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Sep 21st, 2019
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  1. A few weeks ago, I was wanting to disable steam guard on my steam account so I could move it to my google voice number for 2fa (I think I was needing to do something else with it as well). The phone had died and wouldn't boot. I couldn't get a steam guard code. So I go through keepass and find a single authenticator code. It was one I already used. Customer support was excellent in helping me from a similar situation. However, it can take a couple weeks to get in touch with anyone and your account will have a 14 day cool down period after. I didn't want to be stuck without steam guard on. I couldn't move the account myself I was pissed because I only had 1 authenticator code backed up and not the other eleven. So I was like "Fine! Fuck it! I'll do it (customer service) tomorrow!" And then I never did get around to it because I have the attention span of a fucking goldfish. So, today I was watching a video where they show a snippet of a police interrogation for a homicide. The video had to deal with people who fake cry, or whose memory suddenly goes bad during an interrogation. I've been having problems trying to find an actual video or even a last name of the killer or the victim. I figured I could give reverse image searching a shot. So I took a screenshot and it was saved in a folder in Documents. While I was getting it I noticed something.
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