just passed you cause these damn tires aren't warmed up yet. FUCK.
  280. >If you haven't noticed yet, You're mad as shit. Seriously. Like "The rage of a thousand white hot blinding suns of hateful fury" mad.
  281. >Vinyls fucking right rear tire isn't going to have air in it for much long-
  282. >ANON: "*Rainbow.*"
  283. "Wha-"
  284. >His voice flipped something like a light switch inside you. One second you're willing to take out another driver along with yourself, the next second, you're calm. Like nothing even happened.
  285. >Something about that mans voice...
  286. "*Yeah?*"
  287. >ANON: "*Don't do anything stupid. Just pass her.*"
  289. Lap 56/60
  290. >You caught back up to Vinyl a lap ago. Getting past her has been a different story.
  291. >Needless to say, you're not calm anymore.
  292. >Shes blocked every attack you've given her frustrating you to no end.
  293. >And with the laps winding down, you need to make a move that works. Like now.
  294. >Following inches behind the black and neon blue Bass Cannon Racing machine, you jink right just before the braking point of turn 7.
  295. >You slam on the brakes very late, immediately going past Vinyl.
  296. >The down side is that the right front tire locked up. Forcing you to the outside of the turn.
  297. >Vinyl capitalizes and turns inside you. She hits the throttle and easily takes back 4th.
  298. >Ok... Lets try this AGAIN.
  299. >Again you are right behind her heading out of the esses of turns 8 and 9. You can use the DRS against her now coming up to the back stretch.
  300. >Exiting the Bit Kurve for the 56th time you hit the KERS and DRS buttons on your steering wheel.
  301. >As you move to the left to pass Vinyl she again swiftly moves to block.
  302. >Knowing this was coming you instantly turn right getting on the inside of her. But to your surprise she keeps veering right heading towards the turn 12 kink.
  303. "Woah! WOAH!"
  304. >Wanting to avoid wheel to wheel contact you run half of your car off the track and over the curb of turn 12.
  305. >Numerous mini shocks score through your body as you run over the rumble strip.
  306. >During this, the floor pan of the car makes contact with a rise on the curb itself. Sending a sudden painful jolt straight through your spine.
  307. "AHH-!"
  308. >
  309. >There is no cushioning in the drivers seat. You are literally sitting on a carbon fiber mold of your equine form centimeters from the ground. Yes that hurt like a motherfucker.
  311. >You head back onto the racing surface biting your lip through the pain, focusing on the chicane ahead of you.
  312. >Side by side you both head into turns 13 and 14. You are NOT going to make this easy for her. Not after THAT bitch move.
  313. >Shifting down from 7th to 2nd you begin to turn left. As you do, you gently force Vinyl towards that savage speed bump from hell designed to deter corner cutting.
  314. >Her left front makes contact with the curb and sends the left side of her car airborne.
  315. >As Vinyl lands though, she doesn't give you any room coming up to the other turn of the chicane forcing you to hit the second curb with your right front. Thus sending the right side of your car airborne.
  316. >The landing only amplifies the pain in your back from just a few moments before.
  318. >Filled with a new found rage you manhandle your machine towards the last turn of the circuit forcing your car back to the inside of Vinyls car.
  319. >At the same time you hit the apex of turn 15, Vinyl gets her car right next to yours trying to force you into the wall.
  320. >Oh hey look, Your tires are perfectly lined up side by side!
  321. >You veer left making just enough contact to not cause any damage but to get your damn point across.
  322. >That point being:
  324. (End Rainbows perspective)
  326. >Back track about 30 seconds to before Dash was forced off the road at turn 12. We return to the Mercedes Grandstand where every individual is at the edge of their seat watching the video board as Vinyl and Rainbow fight for position.
  327. >The entire facility is enthralled with this battle for 4th. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions are pretty much decided for unless something happens out of their control. So this battle is the most exciting thing happening on the circuit at the moment.
  328. >PP: "There she goes! There she goes!! Shes got her now!" Pinkie cheers as Dash makes her move heading towards turn 12.
  329. >AJ: "Whoa!" she exclaims as everyone sees Dash forced off by Vinyl.
  330. >A thick cloud of dust and sparks form behind Dash. A wave of "OH!"s echo through the grandstands.
  331. >Shortly following that you could hear a few boos and jeers directed towards Vinyl. Seems like everyone is taking Dash's side on this fight.
  332. >The exclamations from the stands only become louder as both drivers violently bounce through the chicane.
  333. >RA: "Oh my!"
  334. >At the same time that happens, you make your way through turn one marking lap 57/60. None the wiser of the events unfolding.
  335. >Your friends watch intently as Rainbow regains control of her car and gets on the inside of Vinyl once more. The quick and sudden movements of her machine tell how angry shes getting.
  336. >The crowd notices Vinyl trying to force Dash into the wall and begin to jeer, harsher this time.
  337. >Boos quickly turn to enthusiastic cheering and applause when Dash bumps into Vinyl at the apex of turn 15.
  339. >Vinyls car is forced wide following the wheel to wheel contact allowing Rainbow to take 4th position for herself. Dash puts a huge gap between her and 5th on account of Vinyl spinning her tires in anger trying to make up for lost ground.
  340. >No traction control on the car remember?
  341. >As Dash eases into turn one, her friends all cheer for her.
  342. >AJ: "WOOO! Now that there was some racin! GO RAINBOW GO!!"
  343. >RA: "Did anyone else happen to get an adrenaline boost from that?"
  344. >PP: "Oh you've got to be kidding me!"
  345. >AJ & RA: "What?"
  346. >FS: "That." She says as she points towards the video board.
  347. >A graphic on the screen says "Incidents involving car #2 and car #4 are under investigation by The Stewards."
