
The smell of lust

Sep 17th, 2016
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  1. >Lynn and Lucy were arguing again, and you know what that means
  2. >*Knock Knock Knock*
  3. >"Hey Linc" Said Lynn, standing at Lincolns door with her blanket and pillow "I need a favor"
  4. >"*Sigh* What happened with Lucy this time?" Asked Lincoln, Knowing what Lynn wanted
  5. >"Hey, I didn't start" exclaimed Lynn defensively "She keeps reading those depressing poems when I'm trying to sleep. it's giving me bad dreams man."
  6. >"Yeah, yeah" Replied Lincoln, Knowing there was no way out of this "Come on in"
  7. >Lincoln scooched over on the bed, Making room for Lynn
  8. >"Thanks bro" Said Lynn excitedly "You're the best!"
  9. >Lynn hopped into bed, making sure to get as much air as possible before Landing
  10. >"OOF" Grunted Lincoln as Lynn landed on him "Goodnight Lynn"
  11. >"Good night Lincoln" Replied Lynn
  12. >About 5 minutes later, Lincoln hears giggling coming from Lynn's side of the bed
  13. >"She wouldn't..." Thought Lincoln, trying to ignore the giggles
  14. >Lynn shuffled towards Lincoln slowly
  15. >"She couldn't" Though Lincoln, Praying she was just adjusting herself for comfort
  17. >Lynn let out a massive fart that shook the bed
  18. >"Oh god no"
  19. >Lincolns Short life flashed before his eyes as Lynn pulled the covers over his head
  20. >"HAHAHAHA, DUTH OVEN!" She shouted as she gassed her brother with a mixture of meatball sub, protein shake, and broccoli
  21. >"CUT IT OUT LYNN!" Exclaimed Lincoln as he clawed at the blanket, trying to escape the cloth Auschwitz
  22. >After a good 10 or so seconds Lynn let him out
  23. >He gasped for air, as if it were the first time he breathed the stuff in years
  24. >"That wasn't funny" Exclaimed Lincoln, his eyes still burning
  25. >"Hahaha, it's all in good fun bro" Replied Lynn, finally rolling over and going to sleep
  27. > It had already been a week since Lynn had moved into Lincoln's room, and he had already gone through 3 air fresheners
  28. >He had even taken to sleeping on top of the covers to avoid the Dutch oven
  29. >"Goodnight Lynn" Said Lincoln smugly, Thinking he was safe "Sleep well"
  30. >"Yeah, Goodnight Lincoln" Replied Lynn, Feigning a defeated tone
  31. >As Lincoln Lay there on his back enjoying the fresh air, he felt a rustling
  32. >"Must be going to get some water" Thought Lincoln, Feeling safer than he had in a while
  33. >The shuffling got closer, and Lincoln felt a sudden weight on his face
  34. >Lincoln opened his eyes, coming eye to eye with Lynn's crotch
  35. >Lynn was sitting on his face, her ass facing his nose/mouth
  36. >"POINT BLAAAAAAAAAANK!!!!" Shouted Lynn as she released another torrential fart Directly into Lincoln's nose
  37. >Lincoln struggled under Lynn as she held his arms down, unable to defend himself against the direct gassing he had just received
  38. >As Lynn's expulsions came to an end, she climbed off of Lincoln's face, Leaving him to recover
  39. >"Heheh, Goodnight bro" Said Lynn, feeling victorious
  40. >"Y-Yeah" Stuttered Lincoln, His face blushing "Goodnight"
  41. >Lincoln Rolled over Facing away from Lynn
  42. >"What the heck is going on?" Thought Lincoln, Hiding an erection "Why is it like this?"
  43. >His mind replayed the image he saw before being gassed
  44. >Lynn's crotch in his face, centimeters away from his eyes
  45. >He tried to forget it and went to sleep, hoping that tomorrow would bring some normalcy
  47. >The next morning Lincoln went downstairs to get some breakfast
  48. >He had just forgotten last night's unpleasantness when Lynn walked in
  49. >"Mornin bro" Yawned Lynn as she poured herself a bowl of cereal
  50. >"Good morning Lynn" Replied Lincoln, making his toast "so what's happening with Lucy?"
