

Oct 22nd, 2014
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  1. Name: Hibari Yuyuna
  2. Handle: calmOblivion
  3. Family: Hibari Kyoya(younger brother)
  4. Age: 18
  5. Birthday: January 1
  6. Gender: Female
  7. Race: Human
  8. Element: Cloud
  9. Animal: Skylark and Hedgehog
  10. Friends: NONE
  11. Crush/Love Interest/Boyfriend/Lover: NONE, NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER SEEMINGLY
  12. Weakness: Cherry Blossoms
  13. Personality: scary, doesn't care about the well being of others, confident, fiercely loyal, can be calm(though it's rare), observant at times, respectful to people who don't make her angry, can keep her calm, don't hurt those she cares about, and those who manage to respect or fear her, could easily make friends(if she didnt act so scarrrrryyyyyyyy),earns respect and fear easily, can be easily angered(especially when someone hurts/injures those she cares about), willing to sacrifice to protect(when she cares enough to protect that is), wise, tactful when she wants to be, smart, used to think everything was a game, used to be easy-going, mature, serious, warm and friendly to get what she wantsor when she is with someone she is comfortable enugh to show her true nature around, rarely smiles nowadays
  14. Fun facts: often surprised by opponents due to the fact that she attacks without thinking(unless she is currently calm then she will think before acting in battle), uses authority to assault those that get on her nerves, prefers to be alone, hates crowding, tends to beat up people who she thinks are crowding her, hates working with others, loves animals, hates working with others, hates being in debt to people and pays it back as soon as she can, won't be controlled, hates the feeling of being bound or restrained by something or someone, often takes naps, enjoys saying "Kamikorosu!"(I'll bite you to death!) and "Wao~", favorite foods include hamburger steak and sushi(toro, hamachi and shrimp), favorite drinks include milk, doesn't drink alcohol due to the fact that she becomes too violent when drunk, has owned a motorcycle since middle school and rides it extraordinarily well, feels uneasy around cherry blossoms, refuses to fight or talk when around cherry blossoms or when they are mentioned, lives in a traditional styled house, has talent as a hitman, fast reflexes, good athlete(would actually compete in sports if it werent for her social issues), dodges cannon fire and wayward fireworks with ease, quick learner, favorite instrument is the taiko, immune to pain, speaks French, verbally and physically attacks others not caring about consequences, and she can see through and create illusions.
  15. Nationality: Japanese
  16. Appearance: She has black hair that is cut in a boyish style and has a fringe that comes together at the center of her forehead and parted to the sides along with sharp, grey eyes. She has a tiny hairpin hidden on her person that she wears when completely alone that seems to be a skylark, a canary, and a swallow that are flitting about through the air around each other. She will pin her fringe to the side with the hairpin when alone. She is a bit pale. She tends to wear a black tank top under her brother's jacket along with white leggings and black boots with red laces. Her neck, arms, back, hips, and left cheek seem to be covered in scars differentiating in size, freshness, and meaning.
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