
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 18

Nov 29th, 2014
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  1. >You are shaken from your thoughts by the sound of Celestia stomping down the stairs
  2. ''Hey, Celestia, can we talk about this?''
  3. >She is wearing her own clothes again, the three-piece clearly still slightly wet from the wash
  4. ''Please?''
  5. >Instead of a reply, you get a sudden slap across the face, your vision turning white for a moment
  6. >''You asshole!''
  7. >Instinctively, you lift your hands up to shield your face
  8. >She is still trying to ineffectually clobber you
  9. ''Hey, hey! Calm the fuck down!''
  10. >Fortunately, she does, but the look you receive from her is one of absolute contempt and hatred
  11. ''What was that about, huh?''
  12. >''You killed Rain Catcher!''
  13. ''Uh, what?''
  14. >''You-''
  15. >She jabs a finger into your chest, ignoring your wince of pain
  16. >''Sold the drugs he overdosed on!''
  17. ''What?''
  18. >She calms down for a moment, and cradles her head in her hands
  19. >''Rain Catcher. About six foot seven, brown hair, always wore a navy blue letterman jacket?''
  20. ''No idea.''
  21. >''Talked with a slight lisp?''
  22. ''Oh. Shit.''
  23. >You remember it vaguely, back then you still got high off your own supply
  24. >Roughly a year ago you had acquired some cocaine, and he wanted a couple grams
  25. >You didn't know how he'd found you, but he was loaded with cash so it didn't matter
  26. >You called him a couple days later to ask if he wanted more, but his phone was dead
  27. >''God dammit Anon, he was sixteen. Sixteen! How the fuck could you?''
  28. ''I, I don't-''
  29. >''He was captain of the basketball team, well respected, outgoing, smart, had lots of friends, everything. For God's sake Anon, he was engaged! Engaged! If it weren't for you, he'd be at basketball practice now!''
  30. ''I'm so-''
  31. >''I don't care if you're sorry or not, you're still responsible for this!''
  32. >You feel some tears forming and lean back on the counter, covering your eyes with your hand
  33. >Celestia's voice softens, and you feel her coming closer
  34. >''Just what the hell happened to you, Anon?''
  35. ''I, I don't know.''
  36. >''Remember when I used to come over for dinner? When you were a kid?''
  37. ''Y-yes…''
  38. >''You were always so happy, so… full of life.''
  39. >''Always talking about what you wanted to be when you grew up, all that. Now you're just-''
  40. >Unwanted memories come to life behind your eyelids
  41. >A happy family
  42. >Celestia, fresh out of college, coming over to your parents' for dinner and coffee
  43. >She had always wanted to be a teacher, and she was always happy to see you
  44. >You were overjoyed, always trying to impress her
  45. >When she asked you what you wanted to be, you always wanted to be an officer of the law
  46. >Oh the irony
  47. >That was back when you still got along with your family
  48. >Before you failed your father
  49. >Before you started slinging
  50. >Before you killed Rain Catcher
  51. >''You're just so cold, in a way. You're jaded and I don't know what to think abut you anymore. What happened to the old Anon?''
  52. ''I don't know. Please, just-''
  53. >You sniffle and wipe at your eyes
  54. ''Please just go, okay?''
  55. >From behind the haze of theirs clouding your vision, you see her retreating form head towards the door
  56. >Stopping at the door, almost afraid to touch the doorknob, she turns around one last time, sorrow in her eyes
  57. >''Well, I guess this is goodbye, then.''
  58. ''Yeah. I guess.''
  59. >The pregnant silence between you is thick, almost heavy in a way
  60. ''Bye.''
  61. >The sound of the door clicking shut is the only answer you get
  62. >Fuck
  63. >Unbidden, the sound system erupts into song again
  65. >Unbidden, the first heavy sobs break through the levee you've built
  66. >Tears stain the linoleum floor, accompanied by heavy, rasping sobs and sniffles
  67. >And you have no idea why
  69. >Steadying yourself, you take a deep drag from your beer, savoring the bitter taste
  70. >You're fucking pathetic
  71. >A thief, a liar, a sinner and a drunk
  72. >A disgrace to your family name
  73. ''FUCK!''
  74. >With all your strength, you fling the half-empty can into the wall, the aluminum leaving a small dent in the drywall
  75. >Standing in the middle of the kitchen, breathing heavily, you dry your tears
  76. >You feel the haze of anger and regret lift slightly
  77. >Opening the fridge, you grab another beer, greedily chugging the piss-yellow liquid
  78. >The empty can flies into the sink, and you let loose a loud burp
  79. ''Shiieet.''
  80. >Another can finds it's way to your hand and you find yourself on the couch like so many times before, staring at the wall while drinking everything away
  81. >You are on autopilot, the can in your hand getting lighter by the minute
  82. >Why do you drink?
