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Nov 24th, 2017
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  1. you answer questions correctly and they give impoverished people rice. what if, when you got more questions wrong than right, and they assembled a SWAT team, armed them with tasers and spoons, and sent them into a village to take rice from those same people in that third world country? *SWAT commando grabs old indian woman by the throat* "WHERE DO YOU KEEP YOUR RICE?" "Please, we only have 45 grains left, and 16 starving children to feed!" *he tases her* "SOME KID IN AMERICA GOT 3 PRE-ALGERBRA PROBLEMS WRONG! WHERE IS THE RICE?" *with a shaking hand she weakly points towards a small, solitary hut. the team breaches the door and snatches a half empty bowl of rice from a crying, emaciated kid. it gets scooped up and poured into a ziploc bag* "WE GOT WHAT WE CAME FOR MEN, ROLL OUT!" *they all get in a chopper and fly off. The village priest looks on with sad, sunken eyes*
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