  51. >"ugh, She still won't stop reading those stupid poems "Replied Lynn with a dissatisfied Grunt
  52. >"Guess I'll have to stay with you a few more days"
  53. >"yeah, great" Mumbled Lincoln sarcastically
  54. >"Hey now" Started Lynn, giving Lincoln a knowing look "We have fun, Don't we?"
  55. >"*Sigh* Yeah, we do" Admitted Lincoln as he sat down with his breakfast
  56. >Lynn got up and put her bowl in the sink
  57. >"Well, Catch ya later bro" Exclaimed Lynn as she ran towards the door
  58. >"Oh" She said before running outside "Here's a preview of tonight"
  59. >Lynn lifted a leg and Leaned down as she let loose a hefty fart
  60. >"Ah jeez!" exclaimed Lincoln, Trying to fan the smell away
  61. >As Lincoln tried to continue eating his breakfast, he started to feel weird
  62. >"what the" Mumbled Lincoln Looking down at his pants "What the hell?"
  63. >Lincoln was hard again
  64. >"Probably just morning wood" Said Lincoln Dismissively "nothing unusual"
  65. >after finishing breakfast, Lincoln headed out to meet Clyde at the arcade
  66. >"Morning Lincoln" Said Clyde, Meeting Lincoln at the change machine "Ready to play some Clock Quandry 4?"
  67. >"You bet!" Replied Lincoln, getting excited "We're gonna kick so much bu-"
  68. >*pbbbt*
  69. >"Sorry Lincoln" Said Clyde, fanning his rear "I gotta go to the bathroom. Save me a spot by the machine!"
  70. >as Clyde sped away towards the bathroom, Lincoln felt a familiar feeling
  71. >"Ah jeez, Not again!" Exclaimed Lincoln, Covering his crotch
  72. >"I gotta get out of here" He cried as he ran home
  74. >Lincoln ran upstairs into his room and slammed the door behind him
  75. >He tore off his pants, revealing a massive erection
  76. >"Gotta do something about this" He thought to himself as he began to jerk
  77. >Lincoln fapped Furiously, Harder than he had in a long time
  78. >as he fapped His mind raced with the thoughts of what had happened over the last few days
  79. >Lucy and Lynn fighting
  80. >Lynn's constant Dutch ovens
  81. >Lynn sitting on his Face
  82. >Lincoln's hands began to speed up, The thought of Lynn's crotch in his face stuck in his Mind
  83. >He remembered The softness, The Look, The weight, and the....smell?
  84. >He came buckets, shooting spurt after spurt onto the hardwood floor
  85. >As he lay there on the bed catching his breath, he kept thinking about the smell
  86. >he could feel his crotch tingle with the mere thought of it
  87. >"Why..." Thought Lincoln, Sniffing the blanket "Why do I love the smell"
  88. >Lincoln had given in to his senses
  89. >He huffed nose full after Nose full of the smell that Lingered in the Blankets
  90. >He didn't care why he loved it
  91. >All he knew was that he wanted more
  93. >Lincoln looked at the Ace savvy clock sitting next to his bed
  94. >"2:30" Said Lincoln, thinking for a moment "Lynn gets home in 5 hours...That's plenty of time to go to the store"
  95. >As Lincoln ran downstairs, he was stopped by his father
  96. >"hang on sport, What's the rush?" Asked Mr. Loud
  97. >"Just going to the store dad" Said Lincoln, grabbing his scooter and Helmet "Gonna make dinner tonight"
  98. >"What're you making?" Asked Papa loud, surprised to hear his son was going to make dinner for the family
  99. >"We're having Barbeque tonight" Replied Lincoln "Franks N Beans"
  100. >Lincoln hopped on his scooter and rushed to the store
  101. >On the way there, he saw Clyde walking down the street
  102. >"Hey Lincoln" Said Clyde "What's goi-"
  103. >"NO TIME TO TALK" Exclaimed Lincoln as he zoomed past Clyde, Leaving a cloud of dust in his wake
  104. >Lincoln ran into the store, gathering packs of hotdogs, buns, beans, condiments, and soda (a little carbonation couldn't hurt)
  105. >As he carried his basket to the counter he ran into his neighbor, Mr.Horkinson
  106. >"Whoa there Loud!" He exclaimed "That's a lotta beans, You wanna fumigate the entire neighborhood?"