  83. >You don't know
  84. >You don't care
  85. >It feels good
  86. >Hence, you drink
  87. >The sharp buzz of the doorbell snaps you out of your reverie
  88. >Oh, right
  89. >Rising up from the couch, you briskly walk over to the door
  90. >Behind it, the familiar face of Tyler, or Ty as he was better known
  91. >He is standing in the doorway, the falling snow a stark contrast to his dark skin
  92. >You crack a grin and shake his hand, ushering him inside
  93. ''Shit man, it's good to see you. Really.''
  94. >''Anon, brother, it's been way too long.''
  95. ''Yeah, you could say that.''
  96. >Walking inside with him, he whistles appreciatively as he looks at your newly cleaned home
  97. >''Shit man, you been cleaning or what? Pad looks brand new!''
  98. ''Well, it wasn't me, but thanks.''
  99. >''Bro, you found yourself a lady or something?''
  100. >You grimace unconsciously
  101. ''Nah, not really. Might've had it, but I managed to fuck it up somehow.''
  102. >''Shit son. Rough day?''
  103. >He gestures towards the now mostly empty can lying in a puddle of beer next to the wall
  104. >You chuckle weakly and grin at him
  105. ''Oh, you have no idea.''
  106. >''Wanna elaborate?''
  107. ''Yeah, but it's a long story. Want a beer?''
  108. >You walk up to the fridge and retrieve two cans without bothering to wait for a reply
  109. >''Well, I'm driving, but I guess I could have one or two.''
  110. ''That's what I thought.''
  111. >Walking into the living room, you fiddle with the sound system as Ty sits down and opens the beer in his hand, the frosty can cracking open with a loud hiss
  113. >''Shit man, what's with you white boys and Eminem?''
  114. ''Fuck you bro, this is a good one.''
  115. >You grin and sit down beside him, your brew cracking open
  116. >''Yeah, and next you gonna tell me that Everlast is good.''
  117. ''Hey-''
  118. >You point at him and take a sip
  119. ''Jump Around is a great track, and his solo work is fucking boss.''
  120. >''Get the fuck outta here with that shit, man. Rap and country don't mix like two dicks and no bitch.''
  121. ''Whatever you say, Biggie.''
  122. >''Fuck you, man. So-''
  123. >He takes a deep pull from his brew and straightens up a bit
  124. >''You mind telling me who's been doing your chores? 'Cause I know you man, and you don't clean.''
  125. ''Oh, come on. I clean, well, occasionally.''
  126. >He cracks a laugh and you can't help but to join in
  127. >You both know it's bullshit
  128. >You're the least tidy person you know
  129. >''Bullshit, nigga. Cripples don't walk, Charlie don't surf, and Anon sure as shit don't clean.''
  130. ''Whatever, man.''
  131. >''So, anyway, what's up with your face? You look like you been facefucked with a jackhammer.''
  132. ''It was the brothas who jumped me yesterday.''
  133. >''Oh, shit man. You think they from Adebizi's crew?''
  134. >You shrug as he moves closer to inspect your bandages
  135. ''Sure hope not. Anyway, first I gotta tell you about my guest. And would you mind not pulling my bandages off? Jeez, you have some fetish for white guys all of a sudden?''
  136. >He cracks a laugh and pulls away
  137. >''I know you love me. But hey, seriously, who's the maid? Santiago turning soft on me? Bouncing around in a french maid uniform?''
  138. >You stifle a laugh as Ty chuckles beside you
  139. ''Shiieet. Anyway, you remember way back when I was talking about my old principal?''
  140. >''Yeah, yeah, what's her name again? Celeste? Cello?''
  141. ''It's Celestia, thank you very much.''
  142. >You reply in the most indignant tone you can muster, trying desperately not to join in the laughter
  143. ''Anyway, guess who showed up at six AM yesterday?''
  144. >''No fucking way.''
  145. ''Yep. My old principal. Anyway, me and her go way back, so I thought I'd let her stay here for a couple days, since she lost her job and home and all that.''
  146. >''Dude, what the fuck? How'd that happen?''
  147. ''No idea. Anyway, everything's going good, except for her account being frozen, me having to pay for her shit, getting robbed and almost dying, all that.''
  148. >''Shit outta luck, son.''
  149. ''Yep. Anyway, she borrowed some of my clothes since hers were in the wash, and guess what.''
  150. >''You tapped that ass?''
  151. >You smile and shake your head
  152. ''I wish.''
  153. >''She tapped your ass?''
  154. ''Come on man, get your head straight. She found that.''
  155. >You point at the baggie on the coffee table
  156. >''Oh shit. So, what happened?''
  157. ''She flips the fuck out, says one of her students OD'd on my shit, bitch-slaps me, and storms off.''
  158. >''Oh shit son. Hell hath no fury, huh?''
  159. ''Yeah, I noticed. Anyway, I don't really know what to do, since she obviously don't wanna stay here, and might go to the cops.''
  160. >''Wait, wait, wait. You saying the bitch gonna snitch?''
