
#MalwareMustDie Postal_Receipt.exe Malicious Act Reversed

Nov 24th, 2012
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  1. ======================================
  2. Malicious/Suspected Reversing Data
  3. #MalwareMustDie- Case UPS drops Malware (from Spain Network)
  4. @unixfreaxjp /malware]$ date
  5. Sat Nov 24 19:10:22 JST 2012
  6. ======================================
  7. // set SystemTimeAsFileTime
  9. loc_405F93:
  10. push esi
  11. lea eax, [ebp+SystemTimeAsFileTime]
  12. push eax ; lpSystemTimeAsFileTime
  13. call ds:GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
  14. mov esi, [ebp+SystemTimeAsFileTime.dwHighDateTime]
  15. xor esi, [ebp+SystemTimeAsFileTime.dwLowDateTime]
  16. call ds:GetCurrentProcessId
  17. xor esi, eax
  18. call ds:GetCurrentThreadId
  19. xor esi, eax
  20. call ds:GetTickCount
  21. xor esi, eax
  22. lea eax, [ebp+PerformanceCount]
  23. push eax ; lpPerformanceCount
  24. call ds:QueryPerformanceCounter
  25. mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+PerformanceCount+4]
  26. xor eax, dword ptr [ebp+PerformanceCount]
  27. xor esi, eax
  28. cmp esi, edi
  29. jnz short loc_405FD9
  31. //Get module mscoree.dll
  33. .text:0040146C mov edi, edi
  34. .text:0040146E push ebp
  35. .text:0040146F mov ebp, esp
  36. .text:00401471 push offset ModuleName ; "mscoree.dll"
  37. .text:00401476 call ds:GetModuleHandleW
  38. .text:0040147C test eax, eax
  39. .text:0040147E jz short loc_401495
  40. .text:00401480 push offset ProcName ; "CorExitProcess"
  41. .text:00401485 push eax ; hModule
  42. .text:00401486 call ds:GetProcAddress
  43. .text:0040148C test eax, eax
  44. .text:0040148E jz short loc_401495
  45. .text:00401490 push [ebp+arg_0]
  47. //InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
  49. .text:00403097 loc_403097:
  50. .text:00403097 push 0Ah
  51. .text:00403099 call sub_4030F6
  52. .text:0040309E pop ecx
  53. .text:0040309F mov [ebp-4], ebx
  54. .text:004030A2 cmp [esi], ebx
  55. .text:004030A4 jnz short loc_4030D1
  56. .text:004030A6 push 0FA0h ; dwSpinCount
  57. .text:004030AB push edi ; lpCriticalSection
  58. .text:004030AC call ds:InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
  60. // EnterCriticalSection
  62. .text:0040311E loc_40311E:
  63. .text:0040311E push dword ptr [esi] ; lpCriticalSection
  64. .text:00403120 call ds:EnterCriticalSection
  65. .text:00403126 pop esi
  66. .text:00403127 pop ebp
  67. .text:00403128 retn
  68. .text:00403128 sub_4030F6 endp
  70. // check debugger...
  72. .text:0040348F call ds:IsDebuggerPresent
  73. .text:00403495 push 0 ; lpTopLevelExceptionFilter
  74. .text:00403497 mov edi, eax
  75. .text:00403499 call ds:SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
  76. .text:0040349F lea eax, [ebp+ExceptionInfo]
  77. .text:004034A5 push eax ; ExceptionInfo
  78. .text:004034A6 call ds:UnhandledExceptionFilter
  80. //get & terminate process...
  82. .text:004034E3 push esi ; uExitCode
  83. .text:004034E4 call ds:GetCurrentProcess
  84. .text:004034EA push eax ; hProcess
  85. .text:004034EB call ds:TerminateProcess
  86. .text:004034F1 pop esi
  87. .text:004034F2 retn
  88. .text:004034F2 sub_4034CE endp
  89. :
  90. .text:0040387D push esi
  91. .text:0040387E mov esi, ds:GetProcAddress
  92. .text:00403884 push offset aFlsalloc ; "FlsAlloc"
  93. .text:00403889 push edi ; hModule
  94. .text:0040388A call esi ; GetProcAddress
  95. .text:0040388C push offset aFlsgetvalue ; "FlsGetValue"
  96. .text:00403891 push edi ; hModule
  97. .text:00403892 mov dword_412E70, eax
  98. .text:00403897 call esi ; GetProcAddress
  99. .text:00403899 push offset aFlssetvalue ; "FlsSetValue"
  100. .text:0040389E push edi ; hModule
  101. :
  102. .text:004038B1 call esi ; GetProcAddress
  103. .text:004038B3 cmp dword_412E70, 0
  106. //grab file attribs...