  348. >Rarity's next words pretty much describe what everyone is feeling after seeing that.
  349. >RA: "Oh great."
  350. ----
  351. Lap 60/60
  352. >Finally. The last lap.
  353. >You're tired and thirsty. Arms feel like jelly right now.
  354. >Come on dude you can do one more lap. JUST DO IT.
  356. >As you guide the car through turns 5 and 6, you see the spectators up in the stands cheer you on.
  357. >Heh. This feeling never gets old.
  358. >The feeling of success. Working hard and earning it. That, along with the sensation you get during acceleration, is what you live for. Ever since you plopped yourself down in a go kart at age 4.
  359. >Alot has happened since then. You've raced in many different leagues, made scores of friends and rivals alike.
  360. >Now you're in a completely different dimension filled with pastel colored equines. But competition is all the same, no matter where you go apparently.
  362. >Here it is. The final turn.
  363. >You hit the brakes. At the same time you pull the downshift paddle twice shifting down from 5th to 3rd gear.
  364. >Twisting the wheel to where its upside down, you turn your car through the right hander of turn 15.
  365. >Hitting the apex you ease back on the throttle gradually shifting up in gears as the car makes its final scream down the front straight.
  367. >Finish line.
  369. >You raise your fist to the sky and yell in celebration. Your pit crew hanging from the pit wall fence at the end of pit lane pumping their hooves in your direction.
  370. >You direct the car next to the pit wall to give your team a celebratory "fly by".
  371. >After that Twilight comes in over the radio. This next conversation is broadcasted all through Equestria for everyone to hear.
  372. >TS: "*YES! YES YES YES YES!!!! YOU DID IT ANON!!! The first Grand Prix EVER in Equestria and you can claim it as yours! Well done!*"
  373. "*WHOOOO! YEAH! We all earned this one Twilight. You guys did a fantastic job back there. Thank you! YES!*"
  374. ----
  375. Baltimare Grand Prix final results + points standings:
  376. 1. Anonymous - 25
  377. 2. Soarin - 18
  378. 3. Thunderlane - 15
  379. 4. Rainbow Dash - 12
  380. 5. Vinyl Scratch - 10
  381. 6. Spitfire - 8
  382. 7. Cloud Chaser - 6
  383. 8. Lotus - 4
  384. 9. Flitter - 2
  385. 10. Blossomforth - 1
  386. 11. Aloe - 0
  387. 12. Octavia - 0
  389. >As you drive down pit lane for the final time today, each team is applauding you as you go by each respective garage.
  390. >You enthusiastically respond by revving the engine sharply a few times. You love that noise, but holy shit you cant wait to get out of this thing.
  391. >Up ahead of you is the area marked off for the first 3 finishers of today's Grand Prix.
  392. >You park the car directly in the center of the area where a sign displays a large number "1".
  393. >Soarin's blue and yellow machine joins you to your left, his spot marked "2".
  394. >And claiming the 3rd place spot is Thunderlane as he positions his vehicle to your right.
  395. >A massive crowd has formed around the three cars, flashbulbs going off like strobe lights capturing the sight.
  396. >You unbuckle your 6 point harness and squeeze your way out of the cramped drivers seat.
  397. >Ahh, sweet relief. It feels good to be able to freely move your limbs again.
  398. >You do a mix of celebrating and stretching as you raise your fists to the sky. Seeing the Cloudsdale Weather team right next to the rope guarding the area, you run over to them.
  399. >They all hug the ever-loving shit out of you when you run into the team of p0nies. A few seconds more of that and they let you go.
  400. >You walk back over to the car and notice the rear wing. There they are.
  401. >Even though your car, the one that was brought into Equestria along with you, has been repainted with a new livery, The grayscale Rainbow Dash cutie mark logos still remain.
  402. >When the car was repainted, they repelled every bit of paint sprayed on. Seems like they're there for a reason now.
  403. >You tap that area of the wing a few times and head on to the drivers podium. You've got a LONG night of celebrating ahead of you.
  405. >Its now a couple hours after the race ended. Everyone who is a part of Cloudsdale Weather Racing is celebrating your win in the ball room of the driver and crew quarters building.
  406. >You are sitting over at the bar enjoying a nice drink. Cant help but feel that something is missing though.
  407. >Suddenly the Cloudsdale Weather spokesp0ny you talked to before the race greets you with a pat on the back.
  408. >JOE: "There you are! The man of the hour! Congratulations on that win there son."
  409. "Thank you sir."
  410. >JOE: "Yes now. concerning your bonus."
  411. >Oh yeah!
  412. >JOE: "Rainbow managed to get fourth. We wanted to see a one-two finish, but as a stallion of my word, 5000 bits will be deposited straight to both of your bank accounts today as you both did finish in the top 5."
  413. >Fuck yeah.
  414. "Wow. Again thank you. Seriously."
  415. >JOE: "Don't mention it boy. You earned it."
  416. >As he walks off, it hits you. Rainbow! That's whats missing!
  417. >You get up from your seat and hurriedly look around for a visible light spectrum.
  418. >A few minutes pass by and you've searched all throughout the ball room. Not a sign of your team mate anywhere.
  419. >Is she dissapointed? She shouldn't be. 4th is a respectable finishing position.
  420. >No wait... She started 3rd, spun out in pit lane, had to deal with Vinyl. Yeah never mind that last thing you thought.
  421. >As you continue to look for her, you spot Twilight over talking with a few crew members.
  422. "Hey Twi! You seen Rainbow anywhere?"
  423. >TS: "The care center. She got escorted there after the race was over complaining about back pain. It looked like she was hurting pretty bad. Like, she needed help out of her car."
  424. >Uh oh...
  426. End part 2
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