  161. >You shrug briefly and take a pull of your brew
  162. ''No idea. Hope not, or Santiago's probably gonna visit her.''
  163. >''Santiago, huh? What you think of the cat?''
  164. ''I like him, he's chill and all that, but I got a feeling that he's a little off in the head sometimes.''
  165. >''What do you mean?''
  166. ''Well, I don't know, I've only hung out with him once, but I get the feeling the you don't wanna mess with him, if you know what I mean.''
  167. >''Yeah, I guess. He does have a bit of a history in those kinds of things, from what I've heard.''
  168. ''That so? He ever kill anyone?''
  169. >''Dunno brother, I just hear rumors. But from what I hear, three things are clear. Don't fuck with him, don't talk shit 'bout his pops, and don't scratch the ride.''
  170. ''I'll keep it in mind bro, thanks.''
  171. >''So-''
  172. >He takes another pull of his beer and you follow suit
  173. >''You got anything that could help us find the mothafuckas who did this to you?''
  174. >He gestures at your bandaged face, and you shrug in response
  175. ''I don't know, man. Like I said, young, sixteen, seventeen-ish, black down jackets, green bandannas.''
  176. >''Shit bro, that's vague. But I'll see what I can do.''
  177. ''I know man, thanks. Appreciate it.''
  178. >Silence reigns briefly as you both finish your beers
  179. >''So, what you gonna do if we find them?''
  180. ''I dunno, man. Take my money back, for one.''
  181. >''You gonna kill them?''
  182. ''I don't know, man. I mean, they almost killed me and I still have my chopper, But if they roll with Adebizi and his boys I'm gonna be in deep shit.''
  183. >''You can say that again.''
  184. ''But I gotta show these fresh faced motherfuckers not to disrespect me, man. I don't know, maybe kneecap the bitches?''
  185. >He hisses briefly, clearly disapproving
  186. >''Man, if it's Adebizi's crew, they gonna be gunning for your white ass the second you touch 'em.''
  187. ''That just means we leave no witnesses, bro.''
  188. >''We? Aw shit man, come on. Don't throw your life away, and don't make me throw away mine. I don't wanna be a statistic, man. Life's hard enough with those Nazi motherfuckers grouping up.''
  189. ''Yeah, I guess. Shit man, you know I owe them my life?''
  190. >''Who? The Nazis? Aw hell new, man!''
  191. >He breathes out a long sigh and massages his eyes
  192. >''I'm too sober for this shit, man. Why you owe them, anyway?''
  193. >You give him a grin and walk to the fridge, Ty following in your footsteps
  194. ''Stepped in when those two boys were pasting my ass on the pavement.''
  195. >You retrieve two cold beers from the fridge, and hand the other one to Ty
  196. ''I pass out, then boom. Wake up in their 'clubhouse' or some shit with swastika flags on the walls and all that, this English dude tells me they patched me up, guy gives me a lift to the crime scene.''
  197. >''Shit man, why does this shit always happen to us? I mean, Adebizi was bad enough, but now you owe the skinheads?''
  198. ''Come on, some of them are pretty chill.''
  199. >At least, Teapot is
  200. >''Pretty chill? Pretty fucking chill? They are literally mini-Hitlers, each and every one! Literally Hitler! I mean, I'm sure you get along okay, what with being the same color and all, but in case you didn't notice, my tint ain't exactly popular with those guys.''
  201. ''Yeah, I know, I know.''
  202. >The silence reigns for a while again, this time slightly uneasy
  203. >''So, principal got a nice ass?''
  204. >You suck in a short breath and give him a grin
  205. ''You can't even imagine, man. That ass, those hips, those legs, them tits, that pretty pink puss, everything.''
  206. >He grins and sips his beer
  207. >''Hot for teacher, huh? Now what's this about vajay? Thought you said ya'll didn't tap that.''
  208. >You smile sheepishly and fish out a cigarette
  209. ''Dropped her towel while changing. Got a couple eyefuls, at least. I mean shiieet bro, that fucking body.''
  210. >''Oh, I hear you. Anyway-''
  211. >He empties the rest of the beer into his mouth
  212. >''You wanna go and grab a bite to eat? I'm starving, man.''
  213. >As if on cue, your stomach growls
  214. ''Sounds like a plan. What do you have in mind.''
  215. >He gives you a large, toothy grin
  216. >''Fried chicken.''
  217. ''Shit man, you're a walking stereotype, you know that?''
  218. >You chuckle briefly, and upend the can into your mouth
  219. >He shrugs in response, grin still fixed in place
  220. >''Come on, everyone loves chicken, brother. Now go freshen up, your mouth smells like death.''
  221. >Self-conscious, you close your mouth and start the trek towards the stairs
  222. ''Whatever you say, bro.''
  223. >''I'll be in the car. Don't keep me waiting.''
  224. ''No worries.''
  225. >The click of the door heralds his departure, and you double-time up the stairs, the beer in your gut warming you up.
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