  108. .text:00405587 loc_405587: ; CODE XREF: sub_405560+Bj
  109. .text:00405587 test [ebp+arg_4], 0FFFFFFF9h
  110. .text:0040558E jnz short loc_40556D
  111. .text:00405590 push [ebp+lpFileName] ; lpFileName
  112. .text:00405593 call ds:GetFileAttributesA
  113. .text:004055AB
  114.   ↓
  115. .idata:0040E0A8 ; DWORD __stdcall GetFileAttributesA(LPCSTR lpFileName)
  116. .idata:0040E0A8 extrn GetFileAttributesA:dword ; DATA XREF: sub_405560+33r
  118. //get modules filename...
  120. text:00405BC6 loc_405BC6: ; CODE XREF: sub_405BAC+13j
  121. .text:00405BC6 push 104h ; nSize
  122. .text:00405BCB mov esi, offset byte_4134B8
  123. .text:00405BD0 push esi ; lpFilename
  124. .text:00405BD1 push ebx ; hModule
  125. .text:00405BD2 mov byte_4135BC, bl
  126. .text:00405BD8 call ds:GetModuleFileNameA
  127. .text:00405BDE mov eax, dword_414A68
  128. .text:00405BE3 mov dword_412CD4, esi
  129. .text:00405BE9 cmp eax, ebx
  130. .text:00405BEB jz short loc_405BF4
  131. .text:00405BED mov [ebp+var_4], eax
  132. .text:00405BF0 cmp [eax], bl
  133. .text:00405BF2 jnz short loc_405BF7
  134. .idata:0040E0AC ; DWORD __stdcall GetModuleFileNameA(HMODULE hModule,LPSTR lpFilename,DWORD nSize)
  135. .idata:0040E0AC extrn GetModuleFileNameA:dword ; DATA XREF: sub_405BAC+2Cr
  138. // Writes File...
  140. .text:004040CE loc_4040CE: ; CODE XREF: sub_403F55+16Fj
  141. .text:004040CE push ebx ; lpOverlapped
  142. .text:004040CF lea eax, [ebp+NumberOfBytesWritten]
  143. .text:004040D5 push eax ; lpNumberOfBytesWritten
  144. .text:004040D6 lea eax, [ebp+Buffer]
  145. .text:004040DC push eax
  146. .text:004040DD mov [ebp+var_5], bl
  147. .text:004040E0 call sub_4070F0
  148. .text:004040E5 pop ecx
  149. .text:004040E6 push eax ; nNumberOfBytesToWrite
  150. .text:004040E7 lea eax, [ebp+Buffer]
  151. .text:004040ED push eax ; lpBuffer
  152. .text:004040EE push esi ; hFile
  153. .text:004040EF call ds:WriteFile
  154. .idata:0040E098 ; BOOL __stdcall WriteFile(HANDLE hFile,LPCVOID lpBuffer,DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite,LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten,LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped)
  155. .idata:0040E098 extrn WriteFile:dword ; DATA XREF: sub_403F55+19Ar
  156. .idata:0040E098 ; sub_40BF48+249r ...
  160. //startup info...get...
  162. .text:00405CFE sub_405CFE proc near ; CODE XREF: start-CFp
  163. .text:00405CFE
  164. .text:00405CFE StartupInfo = _STARTUPINFOW ptr -4Ch
  165. .text:00405CFE var_8 = dword ptr -8
  166. .text:00405CFE var_4 = dword ptr -4
  167. .text:00405CFE
  168. .text:00405CFE mov edi, edi
  169. .text:00405D00 push ebp
  170. .text:00405D01 mov ebp, esp
  171. .text:00405D03 sub esp, 4Ch
  172. .text:00405D06 push esi
  173. .text:00405D07 lea eax, [ebp+StartupInfo]
  174. .text:00405D0A push eax ; lpStartupInfo
  175. .text:00405D0B call ds:GetStartupInfoW
  176. .idata:0040E040 ; void __stdcall GetStartupInfoW(LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo)
  177. .idata:0040E040 extrn GetStartupInfoW:dword ; DATA XREF: start-15Dr
  179. //env..get..
