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:) 9.14 bugs (7/17)

a guest
Jul 17th, 2019
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  1. Morde is unable to deal damage with Q and ignite in Death Realm, Morde can E enemies outside of Death Realm Annie has perma stun once its stacked, Galio E going through targets Phase Rush not working, Electrocute not working, Mana Flow Band not working, Varus Q going through champs, Zoe E going through champs, Qiyana Q deals 0 damage, Sivir W doesn't bounce and she is unable to last-hit creeps, Kalista can throw two autos at the same time (to minions if you do it fast enough), Sylas/Xayah/Irelia/Diana/Rakan/Xin Zhao/Karthus/Nautilus got nerfed - they can't use spells anymore (from @zwyrooo), Baron sometimes doesn't get aggro and regens health like, perma resetting, Wards sometiems dont show enemies, Ssupport items won't give gold even if allies are nearby, if you are really close to enemies as Kalista you are sometimes unable to attack them, Evelynn Q doesn't deal damage after you use ult, Daisy hitbox is bigger than usual, Katarina E reset mechanic doesn't work, Diana's third auto won't apply bonus damage. ALL abilities won't work when in Death Realm, Qiyana elemental affects won't apply properly, besides the bush one, Syndra abilities are all bugged, Yasuo windwall doesn't work, Glacial augment cannot be activated, Gragas can't use Q, Ryze can't use Q, Yorick can't use Q, Cassiopeia E can sometimes cast twice with the mana cost of 1 cast, Elise gets stuck on wards if she transforms on an enemy ward, Sometimes some champions are unable to be picked in champ select (or not showing), Xerath Q is slow/lagged, Camille's second Q no longer converts sheen to true damage, Varus Q doesn't work, Swain loses stacks randomly, Rakan doesn't charm, Pyke W sometiems does not grant camouflage, Kindred W doesn't heal sometimes, Transcendence doesn't work, Yasuo Q sometimes doesn't work, Irelia E can briefly freeze your game, Vladimir Q seems to not work when lasthitting enemies, Ezreal W cant be procced by E or R, Aery doesn't shield anymore, Azir Towers dont do full damage to minions, Minions Ai is broken and their hitbox randomly changes, Death Recap doesnt work (just like the old one), Zed's W doesnt throw shuriken, friendly Minions fully ignoring enemy minions, if you ult with morde there is a chance neither team can damage structures or enemies at all, Pyke Q sometimes doesnt pull the enemy closer to you, Trynda ult can sometimes not be cast at all (only sound occurs), Pyke R can kill teammates
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