  107. >"No sir" Replied Lincoln "Just making dinner for the family"
  108. >"dinner eh? Said Mr.Horkinson, rubbing his chin "Well, Just be careful, or you might just gas yourselves but good"
  109. >"That's the plan" Whispered Lincoln to himself as he paid for the groceries and sped home
  111. >Lincoln rushed into the backyard and turned on the grill
  112. >He put on the dogs, and ran inside to start the beans
  113. >1,2,3,4, Lincoln Poured Can after Can of beans into the pot, Ready for that night
  114. >"That should be enough" Said Lincoln, Looking into the three quarters full pot of beans
  115. >As he stirred them, making sure they didn't burn, he heard his sisters coming downstairs
  116. >"Dinner's almost ready" He shouted, as he went outside to turn the franks
  117. >As he brought in the massive tray of 39 dogs, he called out to his sisters
  118. >"COME AND GET IT!"
  119. >The house began to shake as 12 hungry louds rushed into the kitchen
  120. >As they started eating, Lincoln began serving the beans
  121. >"Some for Luna" he said giving her a bowl of beans
  122. >"Gonna be playin the horn in my sleep tonight" Commented Luna
  123. >"Luan"
  124. >"I've BEAN waiting for this mean all day, eh eh" Joked Luan
  125. >Lincoln put some beans in a bowl and mashed them to paste with a spoon
  126. >"Some for Lily" He said, patting Lily on the head
  127. >He went around the table, doling out the beans, till he finally came to Lynn
  128. >"Aaaand Lynn" Said Lincoln, Giving Lynn an extra large serving "Gotta get that protein"
  129. >"Thanks bro!" exclaimed Lynn, Digging in to the meal
  130. >"No problem" Said Lincoln, Pouring himself a bowl of beans "It was my pleasure"
  132. >With the hotdogs eaten and the beans all gone, the Louds Left the kitchen, to do their own thing and relax
  133. >Lincoln went upstairs and Laid on the bed, Feeling tired from all the running he did
  134. >"All that's left is to wait" Thought Lincoln, Making sure to lie down ontop of the blankets
  135. >Lynn came upstairs shortly after, Feeling tired from the bowls upon bowls of beans she just ate
  136. >"Thanks again for dinner bro" Said Lynn as she pat her stomach "That hit the spot"
  137. >"No problem Lynn" Said Lincoln, feigning tiredness "*Yaaawwwnn* Goodnight"
  138. >As Lynn lay there, she could feel her stomach start to rumble
  139. >"Whoa" She thought "This is gonna be a big one"
  140. >A devious smile grew on Lynn's face as she slowly got up and crawled towards Lincoln
  141. >"heheheh" She giggled, climbing over Lincoln's face
  142. >She took a deep breath
  144. >With a stiff push, Lynn let out the mother of all farts
  145. >Lincoln could feel his head being push back as the gas erupted from Lynn's ass
  146. >Lincoln faked a struggle as he sniffed Lungfull after Lungfull of the expulsion
  147. >With each breath he felt the tingling in his pajamas grow
  148. >Lynn's eyes Burst open as she hopped off Lincoln and ran out of the room
  149. >"She didn't find out, did she" Thought Lincoln, worried that he'd been caught
  150. >He laid there on the bed for what felt like an eternity, Wondering if Lynn was going to come back, or if she had gone to dad
  151. >*Flusssshhhhh*
  152. >Lincoln could hear footsteps coming back to his room
  153. >"*Phew*" Sighed Lynn in Relief "That was a close one. "
  154. >She jumped on the bed
  155. >"Better not push so hard next time" she mumbled to herself, finally going to sleep
  156. >"Maybe I should go for smell, rather than gas next time" Thought Lincoln to himself
  157. >"Maybe I'll make cabbage and sausage tomorrow"
  159. END
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