  181. .text:00405C67 sub_405C67 proc near ; CODE XREF: start-B3p
  182. .text:00405C67 ; sub_408A93+10Fp
  183. .text:00405C67
  184. .text:00405C67 cchWideChar = dword ptr -0Ch
  185. .text:00405C67 cchMultiByte = dword ptr -8
  186. .text:00405C67 lpMem = dword ptr -4
  187. .text:00405C67
  188. .text:00405C67 mov edi, edi
  189. .text:00405C69 push ebp
  190. .text:00405C6A mov ebp, esp
  191. .text:00405C6C sub esp, 0Ch
  192. .text:00405C6F push ebx
  193. .text:00405C70 push esi
  194. .text:00405C71 call ds:GetEnvironmentStringsW
  195. .idata:0040E0B8 ; LPWSTR GetEnvironmentStringsW(void)
  196. .idata:0040E0B8 extrn GetEnvironmentStringsW:dword
  197. .idata:0040E0B8 ; DATA XREF: sub_405C67+Ar
  200. // set env...
  202. .text:0040D297 call ds:SetEnvironmentVariableA
  203. .text:0040D29D test eax, eax
  204. .text:0040D29F jnz short loc_40D2B0
  205. .text:0040D2A1 or [ebp+var_C], 0FFFFFFFFh
  206. .text:0040D2A5 call sub_403A1D
  207. .text:0040D2AA mov dword ptr [eax], 2Ah
  208. .idata:0040E130 ; BOOL __stdcall SetEnvironmentVariableA(LPCSTR lpName,LPCSTR lpValue)
  209. .idata:0040E130 extrn SetEnvironmentVariableA:dword
  212. // load DLL..
  214. .text:00407C68 push offset LibFileName ; "USER32.DLL"
  215. .text:00407C6D call ds:LoadLibraryW
  216. .text:00407C73 mov ebx, eax
  217. .text:00407C75 test ebx, ebx
  218. .text:00407C77 jz loc_407D8D
  219. .idata:0040E060 ; HMODULE __stdcall LoadLibraryW(LPCWSTR lpLibFileName)
  220. .idata:0040E060 extrn LoadLibraryW:dword ; DATA XREF: sub_407C32+3Br
  223. // drops...(I saw 4 of create functions... below is one of em)
  225. .text:0040DF24 sub_40DF24 proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_40DE0D+36p
  226. .text:0040DF24 xor eax, eax
  227. .text:0040DF26 push eax ; hTemplateFile
  228. .text:0040DF27 push eax ; dwFlagsAndAttributes
  229. .text:0040DF28 push 3 ; dwCreationDisposition
  230. .text:0040DF2A push eax ; lpSecurityAttributes
  231. .text:0040DF2B push 3 ; dwShareMode
  232. .text:0040DF2D push 0C0000000h ; dwDesiredAccess
  233. .text:0040DF32 push offset aConin ; "CONIN$"
  234. .text:0040DF37 call ds:CreateFileW
  235. .text:0040DF3D mov hConsoleHandle, eax
  236. .text:0040DF42 retn
  237. .idata:0040E13C ; HANDLE __stdcall CreateFileW(LPCWSTR lpFileName,DWORD dwDesiredAccess,DWORD dwShareMode,LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,DWORD dwCreationDisposition,DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes,HANDLE hTemplateFile)
  238. .idata:0040E13C extrn CreateFileW:dword ; DATA XREF: sub_40DC7A+13r
  239. .idata:0040E13C ; sub_40DF24+13r
  242. //writeConsole..
  244. .text:0040D7F1 loc_40D7F1: ; CODE XREF: sub_40D7CC+1Cj
  245. .text:0040D7F1 push 0 ; lpReserved
  246. .text:0040D7F3 lea ecx, [ebp+NumberOfCharsWritten]
  247. .text:0040D7F6 push ecx ; lpNumberOfCharsWritten
  248. .text:0040D7F7 push 1 ; nNumberOfCharsToWrite
  249. .text:0040D7F9 lea ecx, [ebp+Buffer]
  250. .text:0040D7FC push ecx ; lpBuffer
  251. .text:0040D7FD push eax ; hConsoleOutput
  252. .text:0040D7FE call ds:WriteConsoleW
  253. .text:0040D804 test eax, eax
  254. .text:0040D806 jz short loc_40D7EA
  255. .text:0040D808 mov ax, word ptr [ebp+Buffer]
  256. .text:0040D80C leave
  257. .text:0040D80D retn
  258. .text:0040D80D sub_40D7CC endp
  259. .idata:0040E134 ; BOOL __stdcall WriteConsoleW(HANDLE hConsoleOutput,const void *lpBuffer,DWORD nNumberOfCharsToWrite,LPDWORD lpNumberOfCharsWritten,LPVOID lpReserved)
  260. .idata:0040E134 extrn WriteConsoleW:dword ; DATA XREF: sub_40D7CC+32r
  262. ----
  263. #MalwareMustDie
  264. @unixfreaxjp /malware]$ date
  265. Sat Nov 24 19:10:22 JST 2012
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